Analysis Sentiment and Tourist Response To Rinjani Mountain Tour Based On Comments From Photo Upload in Instagram

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Analysis Sentiment And Tourist Response To Rinjani

Mountain Tour Based On Comments From Photo

Upload In Instagram
Melati Rosanensi1 Miftahul Madani2
Department of Magister Informatics Department of Magister Informatics
Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta, Indonesia Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Rizki Tri Puji Wanggono3 Arief Setyanto4

Department of Magister Informatics Department of Magister Informatics Magister
Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta, Indonesia Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta, Indonesia Arief_s@

Andhika Agus Selameto5 Sri Ngudi Wahyuni6

Department of Informatics Management
Department of Informatics Management
Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Amikom Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Popular, Instagram Rules, Tagging Photos with Flags , and

Abstract— Rinjani Mountain in West Nusa Tenggara is there are many other additional features. The active internet
famous destination for travelling which has Instagram able for users in the world reached 4.021 billion people, which means
tourism photos. Its popularity because many social media tolls that active Internet users have reached more than half of
which easy to uploading photos. Instagram is a digital media
for sharing photos and videos to others. This paper aimed are
people on earth according to the latest data from the web page
(a) develop a sentiment classifier required method based on "We Are Social". In Indonesia itself, explained that the
Lexicon-Based method of conducting a dictionary-based number of internet users in the country reached 132 million
sentiment analysis and (b) Identifying the sentiments of each people. The number indicates that half or more than 50
opinion words contained in the response and hashtag data. The percent of Indonesia's population has access to the internet.
results are posting photo or picture in Instagram make positive While in the same report described from hundreds of millions
comment from visitor and the impact is increasing visitor to
of internet users in Indonesia is 60% have accessed the
Rinjani Mountain. The trial and evaluations system created be
able to provide information about positive, negative and neutral internet using a smart phone. Internet usage is dominated by
opinion of the community on tourism in Mount Rinjani. socializing activities in cyberspace. Evidenced by the number
of users of social media world so large in number, reaching
Keywoard: Sentiment Analysis, Lexicon-Based, Instagram, 3.196 billion users, and the most popular social media in the
Mount Rinjani. world is Instagram. According to Wikipedia, Instagram is a
photo and video sharing app that lets users take photos, take
I. INTRODUCTION videos, apply digital filters, and share them with various
Instagram is one of social media tools which can social networking services, including Instagram's own. Share
uploading photos and videos [1]. This is in contrast to the 4: their daily activities, to share photos and videos, and drag
3 aspect ratio commonly used by cameras on mobile devices. them to sell.
Instagram can be used on any iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch There are various impacts of social media such as
with iOS 7.0 or later operating system, any Android mobile promotional sites, arena multiply friends, as a place for
phone with operating system version 2.2 (Froyo) up, and dissemination of information, and as a means to develop skills
Windows Phone 8. This app can be uploaded through the and social. Social media is also a medium to showcase unique
Apple App Store and Google Play. Instagram Features are and interesting photos, such as photos of tourist attractions, such
Followers, Upload Photos, Cameras, Photo Effects, Photo as tourism on the mountain Rinjani. Mount Rinjani is a
Titles, Arroba, Photo Labels, mountain located on the island of Lombok, West Nusa
Competitions, Publications of Activities, Organization Tenggara. The mountain is the highest octane mountain in
Publishing, Geotagging, Social Networking, Like Signs, Indonesia with an altitude of 3726 m above sea level and located
at latitude 8º25 'LS and 116º28' BT is a favorite mountain for collecting, using data, historically to find regularities, patterns
