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DEFLECTION OF BEAMS aE 1 When load is acting at mid span of the cantilever Maximum deflection, Aa 4.4.7, CANTILEVER WITH UDL A cantilever AB of length L fixed at end : pio A and free at B carrying 4 U Per unit length over the whole, is shown in Fig.4.5, wy * dx —— dy _ L Maximum slope.| 91 = Gy. ~ 6 ET El (4 ion (ii), ty) Applying second B.C to the equation (ii). , wh! whe ac, | 084294 6 2 [Cay | wht wht a 3wLlt 7 wt Gem mo ail in equation (ii), we get the deflect; Substituting C, and C, values in equation (77) g ection tat any point (diy Maximum deflection occurs at the free end. Therefore maximum defle ction cal be determined by substituting x = 0 in equation (4.15). wL! EI-yy = 0-0-"F" wlt . Je = gp] (ve sign due to downwards deflection) Maximum downward deflection. Ye + 4.16) 4.1.8. CANTILEVER WITH UDL FROM FIXED END A cantilever AB of length L fixed at A and f per unit length for a distance of (L-a) free at B and carrying a UDL of from the fixed end, is shown in Fig4.6. eo eportion AC will bend into ACs w Bittern: —___ [aij While the porti will displace to C'B', Therefore the Portion CB wi Portion AC Of the ¢ Mil to previous case (i.¢,, Att 4.1.7 UDL throughout ¢ ill remains straight. ‘antilever may be taken the span). Fram equation (4.14), hac since the portion CB of the Cantilever is straight, «- (4.18) w (L-a)! From equation (4.16), 4s “eo (4.19) From geometry of the fig, we have Ya = Vet Ocra w(L-ayt _wb=ay (4.20) Yo = Sel 6El Ly! L 3 w(t-5) w(t-3) 1 =a toe «GF When a =L/2 opi SEI 6EL 2 w (Ly aby = gei(3) +t 2 wl wt = Tox8xEl © 16x6xEI A fof the length Deflection at B when UDL acting half of the leng! Twit 421) Jo ~ 384E1 FREE END “19, CANTILEVER WITH UDL FROM 4 fean at Rand carrvina a TINT af wh Fig. 4.7. (a) Fig, 4.7. (by The slope and deflection at the end B is determined as follows, canti aded with UDL of (i) Consider the whole cantilever AB lo: UDL of w Pe mag, in Fig.4.7 (6). / (if) Then superimpose on upward UDL of w per unit length from 4 shown in Fig.4.7(b). i (iii) Now, slope at B = slope due to downward UDL over entire lengty due to upward UDL from A to C. Deflection at B = Deflection “ UDL of entire length - Deflection due to upward UDL from A w c ‘¢ From equation (4.14), 3 y Slope due to UDL over entire length = 7 L 6EI From equation (4.1 8), Slope due to upward UDL from A to C = ei —ap [3 5 Hence net slope at B, 6, = ee -* a 42 Similarly, From equation (4.16), Downward deflection due to UDL of entire length = we From equation (4.20), Upward deflection of point B due to UDL of length AC “eset wha) 6EI “. Net deflection, iy 413 Sat 9, Mem WITHA UNIFORML 4 VARYING LOAO (uv) ye jever of length L fixed at A and free at B and UVL fom 0 a8 gant! carrying A nit Jength at the fixed end A, is shown in Fig.4.8. re 4 L “ x } | | jue in equation pi Substituting the Cr val Slope equation per ki : » free end. Therefore. for ™AKin yp ° at the The maximum slope oecurs substitute x = 0 in equation (4; 24) Ba ig Wes B1203:7 424° ar B 24 Maximum slope. wl Applying the second B.C. to the equation (if) | : wb Pr wP sk 0=-ioL* m4 btG wiiowl!. wi! C, = 199 ~ 24 ~~ 30 Substituting the values of C, and C, in equation (//) kL wie 4 Le 7 wilt El-y=- 00 * 24 “*~ 30 The maximum deflection occurs at the free end. Therefore. the maxinz deflection y, can be determined by substituting 0 in the equation (4.26). wilt Pl Yasg 95 230 oe ew Lt Ye ~ ~30E (~ve sign due to downward deflect? .. Maximum downward deflection, ve 3] LY SUPPO tt. SIMP RTED BEAM (ssa) wity tas asimply Supported beam AB of length L eT OAD anis shown