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Brijesh Mathur (contact: 9312719769, mathur.b@gmail.


B.B.Tewari, (contact: 9312533588,

Responsible CitizenShip is a Social Impact Movement
inspiring ALL HUMANS on this Planet to become
Responsible for Socio Economic Architecture.
We have a fairly large number of people who are
interested to undergo a Change and align their
actions to build it.
Who are we........
• Mr. B.B. Tewari (BBT), & Brijesh Mathur (BM) are on a mission of inspiring
all the people to become Responsible Citizens.
• BM is the driving force of the movement. An MBA of ’78 batch. After three
decades as a Marketing Professional, he became an Educationist. As Dean
North Zone, ICFAI National College, he handled 40 Management Schools.
Here he inspired thousands of 1st. generation learners into a successful a
career. This was a delightful experience in making a social impact.
• BBT the KNOWLEDGE POWERHOUSE, is a Post Graduate with PDIT. He
resigned from the Government as a Class 1 Officer due to low morals/ethics
in the bureaucratic environment. Moved on to work for three decades in
leading TNC/MNC/Groups/Corporates who were the prime movers in INDIA
and the developed countries. His last assignment was as a Vice President
in Singapore in Agio Counter Trade Pte. Ltd controlling operations in 38+
Countries in the CIS/Russia, China etc. as an SBU head.
Observations on current scenario of
“Socio economic Environment”
• The accelerated speed of Change with unrestricted Digital information
& entertainment environment, has lead to degeneration of values, and
changed our lives for the worse.
• Our National Pride, morals, ethics and values have also degenerated
over the years.
• The future seems to be disastrous for the coming generations & our
progeny and the Planet.
• Unless a major and comprehensive course correction is kick-started
NOW, the systemic decay that has already set in, becomes
intolerable, inhospitable and unliveable.
• This Damocles' Sword is hanging over Mankind’s existence.
• Hence this is a “Wake up Call” for all humans.
The current pandemic, hitting all Humans on this planet is a
wake up call for all to reform for survival.
What do we need?

This compels the need to coalesce like - minded humans to

help in developing and setting up an “Inclusive Architecture” to
spearhead the change in the mindset of all human brings on
the planet. 

We need people who are open minded, socially conscious and

are committed to put in their resources - Quality time, Dedication,
Soul and Networks as a mission.
Who are the primary stakeholders?

• The youth of today are the citizens of tomorrow.

• They’re the primary target audience, stakeholders and
beneficiaries of a golden Age.
• Today’s students are Evolved, consciencous & right thinking.
• Quite often they are the conscience keepers in their families.
• They are openminded, seek answers, are mentally agile and
technology savvy.
• Active digitally, they have adapted well to the present way of
life - education, entertainment and social networking.
• This pandemic has brought about a disruptive development
in the attitudes and behaviour of all Humans o this Planet
YOU, the young adults are the future generation.
• YOU have the maturity to see the future ahead of YOU.
• YOU need to make this a better world, for YOUR OWN benefit.
• YOU have aspirations for a good life ahead of you.
• YOUR Physical, Emotional & Financial health is reasonably sound, think and act
independently, and focused on YOUR own life and well being.
• YOUR our own happiness factor is your primary concern.
YOU are the conscience keepers of our Family’s moral and ethical values.
INDIAN family system leads the world in Emotional Quotient and stability.
THIS is the Phase of life, YOU MUST dedicate to become Responsible Citizens.
AND INSPIRE your Family members with the RC spirit.
This will also go a long way in improving internal family affection, empathy,
compassion and address human conflict.
Thus YOU HELP to create a global Community of Responsible
Citizens, who “resonate” with care for Environment and fellow
human beings to make this Planet a better place for the
present and the future generations.
• In all spheres of life.
• In all parts of the World.
• In all age groups.
Pledge to become a Responsible Citizen to
your present way of life: Beliefs, Attitudes,
Behavior and Actions.
The pandemic has Forced all Humans on this Planet to get locked in,
do introspection, self realisation, be humane & environmentally sensitive.
•We have all become “SCREENAGERS” !! We all are living a digital and communication revolution.
•In the '60/75 - we only had cinema Screens.
•'75/90 - add TV & business computer Screens.
•90s - add Personal Computers, in 2015 - smartphones.
The 2020 pandemic, most of us are full-time “Screenagers” - (smart phone,
PCs, laptops, Tabs, etc. Imagine the impact it is having on all humans:
It has reduced social distancing and geographic and time zone distances.
Enabled all to have:
• Full access to info, knowledge, opinion, view, truth, falsehood, etc.
•Anything Anywhere Anytime everyONE.
Massive influence & impact on attitude and behaviour.
•Freedom to receive, create and transmit.
Can we see an opportunity to reach out to all Humans on this Planet to:
•🙏 Reform their own attitude & behaviour?
•🙏 Become Responsible Citizens caring for Humanity and Environment?
•🙏 Be the change we want to see?
•🙏 Lead by example?
•🙏 Walk the talk?
What is “Responsible CitizenShip” ? (RC)
Apolitical, Nonaligned, INCLUSIVE ARCHITECTURE
for a common objective to change the attitude and behaviour of
people to
Pledge to “Walk the Talk”.
Pledge to “Walk the Talk”.......
The honour of fulfilling our vows of Responsible Citizens.
Purifying the prevailing ideas of a corrupt age.
One to one dialogue to enable all humankind to attain a
State of lasting Happiness.
Thus transform from "deploring" to “rejoicing”, creating a
realm of happiness & peace for ourselves & others.
Thereby creating a human revolution to change the mind
and soul.
Responsible Citizens (RC)
take a Pledge to Walk the Talk.
Inclusive Architecture:
• We invite ALL to join this movement.
• All Those whose current “Statement of Purpose” (SOP)
deals with issues of environment, cleanliness, morality,
ethics, values safety, health, etc.
• They can ADD in their Statement of Purpose (SOPs), the
dimension of changing the attitude and behaviour of the
general public in relation to their area of activity on a
mission mode.
• They should pledge their values to be as per the SPIRIT
and ESSENCE of Responsible Citizenship (RC).
How are we any different? Pledge to Walk the Talk
• Self - Be the change you want to see.
• Be AWARE of what is your Attitude, Behaviour & Action.(ABA)
• Be SENSITIVE – cause and Effect cycle - how YOUR “ABA”
affects YOUR environment. (eg. your speech & tone)
• Get INSPIRED to be the Change you want to see. Accept what
all you need to change, take a pledge to change yourself.
INSPIRE others to join the Change.
• Peoples’ movement is to BRING TOGETHER ALL – Institutions,
Organisations, and Humans to join.
• As everyone around you changes their “ABA”, YOU MAKE
How are we any different? Pledge to “Walk the Talk”
Our 10 defining Cs
Committed, Compassionate, Co-operative, Co-ordinated, Concurrent,
Con-flamed, Co- functioning, Constant, Conceptual, Co-linear
Our 3 defining E’s:
Experience, Experiment, Expectations.
Our 5 defining P’s:
Proactive, Patient, Persistent, Purposive, Positive.
Our 12 defining R’s
RESONATE, Rejoice, Readdress, Reduce, Refuse, Re Use, Repair,
Remodel, Recover, Replenish, Recycle, Rethink.
“Vasudeva Kutumba”