Indonesian climbers because of its scenic beauty. This mountain or relationships in large data sets (Larose, 2005).
is part of Mount Rinjani National Park which has an area of
about 41,330 ha and this will be proposed addition to 76.000 ha IV. TEXT MINING
to the west and east. And in Instagram there are a lot of hastag Text mining is a mining performed by a computer to get
(#) with the word mount Rinjani, because Rinjani Mountain is something new in the form of an information, something
one of the favorite tourist pote in Indonesia and abroad. unknown or recover implicitly implicit information, derived
One branch of research that evolved from the explosion of from information extracted automatically from different text
information on the Internet was sentiment analysis. Sentiment data sources [4]. Basically the work process of text mining
analysis or often called opinion mining is a computational study adopts many data mining research, but the difference is that the
of people's opinions, appraisals and emotions through entities, pattern used by text mining is taken from a collection of
events and attributes (Liu, 2012). In this study, sentiment unstructured natural language, while in the data mining pattern
analysis will be used to determine the response of tourists to is taken from the structured data. The stages in text mining in
mountain tourism based on rinjani photos in social media general are text preprocessing and feature selection [4].
Instagram. To build a sentiment classifier required a method in V. SENTIMENT ANALYSIS
it. The method used in this research is the Lexicon-Based Sentiment analysis or opinion mining refers to the broad field
method of conducting a dictionary-based sentiment analysis. of natural language processing, linguistic computing and text
This method can identify the sentiments of each opinion words mining aimed at analyzing the opinions, sentiments,
contained in the data hastage in Instagram. To analyze maritime evaluations, attitudes, judgments and emotions of a person
tourism is required a method that can see directly the public whether the speaker or the author concerns a topic, product,
assessment of an object. service, organization, individuals, or certain activities. The basic
II. INSTAGRAM task in sentiment analysis is to classify the polarity of the text
present in the document, sentence, or feature / aspect level and
According to Wikipedia, Instagram is a photo and video determine whether the opinions expressed in the document,
sharing app that lets users take photos, take videos, apply digital sentence or feature of the entity / aspect are positive, negative or
filters, and share them with various social networking services, neutral. Further sentiment analysis can express emotional
including Instagram's own. One unique feature in Instagram is sadness, joy, or anger (Liu, 2012).
cutting photos into square shapes, so it looks like the results of
Kodak Instamatic camera and Polaroid. This is in contrast to the VI. LEXICON-BASED
4: 3 aspect ratio commonly used by cameras on mobile devices. One common approach used in conducting sentiment
Instagram can be used on any iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch with analysis is to use Lexicon-Based. This method is also called
iOS 7.0 or later operating system, any Android mobile phone lexical based approach. Lexical based approach is a method to
with operating system version 2.2 (Froyo) up, and Windows perform sentiment analysis using a dictionary as a source of
Phone 8. This app can be uploaded through the Apple App Store language or lexical. Process steps from the Lexicon Based
and Google Play. Instagram Features are Followers, Upload method:
Photos, Cameras, Photo Effects, Photo Titles, Arroba, Photo
Labels, Competitions, Publications of Activities, Organization A. Data Acquisition
Publishing, Geotagging, Social Networking, Like Signs, In this process is done data retrieval from social media
Popular, Instagram Rules, Tagging Photos with Flags , and there Instagram Indonesia language. The result of this process is a list
are many other additional features. This is one reason the author of tourist opinions and metadata such as: name and opinion.
chose to use Instagram as a medium for analytical sentiments on
B. Load Dictionary
Gunung Rinjani, so many comments and responses about
Gunung Rinjani from photos uploaded on Instagram made it In this process the dictionary load is done. Dictionary is an
