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SAP Asset Accounting: Year-End Closin

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Year-End Closing Issues for Fixed Assets - FAQ Printed From: Michael Management Category: SAP Financials Forum Name: SAP Asset Accounting Forum Discription: SAP Asset Accounting Topics URL: http://www.mic haelmanagement.c om/forum/forum_posts.asp?TID=106 Printed Date: 08 Dec 2010 at 2:20am

Topic: Year-End Closing Issues for Fixed Assets - FAQ

Posted By: txm1004 Subject: Year-End Closing Issues for Fixed Assets - FAQ Date Posted: 02 Jan 2007 at 1:13pm
Hello & Happy New Year to Everyone, First day back in my office and my inbox is packed with questions, error messages and issues related to the year-end closing for Fixed Assets! So I thought instead of answering each one separately we'll start this FAQ list for everyone's benefit. Please answer any questions you can and feel free to add new questions to the list - as long as they are related to the year-end c losing for Fixed Assets. Thanks, Tom

Error Message: "Cannot determine the period for rule xx on xx/yy/07" Solution: The period c ontrol calendar assignments have not been maintained properly. Please refer to step # 6 of our year-end c losing guide (don't have it? Download it here: tID=30 tID=30 ) You need to find all depreciation keys you are actively using for your Fixed Assets, then check transac tion AFAMA to find all period c ontrols for these deprec iation keys and then use OAVH to maintain all these period controls for the new year.

Error Message: "Can't run any standard reports for 2007" Solution: You need to perform a year-end change (transac tion AJRW) before you can run reports with an 2007 reporting date.

Error Message: "Depreciation not c ompletly posted" Solution: Assuming that you have already processed depreciation for 12/2006 the system has recalculated new deprec iation amounts that have not been picked up in the earlier run. You need to perform a 'repeat deprec iation run' for period 12/2006 and post these values in 2006 before you c an 1/7


SAP Asset Accounting: Year-End Closin

close the year.

Error Message: "Close Fisc al Year xxxx for c ompany code yyyy first" Solution: You're in deep doo-doo...apparently you have not closed the prior fiscal year (2005) properly (or inadvertenly re-opened it). The system requires you to process a complete year-end close for the prior year first. If the system wants to post depreciation for the earlier year (which you most likely do not want to post) you need Expert c onsulting help (yeah, that's us).

Error Message: "Asset xxx is incomplete" Solution: The asset has been flagged as being incomplete (could be because of missing/incorrect data, etc.). The asset has to be completed before you can complete the year-end close. Use program RAUNVA00 for this.

------------Regards, Thomas Michael Michael Management Corporation ------------ -

Replies: Posted By: Judy1165 Date Posted: 02 Jan 2007 at 4:59pm

Strange message -- haven't had this problem before -- when I tried to close assets in test mode found that one asset #85861 somehow rec eived dollars through a transfer but while the asset has the ac quisition dollars, it does not have a capitalization date. Get the error message FGV004 00/00/0000 not expected. When we go through AS02 to try to change the asset and add capitalization date, the system won't even let us look at the asset. The only way to view it is through reports. Any way to get a cap date in the asset when this problem occurs so that we c an close the year?

Posted By: txm1004 Date Posted: 02 Jan 2007 at 5:04pm

Hi Judy, Indeed, quite guess is that the transaction type used in the transfer was not configured to set the c apitalization date. I would suggest ot reverse the transfer, correct the transac tion type configuration and re-post the transfer while the 2006 year is still open. Hope this helps! Tom 2/7


SAP Asset Accounting: Year-End Closin

------------Regards, Thomas Michael Michael Management Corporation ------------ -

Posted By: Judy1165 Date Posted: 02 Jan 2007 at 5:16pm

The user used standard transaction type 380 xfer current yr affiliated company. Since we had this problem, he created a new different asset and put the c ap date on the new asset and transferred the dollars from the asset 85861 to a new asset. Now 85861 doesn't have dollars but still gives the error so we'll still have problems closing. Any way to go into the table and put in that cap date?

Posted By: txm1004 Date Posted: 02 Jan 2007 at 5:26pm

Have you checked the configuration for transaction type 380? I am sure that the capitalization flag is not set. What error are you getting in transaction AS02? Have you checked OSS? Tom

------------Regards, Thomas Michael Michael Management Corporation ------------ -

Posted By: Judy1165 Date Posted: 02 Jan 2007 at 6:00pm

I c hecked the configuration for trans type 380 and you are correct that the capitalization flag was not set. The error I get in AS02 is SYST: Date 00/00/0000 not expected. Message FGV004. I c an't find any notes in OSS to help me fix it. Do you think I should tell the user to reverse both of his transactions related to the asset (the addition and the retirement) and then start over? If both are reversed, do you think we c ould add a cap date at that point? We probably want to change the config as you suggested, but I 'm trying to think of the quickest fix for this particular asset too. I can also send a message to OSS to request their help, but they are not always very helpful, especially when we have some urgency to resolve this.

