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GHD ta pates or as a group, answer 1 Hoe do om communicate with yout 2 Do you prtero end a text message EXAM Understanding text type 2 Ifyou know what type of est you ae reading (anatce, message, an emo ‘fc, itheps you to understand what thetent say > Lokal the design of the text Does it look ie something ona noticeboard ‘orsomething on a phone ete? > Diflerent types of tatshave different [nds of formation Forename a notice tellsyou wht, here or when Something i hapoening: an mall froma end may ask you aquestion ‘out somating ote WB) Look at tne texts (1-3) and match them to the text types te), = ayanouce ages 1215, ndagecn te >) anematl © ateat massage WE) Kead the texts (1-3) again and choose the sentence, ‘aor b, that is correct. & 4 ayfane gave Lucy ner Doak Dy Jane thinks she has lost ner book 2a) ays what tn dato show your work yes you how 1 take the phot 55 a) Anna sting Bey to mc 1) Anna ising Becky ogo shopping WE) Work in patrs. Say what the people in Exercise 2 2 SAVITRIGHT 3 option multiple choice (short texts) «Read the short messages carefully and decide whore they retaken ‘rom and who they are for, 1 Then decide what each messages doing for example iit giving information asang for hei mvting, ling someone wha fo do? ‘Understanding the purpose ofthe text wl help yout answer the exam | ‘question What shoukion do? PY) GB 5))20" tor cach question choose the correct newer a = at = =) Ser om [te —— ve [ime Cate ait ater total pce ‘tom Sse me Bertelli mabe broke. My Bae beach Here are afew pote took. sossoen See yeu nen et What shoueuy A Sains Lae wSpain [A Sorusehermee ocailam 2 Saisie Lake sb each © Conta iam her fsbal pice aa a Ccuctemr can now by ses nthe ay xe bur mu Ell thom athe once, Neti Pris Cine com Lotcfinark Hi ce carder schoo ‘to sow oty your Bi Ht Sop hre ye wont 1 Yom ned fu tks one oDeable gt 2 yaya Micon pay forsee sta ca Onc Gem he ew ntl say ss goand watch ee oe fae = tsa Cay? ‘A Detawarts tk with Toy one {) WI Writes highend word o phrase fom {he text to match each defen, ° 2 rotor —— (Canin so reronermnore pny hadley ak per ges over on, ‘ tate ganda og ‘ ‘dom somctnin fora period of ime ‘mobilephone? ‘amumber fora phone you can take wth you () 3) Grammar in context (Choose the correct word or phrase to complete the sentence. Then find them in the chart messages on. page 49 and check your answers. 1 Lots /Lat of books for kids 2 Here area little /a few photos I took. 3 T've got some / much ideas for our history project 4 Do you have many /any free time ..? ‘We use quantifiers to talk about quantities ‘and amounts. (© We use some with countable and uncountable nouns in postive sentences: Ihave some photos from the trip. ‘© We use any with countable and uncountable ‘nouns, in negative sentences and questions: ‘There in't any information on this site Are there ‘any apps you useevery day? 1© We use (now) much with uncountable nouns and (not) many with countable nouns, in negative sentences and questions: Idon’tlisten to much music online. Are there many landiinesin your country? © We use a lotof/lotsofto tal abouta large quantity: thave alot of appson my phone. © We also useafew ora ittleto talkabout a small number or quantity: We have afew computers in our classroom. ‘not many) She hes alittle freetime later nat much) See Grammarreference, Unit, page 148 Ge) GD cooore me correct words t complete ‘each sentence, 4 Tthink Enced much / a litle help with my IT project, 2 Ldownloaded a lot of / many songs. [don't ‘Rave time to liston to them all 3 Alot / few people in my class don't write emails. 4 Do younced any / many help downloading ‘the information? 5 There are a little /a lt of people here today. {6 dont know how to-use this app. and there's not afew / much information abont it online 7 Some /A little people prefer to stream movies, prefer te download them. 8 A few / Much people in my class are into blogging but I don't ike to post personal information anline 9 Tdon’t make alot / many phone calls, I prefer to ‘ext my friends. 