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CO 1 Develop the procedures and understand the working principles of experimental units in order to conduct experimental works
successfully and safely either individually or in a group.

PO 3 Conduct investigations of complex problems via literature review, design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data as
well as synthesis of information to provide valid conclusions.

NO ELEMENTS 1 2 3 4 5

1 Introduction No information on Little information on Some discussion on Some discussion on Discussion the purpose of
purpose/objectives purposes, objectives of purpose of work and no purpose of work, missing work with relevant
of work, no work and no background background information. some information background Information.
background information. Background.
2 Basic concepts Able to identify the Able to discuss briefly on Able to discuss extensively Able to apply and analyse Able to evaluate the basic
basic concepts of the basic concepts of on the basic concepts of the basic concepts of concepts of respective
respective laboratory respective laboratory in respective laboratory in respective laboratory in laboratory in relation to
through report. relation to the relation to the relation to the engineering the engineering
engineering fundamental. engineering fundamental. fundamental. fundamental.

3 Summary of Unable to design Able to design the Able to design Able to design, find Able to design, find
procedures/methods experiment and no experiment with little experiment, find relevant standard procedure and relevant standard
explanations on the explanations on the standard procedure and clear with precise procedure and clearly
procedures of procedures of conducting sufficient explanations of explanations on stated with good
conducting experimental work. conducting experimental conducting experimental explanations on
experimental work. work. work. conducting experimental
4 Analysis and Data presented was Data presented is Data presented is relevant Data presented is relevant, Data presented is
interpretation of not relevant and not relevant but not and sufficient to analyse related to the objectives relevant, related to the
data sufficient to analyse sufficient to analyse and and interpret. and sufficient to analyse objectives, sufficient to
and interpret. interpret and interpret. analyse and accurate
interpretation of data.

5 Discussion of result No discussion on the Discussion on results is Little discussion on what Description of result is Result and discussion are
meaning of very difficult to follow, no result mean and generally clear. Some clearly stated, through
experimental results discussion on the implications of results. discussion on what results discussion on what results
and very difficult to meaning of results and Enough errors are made mean and implications of mean and implications of
follow. information is so to be distracting, but results. No significant results. Provide
inaccurate that makes some information is errors are made. consistently accurate
the report unreliable. accurate. information.

6 Conclusion and No attempt was Conclusion is derived Conclusion is good and Conclusion is good and Conclusion is excellent
Recommendations made to conclude from the collected and derived from the collected derived from the collected and derived from the
and objectives of the analysed data but does and analysed data and not and analysed data and not collected and analysed
lab were not not answering the from other sources but from other sources and data and not from other
answered. objectives. did not directly answering directly answer the sources. Conclusion clearly
Recommendations Recommendations are the objectives. objectives. answers the objectives.
are stated but not stated but are not well Recommendations are Recommendations are well Precise recommendations
related to the topic. discussed. well addressed and addressed and relevant to and closely relevant to the
relevant to the topic. the topic. topic.

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