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FExample 3.27] A hollow shaft = 84 Gpa. Length = 3m. Given data: d/D GorC To find: External Diameter (D) eee eee Eee of diameter ratio 3/8 is required to transmit |p at 110 rpm. The maximum torque exceeds the mean by 20% ee 2 A rss 8 limited to 63 N/mm? and the twist should not be more than 0.0081 rad. leulate the external diameter required satisfying both the conditions. Take 6. The shear [Apr 2001] 588 kW 110 rpm 3/8 => d=0375D 12T pan eCRE OP Mone TP 63 N/mm? Fs meat Tides 0.0081 rad O12 Tet Th 84 Gpa = 84 x 10° pa = 84 x 10° Nim? 84 x 10? N/mm 3 m=3000 mm Solution: > ‘We know that, Shear stress and angle of twist both are given. First case: Considering shear stress (t) We know the We know that, Power, 588 = 60 2nNT P= "0 2xnxOxT T = 51.04 KN-m = 51.04 10?N-m 51.04 x 10°N-mm 1.04 x 10° N-mm Tnean 1.2 T eon = 1.2.x 51.04 x 10°N-mm. Tae = 61.2 x 10° N-mm_ Torque, T, 61.2 61.2 i Dia" ~ 16 **| Dp te Fe xa [ Pars | te bt 10° = ae x 63x (1 -(0.375)'] External diameter, D = 171.5 mm at, Mntemal dana ae Internal diameter, d = 643 mm Lintermal diameter, d = 64.3mm_ | d = 0375 D = 0.375 x 171.5 Second case: Considering angle of twist (6) a> : ce oll x where, J = 35 (Dt— a4] 61.2 x 10° 84 x 10° x 0.0081 xp ay 3000 Torsten - D‘-d* = 2.7x 10° Dy D*~ (0.375 D)* = 2.7x 10° Ss D‘ x [1 - (0.375)4] = 2.7 10° [External diameter, D = 229.09 mm | We know that, d = 0375D Internal diameter, d = 85.90mm From the above two cases, we find that external diameter of the shaft is 229.09 mm and internal diameter is 85.90 (i.e., greater of the two values). Result: External diameter, D = 229.09 mm 85.90 mm i Internal diameter, d | Bsxampie 325] A solid shaft ts to transmit 300 KW at 100 rpm | ihe : I Stress is not 10 exceed 80 N/mm’. Find the anal Irs ane If this shag AN we, be replaced by hollow shaft of same material and length wil ie Internal digg te 0f 0.6 times the external diameter, what percentage saving In weight jy 3 [Madras Univ, Og Me 96) Given data: P= 300kW N = 1001pm + = 80Nimm? d = 06D, [+s d, ~ Inner diameter of hollow shaft Dy~ Outer diameter of hollow shaft] To find: 1. Diameter of the solid shaft (D) 2. Yof saving in weight ©Solution: We know that, NT Power, P = 22% 2xmx100xT 300 = <0 = 28.6 KN-m = 28.6 x 10° N-m T = 28.6 x 10°N-mm. a Torque for solid shaft (considering shear stress) T= igxuxD 28.6 x 108 ie x 80x D? Sol shaft diameter, D_= 122.1 mm Solid shaft is replaced by hollow shaft In hollow shaft, —_ Inner diameter, d Outer diameter, D, Tad Where, d = oT Di 80x 5" [1-0.6)4] 16 * 80x D} [0.8704] +. (2) ye know that, orgue transmitted by hollow shaft is equal to the torque transmitted by solid when the solid shaft is replaced by hollow shaft. suating (1) and (2), => 28.6108 = TE x 80x D} [0.8704] External diameter, D, = 127.8mm Weknow that, d = 06D Internal diameter, { Weight ott { Weight of } eee pt = LS0lid shaft J ~ Lhollow shaft % of saving in weight = —""Wicight of solid shaft * 100 3) Weight of solid shaft = Area of solid shaft x Density x Length = PD xpxL = P2217 xp xb Weight of solid shaft.= 11709.03 x p x L Weight of hollow shaft = Area of hollow shaft x Density x Length = FO} -@)xpxb a rete =F x (02787 (76.68)"] x px L Weight of hollow shaft = 8209.7 x peL aaa : 11709.03 pL - 8209.7 pL (3) => % of saving in weight = oS tTe8 3 aL 100 % of saving in weigh 29.8 % Result: Percentage of saving in weight = 29.8% ee { Area of a } { Area of solid shaft J ~ | hollow san | % of saving in material = ‘Area of solid shaft x 109 | “ al Area of solid shaft = GD mumimum or ae 3.4.15, SOLVED PROBLEMS. A shaft POR of 0.6 m length and 0.050 m external diameter & bored, for a part of its length PQ, to a 0.025 m diameter and for the remaining, | Tength QR to a 0.035 m diameter bore, If the shear stress is not to exceed 70 find the maximum power that the shaft can transmit ata speed of 150 rpm to that in the 2 Nam, Ifthe angle of twist in the length of 0.025 m diameter bore is equal 0.035 m diameter bore, find the length of the shaft