easier for authors to carry out sentiment analysis. important component in systems that use lexicon-based
approach. Dictionary is used in the process of normalization of
III. DATA MINING sentences and keyword extraction. In this study refers to KBBI
Data mining is a process that uses statistical techniques, dictionary, where the author uses the KBBI dictionary in
mathematics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning to building a system of sentiment analysis for mountain tourism
extract and identify useful information and related knowledge Rinjani.
from large databases (Turban, 2005). The term data mining has C. Preprocessing
the essence as a discipline whose primary purpose is to discover,
Preprocessing aims to prepare sentences before keyword
dig, or mine the knowledge of the data or information that we
extraction and sentiment determination. The process is a
have. Data mining, often referred to as Knowledge Discovery in
normalization of sentences that aims to normalize the sentence
Database (KDD). KDD is an activity that encompasses
so that the sentence is not standard to be normal so that the
nonstandard language can be recognized as a language in system with the actual sentimental value previously defined by
accordance with KBBI. humans, in this case by the authors themselves.
D. Eliminate Emoticon VII. DATA COLLECTION
Inadvertently or intentionally, Instagram users sometimes Broadly speaking, the following stages in the process of
also use emoticons as expressing feelings. The following table collecting data is the collection of response data tourists and the
conversion of emoticons can be seen in table 1 as follows : collection of data sources through the process of crawling.
A. Tourist Comment Data Collection
Emoticon Conversion
The first step is to collect data on Instagram about the
:) :-) ^_^ Smile comments of tourists to the mountain tour of Rinjani with
:D :-D Laughter caption on photos or video, hastag and mantions. The data
:( :-( Sad collection of tourist comments on each photo that is determined
:p :-p Taunted as material for data collection is done manually, the authors read
;) ;-) Blink one by one existing comments and then grouped by Extract
keywords used as positive, negative and neutral determinants.
:/ :-/ Confused
:| :-| Touched
B. Data Collection Source
Data source collection is done through online crawling
E. Extract keywords
process from some hastags in instagram that has been set.
This process aims to extract the key words of positive and Instagram Visitor, is a collection of data from photo uploader on
negative sentiments. Here is a dictionary used in this study and instagram website, where Instagram application have provided
an example of the contents of the dictionary: latitude and longitude coordinates in meta photos uploaded by
a. Positive keywords: nice, beautiful, beautiful, cool, waw cellular phone to their website. The goal is to know how many
b. Negative keywords: ugly, dirty, distant, cold people are taking photos in a place of tourism based on latitude
c. Neutral keywords: mundane, not related to posted photos and longitude provided by instagram.
d. Abbreviated keywords
- bgs = good To generate information on the popularity of tourist
- sy = me responses, sentiment analysis is implemented on a web-based
F. Determine sentiment basis with the two most important main pages, the hastag
This process aims to determine the sentiments of an opinion information page as shown in Figure 1, as well as detailed
sentence, the determination of sentiment is done by calculating information from the tourist response as shown in Figure 3.
the probability of the emergence of positive keywords and From the page as seen in the figure above, then can be selected
negative keywords. The classification of the dictionary based one of the pictures if you want to see details of the information.
approach is based on 2 Equations: IX. RESULT ANALYSIS OF DATA VALIDITY
If ∑k score(k) > 0 then positive
Based on the data collected, the data content generated by the
If ∑k score(k) < 0 then negative number of hastags that existed directly can be seen on the
If ∑k score(k) = 0 then neutral Instagram search homepage, one of the contents of humbag
Where : ∑k score (k) = The value of sentiment Instagram rinjani mountain and one of the response of tourists
on his photo in instagram as follows:
To calculate the amount of accuracy on instagram data used