in Fig.4.9, and carrying a point load W at its mid — ’ Fig. 4.9. ion (7 Applying the first B.C. to the equation (i) ne w(3) Nd vs 4 we? Ci = -"16 Jue in equation (i) we can get the a equation at any d wx WL Slope equation, « Ely Fe, Ae EG +C, Substituting C, val Slope is maximum at A or B. Therefore, the maximum slope is obt substituting, x = 0 in the above equation d 2 WD a ee = E103 = -76 ew? %3 = —]6EI (— ve sign due to slope in anticlockwise d ; ; Wl? Since the load is symmetric, | 3 = 9,=]¢ py] Applying the second B.C to the equation (ii) 1 ies eee, Substituting the values of C, and C, in equation (ii), we can get the def any point, : Deflecti i ys eflection equation, | EI 12 16 Deflection is maximum at the centre of the beam (i.¢., at C). The substituting x = 2 » we can get the maximum deflection. 2 9 El ye m AL WL 48 (- ve sign due to downward deflection) Downward deflection, pe 3] | we (431) 2. S88 WITH ECCENTRIC POINT Loan Aeon ae ~ AB of length L and carrying a point load W at a isance pport A and at a distance 6 from support B are shown in fg 4.10(@). Ray = Whit. Rg = Walt. Fig. 4.10. (a) Wa 3 wb The reactions at A and Bis Ry="7~ and Rg="7 () Now, consider a section X at a distance x from B in length CB. The bending moment at this section is given by Wax ‘i ‘ M, = Ryx* = (+ ve sign due to sagging) & From equation (4.3), M= EI ot Equating above two equations ad Wax EI aa TPA 'ntegrating the above equation d _W4,e Bre pe atl 4 va Wab Maximum Slope, | 0, = — 6EIL [b+2a] .-» (4.34) Deflection at the point of application of load Maximum deflection Ve Wath” 2p ~3EIL (43 (-ve sign due to downward deflecy t ce = > 6EIL * 3 [ 3 (e+ 208) | = _-Wa_(#+2ab)+ sent ()'| (+208) | ____Wa 3] (P+2a5y | _.. (4.38) y= We | max a3 EI (439) | gs 990 WITH UDL | a simply supported beam of length L and carrying a UDL of w per m length |pathe entire length is shown in Fig.4. Fig. 4.11. 25 Thereactions at A and Bare Ry = R3=5" Consider a section X at a distance x from B. The bending moment at this section Seiven by whe wx M,= "30-2 Equating above equation with equation (4.3) dy M = EI 77> ae wLhx wx ="9 °° 2 (-ve sign due to slope in anticlockwise wal op Beams en ions of Bes ee ee C3 ing the second B.C, to the equati yi on'(ii) o2G “Cy=0 sti the alos of C, and Cy in equation (ii), we can get the deflection t, natany poin' ned by substituting x = = > in the Equation (4, 42). sy Gy mae Sa oe = .-» (4.43 384 EI ¢ ) 41.14. MACAULAY’S METHOD FOR SLOPE AND DEFLECTION In the previous double integration method for finding the slope and deflection for simply supported beam loaded with many point loads and UDL is very tedious and laborious. Mr. W.H. Macaulay derived a method of continuous expression for bending moment and integrating in such a way, that the constants of integration are valid for all sections of the beam; even though the law of bending moment varies from section to section. Consider a beam simply supported and loaded as shown in Fig.4.12. For any section between A and C ata distance x from A, Bending moment, M = R a x. This equation holds good for all values of x between x =O andx =a. For any section between C and D at a distance x from A. Bending moment, M = Ry-x-W, (xa) This ®quation holds good for all values of x between x =a and x = 5. surengin ay 7 Wi WZ wrunitlength | / W (a) | 2 ! \ wiunit length i \ 4 1 1 Ra (b) Rg jion of Beam iy Ne inthis method at any section of the beam. the bending w w= Rat im Wie ayh wip) i= oT: | @ While using this method, the section x is to be taken in the ri part of the beam. e section x is to be taken in the (6) The UDL has to continue al so as in our case, lways upto the right end of the beam. If it is not @ negative load (upward) may be applied in the portion of the beam i 2 nae i (refer Fig.4.12(6)) left uncovered by the given UDL. This will balance the extended UDL, ibove i i i The al equation written in such a manner that the magnitude of x goes on | increasing when the law of loading changes, and additional expressions appear. For values of x between x = equation should be considered. 