that has been bored to 0.025 m and 0.035 m diameter. Total length of the shaft, L = 0.6m = 600mm External diameter, D = 0.050m = 50mm Length of PQ = Ly mm Internal diameter of PQ, d, = 0.025m = 25mm Length of QR = Lymm Internal diameter of QR, dy = 0.035 m = 35mm Maximum shear stress, + = 70 N/mm? Speed,N = 150 1pm To find: 1. Maximum power, P 2. Length of shaft, (PQ), L, 3. Length of shaft, (QR), L, Solution: Torque transmitted by hollow shaft PQis given by Trg = of ] 7 -% xf (so= 2s ] Trg = 1.61 x 10°N-mm ~ aransmitted by hollow shaft QR is given by yet ond Dig! Ta = & a4) on" 16 *4[ 7 wk (50)*- (35)* Tg x70] St O5" | Toa = 1.30 x 10°N-mm the above tWo cases, we find that torque transmitted by the whole shaft is of N-mm -e., minimum of the two values, I x 30 Torque transmitted, T = 1,30 10°N-mm e T= 130kNm _ 2aNT 60 Weknow that, Power, P = 2x nx 150x130 60 P = 20.41 kW ‘Torque transmitted by hollow shaft PQ (considering angle of twist) is given by Tr _ © Sra L, ~ 9 = loxhs Cig Tox Angle of twist in shaft, PQ = —2=-— mr) Coke Torque transmitted by hollow shaft QR (considering angle of twist) is given by To _ C8 Tena ls > — Tork Co Jor Tog x Ly Angle of twist in shaft, QR = —2——* wn Q) Con / Equating (1) and (2) Trg X Li a CoJoq We know that, torque (TT) and shear Boil 2 Tan x La Coe (C)are same for the given shag > OR x [ot Sey > Epi_gt 7 pq) $04 1 pele > ™ 54) Flo! 254] zy [50*- 354 & L, = 1.23 Ly e L, = 1.23 [600-L,] [e L=L, +1, 600=L, +1, : 00-1.) S L, = 738-123 L, “239 = L, = 330.94 mm Length of the shaft (PQ), L, = 330.94 mm We know that, L=L,+l, > 600 = 330.94+L, > L, = 296.06 mm [Length of the shaft (QR), Ly = 296.06 mm Result: qT Maximum power, P = 20.41 kW 2. Length of the shaft (PQ). L, = 330.94 mm a Length of the shaft (QR). Ly = 296.06 mm a IN SERIES . oe HAT ons the composite oFtwo shas are connected in eres, In many situat = “at transmits the same corgue but the angle of twig, In this case, each afts connected in series. ty sum of the angle of twist of the two shi Angle of twist, 0 = 0, +9, L L To Thy, Ths ( 1 a FE 9= eEtGy MENGE Where shafts are made of same material, Cc 7 CQ 1h 2) Here the driving torque is applied at one end and the resisting torque at theo end. 3.1.19. SHAFTS IN PARALLEL When the driving torque is applied at the junction of the shafts and the resis jorque is a the other ends of the shafts, then the shafls are said to be in paral, Here the angle of twist is same for each shaft, but the applied torque is div between the two shafts. 0, = @ Th hh Gs, = Gi; Hee T= 7, +7, If the shafis are made of same material, C=C, Thh h at wth “Ty, the shafts shared the torque equally, then T, = Ty ee. 3.2. SPRINGS | A spring is a device which is used to absorb energy by taking very large in its form without permanent deformation and then release the same When ty required. For example, a spring in the clock work is used to absorb ENETEY wie the clock wound. This absorbed energy is gradually released at a show hel continuous rate as the clock runs. Another common example is the carriage spring or leaf spring in an automobile which absorb road shock by continuously absortig| energy due to shock by their deformation and then dissipating the same 5 vibrating. 3.2.1. TYPES OF SPRINGS We may divide the springs mainly into two categories: 1. Torsion spring 2. Bending spring prs eto mre “st vs prate springs fall under this category. i snr rnes8 fe aisfness of @ spring is defined as the load required to produce unit on. (,08ED- COILED HELICAL SPRINGS pis one type of torsion spring. In this type of spring, the wire is tuned so oy tat each turn is nearly right angle to the axis of the spring and the gap two consecutive turns is small. In closed coiled helical springs, an axial lets produces only torsion on the material of the spring. = 5 \ | lana. Hoa h, Helix angle (a)is the angle which the coils make With planes the axis of the spring, Pe | OPEN - COILED HELICAL SPRING SUBJECTED TO Axia, LOAD ler an open-

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