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Traveling or not in the South?

The fear of getting stuck at destination, because all the flights are being canceled. The
fear of being shut up in a dreary hotel in Santa Banana at its own expenses, because of a
screening positive covid-19 test before re-entry. The fear of getting the awful virus and
not be entitled to such good care services abroad. All these fears, and many others,
make many people who want to travel for fun, feel insecure.

Some people would not wait and let the passport get dusty in a compartment, as
particularly, 164 countries have reopened their borders to tourists, including, France,
Italy, Costa Rica, Egypt and Argentina with some strict restriction’s application
depending on places.

Air Canada added 250,000 seats for winter 2021-2022, most of the flights are heading to
the south, and Transat is offering 50 destinations since November, 01 st. Tourism receipts
for June 2021 in Mexico were the same as in June 2019.

Although do you think it’s a good idea to travel abroad this winter, while the
coronavirus pandemic is far from over in several regions of the world?

Tour operators and shipping company have considerably softened their procedures of
reserving, with or without extra charge. Insurance companies are resilient, but
emergency medical care coverage and prices vary depending on multiple factors,
including age.

Entry requirements are not the same in every country. Some countries require double
vaccination (Bahamas, and screening test), in other places as in (Jamaica, Barbados,
Greece, Autrich) they ask for a simple test when you come or when you leave,
elsewhere like in Dominican Republic, it is random.

Whatever the destination is, the airport staff, waiters, hoteliers, all the service providers
should be double vaccinated et be mindful about the shielding measures importance,
and the tourists should be respectful of public health guidance. The problem is that a lot
of people are travelling without giving any considerations about the situation.

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