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A Strategy for Facilities Management

Keith Alexander,
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Keith Alexander, (1994) "A Strategy for Facilities Management", Facilities, Vol. 12 Issue: 11, pp.6-10, doi:
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(2004),"Positioning facility management", Facilities, Vol. 22 Iss 13/14 pp. 364-372 http://
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(1994),"Integrated Facility Management", Facilities, Vol. 12 Iss 8 pp. 20-23

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A Strategy for Facilities

Keith Alexander

Facilities management emerged over the past consultants making sometimes conflicting claims.
decade in response to turbulent change in the However, new service partnerships promise more
business environment, the pervasive influence of effective relationships to the mutual benefit of
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information technology, more independence and a users, clients and providers. The facilities
stronger voice for knowledge workers, and management movement is coming of age.
completion of the single European market. The challenge to secure the future of facilities
The latter half of the 1980s saw a growing management as a credible discipline, vocation and
awareness, increased recognition and take-up of business service is enormous. In times of
facilities management in both the public and uncertainty and deep cultural change in the
private sectors in the UK. The 1990s will see its professions, industries that have traditionally
consolidation and maturity as part of the served the business needs will continue to
language of business at the turn of the century. exercise power over the way in which problems
are defined. The new professional bodies will
demarcate boundaries and strengthen qualifying
At a time of fundamental change in the public rules to exclude in the interests of enhancing the
sector and corporate world, recognition of the role position and status of facilities managers.
of facilities management in business performance Powerful industrial forces will shape the services
has gradually grown. Corporate strategies for and solutions that the market offers under the
competitiveness – core business, customer name of facilities management.
responsiveness and the continual improvement of Strong and enlightened leadership is needed for
quality – have demanded a complete rethink of all the movement to prosper in the face of
processes and restructuring on an unprecedented conservatism, defensive opposition, scepticism
scale. Pressure for a rationalization of the and prejudice. Careful thought needs to be given
business, to reduce costs and improve flexibility to the design of an open profession for the next
has led to innovative approaches to managing the century and to take advantage of modern
facilities that support the business. The recession communications to create networks that reflect
has further increased the pressures. the “virtual corporation”. These structures should
Respect for individuals with special skills and recognize the replacement of the career
abilities in co-ordinating diverse activities and professional with the portfolio manager.
making things happen is being supplemented by The facilities management movement can be
the development of professional qualifications summarized as a belief in potential to improve
and dedicated education and training. A single processes by which workplaces can be managed
professional body in the UK now has the level of to inspire people to give of their best, to support
support to professional and business interests in their effectiveness and ultimately to make a
the area. Packages of contracted services are positive contribution to economic growth and
being co-ordinated within the context of organizational success.
management control to ensure they deliver on The future must be built on a strong
quality, cost and time to meet user requirements. programme of education and research dedicated
The market is currently in something of a to understanding and developing the discipline, to
confused state, with a growing number of creating and disseminating a collective
knowledge base and to identifying and codifying
best practice. We have to create a forum for
Facilities, Vol. 12 No. 11, 1994, pp. 6-10 © MCB University Press,
learned debate and for sharing and validating
0263-2772 experience.


Gaining Influence in the Economy ● assimilating the potential of new technologies;

The role of facilities management in the economy ● ensuring full use of diminishing resources
is gaining recognition. Key government policies while minimizing environmental impact.
in a market economy – competitive policies,
deregulation and privatization – have each had an
influence on the creation of the conditions in Taking the Business Lead
which facilities management has emerged and is Within organizations, facilities management must
gaining ground. also begin to exert greater influence in the business
The importance of effective facilities and arena. The last decade has seen enormous changes
property management for inward investment is in organizations. Corporate restructuring and
recognized by some development agencies in the internal turmoil have been the norm. The “new
UK, notably Glasgow Development Agency. The organization” is emerging with a flatter structure,
Audit Commission and other official bodies decentralization of responsibility and greater
promote careful husbandry and exploitation of the autonomy for operating units. Some question how
building stock as part of the national heritage – far the influence will spread, but all organizations
more effective utilization of an important resource have been touched in some way and many are
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and a key environmental strategy. already changing fundamentally. However, as yet