10 Lean‘ find any / some information online for my history project! [5] GRAMMAR 1 | quantifiers with countable and uncountable now Complete the text about schoo! project. (up Choose the best answer (A,B or ©). ) (1) __ of teachers thinkthat speating to students in ferent courtrioc ic important, <0 2) young people hhave pen fiends in other counties. its creat way to earn bout how other people ve. Our teacher wanted our class tospeak nine tochildten in Ghana.) of students, ssid es‘ the idea Wedor’tknow (@) children in _Alfica 0s very interesting [Now we regulaly speakto studentsin Ghana online Once every two weeks, we turn oa the screen in ourclassroom and have a video chat with a schoolin accra Asis t was bit ificult because (5) _ students were speaking atthe same time. But after(6) conversations, we decHedte write down (7)___questinns in cass hefere Chatting, Now ciflerert students ask(8)__ questions very vwcek and everyone can hear them. 'sintereting talking to ur friends in Acra.and its 9) fun too, Dx Many Blots chee 2 Asome Biew c any 2 Alot BAlt — Alitte 4A much Dimany —€ few 5 A much B few © alotot 6 Aalme — Balot Carew 7 Atew Boome € much BAalile = Biot € afew DAaltof Balle C many WE vse the words inthe box to write six sentences about modern technology. a3 Use a quantiner in every sentence. ‘emails | mobile phone | music | photos ‘social networking | vdeo games example: Laon sand mary email v VOCABULARY | Topic vocabulary | Word patterns | Collocations Compound nouns WB) (20% write me words in te baxon the Words connected with communication and technology (D) WD 6% commie menames forme rane in G@) R = © 5) the picture with the words in the box. Listen and check. ‘camera | Keyboard | laptop ‘mouse | printer | screen WY 21120 Complete the text with the words in the box. Li box. Listen and check. ‘logging | camera | download | graphics Keyboard | laptop | mouse | online printer | screen | software | stream Hj eves sort. hon et 1 jut moved touse e's good to get (1) —_euline again Anise @) Thave a Lvely big desk for my @) inthe new house. So, Tean use that when Tn at rome Tes gota really bia () ; hich spetect for watching vides. 1 decided to get 3 6) as wll, so can pit the phates Tite. ‘The laptop & good fer gaming ta. The (6) ‘nthe games iook much better. The (7) isa bit ferent from my last one, so sory 1 make any pein mistakes! The wireless (8) ‘is great and int noisy when yeu click it. 1 il need to @) ny fles from the old computer. And 1 need some new ao), so that Tcan (14) faster Tomoriow, Fl use the (12), ae ‘upload some photos of me at ny new dest! Rete Oe Deornart correct line to make technology words. Listen and check. [[compuice | phone | player | wob ¢D/DVD/ MP3 (1) camera J cell mobile (2) 0) ____atdross nage ste laptop /persoal/ 4) / Cee hic 7aaware Choose the correct word to complete @) ach sentence oS Lets listen to music on the DVD / MKP3 player 2 This website / address is full of adverts. ‘The new information is oa thele web address / page. Thought some computer Mes / software to help me change the way photographs look. Collocations with verbs 3 1205 complete tne phrases with the wordsininebor Soncumereremeybe | wore jpmne pos Someones ee mame & download | make | open send | start | take ‘phone call a piece of sotware file 2 photegraph ‘a toxt message GH Complete the sentences using the correct (6 form of the collocations from Exercise 5. 1 Tmet heron the train and she ‘win me We talked about social nebworking sites 2 Lola can'tcome outhecanse she's ‘her bother in Canada, They alk oveay Wo 3 cant useyour laptop? Ineed to that hao my acho project init 4 You nced to so your computcr ‘works faster We goting old 5 Would you me and my cat, please? I vant te postiton insagram 6 ifyon canttcome tothe barbecue. co Mum so she knows, Rea eke Rt ycesa)) GBD ta pairs or as a group, look at the photo and answer the questions 3-option multiple choice (pictures) 3 Whats happening in the picture? ‘© Inshort conversations, you often hear someone 2 Have you ever made anything like this? asking forand giving opinions. so, where and when! If not, would you like to, ith wus 4 Liston careful tothe questions What it ike? $3 How do-you think we will use robots in the Future? and Do au lite? dont mean the same thing, «© Listen carefully tothe opinions Idoa' real like It and ts nat what ike both mean the speaker doesn ike something <))206 or each question, choose the correct (> picture. 