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22. THEORY OF SIMPLE. BENDING 224. INTRODUCTION The following are the main objectives of the theory of simple bending. To determine, - (i) The stresses developed to resist the bending moment (i.¢., Bending stress) (if) The stresses developed to resist the shear force (i.e., Shear stress) Ifa beam is bend only due to application of constant ‘bending moment and not due to shear, then it is called simple bending or pure bending. 22.2. ASSUMPTIONS IN SIMPLE BENDING The following are the assumptions in theory of simple bending. (i) The material is perfectly homogeneous and isotropic. It obeys Hooke’s law. (i) The value of young’s modulus is same in tension as. well as in compression. (iii) Transverse sections, which are plane before bending, remains plane after bending. (iv) The radius of curvature of the beam is very large compared to the cross sectional dimension of the beam. . (v) Each layer of the beam is free to expand or contract, independently of the layer, above or below it. . (vi) The resultant force on a transverse section of the beam is zero. Sroneth of Moverios for Mechanical Eng = ‘TION DERIVATION OF BENDING EQUA cael 2 beam acted upon by two equal moments (M) at de 5 ® shown in Fig263. Fig. 2.63. | The BM induced by the moment tends to bend the beam in a concne mame | So, the top surfaces (AC) are subjected to compressive stresses and contran aij, | the botiom surfaces (BD) are subjected to tensile stresses and extend Hoane | there is 2 layer EF in between the top and bottom. which will retin is iy length even afier bending (E’F’). This layer EF which is neither comsresed q' | suretched is known as the neutral layer or neutral plane. In Fig. GH reyes; typical layer of material at a distance ‘y” from neutral plane. R is the rads a} curvature of the portion of the neutral layer in the bend beam. | The following steps are involved in the development of bending theory. | (a) Determination of strain in layer GH’ | (6) Esaluztion of stress in this layer by means of Young’s modulus. | | 1 (c) Determination of load carried by the strip of cross section at a disc? from neutral plane. (d) Calculating the moment produced by this load about neutral plane. at summation of the total moment of all such strip loads. Step (a): Determination of strain in layer G'H’ Change in length of layer GH after bending = G’H" — GH Strain in layer GH = Danae _ GH'-GH = GH | o pu Strain in layer Gy = G F oe the above equation in terms of R and 9 || Sed): Moment of layer at G'H' Mie Beams and Siresses in Beam e GH =EF and EF E (because of Neutral plane) The arc lengthG'y" = R+yy9 The arc length EF’ = Re Strain in layer G'H' = (R+y)o~Ro RO = Ro+y6-Ro a2 RO R sp Stress (6,) in layer G’H’ weknow that young’s modulus, Stress(o,) = Sw Strain > 9, = Ex Strain E > = Exe .. (1) Step (0): Load carried by G'H' let a - Area of cross section of strip at G'H' _ Load We know that, Stress = Area -. Load = Stress x Area Ep eg) ie => | Load = RY” Moment (M) of the load on this strip about neutral layer M = Load x Distance E Ee = pxa)xy=R xa 2 Strength of Materials for Mechanica Eng, —— a Mey, ‘The total moment of the beam section made up of all such moments ‘ E E “YR RK Lay But, ¥ ay? is the second moment of area and it has been defined a8 m, inertia, . 4 So, de zy y 1. Maximum stress takes place at the outer most layer. 2, Stress at a point is directly proportional to its distance from the Neutral axis, 3, In a symmetrical section the centre of gravity lies at the Geometrical center the section. For that sections the ‘y’ lies at a distance of a/2 or A/2, from | outermost layer. Where d is a diameter for circular section and h is a dept for square or rectangular section. 2.2.4. SECTION MODULUS OR MODULUS OF SECTION We know the equation of the beam is Hee Mead Instead of dealing two quantities | and y, we can use a single property in ly, This ratio is a measure of the Property of the section to resist bending known’ “Section modulus’ or ‘modulus of section’ denoted by Z. Otherwise, it is the ratio of moment of inertia about the neutral layer © distance of the extreme layer from the neutral axis (NA). Section modulus, Z = — Therefore, M = o,-Z Where, M = Moment of resistance. Table 2,1, I NIX ba 12 \ \" Nis BD?