Greater accountability for the use of public there has been no fundamental change in the
resources has heightened demands for improved buildings and facilities that support them; just a
efficiency and value for money. The introduction slow evolution of established models and practices.
of competition and choice in delivering public Most commentators will readily agree that
services has opened opportunities for joint improving customer responsiveness, re-
ventures with private enterprise. engineering business processes and creating a
In the Japanese economy, facilities service edge are the keys to contemporary
management is already considered a key to business in Europe in the 1990s. However,
economic prosperity. With greater reliance on research studies have identified weaknesses in the
office productivity, facilities management is seen way in which these concepts are being
as a way of improving the effectiveness of implemented in the UK and companies and are
Japanese office workers. While similar fearful of the impact of European competition.
developments have been slower to emerge in the Business forecasts suggest a rapid evolution of
UK, European policies for the environment, the the profile of organizations and fundamental
workplace and public procurement extend and changes to working patterns to create a
reinforce standards, and regulations have competitive advantage in the climate of the 1990s.
proliferated. These EU directives set the Organizational structures are becoming flatter and
conditions for competition, industrial democracy decentralized. Corporate objectives have to
and environmental protection. balance with the demands of local managers.
Business indicators are starting to show signs Senior management has to create the conditions
of a recovery in the UK economy. Business in which facilities can be effectively managed and
prospects and confidence are beginning to grow. have ultimate responsibility for generating the
Official statistics show that whilst productivity is resource on organization needs to support its
static in the service sector, it is rising in the business objectives. Strategic planners need to
shrinking manufacturing sector. The climate for predict future business conditions in order to
acceptance and the opportunities for influence in make the appropriate decisions about the balance
the economy could not be greater. as yet facilities of facilities needed, the way in which to organize
management has no effective voice in their operation and management, and the best way
environmental politics. Positive action in of providing them.
lobbying and political influence and involvement Few recognize the role and potential of
in European programmes is vital. facilities as a “factor of production”, a vehicle for
Facilities provide the infrastructure for business corporate identity and positive asset. Many
and play a role in attracting inward investment. companies should take a fundamental review of
The key facilities issues for the future in all the way in which facilities are managed and the
sectors of the economy are: contribution they make to the business to identify
the opportunities they provide and recognize their
● increasing adaptability to changing business business impact.
needs; There is a need for visionaries and business
● providing a healthy workplace for creative leaders who are able to develop and manage
people; facilities to provide an advantage. Facilities


managers need to be involved in setting the (2) organize the service to meet business and user
business agenda. There are few better placed than needs and promote the corporate identity;
those responsible for facilities management to (3) harness the potential of new technologies.
assume a leading role as a “changemaster” – in
The intelligent client role requires greater
corporate restructuring and process re-
customer awareness. Managers need to understand
the needs of people in the workplace as producers
For the organization, facilities management and consumers. Facilities support the effectiveness
means: of people as producers. As consumers of facilities
● creating a facilities policy that expresses and service, users are increasing the demands for
corporate values; quality of working life. The customer team is a
● giving the authority to the facilities business key to sustaining a healthy workplace.
unit to improve service quality; The customer interface must be designed to
take account of the complexities of the workplace
● developing facilities to meet business and the need for adaptability, the interaction of
objectives; people, technology and processes. The intelligent
● recognizing the value that facilities add to the client will also have a responsibility to innovate –
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business. to develop production systems which develop