Accuracy = t / n * 100

Where :
t = number of correct sentences
n = sum of all instagram data

System performance is measured by calculating the level of

accuracy of system detection. Accuracy is calculated by
comparing the results of the detection of sentiments from the
picture 1. Hastags Mount Rinjani
picture 3. One of the tourist response is mountain rinjani
Very much hastage about gunung rinjani tour, like
#gunungrinjani and #gunungrinjani3720mdpl search And the picture above is one of the visitors of Mount
compilation laid out Instagram homepage. There are locations Rinjani who is given a caption about how awe-inspiring to the
and compilations done with the keywords of mount Rinjani on beauty of the mountain Rinjani.
the Instagram veranda such as Rinjani Mountain, Rinjani hall TNGR noted, the visits of tourists
Mountain National Park, and many others. This shows that to Mount Rinjani always shows an increasing trend every year.
many tourists have ever done tracking to rinjani mountain tour. Head of Sub-division Head of TNGR Dwi Pangestu said the
total number of visitors to Mount Rinjani in 2010 was 13,956
people. This number is increasing every year. In 2014, the
number of visitors was 61,692 people, and rose to as many as
70,705 people in 2015, and again increased to as many as 93,018
people in 2016. For visits during 2017, TNGR Hall recorded
79,163 people, consisting of 38,315 foreign tourists, and 40,848
tourist archipelago. Head of Sub-division Head of TNGR Dwi
Pangestu said the total visit of 79,163 people this year is a
recapitulation until November 2017. "The data of 2017 visitors
until November, that number can still increase," said Dwi in a
written statement received by in Mataram,
NTB, Sunday (24/12). Rinjani mountain tourists will usually be
crowded in May until August, and afterwards will experience a
decrease due to weather factors.
picture 2. The contents of one hastage gunung rinjani The data of tourist arrivals both domestic and abroad to
When opening one of Instagram account #gunungrinjani Mount Rinjani National Park for the year 2011 as many as 15
then there are photos and videos when tourists are on the 030 people (tourists 8,778 people and wisnu 6,252 People) or
mountain with a height of 3720 mdpl. increased 7.70% compared to the year 2010, for 2012 the
number of visitors increased again as many as 4752 people
become 19,982 people (foreign tourists 10.956 people and
wisnu 8,826 people) or an increase of 31.62% compared to
2011. In 2013 the number of visits in Mount Rinjani National
Park increased by 18,056 people to 37,838 people (foreign
tourists 17,634 people and wisnu 20,204 Persons) or increased
by 91,27% compared to 2012 (
Here's a graphic of visitors of rinjani mountain visitors 2011 – comments, and 43 neutral comments. For the second photo there
2017 : are 143 comments divided into 113 positive kometar, 9 negative
comments, and 21 neutral comments. As for the third photo
there are 145 comments that are divided into 114 positive
Visitor Data of Rinjani comments, 5 negative comments, and 26 neutral comments.
Years 2011 - 2017 In comparison, the results of this study were compared with
one of the famous tourist instagram of Instagram Merapi
100000 mountain which is located in Magelang Central Java. It turns out
to response tourists so enthusiastic on nature like Mount Rinjani
50000 The visitor and Merapi. As long as nature is guarded by man, then nature
0 will give the best for man himself.
The purpose of this research is to see the responses of tourists
picture 4. Graph of visitor data of rinjani mountain in year who have climbed to Mount Rinjani, so that prospective tourists
2011 - 2017 can consider, find out and prepare for whatever needs are needed
to climb Mount Rinjani, other than that with the implementation
The data graph of rinjani mountain tourist visitors in 2011 of sentiment analysis to determine the response rate of tourists
- 2017 is reaching 100,000 in 2017. Tourist data every year to Mount Rinjani on Instagram media, is expected to become a
almost always increase although in 2017 decreased visitor. In useful information media for both tourists and the government.
the figure above we have the caption 1 = 2011, 2 = 2012, 3 = Especially for the government, the information can be utilized
2013, and 4 = 2014, 5 = 2015, 6 = 2016, 7 = 2017. In 2011 visitor to enhance the promotion of various tourism objects, either in
data is 15,030 people, as many as 19,782 people, in the year the form of guidance book (Indonesian tourist guide), or
2013 was 37,838 people, 2014 visitor data is 61,692 people, by promotion through the tourism websites, for example the
2015 visitor data is 70,705 people, in 2016 the data of the visitor website of Wonderful Indonesia and Pesona Indonesia.
made a significant increase of 93,018 people, but the data of Particularly in the tourism domain, the assessment components
visitors in the year 2017 experienced decrease of 79,163 visitors. used may provide more objective judgments generated based on
Here is the data commented the tourists on three post photos content opinions or reviews from social media and other tourism
Instagram dikolom comments : sites.

[1] Wahyuni. S.N, Wibowo. F.W. 2018. Internet Usage Pattern in
140 Entrepreneurship-Based XYZ IT Private University. Advanced
120 Science Letters, Volume 24, Number 4, April 2018, pp. 2651-
100 2654(4). DOI: [2] Liu, B.
Positive 2012. Opinion Mining. Chicago, United States of America
Negative [3] Larose, D.T. 2005. Discovering Knowledge in Data: An
60 Introduction to Data Mining. John Willey & Sons, Inc.
40 Neutral [4] Turban, E., Aronson, J.E., & Liang, T.P. 2005. Decision Support System
and Intelligent Systems - 7th ed. Pearson Education, Inc. Pearson
20 Education, Inc. Liu, B. 2012. Opinion Mining. Chicago,
0 United States of America
Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 [5] Feldman, Ronen dan Sanger, James. 2007. The Text
picture 5. Graph of comment data on three post picture in
Handbook Advanced Approaches in Analyzing
Unstructured Data. Cambridge University Press, New
In the above graph there are three commentary data
consisting of three photographs are picture 1, picture 2, and
picture data 3. Blue color is positive data, orange color is
negative data, and ash color is neutral data. And the comments
data taken on the three post photos are in one of Instagram
hastage mount Rinjani accounts, in the first photo there are 185
comments divided from 134 positive comments, 8 negative

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