0 and x = a, only the first term of the above | | For values of x between x = a andx = b, only the first two terms of the above equation should be considered and so on. Integrating equation (4.44), we get the general expression for slope. d x? f ays =by : ae = Ray +e}-w, 85% wits | w(x- w(x-dy wGaey wendy (4.48) Itis very important to note the following point when integrating (a) The constant of integration C, should be written after the first term of the above equation. ‘ * x = @ > » ean (6) The quantity (x - 4) should be integrated as oe (e., the term within . vhole). Similarly the quantity (x — b) are to integrated as a W brackets «by .. and so on. should be integrated as 4 ~~ 2 (c) The constant C, is valid for all values of x. Strength of | ‘Materials for Mechanical Em nee, Integrating equat ion (4.45), we get the deflection equation W(x ~by 2 El-y = Ra@ ++ (446) ‘ous case is followed when integrating the aby can be evaluated if the boundary conditions ay hod is shown in problems. Same procedure as, in previ equation. The constants C, and C, known. The application of Macauley’s met! 4.1.15. MOMENT AREA METHOD FOR SLOPE AND DEFLECTION Consider a beam AB carrying some type of loading, and hence subjected bending moment as shown in Fig.4.13. Let the beam bend into A P, Q,B and dx to the load acting on the beam A be a point of zero slope and zero deflection. Consider an element PQ of small length dx at a distance of x from B. Te corresponding points on the deflected beam are P,Q). Let, R — Radius of curvature of deflected beam d0 — Angle included between the tangent P, and Q, M — Bending moment between P and Q dx - Length of PQ @ - The angle in radians, included between the tangents dl extremities of the beam i.e., at A and B facing the referen¢ raw e line Fram aanmaten of the hand nL Cal La i We shall now apply Mohr’s theorems to some cases for which the th, ee have their best application. Tn 4.1.16. CANTILEVER WITH A POINT LOAD AT FREE END A cantilever beam AB of length L fixed at end A free at end B Carryin, load W at the free end is shown in Fig.4.15. Ba Fig. 4.15. BM is zero at the free end B and WL at end A. Let, p ~ deflection at end B with Tespect to A 95 — slope atB According to the moment area method, Area of BM diagram between A andB Slope, 0, = “SESS Sagar between A mh 2 Area of BM diagram = bx LxWL= S wl? 6" 2ET WL? 2 = x ZL ) And deflection, y, = Ae eyecare WwW [4.33). 9 nTiLEVER withup, 0 a . 1 gnttever beam subjected to UDL is shown in Fig.4.16 A nl 4.16, Fig. 4.16. for UDL, the BMD is parabolic curve. 2 .. Area of BMD diagram, A = i x Lx *b DB Ae 3 and x = 4b By moment area method A _ wD The slope at B, On ETT eBt Since A is the point of zero deflection, wi 3 Ax. 6 4 The deflection at B, Va ipe ee w Lt Deflection, | Ys = gpy “148, SSB WITH CENTRAL POINT LOAD _ Asimply supported beam of length L carrying point load at mid-span is shown Fig 4.17(a). The BM diagram for this structure is shown in Fig.4.17(6). Fig. 4.17. Since the loading is symmetrical, the maximum deflection occurs a span C. Therefore the slope at C is zero. Slope at A and B is maximum, Area of BM diagram between A an Slope at A = 0, = EI Area of BM diagram between A and C, 1 L WL we? At 2 %2.