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Science 8
Quarter 3, Module 2- Atoms and Molecules

Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Grade: 8 Total score:

TEST I. Read the statements carefully. Choose your answer from the choices given then write the LETTER of the
correct answer on the space provided before the number.

_____1. The following are examples of homogeneous mixture. Which is NOT?

A. Seawater B. Halo-halo C. Air D. Vinegar

_____2. Which of the following is a homogeneous mixture?

A. Coffee C. Oil and water
B. Monggo seed and water D. Halo-halo

_____3. Which of the following is a pure substance?

A. Bread B. Table salt C. Garden soil D. Sea water

_____4. The building block of matter is

A. B. Atom C. Element D. Substance

_____5. A mixture that has non-uniform appearance is called __________________.

A. Homogeneous B. Heterogeneous C. Compound D. Substance

_____6. A mixture that looks the same throughout is called ___________________.

A. Homogeneous B. Heterogeneous C. Compound D. Substance

_____7. In a ______________, the particles are very close together and they are arrange in a regular pattern.
A. Solid B. Liquid C. Gas D. Plasma

_____8. In which state of matter do the particles spread apart and fill all the space available to them?
A. crystal B. liquid C. gas D. solid

_____9. The change from liquid to solid, or the reverse of melting, is called
A. condensation. B. boiling. C. sublimation. D. freezing.

_____10. All of the following are phases (states) of matter EXCEPT

A. solid B. liquid C. gas D. putty

TEST II. Write T if the statement is correct and F if otherwise.

_______1. Molecules of gas are in random motion.
_______2. Matter has mas but cannot occupy space.
_______3. Molecules are composed of atoms.
_______4. Matter can be classified into solids, liquids, and gases.
_______5. The molecules in liquid are arranged farther apart than in gas.

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