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I. Write true if the statement is correct and false if not, in the space provided.
__false___1. Metacognition has two dimensions: metacognitive knowledge and
metacognitive sensory.
__true____2. Metacognition describes the processes involved when learners plan,
monitor, evaluate and make changes to their own learning behaviors.
__true____3. Metacognitive knowledge refers to what knows about learning,
example of it is the learner’s knowledge of a particular tasks.
__true____4. Metacognitive regulation refers to what learners do about learning.
__true____5. Evaluation is a fundamental part of the plan-monitor-evaluate process.
II. Essay
1. In your own opinion, why metacognition is useful across in a range of ages and
subjects? (5 points)
Metacognition is useful across a wide range of ages and different subject
areas because it’s innate in us, humans. I believe that we are all born with
metacognition, we just don’t know that it is called metacognition. There is a study
that shows children as young as 18 months exhibited metacognition through an
error-correction strategy. However, the child cannot describe the metacognition
process, but it does not mean that it did not occur.

2. Why does metacognition help to become an independent learner? (5 points)

Metacognition helps the student become an independent learner because
Metacognitive practices focus on letting the learner plan, monitor, and evaluate
his/her own progress and take control of his/her learning as he/she reads, writes,
and solves problems in the classroom.

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