Posted By: txm1004 3/7


SAP Asset Accounting: Year-End Closin

Date Posted: 02 Jan 2007 at 6:08pm

Yes, that's what I would do...reverse all transac tions to get bac k to square 1 and then fix the config. to make sure that the cap. date gets set (or set it manually prior to posting) and then re-post the whole thing. In addition, I would report this to OSS as this seems pretty buggy to me... Tom

------------Regards, Thomas Michael Michael Management Corporation ------------ -

Posted By: Maridell1338 Date Posted: 02 Jan 2007 at 6:57pm

Have previously rec eived fy end c lose errors related to depn not completely posted or even periodic posting not completed. We do perform a repeat dep run or rerun periodic posting to resolve the error but there have been cases where the issue is still not resolved. What tables should be checked to verify the config/setup being c hecked by SAP? Sometimes it looks like this error message could be misleading?

Posted By: Laun1234 Date Posted: 03 Jan 2007 at 1:29pm

Using transaction AJRW in test mode everything looks fine, but when we run it in the bac kground in update mode we get a message that says "List contains no data" and the assets are not rolled into 2007. What is causing this?

Posted By: Diane1723 Date Posted: 03 Jan 2007 at 2:07pm

I had a project not marked technically complete-it resulted in unposted assets. How do I fix this?

Posted By: txm1004 Date Posted: 03 Jan 2007 at 3:09pm

Hi Laun, What's the current fiscal year set to (check table T093C)? If it's already set to 2007 the list would contain no data... Tom



SAP Asset Accounting: Year-End Closin

------------Regards, Thomas Michael Michael Management Corporation ------------ -

Posted By: Judy1165 Date Posted: 03 Jan 2007 at 4:24pm

Just wanted to let you know that I followed your advice on the c apitalization date problem and it is now resolved. Thank you. Judy

Posted By: txm1004 Date Posted: 03 Jan 2007 at 5:26pm

Hi Judy, You are welc ome! Glad that it worked for you. Tom

------------Regards, Thomas Michael Michael Management Corporation ------------ -

Posted By: Diane1723 Date Posted: 15 Jan 2007 at 7:35am

Our auditors had me capitalize some leases via journal entries into 2006. If I add them in 2007 ith a cap date of 12/31/06 and put the deprec iation start date as the start of the lease. Will the system do catch up depreciation. I do not want these to pull as acquisitions for 2007 and want to avoid manually adjusting my acquisition reports . When I pull my acquisions I usually pull transac tions 331-336. I went back and reviewed your fixed asset c lass and did not see anything that pertained to this.

Posted By: Kent2 Date Posted: 15 Jan 2007 at 10:23pm

You should use the post-capitalization transac tion. This allows you to show deprec iation from the prior year without it being considered in the 2007 deprec iation. ------------Regards, Kent Bettisworth Peritus SAP Expert http://www.peritusonline.c om - 5/7


SAP Asset Accounting: Year-End Closin

Posted By: Deborah26993 Date Posted: 02 Jan 2009 at 2:34pm

Hi, In your 12 steps to a succ essful YE closing, on step 1 you mention the 'dreaded' depreciation not completely posted. I have this problem for a period 12 2007 unposted amount on a dozen assets for some reason. There is a posted amount for period 12, but then there is a small planned depreciation amount for the same period (obviously not posted). How should I approach this? I cannot open 2009..... Thanks in advance! Deborah

Posted By: txm1004 Date Posted: 02 Jan 2009 at 5:08pm

Hello Deborah, The 'offic ial' way to handle this is to open up the fiscal year 2007 and post the remaining depreciation amounts...obviously, that's not really a good options. There is an alternative involves an SAP-supplied c orrection program to update some tables direc tly to make this error go away. If you want to discuss in detail please consider our Remote Consulting servic e: onsulting.asp onsulting.asp Tom

------------Regards, Thomas Michael Michael Management Corporation ------------ -

Posted By: ISAAC14786 Date Posted: 27 May 2009 at 6:27am

Asset 000004000253-0000 in company code 9000 (calculation incorrect)
Hi Thomas, Whe I try to run year end close for one of our c ompany codes, Iam getting the error message blow but this asset is an AUC which doeas not c alcualte depreciation. The dpereciation key in the asset master rec ord is 0000-NO depreciation. Please help 6/7


SAP Asset Accounting: Year-End Closin

Message no. AU069

The depreciation values for asset 000004000253-0000 in company c ode 9000 were not calc ulated completely and c orrectly.

System Response
The year-end closing cannot be c arried out for c ompany code 9000.

Rec alculate depreciation for the asset. You can rec alculate depreciation in the 'Change asset master rec ord' transac tion by choosing the menu option 'Edit' -> 'Recalc ulate values.' The system then either completely rec alculates depreciation for this asset, or provides a detailed error message explaining the error

Posted By: Thomas6442 Date Posted: 27 May 2009 at 7:07am

Hi Isaac , Actually, the system still c alculates depreciation for an AuC - it just happens to be zero based on the depreciation key 0000. Therefore, try the recalc to either correct the asset or find out more about the reason for the depreciation error. Tom

---------------------Michael Management Corporation -

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