1 Tow docs Sars contact her pen ends in & ther countess? f EXAM |SxiLL Understanding when things happen O Itisimportant to understand if someone's talking A bout the past the presant cr the future |5 Wass the man going to buy his son? © The tense and words ike ist next an ater can help you decide wren diferent things happen ey eB & WD Read tne conversation. Match the ‘underlined phrases to the tenses. Boy: Oh no! My new printer doesn’ work 4 Tow many people were in the chat reo? Gist: Look at this information, There’ a amber ‘ophone for help Why not ell i? Boy: No, [looked on their website Itsays to send ‘hem sn email so Im wnting oe nowt Girt: Temight be quicker to phone 2 pastsimple 2 present continacus 3 presentemple GH Pet te events (a-) in the order they wPPened (1) in Exerclee 2, 2) Theil ed the information 1) The boy wrote an ema 6) They onkattneweste (H5 0020 Listen again and check your answers. €) The boy tied he prince Y GRAMMAR 2 | Comparatives and superlati () Grammar in context REMEMBER "Look at these sentences from the audio in the listening lesson. Choose the correct word "© Weuse the comparative form of adjectives + than to Compare two peoplethings: My laprop is bigger than ’ Fae eee yours. Maths is more difficult than Enlih. ome we ployed! |» Wiese the+ the supelalive form of adjectives to comaere hint the phones nicer /micest ten the ‘mare than two peopl things: Vics the oldest grin the 0 ee Coss Ti the most Interesting ete 3. 1’smost/ more exiting tun the footbal game. | Sea Grammar reference, Units, page 129 (GB) WE wre sentences using the cmparaive (QE) Complete tne catct om abiogusing - form of the adjectives in the box + than. the comparative or superlative form of the | 5 ee adjectives in brackets. big | expensive | interesting | long, modem | oki | popular | strange | Thought the foatnall game in 2018 { pougne te ‘adventure game in 2016. 5 asthe fathal 2 The PC is £499 and the Laptop IS £359. 3 Low of my ttends tke rock muse but more of sy iiance ike rap, 4 Your blog has los of good things to read. Her Se SREE es alge ose Last month, my css ci a project cn techoogy. twat ai)_____ (exciting) ree ten theone Jf tress year me taner sats tis competion, 5 The video of the skateboarder i a it unusual Ho tod ue, "To group wien). ‘The video of tne surfer ts very unusual! (interesting) vis willy o London! ue hat 0 Eno). (00) 6 Tere are 20 people in my computing class and ‘oa Ono group trod to balla 3D print, bit diet 10in the photography class. work, Lots of students worked quickly, but we were Fg) caret tanto i ce 17 Heremailwas 1Owords Hisemailwas7S0works |) gboutizalotand doce tema n elosonic rum mace itwas(6) few than 5 TwasinoihePCwno now Todos? ‘we omg, ac the omer fished efor ts Ut fetes i eeny nee ‘wo dn tearoBeeaaso wo now our prooot wa oe cs! Sm ‘ ‘ewona schoa pu fo our peje ana we wert (B) WD cttoose te currect comparative ox ‘Stnoconpalion a and Lanne rey in ‘Superlative form to complete each sentence. ys aus than my town bat | 1 My smartphone s te newest /ewer than binast ay laptop ‘The judges tally Heed cur rum moctine and nit 2 Hernew laptop 1s the bigzest/ bigger than her 35 8) (unusual) project vie vin’. old one: ‘von Spina ut wo Had 8 crat tei Lance. 33 Phones in this shop are more expensive ‘most expensive than ones anywhere else 4 “da’s technology project was the Best / better ‘thamin the class. 8 3 Halts me / he meting te oeeeacapeaa Tare pao) 6 Mid ete ewe ee an moran iy coin vt he ekucl pef 1 Onn ing th mos pope rchooy wh os yoarsemmne ‘more popular than hobby for teenage bors. E) © Watch the Tak2Me video and = answer the questions. EXAM 5k) A Why does Evie like shopping online? 2. Name four things that they buy online Talking about preferences 3 What did the cat do? 9 Often ina speaking exam, you willbe asked to talk about your preferences. 9 Make sure youknow how to say what you prefer ‘when you are comparing things. Use phrazes like: 5] () Watch the video again. Underline the phrases in the Phrase expert box that you hear on the video. Iprefer + noun-+ o+ noun, For exemple, (prefer tennis tobashetball ‘prefer ing tong, For example, prefer online shopping to going to the supermarket et era I ee Oe ‘ike + noun + the best. For example, ike Mora’ IWsbetterfor shopping)... | ItSmy favourite biog the best way o (relax) | Thebest things ‘The most dificult thing is PHRASE EXPERT. more then anything else/the best. (WE) <))227 tisten to four students answering — questions about thet 1 Doyou prefer to be with your friends or to & eae cine 2 Dover wat moron yur ay Sop 4 Dapp Meng ying ee oun (01207 isten again and number the S ws = ‘comparison phrases (A-D) In the order that you hear them ‘A more than anything else B rimins irs quicker ies my favourste way torelax__ Dike the best__ Discussion 1¢ Whenyou say you preferone thing to another you should also explain wi. «© Practise qving reasons for your preferences, For ‘ample, [preter tennis to basketball because. (oF lenni i... That's why Ipreter ‘Work in pairs. Take turns asking and anewering the questions from Reercise 4 WE) «pairs or asa group, look at the photos ‘Use phrases from the Phrase expert ox and answer the questions. in your anewere 41 Whien way af communicating isthe Best? Why? 2 How do you usualy talk to your family anc NGUAGE IN USE | Open cioze A) 2» itn tone teem tang sot thin sei Commitee kere (Ba mmsant mesacine 1 co cat wt staring (WED ta paies or asa group, ane the questions, 1. Which ays of communicating im Exercise 1 0 youuse? 