What is Our “Circle of influence?”, 

(3E’s – Economic/Environment/Emotion)
•Erosion – Values, Environmental.
MY PLANET •Global Warming Climate Change
•Water, Forest cover,



•Material and Financial.
MYSELF •Happiness
•Material and Financial
Adopt the 17 SDGoals: Add Goal ZERO
Zero: Pledge to become a Responsible Citizen
compassionate, morals and ethics.

Goal 1: Goal 7: Clean Water & Goal 13:

No Poverty sanitation Climate Action
Goal 2: Goal 8: decent work & Goal 14:
ZERO Hunger Economic Growth Life below Water
Goal 3: Good Health & Goal 9: Industry Goal 15:
wellbeing Innovation & Life on land
Goal 4: Goal 10: Reduced Goal 16: Peace & Justice
Quality Education inequality Strong Institutions

Goal 5: Goal 11:Sustainable Goal 17: Partnerships to

Gender Equality Cities & community achieve the Goals
Goal 6: Affordable & Goal 12: Responsible
Clean Energy Consumption &
Be the change you want to see. Pledge to “Walk the Talk”
As a Responsible Citizen (RC), initiate small efforts, change your own
habits in Private as well as Public spaces:
• Conserve resources – Energy, Water (turn off lights/fans/ACs/TV, taps
everywhere, etc.)
• Manage garbage. (segregate bins, don’t litter roads & markets,
• Go for walks, in the gardens, cycling, traversing in the hills, enjoy being
with Nature.
• Avoid compulsive indulgent “joyrides”. Safe, smooth and patiently without
anger (honking/ Zebra crossing/ Lane driving/ Mobile usage Etc.)
Enjoy and protect Nature (plant trees/plants, water – the elixir of life) thus
addressing the Heat Islands and Global warming, before Greta Thunberg
forecast “doom” becomes a reality.

Pledge to be the CHANGE you want to see.
CHECK those who behave IRRESPONSIBLY,
Inculcate Values, Ethics and Morality.
• ALL Humans should differentiate between Right & Wrong,
(acceptable or non acceptable) Good & Bad.
• ALL Humans have concern for Environment & for Fellow Humans.
• ALL Humans should take civic and social responsibility.
This initiative seeks to correct many aspects, and have an impact on all
the areas of “Responsible Citizenship”, on broad topics like:
Being a good human being, benign religious values. At home, and Pre-
and Primary school, we should teach our children the following:
• “Goodness” of all Religions. Love & respect ALL religions & faiths.
• The importance of “doing good to others”, The Happiness in giving to
the needy, helping others, being kind sympathetic and compassionate
towards other people. Basic questions on Morality, Ethics and Values
Vs. Law.
Our Activities in 2019:
March 2019 -
We had done a Pilot Project for improving Road Safety in NCR.
• Transport Department to improve Driving Licence criteria & testing.
• Traffic police to train filed staff correct, counsel and penalise defaulters.
• Residents (RWAs) and Road Users to ensure Road Safety (their own & others’).
• Students to help educate, compliance, starting with self & family.
• Special training for OLA/UBER and commercial vehicle drivers.
April 2019 -
• Events in schools – children are the BEST change agents in the family. We
conducted an Event to bring awareness and attention of children on issues of
Environment and Water conservation, Road safety, care of Girl Child, women’s
safety. The event was designed by the school teachers. Children did 3 skits, 2
song, and paintings, on the themes given. There was a discussion to highlight the
change in Attitude and Behaviour and RESPONSIBLE Citizenship. BBT
highlighted the initiative for WATER/ TREE protection.
New Greenfield School 

Pilot event - 24th April

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