%Tq: * 716 _ WL = 90 = 16EI 7-2,E LL ‘ es 2 3 Deflection of A with respect to C = Deflection of C with Tespect to A. 4.4.19. SSB WITH UDL A simply supported beam of AB carrying UDL throughout the lengti in Fig4.18(a), and corresponding BMD is shown in Fig.4.18(b). Since the loading is symmetric; is zero at C. i gg z 1 al the maximum deflection occurs at C fit etn ee W/unit length | Fig. 4.18. trea of BMD between A and C, A= wh = Area _ _24 The slope at A = EI ~ EI w 3 Oa .* 24EI Deflection of A } ft { Deflection of C with respect toC} | with respect to A _ AE dy JBI wiL8 i Sea Ts _ 24 *B *2° rH El _ Swlt Y= 384 E1 4.1.20, CONJUGATE BEAM METHOD The methods we have seen in the previous articles like doug) method, Matauley’s method, Moment area method etc are some © ine, find the slope and deflection of the beam; when applied to beams y4. “de,” Tigidity is not uniform throughout the length of the beam. The sh Me, of such beams can be easily obtained by conjugate beam ™etho dey, modified form of moment area method. Thi j Conjugate beam is an imaginary beam of length qual to that of orig M .. : be, but for which load diagram is Ey] diagram (i.¢., the load at ANY Ping eee ™ Conjugate beam is equal to the BM at that point divided by En, The deflection is then found out by the following two theorems which are alyy « Mohr’s theorems. ‘ 1. The slope at any section for the given beam is equal to the shear force corresponding section of the conjugate beam. ae 2. The deflection at any section for the given beam is equal to the bey moment at the corresponding section of the conjugate beam, 4.1.21. CANTILEVER WITH A POINT LOAD AT THE FREE END Consider a cantilever AB of length L fixed at end A and free at B. BMatB = 0 BMatA = -WxL Draw the BM diagram as shown in Fig.4.19(). Then draw the conjugate beam i.e., x diagram as shown in Fig.4.1%c). ® total load on the conjugate beam is equal to the area of the load diagram. L_ We Total load on conjugate beam P= A= ; xLx-2E = -7El + soate DE Shear force at B for the conjugs wl? We know that Slope at B ul Deflection at B Hoes EI Mo gy dlaaram {c) Conjucate beam Fig. 4.19. Bending moment at B for the conjugate beam -pdet (-: consider the load on conjugate beam as UVL) WL? 2 ) -(-Fedet ye > L> I <= | we m shown in Fig.4.20(a). 44.22. CANTILEVER WITH UDL Consider a cantilever AB of length L, and carrying a UDL w per unit length as BMatB = 0 wl? BMatA = -"9 Draw the BM diagram as shown in Fig.4.20(b). Then draw the conjugate beam 8 shown in Fig.4.20(c). wlunit length fr chee 8 (a) CC “a BMD (b) From Fig.4.20(c), The total load on the \ = M. x3 ‘Area of EI diagram conjugate beam 1 wt) p= ts(55 xh ve Pe ~¢EI Slope atB = Shear force at B for the conjugate beam pk = -P = ¢E] Bending moment at B for the conjugate beam Deflection atB = { Ye = 4.1.23. CANTILEVER WITH UNIFORMLY VARYING LOAD Consider a cantilever AB of len; igth L fixed at A and free at B and carrying UVL of w per unit length as shown in Fig.4.21(@). BMatB = 0 ne | Beams 3 xb = Le GE ' \ BMatA D wh v ate the conve «the BM as shown in Fig.4-21(6) ‘Then draw Y - c). | pret | aw it rath " init lent a wu A 8 | A | | q Cubic curve | (b) BMD | A ii M ey ol2aram {c) Conjucate beam Fig. 4.21. From Fig.4.21(c) The total load on the } ae eM i conjugate beam rea of y diagram gilt wit) Poy xux( FR _ wis Pet “94 BI Slope at B, 8, = Shear force at B for the conjugate bea wo Corr ae OA a 5 { Bending moment at B Deflection at B, Ys ~ | for the conjugate beam bas. nee ecreniee 26 ree sy, 44.24, 88B WITH CENTRAL POINT LOAD A