-bd? 12 viv Ica = 36 na), Lert, Strength of Matertals for Mechanica Ri Meer FLITCHED BEAMS OR COMPOSITE BEAMS 7 Sometimes, the section of a beam may be constricted by two different mua This is mainly used to strengthen the material. E.g. Presence of steel ek, wooden beams or steel bars in concrete beams. These beams are ¢, alle ani beams or composite beams. If both the material have been rigidly joined together, they wil] behave ; unit piece and the bending will take place about the combined axis, The i moment of resistance will be equal to the sum of moment of Tesistang individual sections. a Consider a flitched beam consists of steel strips on wooden beam and ds by 1 and 2 respectively. Note Steel —>| (1) | Wood (2), Steel —o| (ay | | Fig. 2.64. As the two are rigidly connected together, the strains in the both at the vatiow surface will be equal. Therefore at any common surface, ees i San a Se E, E, E. >| Op E, X Op) By using bending equation, Moment of resistance, M=— Strength of Materials for Mechanical Engs nen, \VERSITY SOLVED PROBLEMS ON THEORY OF SIMPLE BENDING 2.27. ws Find the dimensions of a timber beam of span 4.38 m 14 “dimibured load of 20 kN/m, if the width of the joist is half the an limited to 9 Mpa. [Anna Univ. ~ Chemical ~ May ny Given: ‘ L Misia " UDL, w = 20kN/m F anol) eee Width, 6 = 5 depth, d ie, d=26 - y>6 Bending stress, o,'= 9Mpa=9 N/mm? (—0KNi any uniformly any permissible bending stress is | Fig. 2.80. To find: Dimensions of.a timber beam (i.e.,) (b and d) © Solution: For the SSB as shown in Fig. * The maximum BM is. given by, wh 20x 4.38 Mae GR = 47.96 kN-m = 47.96 x 10° N-mm. d Vina = 9 = 8 3 bx(2by 8 MOI of the section, | = ae = pace =p x b* mm* M 4G, By using the relation, [= 47.96 x10° _ 9 8 ui 8 xe B= 7.99 x 10°=> b = 199.94 mm d = 2b=2x 199.94 = 399.88 mm Width, b = 199.94 mm Depth, d = 399.88 mm Result: Dimensions of the beam, ¥ M ee! en give XX axis, yi ai on Beams and Stresses in Beam A T-section o of a beam has the following dimensions, Width of 6 ‘mm, overall depth 80 m 0 1m, thickness of the web 10-mm, thickness of mm. Determine the maximum bendin; 1g stress i 0 Nem is acting on the section, ss in the beam, when a bending ee [Anna Univ ~ Mech - Nov'2001] [Madras Univ - EEE - Apr’96] y, for section '(1) from bottom most layer = 70 + 2 =75 mm y, for section (2) from bottom most layer = 2 =35mm Tofind: Maximum bending stress. % @ Solution: For unsymmetrical section, the centr plied ‘y’ mm from the bottom fac following formula. Moment of inertia of rectangle (2.161) Bending moment, M = 200N-m 200 x 10? N-mm Area of section (1), a, = 100 x 10 " 1000 mm? Area of section (2), a) = 70 x 10 = 700 mm? Fig. 2.81. of gravity of the section is e. The y may be calculated by using the ay Yat aa¥2 _ 1000 75 + 700% 35 ¥ aga 1000 + 700 year 58.53 mm (1) about an axis through its C.G. and parallel to fie] ____—— eevee Sirengih of Materials for Mechanicg Mecha _ bd? NY Io. = 72 = 100% 10" 5333.33 mm* 12 From parallel axis theorem. MOI of rectangle (1) from X-X axis, hp = Io taht Where, hy = M-y ; = 78 —58,53 = 16.74 1, = 8333.33 + 1000 x 16.74? = 2.79 x 10° mm* Similarly for section (2), Ty = Tq: 4.42 h5 10x 70° | = 457 +700 x (58.53 - 35) be yyy 1, = 6.73 x 10° mm* Now, moment of inertia of whole section about X axis IL, = hth = 2.79 x 105+ 6.73 x 10° = 9.52 x 10° mm* | By using the relation, ae I y. 200x107 _ _% 9.52x10° 58.53 o, = 12.29 N/mm? | Result: The maximum bending stress, 0, = 12.29 N/mm? or Mpa Se IDLY nee Strength of | 2.3.1 SHEAR STRESS ATA SECTION MoM S att Bk 8 D | Fig. 2.90. Consider a beam of uniform section subjected to bending moment M at ti section AB and a bending moment M + 5M at the section CD, and these ty | a corresponding area of cross section CD. By using relation. Mu, & y using > T y M = 7 XY ai M+68M In similar manner, o,+ 80, = rl xy force We know, that stress = — area . Force acting on AB. = Stress x Area = 6,xdA [where A-Area of cross of the sti = M xyxdA Similarly, force acting on CD, = (o,+80,)xdA M+8M = I xyxdA Ne Toni on Beams and Stresses in Beam St | (pr w balanced force on the strip ath fe - (Mes wT aya xyxdA = §M TX» x dA anced force above th tal unbal le neutral laye; 7 F qe © equation between 0 to d/2 'yer may be found by integrating above air ie 8M 2 eto 5M f 1 *¥xdAx di ) ly T i dAxyxdy 8M = ; F= > xAxy .