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ATT III _ 11.

Ensure compliance with pollution prevention requirements

1. What is the minimum GRT for tankers that must have an Oil Record Book?
a. 150 GRT
b. 250 GRT
c. 400 GRT
d. 500 GRT
e. I don't know
2. What is the minimum GRT for non-tanker vessels that must have an Oil Record Book?
a. 150 GRT
b. 250 GRT
c. 400 GRT
d. 500 GRT
e. I don't know
3. The tank to accommodate the dirty oil that is separated by OWS from bilge water is called…
a. Bilge Tank
b. Sludge Tank
c. Slop Tank
d. Segregated Tanks
e. I don't know
4. A device to measure the thickness / content of oil that is above the water level in the cargo
tank and ballast tank is ...
a. Oil Discharge Monitoring
b. Water Interface Detector
c. Oil Detector
d. Oil Content Meter
e. I don't know
5. The contingency plan for oil pollution at sea and in accordance with MARPOL 73/78
requirements under Annex I is called …
b. Oil Absorbent
c. Bilge Discharge Plant
d. Sludge Discharge Plant
e. I don't know
6. Emissions contained in exhaust gases and monitored according to ANNEX VI include,
a. Emissions from ozone depleting substances
b. Nitrogen Oxide (NOX) emissions from diesel motors
c. Emissions of Sulfur Oxid (Sulfuroxid)
d. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions
e. I don't know
7. Which of the following is not a survey conducted in connection with the IOPP certificate is…
a. Initial Survey
b. Corrective Survey
c. Annual Survey
d. Intermediate Survey
e. Renewal Survey
8. What is the minimum GRT for non-tanker vessels that must have SOPEP…
a. 150 GRT
b. 250 GRT
c. 400 GRT
d. 500 GRT
e. I don't know
9. The survey conducted before the IOPP certificate is issued for the first time is called…
a. Initial Survey
b. Renewal Survey
c. Intermediate Survey
d. Annual Survey
e. Additional Survey
10. IMO organizational conventions that affect oil tanker operations in preventing and
combating marine pollution include, except…
a. MARPOL 73/78
b. SOLAS 74/78
c. Collition 52 Oil Pollution 54/69
d. Tonnage Measurement 64 Fund 71
e. MLC 2006
11. Annex VI concerning the prevention of air pollution due to ship engine exhaust comes into
force on …
a. December 31, 1988
b. May 19, 2005
c. September27, 2003
d. July 1, 1992
e. I don't know
12. Annex V on the prevention of pollution by waste comes into force on…
a. December 31, 1988
b. May 19, 2005
c. September 27, 2003
d. July 1, 1992
e. I don't know
13. What does Annex VI contain?
a. Pollution by oil
b. Pollution by noxious liquid substance in bulk
c. Pollution by exhaust gas
d. Pollution by garbage
e. Pollution by sewage
14. What is meant by category D on ships carrying a cargo of toxic chemicals?
a. Very dangerous (major hazard)
b. Quite dangerous (marine spill) needs special handling
c. Less dangerous (minor hazad)
d. Harmless requires little attention & handling
e. All Answers Correct
15. What is the function of ODM?
a. To monitor oil discharge
b. To separate water and oil
c. To absorb oil spills
d. Fire tools
e. To calculate the amount of oil
16. The following are equipment for the prevention of pollution by oil, except...
a. Sorbent
b. Oil bag
c. Axe
d. Sawdust
e. OWS
17. SOPEP stands for ….
a. Shipboard Oil Prevention Emergency Plan
b. Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
c. Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Prevention
d. Shipboard Oil Prevention Emergency pollution
e. Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency pollution
18. What causes marine pollution from ships?
a. Tank cleaning
b. Ship grounded
c. Painting
d. Catching fish
e. Destroying coral reefs
19. The following are the contents of the Garbage Management Plant, except…
a. Ship position
b. Junk volume
c. Garbage type
d. Year of shipbuilding
e. Any discharge or burning
20. In accordance with the Marpol convention 73/78 there are 2 types of waste – discharge,
disposal as a result of washing cargo tanks and pipelines, disposal of coal or other residues
as well as bilge from the cargo pump room is known as …
a. Accidental Discharge
b. Operation Discharge
c. Bunkering Discharge
d. Loading Accidental
e. I don't know
21. In accordance with the Marpol 73/78 convention there are 2 types of waste, cargo spills due
to damage to the cargo space or overflowing cargoes are called…
a. Accidental Discharge
b. Operation Discharge
c. Bunkering Discharge
d. Loading Accidental
e. I don't know
22. Included in the Oil Discharge Monitoring system are…
a. Oil Content Meter
b. Flow Meter
c. Computing Unit
d. Overboard valve control system
e. All answers are correct
23. An area of the sea where for technical reasons due to its oceanographic and ecological
conditions and the particular nature of traffic density, the application of special methods to
prevent pollution is necessary is called
a. Coastal Land
b. Mediterranean Sea
c. Baltic sea
d. Special areas
e. I don't know
24. The following are the contents of Oil Record Book I, except…
a. Ballast filling or fuel tank washing
b. Bilge disharging
c. Crude Oil Washing Operation
d. Conditions from OWS and ODM
e. Bunkering of fuel and lube oil
25. MARPOL 73/78 was created due to a ship accident that resulted in the spilling of oil at sea,
namely a shipwreck named …
a. MV. Tondorra
b. RMS Titanic
c. MV. Torrey Canyon
d. MV. Erika
e. e. I don't know
26. MARPOL was first adopted by IMO on…
a. December 17, 1973
b. February 17, 1973
c. February 7, 1978
d. March 17, 1978
e. I don't know
27. The annex that regulates marine pollution caused by garbage is …
a. Annex I
b. Annex II
c. Annex III
d. Annex IV
e. Annex V
28. Annex yang mengatur tentang pencemaran laut yang disebabkan oleh sewage yaitu …
a. Annex I
b. Annex II
c. Annex III
d. Annex IV
e. Annex V
29. What is meant by “Harmful substances” in MARPOL 73/78 is…
a. Oil spills at sea from ship operations
b. Goods that are packaged in and endanger the environment if they fall into the sea
c. Dirt from toilets, toilets, urinals, treatment rooms, animal waste and a mixture of these
d. Garbage in the form of leftover goods or materials resulting from activities on board the
e. I don't know
30. Sewage that has been destroyed and killed can be disposed of at a distance of more than …
a. 2 miles from the nearest mainland
b. 4 miles from the nearest land
c. 8 miles from the nearest land
d. 12 miles from the nearest land
e. I don't know
31. Sewage that has not been destroyed and killed can be disposed of at a distance of more than

