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Topic 24 BE, BEEN or BEING

1 I will always _________ there for you. (A) be (B) been (C) being

2 Johnny has always _________ a very naughty child. (A) be (B) been (C) being

3 Johnny! Stop __________ silly and sit down! (A) be (B) been (C) being

4 I have _________ waiting for you for a long time. (A) be (B) been (C) being

5 The criminal will _______ caught and executed. (A) be (B) been (C) being

6 How have you _______ recently? (A) be (B) been (C) being

7 _________ a lawyer is not easy. (A) Be (B) Been (C) Being

8 __________ friendly to everyone you meet. (A) Be (B) Been (C) Being

9 It's ________ nice knowing you! (A) be (B) been (C) being

10 _________ old means you have plenty of aches and pains. (A) Be (B) Been (C) Being
Answer Key

1) A 2) B 3) C 4) B

5) A 6) B 7) C 8) A

9) B 10) C

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