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180 Degrees Consulting Project Brief — Music Victoria


Organizational Background:

Contemporary Music Victoria Inc. (Music Victoria) is an independent, not-for-profit organisation and the
state peak body for contemporary music. We represent musicians, venues, music businesses and
professionals, and music lovers across the contemporary Victorian music community. Music Victoria
provides advocacy on behalf of the music sector, actively supports the development of the Victorian music
community, and celebrates and promotes Victorian music.

OUR MISSION: To enable the full social, economic, and cultural potential of music to be realised, for the
benefit of all Victorians.

OUR VISION: A valued, progressive, and equitable state music scene.

Project Brief:

We are keen to understand the rates of pay (salaries) within the recorded industry. We would like people
to be able to benchmark their own pay, with others doing similar roles. There is a great deal of secrecy
and rates of pay are not advertised. This disproportionately effects women and people from diverse

We are not sure of the best way to access this data. In previous roles I have surveyed members, however I
get the sense that this information will not be freely given in the music sector – even if de-identified. We
have been tracking advertised roles, and trying to use our promotional opportunities to leverage
companies sharing at least a ballpark range with us. Our focus is Victoria, but we might need it to be
national to ensure that participants are not identifiable.

Note: The way that this project will be delivered in regards to further details may be negotiable based on
the branch and team established to conduct the project.


For this engagement, 180 Degrees Consulting will produce the following key deliverables:

We seek a report on the Salaries in the recorded music industry. Examples of what we are after are as

The financial contribution is AUD 2000.

The contract will be signed between the client and the university branch.

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