simply supported beam AB of length L and carryin, 8 8 Point load wy span as shown in Fig.4.22(a). q (b) BMD (c) Conjucate beam Fig. 4.22. / We know that BM will zero at both the end and maximum at cos follows straight line law from end to center. BMatA = 0 BMatC = WE 4 BMatB = 0 Draw the BMD as shown in Fig.4.22(b), — (i aw the conjugate beam as shown in Fig.4.22(c). a} toad 0” the conjugate beam = Area of M diagram To pe WL > x Lx] 1 WL? P= SEI - Reaction at each support for the conjugate beam _> 1 we we Ra = Ramo * SET “16EI : wl? Now, slope at A, 0, = Ry of conjugate beam = 7 6p] _wWe similarly, ®8 = T6EI Deflection at C, Yc = BMatC for the conjugate beam -~WEeoL (4 1 wir | ~ 16EI%2 ~\2 %3 “16ET _ WL Ye * 48El Fig4.23(a). Ra Rg BMatA BMat C BM at B 44.28, SSB WITH AN ECCENTRIC POINT LOAD A simply supported beam AB of length L and carrying a point load W at a tistance ‘a’ from support A and at a distance b from support B is shown in Draw the BMD as shown in Fig.4.23(b). Sirengit Of ———_——_“echanic, Aanieat (b) BMD | Wab ag ED, EIL (c) Conjucate beam Ru © Ra * Slope at B, 0, Q,.= similarly Wab Slope at A, 0, = +Ra= eerct2) Deflection aC, Yo = BM at C for the conjugate beam 1 Wab 1 = Ry of conjugate beam x b — 3% b XE IL *3 Wab Wab = LO +2a) 6 - Sere xP Wah? (b +2a~b) Maximum deflection From the figure, we approximately know that the maximum deflection take place in CB because b > a. SF at any section X of conjugate beam, at a distance 9 fom B, 1 Wab x = -Rptz XXXETL Bb Wab Wax? ~FEILO +2 +3 T Sea 2 ab+3x°) iven beam in between CB, sell TE Slope of “GEIL Gx <2 We know that the maximum deflection will occur at g e above equation to zer "on zero, Therefore equating th 9, “en wit Qx?-b-2ab) = 0 6 2 _ B+2ab ‘ 3 a 3 Deflection of given beam at any section X, at a distance x from B i Say bending moment of ae beam at any section x from B, = M, of conjugate beam Ny i eWaO'ral: a = Ryxx-3 X¥X BTL XG * FE Wa Wax? = GEIL t2ax- GEIL Wax Ys = 6BI Ly (0? + 2.ab~x?) For maximum deflection, substituting the value of x in the above equation. Wa b+ 2ab P+2ab Yue ERT ea [o+2a0-(“34) Wa B+2ab (2 “@EILY 3 (3 (0° + 2.ab) Wa _(b?+2ab\3 (2 } a(S } (3 e+ 200 eat Wallsti TeTta Ynar = Se py, (OP + 2ab)2 If'a "more than ‘b” then the above equation becomes 2 Wo ypc i mm © BEL tab? goo ge wiTtt A UDL oth y supported beam of AB, length L carrying a UDL of w per m length gS entire Span as shown in Fig.4.24(a). \ i" { pe reactions at A and B are R, = Rg= * ut 2 jenn Aan Bil bez and wil nase at the mid span of the «c’ parabolically. ea CP BMatA = 0 - BMatc = “= 8 BMatB = 0 Draw the BMD as shown in Fig.4.24(b). Then draw the conjugate beam as gownin Fig-4-24(c). | wimetre length (c) Conjucate beam Fig. 4.24. Total load on the conjugate Beam = Area of P= 12EI ~. Reaction at each support for the conjugate beam 1 wy : = =>xP=nr Ra Rew 2 *P = 9 app Re . ] 1 Slope at A. = R, of conjugate beam [ wL | (8a = 2481 ca [a wl —— [98 = 2481 Ue Deflection at C. y. = BM at C for the conjugate beam -(25 5) wL} 3 ~ \24 ET *2 ) 7 34 ET “ig "|| wLt Wn Asteel cantilever 6m long carries two point loads, 15 kN att free end and 25 kN ata distance of 2.5m from the free end. Find: (i) Slope at the free end (ii) Deflection at the free end. Take 1 = 1.3 x 105 mm! and E = 2 x 10° N/mm? Given data: As shown in Fig.4.25. 