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Assignment Cover Sheet

An assignment cover sheet needs to be included with each assignment. Please complete all details clearly.

Full Name : Rohana binti Yahya

Address : No : 30 Jalan 19/108 Taman Salak Jaya ,57100 Kuala Lumpur
Tel./Handphone no. : 60163684862 Email :
Program code : PBPD6233 Diabetes Management in Special Issues

Assignment topic : Right Hand Abscess extending to middle finger secondary to

uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus
Program coordinator: Puan Rohana Binti Jaafar
Head of Module : Sn Sophia Leza Due date: 17/03/2023

I declare that the work contain in this assignment is my own, except where
acknowledgement of sources is made. I authorize the University to test any work submitted
by me, for instances of plagiarism. I understand that the university will copy and keep my
work for record to be used in future to test work submitted by others.

Note: the attachment of this statement on any electronically submitted assignments will be
deemed to have the same authority as a signed assignment.

Signed: Assignment no. 4 Date:17/03/2023

Date received from student Assessment/grade Assessed by:



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