people while improving productivity; and for the
For the facilities management organization, the environment, to develop sustainable workplaces.
strategic role entails: Having identified the requirements and agreed
● formulating and communicating a facilities service levels, the facilities manager will assume
policy; the role of an informed buyer, build a service
team and create effective service partnerships.
● planning and designing for continuous The role requires a clear service vision and
improvement of service quality; creation of an effective interface with the service
● identifying business needs and user providers. As the service master, the role involves
requirements; closer consideration of the human resource issues
central to the creation of the service team.
● negotiating service level agreements;
Facilities must be seen in context of business,
● establishing effective purchasing and contract and will be related to key income/cost ratios.
strategies; Economies to reduce the cost of being in business
● creating service partnerships; must be sought, because of the pressure on costs,
and the constant search to reduce overheads. This
● systematic service appraisal – quality, value is particularly the case in the public sector –
and risk. where the influence of the private sector is seen to
bring positive benefits.
Facilities are also treated as a fixed asset and
Shifting Boundaries appear on the balance sheet. Facilities are
All this implies deep cultural change in traditionally treated as a capital development and
organizations, influencing restrictive attitudes and need to be managed to enhance and realize their
practices and evolving structures to remove the value, just like other company assets. Research
barriers to progress imposed by traditional, studies at the University of Reading identified
functional and professional boundaries. considerable room for improvement in property
Facilities management should be positioned as management in all sectors of the UK economy.
a cross disciplinary activity and enable the As well as fulfilling these three roles, facilities
application of generic management skills across organizations also need to be managed as an
these boundaries. This requires the development enterprise. A board member will be ultimately
of new roles and profiles. Three emerging accountable for the enterprise and the contribution
management roles in facilities management facilities make to the business. Responsibility for
organizations are those of managing customers, aspects of the facilities processes will be devolved
and the team empowered. To be effective, key
managing service and managing assets.
members of the facilities team will need the
These management roles concentrate on three
authority to match the responsibility for managing
important challenges facing facilities the service delivered to internal and external
management: customers; to seek opportunities to generate
(1) empower people in organizations so that they income and harness purchasing power, consistent
are at their most effective; with core business philosophy.


Improving Quality Building a Credible Profession

As a business discipline, facilities management is At a professional level, there will be an increase
concerned with all the processes that ensure user in networking for the open exchange of
needs are satisfied in particular business contexts; information and experience. There will be a
in setting up the conditions in which processes clearer distinction drawn between consortia of
can be continually improved. The balance clients, a profession of consultants and a
between an organization’s need and the provision federation of contractors. Split, not between two
of the facilities that are necessary for effective associations competing for the same status, but
operation of a business, a hospital, a school, etc. differentiated into demand and supply interests.
is achieved by the processes that continuously The formation of British Institute of Facilities
match the provision of buildings, systems and Managers (BIFM) through the merger between
services to changing needs. Association of Facilities Managers (AFM) and
The skilled facilities manager identifies the Institution of Facilities Managers (IFM) aimed to
processes by which an organization delivers and ensure the association will develop, grow and
sustains a quality operating environment and represent the interests of practising facilities
services to meet strategic needs at best cost. managers in the UK in a coherent fashion. The
These are the planning processes to identify needs formal constitution of EuroFM as a network of
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and specify requirements, the delivery processes non-profit-making bodies extending through 14
that ensure quality provision and the monitoring European countries will provide a prime means
processes that enable control. All these must of transfer of information and experience in
encompass facilities management. facilities management. IFMA’s European Bureau
will provide effective support to European
Winning Respect Considerable interest is now being shown by
The present breed of facilities managers has the traditional professions of the building
moved to positions of broad responsibility through industry. RICS, RIBA, CIOB, CIBSE each have
accumulated experience. These managers carry a formed committees to identify the opportunities
vast store of practical knowledge and possess vital provided to members by recognition among
skills, knowledge and experience that is not easily clients of the importance of facilities
captured and codified for future use. management. However, each seeks to redefine
The future of facilities management cannot be facilities management and limit its scope
built around these exceptional people. The according to individual perspectives. It is, for
knowledge base must be improved and the instance, claimed to be part of estate management
systems and processes created to ensure continual by the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors
improvement in quality. (RICS). It is vital to recognize the contribution
In contrasting the architectural revolution and that each can make to the facilities team while
facilities management, Francis Duffy (founding recognizing the need for an overall, strategic
editor of this journal and chairman of RIBA, the approach.
Royal Institution of British Architects) defines
professionalism as “the ethical use of knowledge
in the context of action”. The knowledge base is
about what users want, what buildings can and
A Maturing Market
cannot do, and about how the relationship between As a business service, facilities management is
users’ needs and building capacity must be built concerned with the creation of effective
and managed over time. He concludes that the partnerships to deliver quality services. The
professions are better positioned and intellectually market for facilities services is developing
more able than either commerce or the universities rapidly, with increasing emphasis on management
to build up knowledge in the context of action. roles. Property companies and consultants are
A new balance of skills is needed combining developing new value-added services. Managing
leadership, technical understanding and agents offer to co-ordinate the range of services
management knowhow, purchasing and that come together in the complete package.
contracting skills, personal and interpersonal Contractors continue to deliver groups of services
skills. The facilities manager is, by definition, a to meet specifications.
hybrid manager. We need to develop business Most market forecasts indicate the continued
leaders who recognize the opportunities, can growth of the contracting out of services grouped
motivate others and create a service environment: under facilities management. But facilities
to encourage relationships among users and management and contracting out are not
providers in which everyone is a winner. synonymous. In some sectors, e.g. information