25kN 15KN | } i | Weed saw ee las iylcien ne tet cole |L If W, = ISKN = 15,000N W, = 25kN 25,000 N i a = 25m = 2500mm aaa L=6m 6000 mm tofind: (i) Slope at the free end C (0,) (if) Deflection at the free end C (yc) | Solution: pouble Integration Method: | From equation ( 4.5), slope at the free end due to the load 15 KN alone | ww ~ 2EI From equation (4.9), slope at the free end due to the load 25 KN alone _ W,(L-ay Fae : Total slope at the free end, WL W,(L-ay s 9. = QEY + 2E1 _ ___ 15000 x 6000? -__, 25000 x (6000 — 2500)" = Jud x 10x 13x10" 2x2x% 10x 1.3 x 108 soe ee fo, = 0.01627 rad From equation (4.7), deflection at the free end due to the load 15 kN alone wD ~ 3EI From equation (4.11), deflection at the free end due to the load 25 kN alone W2(L=a)) | W2(L=ay? 3EI 2EI a Total defection at the free end. wyP Wie) Wiha? yo" JET *” 3El ae 15000 x 6000" ays = 2500)" __ 15000 x 6000", = Fuad lx 13x 108 © 3x 2x 10x 13x 108 25000 x (6000 — 2509) 2x 2x 10x 13 x19 * By = 4154+ 13.74+ 14.723 = 70.003 mm Oooo") Deflection at free end, yo = 70mm Macaulay’s method: Equation (4.44), can be modified as follows for the cantilever beam. Bending moment. M, = —W,x-W,(x-a) (+ only W, and W, are prs) Integrating the above equation dy Slope, EI ax - Integrating again, El-y = “Wie +C,x+C,-W, Applying the following boundary conditions for cantilever (ij) Whenx=6m, slope g =0 (i) Whenx=6m, deflection y=0 Applying first B.C to the slope equation o = — 15000 (6000) |, _ 25000 «(6000-258 2 at Cy = 4.23 x 10!! of Beanie ying second B.| C to the deflection equation = 15000 x 6000? 6 + 4.23 x 10" x 6000 25000 x (6000 - 2500 6 +C,- C, = —1.82x 10! apstituting the value of x, C, and C, in equation (i) and (ii), we can get the and deflection. atthe free end, x = = and first term only valid for that section. ; dy ae 4.23 x 10!! :. Slope, Gy ~ EI” Ix 10°x 1.3% 108 = 0.01627 rad a =1.82x10 _ Hi Tixiae Deflection, (-ve sign due to downward deflection) [Moment Area Method First find out the BM at all points: and draw the BMD as shown in Fig.4.26. BMatC = 0 BMatB = - 15000 x 2500 = ~3.75 x 107N-mm BMatA = - 15000 x 6000 — 25000 x 3500 = 1,775 x 108N-mm ae I ed / v HH ‘ eh To find the area of BMD, divide the BMD into two triangles and “ Ee *eetan I x 2800 x 3.75 x 10” My, | Area of the first section, A, = = 4,687 x 10'° N-mm? | = 3500 x 3.75 x 10” = 1.3125 x 10!'N-mm? Area of the second section, A, 1 Area of the third section, Ay = 5 x 3500 x (1.775 x 1083.75 10) = 2.45 x 10!'N-mm? Total area of BMD, A = A, +A, +A; . = 4.687 10! + 1.3125 x 10" 42.45 x 190 A = 4.23 x 10''N-mm? According to Moment Area Method, _ Area of BMD 4.23 x lol! Slope at the free end, 0, = EI 2x10 13x19 @, = 0.01627 rad Ax EI Deflection, yo The total moment of the BMD about B is given by Ax = A,x, +A x) +Ajx; = 4.687 x 102 x 2500 + 1.3125 x 10!! x 2 \ (2500+ 3522) « 2.45 x 10!!x (25005 1.82 x 10!5 Ye * Tel0x 13x08 ifd re BEAM METHOD t the BM at the requi i oe find 01 bare quired points and draw the BMD. Then draw the aot peam ies By diagram as shown in Fig.4.27(¢). ; al load 0” the conjugate beam ~ wie fol M = Atea of the 57 diagram ; Er 1 ft = 5x 1.44 10 x 2500 1.44 x 10% 3500 --2 1 “3 % 3500 x (6.826 x 10°°- 1.44 x 10° = - 0.01627 5 ; WI7E EL 25 kN 15 kN } 1.44 x 10-6 — 6.826 x 10-6 (co) Fig. 4.27. According to conjugate beam method Slope at free end C, 1627 rad Deflection atC, yo = BMatC for the conjugate beam For finding BM at C for conjugate beam the total load can be considered as UVL and which is divided into two triangles and one rectangle. Strength of. ‘Materials for Mechanica Eng ne, eh 2 x 1,44 x 10° x 2500 x 3 x 2500 | 1 BMatC = [ 2 [ 1.44 x 10° x 3500 x (2500 +350) °» (sony + 1 I -6 2 Is x 3500 x (6.826 x 10 6_ 1.44 x 10”) x G x 900+ 25 = 70mm ~. Deflection at C, ye = 70mm Result: Slope at the free end, 8, = 0.01627 rad Deflection at the free end, yo = 70 mm

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