@ jee, A — Area of the section above GH _ ¥ ~ Distance of C.G. of the area A from neutral axis. qo avoid the failure of the beam the unbalanced force developed above, the must offer shear resistance. This shear resistance at least must be equal to joel unbalanced force to avoid failure due to ‘shear. Shear resistance =. Total unbalanced force Let, q — intensity of horizontal shear at the level EF b — width of the beam Area on which the shear force is acting = b x dx Shear force due tog = Shear stress x shear area = gxbxdx «+ (ii) Equating the equation (i) and (ii) dM - qxbxdx = 7 xyxA dM) Ay Vo AT Xba se aan (2s) Shear stress, g = F- (-. dM/dx = F = shear force) Thi accompan of a beam. important obtained. fa) — ye above shear stress neutral axis, Bul 2.32. SHEAR STR In this section We a beam and sketch ction in practical cases over i section in p which the shear stresses distrib ate te Ution, . ' cay is the horizontal shear stress at the qj Eng plementary shear stress (i.¢., vert; IStaneg " “+ Verticy r of the same quality, 7 1 the com ied by the horizontal shea ESS DISTRIBUTION shall study the distribution of the shear sty 0 calculate the intensity of shear stress at ans alon, Portant We have t a shear stress distribution diagram. The 4 Seti Ollowin, 1.. Rectangular section 2. Circular section. 3. I-section 4, T-section 5. Triangular section 2.3.3. SHEAR STRESS DISTRIBUTION OVER A RECTANGULAR SEx ‘CTION Consider a rectangular beam of which b and depth d as shown in F : = ee ig.2.9) toe (@ a (b) Variation of shear stress Fig. 2.91. We kno , w that the shear stress at a distance y from neutral layer, where, A — Area of the section above y Y tho shea gy Py oy (0), gon en nd Ses eam [2.179] an ox(5 ») y ~ Distance of C, j G. of area A from neutral axis 2 -») es Uh en “ooh #) bef I- ae of inertia of the whole section about neutral axis, 12 tituting these values in the shear stress equation (i) subst 2 A@2) From the above equation, we see that g increases as y decreases. The above uation is an equation of a parabola. ‘Atneutral axis when y = 0, max (orf Shear force FE (c. Average Stress, Jaye = Area ee Bx a ws (2.3) Therefore the maximum shear stress is 3/2 times the average shear stress. Strength of Materials for Mechan, Te CO py “l Eny "tins > —— At the top and bottom edge, when y i . (2.2) > a-n[ -(4) Jo Therefore at the top and bottom edge, the shear stress is zero, The . distribution is shown in Fig.2.91(6). : “a 2.3.4. SHEAR STRESS DISTRIBUTION OVER A CIRCULAR SECTION To determine the distribution of shear stress in a beam of circular Cros, of radius R, consider a elementary strip at a distance y from neutral axis of and thickness ‘?’ as shown in —— 2. 92. Fig. 2.92. We know that the shear stress on a layer AB at a distance y from the nea axis, q = Fx Width of the strip AB, 6 = 2.) R°-y Area of the shaded portion, © dA = 2.) R°-y? xdy Moment of this area about the neutral axis, = yxdA = 2VR-y' yay a in h Moment of whole shaded area about the neutral axis is obtained by the above €quation between limit y and R. strength Of. ‘Materials jor Mechan; ical En Rin, ee fA y in the shear stress equation “ee substituting the above value 0} ; (2 qg=F* 1b it = Px Fx ~Qg the shear stress distribution across a circular ) Sect, increases a y decreases. ect q = 0. Hence shear stress will be Maxim lum ha] From the above equation, parabolic. Also we see that g i At y =R, the shear stress y y=0. At neutral axis, when y = 0, R202 max = FX FY Substituting - Le a Dt = a x QR)! = ; R' ae Fx R? 4 F max "3 eR? gxgRt 7 R ee Imax = 3% GR? + Q3) The average shear stress, ao Shear force F fd Area of circular section — aR From the above two equations ‘ 4 Imax = 5 * Gane 0d Therefore thi 1 le maxim <4 tum shear stress is 5 times the average shear stress shear istri Stress distribution is shown in Fig,2.92(b). ee | Fig. 