Concept Note - Responsible Citizens

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Platform for Responsible Citizenship

Observations on the Current State

The accelerated speed of change and rapid erosion of human values, have come together to
change our lives, at times for the worst. While change is the order of nature, if it moves in
negative direction, it will accelerate the deterioration. Such deterioration in values may be
disastrous for the coming generations. Our space for a decent, livable and secure living is
shrinking on a daily basis. Unless a major and comprehensive course correction is attempted,
the situation will worsen further and make it impossible for the future generations to live even
the way as we live now

We urgently need to bring together and activate like-minded people to help in developing and
setting up an informal organization, to spearhead a positive change. Our youth can be at the
spearhead of such an initiative at societal level. The founders of such a people‟s movement
should be broad-minded, socially aware, conscientious, and be committed to put in resources
like time, mind, connections, professional skills and knowledge.

Mechanics of Platform Envisaged

This initiative is intended to be a volunteer-led, but spearheaded through technology-enabled

interactive platforms. ICT - Audio visual material, social-networking, Blogs, Facebook,
Instagram, etc. will be included. These platforms are suitable for making an impact targeting
the entire population to bring a positive change. It will target all Indians, and engage them at
different levels of participation. Brief mechanisms could be:
 Resource – Technology developers, validators, coordinators and speakers,
 Promotion – Through Awareness, Promotion, Enrolment.
 Partner – Corporate, Business, Educational Institutions, RWAs, NGOs, Social
groups, etc.

The communication material and content may be case based, interactive discussions and
experience sharing. Modes of communication will be - seminars, discussions, camps and
summits, mass communication media, and class room teaching.

The platform will have society support through RWAs, NGOs, other Govt. support and
recognition. The foundation and platform will eventually have a large pan India organization,
for managing and promoting enrolments, resource creation and development, propagation
amongst all segments of the country. It will be covering all Indians – North, East, West, south,
and NRIs. There will be 360 degree involvement and interaction with people of all ages, in all
phases of life, from primary school to active – post retirement. Coverage will be:

 Educational institutions – Primary and secondary schools, colleges, higher

education, research based on these topics and concerns.
 Professional areas - Corporate organizations, govt. departments, police/defense
 Civil society - Resident Groups, Social Groups, RWAs, etc.

Challenges Faced by the Country

Negativity, polarization and absolute lack of civic sense is overpowering our civic space.
Many of us are forgetting the difference between right and wrong, good and bad, right
behaviour from the harming behaviour. This is establishing new normal which will set bad
precedence. Many have no concern for the environment or for fellow citizens. Most of our
society members feel no social responsibility towards one another and the environment.

The „responsible citizen‟ has to emerge out of us and tackle some of the serious issues. We
need to be vocal with a positive narrative and national spirit, this involving everyone in this
thought process.

Outline of the Initiative

This initiative seeks to correct many aspects of our behaviour, and intends to have an impact
on all the areas of “Responsible Citizenship”.

 Being a good human being. We have value education in all schools at primary and
secondary school levels. But as children grow towards secondary stages, there is
gradual deterioration in those values. We should start with a deep seated civic sense,
respect for everyone, and goodness of all religions in all our interactions. To love and
respect all religions and people of all faith/castes must be driven forcefully. Efforts of
the schools need to be complimented with a similar message at home – we must teach
the importance of “doing good to others”. Happiness in giving to the needy, helping
others, being kind sympathetic and compassionate towards other people should
become the focus of our interactions.
 Basic questions on morality, ethics vs. law. The initiative must be built upon certain
basic assumptions and questions in our minds. We are increasingly following the path
of materialistic greed, which on aspiration level is justifiable but when it harms others
including environment or the law of the land; it raises many questions.
o Should a Doctor give primacy to provide the best, cost effective treatment for a
patient, or earn unfair profit for self, clinic or Hospital?
o Should a Lawyer represent knowingly a wrong doer, and use law and lies to
get him acquitted?
o Should a CA give professional advice to save/avoid/evade the legitimate tax
o Should a professional manager offer bribes to get things done for his/her
o Should an unwilling and incapable political candidate get selected using unfair
means (reservation, bribes, recommendation) depriving a deserving candidate.
Then go on to compromise on delivery quality?
o Should a violator of the traffic norm be allowed to go scot-free when other
law-abiding citizens wait for the signal dutifully?
o Should we ignore wrong-doers or polluters of environment?

Aspects of nation-building
As responsible citizens, we need to focus on nation-building at our levels. Some of the focus
areas could be:
 Environment and swachhta in and around our own habitat.
 Encouraging development along with the environmental protection.

 Following the law of the land in all our conduct and activities.
 Importance of “Sincerity of purpose” and honesty.
 “What will I do,” instead of what should be done.

Engagement by Mentors/Guides/Concerned Persons

All participants, who enroll will have to take an oath of becoming “responsible” citizens.
They must themselves follow a strict code of conduct in their daily life. For all volunteers,
resource persons, recruiters, coordinators, etc., a psychometric test to be devised to ensure and
confirm they have the right value system and will lead by example, practice before preach.
Objective of the movement is to make everyone‟s living safer, comfortable and healthy.

“WHAT WILL I DO” workshops to be conducted to create a culture of “what will I do”.

Ten Points to a Good Civil Citizenship:

1. Stops at all traffic (red) lights before the zebra crossing.

2. Does not litter on the pavement, street or road, uses garbage bins.
3. Separates home garbage in blue and green.
4. Does not give or receive any bribes for any purpose – small or big.
5. Spends quality time with parents, family, and children, and discusses good
citizenship on a daily basis.
6. Encourages and uses public transport or car pools for daily school/college/office.
7. No unnecessary honking, lane driving, change of lanes with indicators, will not use
cellphones while driving, drives patiently and steady, does not preheat car, starts
the ignition and moves.
8. Helps at least three needy persons every day- kind words, warm clothes, food,
shelter, etc.
9. Checks and corrects others from doing wrong.
10. Encourages at least five other colleagues on a daily basis to do the 10 good things.

Enrolment criteria for all categories

1. Membership: ENTRY LEVEL: Aadhar Card, Present Address, Orientation, Oath,

certificate and future path.
2. Group leader: lead resource person.
3. Thought Leaders: The core team taking the initiative forward.
4. Field coordination team: Coordinators for RWAs/villages, professional bodies like
management association, schools, government offices, private enterprises etc. Those
working at ground level.


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