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Works Cited Questions Worksheet

Part A: Create your Works Cited page here. Remember to follow the formatting instructions in
the lesson.

Part B: Identify specific information from your sources that can be used as supporting

evidence in your essay.

Source 1: Re-type or copy and paste the information for your first source (alphabetically) here.
Use correct MLA format. 
Bilefsky, Dan, et al. “The Roots of the Ukraine War: How the crisis developed.” The New York
Times, 10 Jan. 2022,

Source 1: Answer the following questions about your first source here:
What information from this source seems the most important? Include at least two specific
quotations, facts, statistics or pieces of evidence.
1) “The war has unleashed a devastating humanitarian toll and claimed thousands of lives. It
has also prompted more than two million people to flee Ukraine in less than two weeks,
spurring what the United Nations has called the fastest-growing refugee crisis since
World War II. (Bilefsky, Dan, et al. “The Roots of the Ukraine War: How the crisis
developed.” The New York Times, 10 Jan. 2022,
2) “Moscow also fomented a separatist rebellion that took control of part of the Donbas
region of Ukraine, in a war that still grinds on, having killed more than 13,000 people.”
(Bilefsky, Dan, et al. “The Roots of the Ukraine War: How the crisis developed.” The
New York Times, 10 Jan. 2022,

Explain how this information supports your essay.

1) This piece of evidence shows the number of people who moved out of Ukraine due to
the ongoing war with Russia, are seeking help. The evidence mentions the fast moving
refugees in less than 2 weeks and how it has been the fastest- growing refugee crisis
since WWII which stands as evidence to people losing their right to live peacefully and
2) This piece of evidence mentions the number of people who died in a recent bombing
which is parallel to my novel too. It stands as evidence as it talks about people losing
their lives against their will which is the same as taking their right to live. Their right to
live is being snatched from them which supports the main idea, the main topic of my

Source 2: Re-type or copy and paste the information for your second source (alphabetically)
here. Use correct MLA format.
“Covid 'Hate Crimes' against Asian Americans on Rise.” BBC News, BBC, 21 May 2021,

Source 2: Answer the following questions about your first source here:
What information from this source seems the most important? Include at least two specific
quotations, facts, statistics or pieces of evidence.
1) “An elderly Thai immigrant dies after being shoved to the ground. A Filipino-American is
slashed in the face with a box cutter. A Chinese woman is slapped and then set on fire.
Eight people are killed in a shooting rampage across three Asian spas in one night.”
(“Covid 'Hate Crimes' against Asian Americans on Rise.” BBC News, BBC, 21 May
2) “The advocacy group Stop AAPI Hate said it received more than 2,800 reports of hate
incidents directed at Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders nationwide last year. The
group set up its online self-reporting tool at the start of the pandemic.” (“Covid 'Hate
Crimes' against Asian Americans on Rise.” BBC News, BBC, 21 May 2021,
Explain how this information supports your essay.

This information shows the different reasons people use to take one’s life. It shows the
circumstances that causes one’s right to live to be taken away from them. It shows how a
minority’s fault causes the majority’s lives to be taken away from them without mercy. It shows
the human rights issue that goes on in America. It supports my essay as it serves as evidence
to the human rights issue I chose- the right to live.

Source 3: Re-type or copy and paste the information for your third source (alphabetically) here.
Use correct MLA format.
 Hersey, J. Hiroshima. New York, A.A. Knopf 1946.

Source 3: Answer the following questions about your third source here:
What information from this source seems the most important? Include at least two specific
quotations, facts, statistics or pieces of evidence.
1) “…and Mr. Tanimoto, like all his neighbors and friends, was almost sick with anxiety. Had
had heard uncomfortably detailed accounts of mass raid on Kure, Iwakuni, Tokuyama, and
other nearby towns; he was sure Hiroshima’s turn would come soon. He had slept badly the
night before, because there had been several air-raid warnings.” (Hersey, J. Hiroshima. New
York, A.A. Knopf 1946.).
2) “Dr. Fujii hardly had time to think that he was dying before he realized that he was alive,
squeezed tightly by two long timbers in a V across his chest, like a morsel suspended
between two huge chop-sticks-held upright, so that he could not move, with his head
miraculously above water and his torso and legs in it the remains lumber and materials for
the relief of pain.” (Hersey, J. Hiroshima. New York, A.A. Knopf 1946.).

Explain how this information supports your essay.

These piece of texts show how much the victims had to go through when the bombing
happened. They are stressed about the situation and are striving to survive the unavoidable
situation that was going to take place. It supports my essay as it mentions people trying hard to
live while other’s right to live was taken away from them by the bombing.

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