technology, the definition of facilities policies will be seen to have sterilized human
management assumes the outsourcing of the environments through a short-sighted focus on
installation and maintenance of the IT service. All the technical issue. Contracting out will be seen
services will be regularly subjected to market to have reduced options and sacrificed long-
testing and there will be greater choice, but this term objectives for short-term gain. In addition,
increases the need for effective planning and Europe will have increased competition but
contract management inside the organization. provided few opportunities in new markets
Facilities management itself cannot be Such findings will emphasize the need for
contracted out. It is an organization’s core longer term planning and will reinforce the
business. strategic approach to facilities management. The
Contractors who wish to succeed in the field main development of the 1990s is likely to be
will take heed of the trends and begin to develop the emergence of the intelligent user.
packages of high-value-added services that meet Organizations will have a much improved ability
increasing demands for performance with to determine and specify their facilities
guarantees of quality, price and reliability. management requirements, closely aligned to the
Indeed, they will develop as service companies, business strategy. They will be determined and
rather than contractors, and will have to work able to get the best out of the industries that
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much harder at customer relationships to build serve them.

longer term, seemless relationships of trust with There will be a move to holistic policies
their clients. which take full account of the human condition
rather than technical fixes to ill-defined problems,
e.g. sick building syndrome. Top companies will
Securing the Future recognize the value added by effective
There are three essential issues for the effective management and exceptional service and will
implementation of a facilities strategy: organize facilities management to enable fulfilment
of its potential, at a business rather than a technical
(1) Meaning – a plausible, well-grounded level.
definition of facilities management – The facilities department will be organized as a
actionable and easy to apply; profit centre and will seek to create the
(2) Management – clearer guidelines for practice, relationships that will enable the service to
filled with operational advice rather than high develop, with continual improvement of quality,
aspirations; better value for money and at minimum risk to the
(3) Measurement – we need better tools for organization. This will create the conditions that
assessing an organization’s rate and level of will encourage management spin-offs and buy-
improvement – to ensure that gains have in outs, with advantages of retaining intelligence and
fact been made. ensuring continuity.
In some organizations we will see the emergence
Adaptation to change will continue to be a key of the facilities director. The facilities director will
business criterion in the coming decade and will have a similar breadth of responsibility to the
continue to provide the greatest challenge for present breed of facilities managers but with
facilities management. Predicting the future and greater authority to act and with the opportunity of
managing uncertainty is in the nature of facilities involvement in business planning.
management. Identifying the influences for In this way, facilities management will be truly
change in the business environment and demand driven. It is in this context that we will
developing facilities to accommodate it are see the development of the professional role of a
central to the function. facilities manager. We are likely to see the growth
The next few years may see a reconsideration of the facilities management consultant, and the
of some present trends in recognition of a loss continued emergence of facilities management
of adaptability and control. Among the trends contractors. Business skills (marketing, human-
under scrutiny we may find that organizations resource management and contracting skills) will
which have experimented with new policies to be at a premium.
reduce space dependency will have to contend
with increased staff disorientation. Intelligent
buildings, with their ever-increasing complexity,
will be shown to be much less manageable. The Keith Alexander is Director of the Centre for
introduction of quality assurance to BS 5750 Facilities Management, University of Strathclyde,
will be shown to have increased bureaucracy Glasgow.
and failed to improve quality. Many green

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