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Global Citizenship Essay

As an ASGL student I have learned how to be a leader and how to be ready for the

challenges out in the world. One thing that I can always account for is to listen to the heart and

be a global citizen and respect different cultures/perspectives that life may bring. Another thing

that ASGL taught me it’s to always seek the positive route to my problems/issues and be honest

with yourself and others. In ASGL their mission is to help and support and bring awareness that

are affecting the real world and how it works. ASGL their vision is to prepare students and be

college and career ready and be able to utilize the IB learner profiles such as (communicator,

open minded, etc).

Being a global citizen as an ASGl student is more than understanding and being leaders

and taking action to make the world a better place. Someone that was a great leader and a great

person was Winston Churchill. Some facts about him that he was a Risk-Taker, Thinker, and

Communicator. Winston was a risk-taker by uniting and protecting all the territories that

belong to the United Kingdom at that time even if defeat was at his doorstep he still didn’t give

up no matter the circumstances. Winston was also a thinker thought out during the time of war

he had strategies that he would fight on the seas and oceans and with growing confidence. Lastly

Winston was a communicator because he was always at the front of the problem just like in the

war and with his iconic speech that he was never gonna surrender no matter what the odds are

and no matter what everyone else around said or did .

Some qualities that I have developed throughout my time in ASGL is that I am

Open-Minded, Caring,Thinker and Balanced. One way I utilize Open-Minded in school it’s

that everyone it’s different we all have different backgrounds, different affiliations and point of

views on issues. Another way I use is by checking in with my friends and family every once in a

while making sure they are doing alright and just overall making sure they have everything they

need. I was a thinker by applying creatively and critically to do assignments, projects, quizzes,

and also being able to recognize and solve problems that I myself may come across outside in the

world. Lastly I was balanced by understanding how street in general can affect your life and

school life that would be an obstacle in your success academically and in your future.

I keep developing through the years I would be able to utilize the IB learner profile a bit

more ethically and in a work area. When I grew up I wanted to be a psychologist but overall

thought the years I have changed my mind many times and I came to the conclusion that I want

to work as an EMT because I love helping people and I just wanna do some good in the world by

doing everything I can as an EMT. Being in ASGL I was able to grow mentally that helped me

realize who I am and there are people that are supportive no matter what and it made me feel

special that I have so many good people around me. By being more principled in a few years I

will be able to have a fairness sense with a more mature mindset.

Throughout my year in ASGL I have learned how to utilize the IB Learner profiles and

approaches to learning and to also embrace the mission and vision of the school. These things

have helped me grow and embrace who I am. I will keep using all the things I learned in ASGL

in my professional life/career.

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