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Chapter 12 & 13 reflection paper

The Discipline of Watching

Seng Tu (B.Th II)

Once we think that we are going to against the temptation, we need to prepare is what we

should know is, some intelligence information about the enemy which means sources and

behavior. In bible we can see three types of source for temptation: the world, the flesh, and the

Devil. The world, or the sinful society in which we live, is characterized by the subtle and

relentless pressure It brings to hear upon us to conform to its values and practices. Sin becomes

respectable and so Christians finally embrace it.

The Devil or Satan is the god of this world and the ultimate mastermind and strategist

behind all the temptations that come to us from society. Sometimes, we cannot distinguish

between the temptation from the world and from the Satan. Satan’s directly attack are more often

sudden, violet, and vicious. The greatest source of temptation exists in us that were already said

by Paul, that is our flesh or the sinful nature. Temptation is within us.

We need to study our own individual propensities to sin and without knowledge of our

weakness, we cannot watch against those temptations. In proverbs, 27:12 the prudent see danger

and take refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it. The one thing we need to aware is,

you cannot trust yourself. Realize that your temptation antenna is constantly scanning your

environment looking for those areas of sin, then watch and pray against them. Sometimes, our

temptation may come out from our temperament.

Chapter 13 (the discipline of Adversity)

In Hebrew 12:7 endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as sons. For what son

is not discipline by his father? The writer of Hebrew wanted to instill courage in his readers by

explaining the purpose behind the adversities or hardships they were encountering. The main fact

of encouragement is, that the Lord disciplines those He loves. Scriptures from the bible are

showing ,that adversities are not the chance occurences, that they as well as our so called

blessings, all come from the hand of God. The ground of His dealings with us is love (though the

occasion may be sin) the manner of His dealing is love and the purpose of His dealing is love.

The main is, He loves us very much that’s why He discipline us. God does punish in the

execution of justice. So God’s punishment of us is always corrective, it is always administered in

love and for our welfare. The discipline produces a harvest of righteousness and peace. The

harvest of righteousness means to share in His holiness.

Everything is good in God, Jesus Christ. God loves us, that’s why He discipline us.

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