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Example 4.1 | A steel cantilever 6m long carries two point loads, 15 kN at the Sree end and 25 KN at a distance of 2. Sm from the free end. Find: (i) Slope at the free end (ii) Deflection at the free end. Take I= 1.3 x 10° mm’ and E = 2 x 10° N/mm? : Given data: As shown in Fig.4.25. a ] ir 25 kN 15 KN rofint: (Slope atthe fee end C(0,) (i) Deflection atthe free end C ) 0 Solution: pouble Integration Method: rom equation (4.5), slope at the free end due to the load 15 KN alone From equation (4.9), slope at the free end due to the load 25 KN alone _ Wy(L-a)" *"2EI - Total slope at the free end, 2 w LV W,(L-ay r ®.= QET*” 2E! 15000 x 6000, 25000 x (6000 -2500)* @, = 0.01627 rad From equation (4.7), deflectio From equation (4.11). | Wi = 1SkN = 15,000N W, = 25KN = 25,000N @ = 25m = 2,500mm L= 6m = 6000mm WL E T¢ __15000 x 6000" Tedw WP 13 x10) * 2x 2x 10x13 x10 mat the free end due to the load 15 kN alone we = SEI defection atthe fee end dv the oud 25 KN lone w(L-ay W,(L-ay -on * 21 . Total deflection at the free end, WL) Wy(L-a) | W)(L- a) ye" SEL +” SEI 2E1 15000 x 6000? _, 25000 x (6000 — 2500) ~ Fe dn Ox 13x10 > 3x 2% 105% 1.3 x10" 25000 x (6000 ~ 2500)? + Dx 2m 10x 13 x10" * 2500 = 4154+ 13.74 + 14.723 = 70,003 mm Deflection at free end, ye = 70mm Macaulay's method: Equation (4.44), can be modified as follows for the cantilever beam Bending moment, M, = W)x-W2(e-a) (cs only W, and W, are present) Integrating the above equation 2 Wie tC +C— We Integrating again, El-y = Applying the following boundary conditions for cantilever i A tips) De () Whenx=6m, slope dx 0 (i Whenx=6m, deflection y=0 Applying first B.C to the slope equation _ 15000 (60007, _ 25000 x (6000 2500} : a 2 2 4.23 x 10"! C= a second B.C t polyin to the deflection equation 0 = ~ 13000 x 6009 6 + 4.23 « 10" x 6000 + - 25000 x sa 2 — Cr = ~1.82 x 10'5 situting the value of i 7 sabstitutng *,C) and C, in equation (i) and (if), we can get the ope and deflection. athe fee end, x =0 and first term only vad for that section, : wy SG 4.23 x 10!! © Slopes ae = EL = Tey paca 7 001627 rad Carga xo 1 D013 x08 ~~ 69975 mm Deflection, y = (ve sign due to downward deflection) BMatC = 0 BM at B = ~15000 x 2500 -3,75 x 10’N-mm_ BM at A = ~ 15000 x 6000-25000 x 3500 = 1,775 x 10°N-mm_ ~~ ssan| Moment Area Method | First find out the BM at all points.and draw the BMD as shown in Fig.4.26, 4 | j To find the area of BMD, divide the BMD into two triangles and one rectangle ‘Area of the first section, Ay = i x 2500 x 3.75 x 107 = 4,687 x 10! N-mm? ‘Area of the second section, Ay = 3500 x 3.75 x 107 = 1.3125 x 10!N-mm? Area ofthe third section, Ay = 4 x 3800 x (1.775 x 1083.75 x 10") = 2.45 x 10!" Nemm? Total area of BMD, A = A, +A2*Ay = 4.687 x 10! + 1.3125 x 10! +2.45 x 10! A = 4,23.x 10"'N-mm? According to Moment Area Method, Slope atthe free end, 0, = AT@#0fBMD 0. = 0.01627 rad Deflection, ye = Fy The total moment of the BMD about B is given by = AVE +A) +AgH 2 4.687 x 10!° x 5 x 2500 + 1.3125 x 10" x 3500 ) (2500+35") +245 x1ol! x (2500+3 3500) Ax = 18210! ye = — 182x108 © 210% 41.3 « 108 ~ 70003 mm qction JEAM METHOD Gare Bt . ei find out the BM at the required points and draw the BMD. Then draw the M gat beam Le. Fry diagram as shown in Fig 4.27c), i ( al load on the conjugate beam \enep2£r0 = Aiea of the BM diagram AVEZ. «144 ATE 2500 1.44 x 10% 3500 4 3500 x (682g 10° 1.44 x 10°) “2 p = -0.01627 W77EZ ac el CLP EL Te.26 x 10 @ “Fig. 4.27, According to conjugate beam method Slope at free end C, Deflection at C, ye = BM at for the conjugate beam For finding BM at C for conjugate beam the total load can be considered as VL and which is divided into two triangles and one rectangle. 1 BM atC = [ 2 x 1.44 x 10° x 2500 2 x 2500 |- [ 1.44 x 10° x 3500 x (2500 35) |. I iB x 3500 x (6.826 x 10°°- 1.44 x 10x x 3500+ 2500) | = 70mm *. Deflection atC, yo = 70mm Result: Slope at the free end, 9, = 0.01627 rad Deflection at the free end, ye = 70mm ge | Example 4.3 | A cantilever projecting 3m from a wall carries a UDL of 12 kN/m for a length of 2m from the fixed end and a point load of 1.5 kN at the free end. Find the deflection at the free end. Take E = 2 x 10° N/mm? and I = 1 x 10° 4 mm, Given data: As shown in Fig.4.31. 