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Avaliação Bimestral
Disciplina: Inglês Professor: Elga Data: /06/2020
Aluno: 7º ano
Esta prova será feita durante a aula remota e deve ser enviada uma foto
nítida e legível à professora Elga até 12h30 de hoje no e-mail:
1. Vamos completar os espaços conforme é pedido:

A) Complete the sentences with There is, There are, Is there, Are there. (0,5)

a. ___________________ two gyms in my school.

b. ___________________ one library.
c. How many lockers___________________ ?
d. _________________ a computer lab here?

B) Answer the questions below about you. (0,5)

a. Are there two libraries in your school? _______________________________________________

b. Is there a computer lab in your school? _______________________________________________
c. Do you like geography? _______________________________________________
d. Do you like math? _______________________________________________
e. What’s your favorite subject? ______________________________________

2. Analisando sentenças e diálogos.

A) Choose the correct alternative and WRITE the correct words in the spaces. (0,5)

B) Order the dialogue a-e. (0,5)

3. Vamos analisar as figures:
A) Look at the school floor plan. Then complete with the words in the box. (0,5)

B) Read Anne’s Blog. Then answer the questions. (1,0)

a. Is there a library? ______________________________________________________________

b. Are there lockers? ______________________________________________________________
c. Is there an indoors gym? ______________________________________________________________
d. Is there a science lab? ______________________________________________________________
e. Are there 10 restrooms? ______________________________________________________________

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