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Programme :
Course Code : CGE617
Semester :
Title of experiment :
Date of Experiment :
Group :
Group Members 1.
Lecturer :
Level of Openness :

Level of openess
0 1 2 Fully Total
No. Content
open marks
1 Introduction 10

2 Basic Concepts 10

3 Summary of Procedure 10 10

4 Analysis & Interpretation 10 10 10

of Result

5 Discussion of Result 10 10 10 10

6 Conclusion 10 10 10 10

Total Marks 20 30 40 60

A. General Laboratory Rules

1) Always wear lab coat before performing any experiments and a suitable protective gear to
ensure your safety in the laboratory. Students are not allowed to perform the experiments
without wearing the lab coat.

2) Always wear appropriate shoes, never wear sandals or shorts, exposure of legs and feet to
spilled chemical is the main cause of chemical burns.

3) Do not eat, smoke or chew gum or tobacco in the laboratory or chemical storage areas. Do
not use laboratory glassware for food or beverages, including the refrigerators.

4) Never work alone in the chemical laboratory and storage area.

5) Do not fool around in the laboratory. Horseplay and pranks can be dangerous.

6) Students are not allowed to use hand phones in the laboratory.

7) Observe good housekeeping in the laboratory.

8) Never pipette with your mouth.

9) Report any accident or near miss to the lab technician (e.g. broken glassware or equipment,
any fire or chemical spillage).

10) Always wash your hands before and after working in the laboratory, and also after cleanup
of spillage.

11) Never leave heat sources unattended (e.g. gas burner, hot plates, heating mantles, sand
baths, etc.).

12) Never lean into fume hood.

13) Do not perform unauthorized experiments.

14) Read all procedures and anticipate for possible hazards.

B. Lab Attendance

Attendance to the lab is compulsory to each student and for all lab sessions. Students who do not
attend any of the lab sessions without a valid reason will not be allowed to do replacement labs. In
other words, the submission of lab report will do not allowed without the attendance to the lab.
Students who are late for more than 15 minutes will not be allowed to perform the experiments.

C. Experimental Data

Students must verify the experimental data with the respective lecturer at the end of every
experiment. The experimental data sheet must be signs by the respective lecturer or lab
demonstrator before leaving the lab session. This sheet should be submitted together with the lab

D. Submission of Lab Reports

The lab reports should be submitted according to the level for each lab as follow

Level 0 - 1 week after experiment

Level 1 - 2 weeks after experiment

Level 2 - 3 weeks after experiment

CPS - 4 weeks after experiment

All submission must be done through moodle and must be in pdf format. Marks will be
penalized for late submission where 10% deduction for each day of late submission.

For group reports, only the group leaders should submit it on time. Reports should be
type accordingly.

E. Plagiarism

Plagiarism is totally not allowed in lab reports. Student who are caught cheating or who plagiarized
the lab reports will be penalized without any notice or warning.

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