2.93. Jo determine the distribution of shear stress in the I-section, let B and D be the vera breadth and depth of the I-section, b and d be the breadth and depth of web tion as shown, in Fig.2.93(a). The shear stress at a distance y from neutral axis is given by, | Ay q= Fxap In the I-section the shear stress distribution in the web and shear stress isibution in the flange are to be calculated separately. = () Flange portion i ly and adding up. saering a portion of the web i onside po at a distance of y from neutral axis, - ded ii y techies ee pind by calculating A y for rectangles I and IT att Moment of the Moment of } Sie flange Area shaded ies AIS about area of the neutral axis web about neutral axis - _[B@-4) 1(4,D d ied ay = [PEO (599) alG) 2G) | | BD-d) b(@ i = 2 £_,) 8 244 AS seastess, @ = PTS aE B(D’~a) +b(f 2) 1b 8 2\ 49. FB F(a? 9-81 xZ Da) +9 (£-y) we (2.10) The above equation is an eq! creases, uation of parabola. Also with increase of y, q Atthe neutral axis, y = 0 and hence shear stress is maximum. 2 FB Bache Gnu = XB OETA _FTB 2d +d | tx" HL a’) Ms (se f gTRESS DISTRIBUTION OVER AN TRIANGULAR SECTION "a triangular section ABC with p ag base and h as height. For triangular istane ot ee of 2/3 h from the top as shown in Consider an elemental strip EF at a distance of y from the neutral axis. The gearsuress is given by q= Fah i Where, Ay neutral axis. Area of Distance of Ay = { triangle AEF } is C.G of triangle oe AEF from neutral axis Moment of the shaded area about the 2022 = G x BF x) x(3 n-3 x) From similar triangles ABC and AEF BE) 2 BC h Width of the triangle AEF, + EF = 7 xBC = 7, x6 =I ee ims and Stresses ir ing on Beat in Beam ponding fy? -f, «(Se oan') 2 RH | q 74 we (2.14) mshear stress CG maxim shear stress is obtained by differentiating the shear “stress ai respect to x and equating to zero, ati dq _ d dx = [ap oh *)]=0 F 31 4-2) =0=h-2x-05x=4 substituting the value of x in the equation g dons = 71 (3x4-(4F) Imax ~ F2Y : G5) The shear stress distribution diagram is as shown in Fig.2.94(b). per DNIVERSITY SOLVED PROBLEMS ON SHEAR STRESS DISTRIBUTION pr : A I section beam 350 mm x 200 mm has a web thickness of ssmm and a flange thickness of 25 mm. It carries a shearing force of 20 tonnes Ih aa section. Sketch the shear stress distribution across the section. [Anna Univ-mech-Nov’2001] Given data: Pe fo 880 men = RIEL etug ap oe ese) [ance erly: 2.39 Nimm? a | aes 25 mm Poe Nimm2 Fr | t | © = 250mm Noa =f ‘eens of Nimm2 2 1 25 mm 865E Nimm2 } 229 Nine OTT Fig. 2.102. = 20 tonnes 20 x 1000 x 9.81 = 1.962 x 10°N a U To find: Sketch the shear stress distribution Solution: Centre of gravity of the section from top face Aly + Ary + Ass CG Sy (A ARS Ay other sis depth/2. hey [Note: hy (Note: hy (Note: 3306) — gsc, for Section symmetric about x-x axis the C.G lies at the ist Me 250. 195 2 3mm Moment of inertia of the beam, =1+hth a 1 = bay tA = gh AA? 350 x 25° : = Fy + (350 x 25) (112.57 ——— Strength of Matertals for Mechanicat a = (350 5 25) 12.54 (12.8 « 200)125 + 350 99 (350 x 28) + 12.5% 200) +350 x 93s CG = 125 mm T= 11 x 10%m 4 = yas = B= 112.5 mm] = Tent Aah} _ 12.5 x 200° bs dd = 8.33 x 10°mm* + (12.5 x 200) x (0 i 295 + 22 — 125mm = Om] Ae Igy t AGKY 350 x 25° = 28028 55025) (1257 = 1H x 10° mm* 25 hy = 25+ 200+ - 125 = 237.5-125 = 112.5 mm] = TT x 108-+8.33 x 108+ 111 x 10° = 23x 10° mm* = 23x 10'mm! g = LAW IB | = 1.962 x 108 x 350. 25) « (112.5 | 2.3 x 108 x 350 | = 2.39 N/mm? | S nat! y = 125- 8 = 112.5 mm] | t in the web with upper flange seat stres' FA Ly = 3815 — 1,962 x 10° x (350 x 25) 112.5 2.3 x 108 x 12.5 67.17 Nimm? The maximum shear stress lies in neutral axis, since beam is symmetric about \Xaxis. Therefore, maximum shear stress of the beam, F/B max = a[pO +e | _ 1,962 x 10° [3 ~ 8x 2.3 x 108 | 12.5 71.21 Nim? Result: The shear stress distribution across the section is shown in Fig.2.102. ——S ; = zi zoe Peeve (250? — 2007) + 200? | aot i oe oa “ghear stress in flange at the junction with web, sae FAy — 200x103x (15 IB 10186013: 7.01 N/mm? I ‘Shear stress in the web at the junction with flange, _ FAy GB

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