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Name: Loygos, Kenneth B.

Date: 01/19/2023
Course, Yr., & Sec: BSME 1 – A Subject: Chemistry for Engineers (Lec)


1. Read the following excerpt of an academic paper entitled “The status of chemical
safety and security in Universities in Mindanao, Philippines” by Mylene Uy, and
make a critical review. Note the attitudes and practices adapted in the laboratory in
your writing.
ANSWER: The situation of chemical safety and security in universities in Mindanao,

Philippines, is the topic of the academic article "The Status of Chemical Safety and

Security in Universities in Mindanao, Philippines" by Mylene Uy. The author points out

that no institution currently has a program or plan in place for chemical safety and

security. The few manuals on safety and security that are available are primarily derived

from western sources. The author also mentions that the majority of the institutions that

were assessed had put in place administrative, operational, and engineering safeguards

for lab safety. Having clear regulations and procedures on laboratory protocol,

fundamental housekeeping, personal protection equipment, and handling chemicals and

lab equipment are a few examples of this. However, it seems that certain institutions

might not be entirely furnished with the essential safety tools, such as chemical hoods for

every lab and safety cabinets in every lab space. Furthermore, eye protection is frequently

disregarded due to a lack of availability and discomfort brought on by the hot and muggy

weather. Overall, the author contends that universities in Mindanao, Philippines, lack

adequate chemical safety and security strategies and initiatives. Although some

institutions have put basic safety controls in place, it seems that there are still a lot of

equipment and safety protocol compliance gaps.

2. In a news reported by GMA News, The EcoWaste Coalition warned the general public
about the presence of toxic chemicals, like lead and cadmium, in some school supplies
that could harm children's health. If you are a parent, what can you do to protect your
child from the danger of hazardous chemicals? Evaluate the importance of chemical
ANSWER: It's crucial for parents to take precautions to shield their children from the

dangers of harmful chemicals included in school supplies. One strategy to achieve this

is to look into and buy educational materials that are advertised as eco-friendly or non-

toxic. Try to find products that don't contain dangerous substances like lead and

cadmium. Being aware of materials that can contain dangerous chemicals, such as

some varieties of paint, markers, and crayons, is another method to safeguard your

youngster. Use these goods with caution or don't. Another way to keep your child safe

is to encourage them to follow good hygiene habits, such washing their hands after

touching school supplies and refraining from putting their hands in their mouths.

Additionally, it's critical to keep school materials secure and out of the way of
youngsters, and to use them in a well-ventilated space. A step in creating a safe

environment is educating your child about the value of chemical safety and the

potential risks of specific items. To make sure that school supplies are free of

dangerous substances, it is also crucial to lobby for better controls and testing on them.

Chemical safety is essential for safeguarding children's health and wellbeing, and

every effort should be made to guarantee that products that are frequently used by kids

don't contain any dangerous chemicals.

3. Give you own definition of chemical safety and the significance of it to your life as:
a. an individual in a community;

ANSWER: Chemical safety is important because it serves to safeguard us from

potential harm and illness brought on by chemicals. This involves guarding against

chemical exposure at work, at home, and in the neighborhood. It also aids in

ensuring the safety of the chemicals used in products and consumer goods.

Individuals can contribute to preventing contamination of the air, water, and soil in

their community by using safe procedures while handling and disposing of

chemicals. Overall, maintaining chemical safety is crucial for preserving our

health and wellbeing as well as the wellbeing of the community.

b. an engineer studying chemistry who must take the laboratory classes;

ANSWER: As an engineer studying chemistry who must take laboratory classes,

the significance of chemical safety is even more important because I will be

handling and working with a wide range of chemicals in a laboratory setting. To

ensure the safe handling, storage, and disposal of chemicals as well as to safeguard

myself and my coworkers from any danger, i/we must follow the right chemical
safety procedures. Also, I can conduct experiments and research in an ethical and

responsible manner, lowering the danger of accidents and ensuring the integrity of

my findings, by knowing and sticking to chemical safety guidelines.

c. a prospective professional in the engineering industry.

ANSWER: As a prospective professional in the engineering industry, chemical

safety is a crucial aspect of my work. My understanding and compliance with

chemical safety regulations, guidelines, and best practices will be vital to ensure

the safety of the workers, the public, and the environment. It will also be important

to ensure the integrity of the systems that I designed and the processes I develop.

4. Consider yourself a doctor working in a facility that treats Covid-19 epidemic

sufferers. Give an example of a risk from each category to which you are exposed.

ANSWER: In physical hazard, the risk of exposure to infectious agents such as the

virus that causes COVID-19 through contact with infected patients or contaminated

surfaces. In health hazard, the possibility of experiencing physical injury from

prolonged stress and exhaustion while caring for COVID-19 patients. In environmental

hazard, the possibility of being exposed to potentially harmful substances, including

cleaning or disinfecting agents, which may be required to stop the spread of COVID-


5. How would you assess whether a chemical is a hazard if you were given it?

ANSWER: When determining whether a chemical represents a hazard, it is critical to

collect as much information on the material as possible. Reviewing the product label or
Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for details on the chemical's physical and health

dangers, such as its flammability, reactivity, toxicity, and exposure limits, would be the

first step. This will give a rough idea of the possible risks connected to the substance.

The intended application of the chemical and potential exposure pathways, such as

ingestion, skin contact, or inhalation, should also be taken into account. A chemical's

potential for harm in a particular work or use setting must also be evaluated, taking

into account things like ventilation, personal protection equipment, and emergency

response procedures.

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