22 Wich way do you thins est? Way? nent ways? Way? ow? Using determiners > Determiner are words which come before noun ‘ey tellus ithe noun spect or genera. For example, Hove you read this book Speci Heboughtaven or igener. (OTe mast common determiners re articles (, ho pronouns is tha, these those, Dpossesives ny, your mine, yours) an ‘guantiors (mich oe otal, WD erence tne caret determiner to complete Sach comvesation 1A Whose new lappa? 1 Wey / ie Tye gested 1 ‘hat are you reams? Ths / The realy great book by ticnact Morpurg. "haven't got any photos trom the patsy Dont wor Iteoka lot /mueh 1 send ‘Are you lstonins to Taylor Swit? Yes I realy hike a/the songs om her ast ‘Open loze (© Determiners are important words which hep us Understand which noun we ae talking about, 50 ‘they ae often testedin ths prtof the exam, 1 Read the sentence before the gopped sentence Carehlyry to dent the noun sometimes the noun she gapped werd) Then deci te noun 'SSingular or plural and what kind ofdeterniner younced For ach question, waite the correct answer. ( Write ONE word for exch gap. x ecg ge exe Babin te Teginecom sete: Teel] Iwate tsyou_akout agua gine tila eine gore rtymeaootregarerne hoe . ‘mon 3), of Un ean tr) youn gots the a ev ey 3 youcanie etatou he Sure youve mous veg na eee youcome tend anaht ‘neiwecopnttegtert ay e THINK. RESEARCH | CULTURE | LEAR | mE ‘Werk groups and anawer the quctons. + Way do you thinkitis important to communiate with people fom ether counties? + What are the best ways to communi with people? 5s GBD ba paizs or groups answer the questions. 1 How do you use technology at home? 2. How do you use technology at school? WE) Look at the three pictures that tell a story. In pairs or groups, say what you think the story is. () WD compete te able about the story in Exercise 2 For each picture write bie note about se care a ol at rae wher ‘Where? what? Picture 1 Picture? | Picture 3 (03 ook atthe picture story in Exercise 2 md EXAM |SxILL ae Using linking words (O When you writ astory the order ofthe events must beceorto the reader Use inking words such 5 next, then, after that, ater etc. tocomnect the dierent parts of your stor from start to finish, (© Remember to plan your story. You story should hhave a beginning, amiddle andan end, and these must be in logical order. Use inking words to help you do this (B) WE) Undertine tne tinking words and phrases iatetese te alee fis eleretieverial after (that) | afterwards | again | as well before | boih | finally | frst | tater nearly | next | nextto | or | thon when | while (GB) WB circte the correct wor to complete iets ieee eee rated {@) Afterwards / First che toed anime to ree BEERS aire itwrac't expensive 2) Finally Nest. sho Ee eee a eae (2) Ator ‘Before that she decd io uy i 1 Inpicture 1, which two actions are happening at ‘the same time? 2. Impieture 2, which two actions are happening at the same time? 3 Which tense should you use to describe these 44 Which word can you use to show that two actions ‘ere happening atthe same time? Use your notes from Exercise 3 to write the ‘tory in Exercise 2, Use the correct tense and linking words Picture story «© Ack yourself the characters inthe story are friends, neighbours family members etc and ‘ive them names. Make notes about where your characters are and what they are doing. «© Setthescene with an introductory sentence before {yu write about the fist picture. For exam, Iwas “Saturday afternoon and Max and Anna were ar home. © Weusually use clferent pest tenses such as the pest simple and the past continuous to tell a story ‘Look at this exam task and make notes to answer the questions. “Look atthe three pictures. ‘Write the story chown in the pictures. ‘Write 95 wards or ore. 11 How many scenes inthe story must you write about? 2, Tow many words do you ned to write? Which tenses shomla you 1se? 4 Tow can you set the scene? 5c words o phrase from cunt colds 36 >) ©) Plan Pian your story. Use the table to help you. whe? Where? Picture 1

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