a. 2 miles from the nearest mainland
b. 4 miles from the nearest land
c. 8 miles from the nearest land
d. 12 miles from the nearest land
e. I don't know
32. What is not a special area in Annex I is…
a. Mediterranean Sea
b. Southwest Europe
c. Baltic sea
d. Black sea
e. Northwest Europe
33. Annex I comes into force internationally from the date…
a. October 2, 1983
b. October 2, 1973
c. February 17, 1973
d. February 17, 1983
e. I don't know
34. The application of ANNEX I on the ship is in the form of a machine that can minimize marine
pollution by oil, namely …
a. Purifier
b. Oil Discharge Monitoring
c. Oily Water Separator
d. Clarifier
e. I don't know
35. The application of ANNEX IV on ships is in the form of a machine that can minimize marine
pollution by sewage, namely …
a. Ballast Water Treatment
b. Sewage Treatment Plant
c. Oily Water Separator
d. Bilge separator
e. I don't know
36. An onboard machinery used to minimize marine pollution caused by garbage or garbage is…
a. Incinerator
b. Oily Water Separator
c. Sewage Treatment Plant
d. Bilge separator
e. I don't know
37. Plastic waste can be dumped into the sea with a distance of …
a. More than 12 Miles from nearest land
b. More than 20 Miles from nearest land
c. Less than 12 Miles from nearest land
d. 25 Miles from nearest land
e. All answers are wrong
38. What is the minimum GRT for a tanker to have an IOPP certificate:
a. 150 GRT
b. 250 GRT
c. 400 GRT
d. 500 GRT
e. I don't know
39. What is the minimum GRT for a non-tanker vessel to have an IOPP certificate:
a. 150 GRT
b. 250 GRT
c. 400 GRT
d. 500 GRT
e. I don't know
40. What is meant by category A on ships carrying chemical cargo are…
a. Quite dangerous (marine spill) and requires special handling
b. Very dangerous (major hazard)
c. Less dangerous (minor hazard)
d. It is harmless and requires little special attention and handling
e. I don't know
41. If there is oil pollution in the sea, the institution that will compensate is…
a. IMO
b. ILO
d. Coast Guard
e. I don't know
42. Crude oil cargo is recirculated as a tank washing medium which is reducing oil deposits
remaining in the tank is called …
a. Bilge
b. Sludge
c. Crude Oil Washing
d. Clean ballast
e. I don't know
43. Tanks to accommodate oily waste from used laundry dirty ballast tanks & dirty oil residues
are called…
a. Bilge tanks
b. Slugde tank
c. Ballast tanks
d. Slop tank
e. I don't know
44. What is the minimum slop tank size for a tanker?
a. Minimum 2% of the total cargo tank capacity
b. Minimum 5% of the total cargo tank capacity
c. Minimum 7% of the total cargo tank capacity
d. Minimum 10% of the total cargo tank capacity
e. I don't know
45. The IOPP certificate has a validity period of up to…
a. 2 years
b. 3 years
c. 4 years
d. 5 years
e. I don't know

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