1.5 KN | 12 kNim 457) ae 12 kNim = 12 Nimm = LSKN=1500N @ = Tm = 1000 mm L = 3m = 3000 mm E = 2«105Nimm? T= 1x 10'mmé ofind: (i) Slope at the free end (ii) Deflection at the free end asoletio pouble integration method: From equation (4.18), slope atthe free end due to UDL on AB = wib=ay 6EI _ 12000-10007 _ Tad 10H Tx 1 00008 8 2 slope atthe free end due to point load at C = 95] a 1500 x 3000 = Fx 2x 10x 1 x10 = 0,0003375 rad pe at C = 0.0008 + 0.0003375 Total sloy 0, = 0.001137 rad Deflection at C due to UDL on AB . w(b-a)t , w=) 4 (From equation no. 420)] -“gel ~ 66! > 12 x (2000)* 12x (2000) , = Fxdx 10x 1x10 + Fae 0x10 bo = 1.2+0.8=2mm _ —1500 x 30007 3x 2x 10x 1x1 at C = 2+0.675 = 2.675 mm 0.675 mm, Total deflecti Ye = 2675 mm “ Macaulay's method: By modifying the equation (4.44) forthe given structure, Bending moment, M, = ~ We !~ were a? Integrating the above equation Slope, E12 = we! +¢, See @ Integrating again, Deflection equation, cat] Ely = -"g +O,x+C,—™ Applying the following boundary conditions for cantilever ( Whenx=3m, slope 2 = 0 (i) Whenx=3m, deflection y = Applying the first B.C to the slope equation o = —1500(3000? , , _ 12 (20007 OF 2 LF 6 C, = 2.275 x 10" Applying the second B.C to the deflection equation ‘ — 1300+ 80007" 9275 x 10" 3000 + c, —!2* 20003" ate G = -535x 10 Substituting the value of x, C, and C, in equation (i) and (ii), we can get slope and deflection, 0 At the free end, x = 0 and first term is only valid for that section. —_—_ Ae Sct tea + Slopeo, = & 2 Si. , 2.275 x10" dx ¢ EL” 2x 10° 1 «10 0. = 0,0011375 rad Deflection at free end, ye = 2 25.3510 2x 10% 1 x 10% Ye _= -2.675 mm Moment area method: praw the BMD as shown in Fig4.32. 12kNIm Straight Parabolic ‘line cue 2.85 x 107 1500 x 1000 = =1,5x 10°N-mm 2000" BMatA = —1500 x 3000-12 x“ M, = -2.85 x 107 N-mm Area for the first section, Ay = 4 x 1000 x 1.5 x 10° 7.5 x 108N-mm? (ve sign due to downward deflection) Ee, Area for the second section, A, = 2000 x 1.5 x 10° = 3x 10 Nema 1 “ea forthe third seston, Ay = 3 * 2000 (2.85 1071.5, 195 = 1.8 x 10" N-mm? Total area of BMD, A = A, +A) +A; 75 x 108 +3 x 10° + 1.8 x 1910 2.175 x 10!° Nemm? A According to Moment Area Method, _ Areaof BMD _ 2.175 x ig'0 Slope at the free end, 0, = “#27 2x10 x1 xiot 0010875 rad Ax Deflection, ye = AE = Ayx)+Ag3; +4535 = 75x 1083 x 1000+ 3 x 10° { 1000 + 2922) 3 +18 10 «(1000 +3 x 201} Ax = 5.1510" 5.15 x 10" Z Yes Quilon tlds e en > Ye = 2575 mm Conjugate beam method: M Draw the BMD as stated earlier and then draw the conjugate beam ie, 5 5 the diagram as shown in Fig.4.33(c). Xs v fl ' » TM Total load on the beam~= Area of the El diagram 4 \ 3 Fig. 4.33. Slope at C, 0, = SF at C for conjugate beam 0, = —P = 0,0010875 Deflection at C, ye’ = BM at C for the conjugate beam for finding BM at C for conjugate beam the total load can be considered as livL and which is divided into one triangle and one rectangle and one parabolic ler on conjugate beam diagram as shown in Fig.4.33(c). 2 BMac = iB x 75% 10% 10002 x 1000 | +[rsx 10" 2000 (1000 +29) ] + 3 [ t x 2000 x (1.425 x 10%-7.5 x 10%) «(3 x 2000 + 1000 ) ] BMatC = 2.575mm +. Deflection at C = 2.575 mm 0,0010875 rad = 2.575 mm. Result; Slope at the free end, Oc Deflection at the free end, ic extending from left end. Calculate deflection at mid-span. E = 2 x 10° N/mm? ; . 6.2 x10 mm*. Given data: L = 6m=6000 mm w = SkN/m=5 N/mm E = 2x 10°N/mm* I = 62x 10°mm* To find: Deflection at mid-span, yo = ? Solution: Taking moment about A, Ry x 6000 = 5x 3000x me Ry = 3750N RytRg = 5x 3000 Ry = 11250N (er yation EI 2 ye ey de? = 3750x | veo above equation twice, ! El 2 = 3750x? . = TE | Se ony El-y = woe i 5¢— 3000)" +Cyx+ Cain 24 foll agotig the following boundary Conditions (7 Whenx=0, y=o (i) Whenx = 6000m, y= agplying first B.C 325010) = +C,0)+C,- so wor oie 1.6875 x 10! rorthe second B.C 3750(6000)° [ B+ Cy (6000) + 1.6875 x 10" ~ 5(6000— 3000)" S000 3000 ] ¢, = -2.25x 10° Deflection at mid- = x =3000 mm 3 0 0 [ 7503007 _ 5 95 x 10! x 3000 + (3000 - 3000)* 24 fio 1S Ynax = 2x 10° x 6.2 x 10° 1.6875 x 10" - = -27.22mm (Take only its magnitude) Result: Maximum deflection, Jmas= 27-22 ™™

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