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Santino Bianchi

1) The French stopped the Germans in the Western Front. The French were aided
by the Russians, who suddenly attacked Germany on its Eastern Front. This
move by the Russians forced the Germans to shift large numbers of troops from
west to east. Also the Allies and the Germans built trenches. All these
prevented Germany from scoring a quick victory on the Western Front.

2) New Technologies:

- New submarines
- Fighter and Bomber planes.
- Tanks
- Land Mines
- Torpedo Boats
- Hand Grenades
- Flame throwers
- Machine Guns
- Giant guns, such as the German “Big Bertha”
- Poison Gas that caused vomiting and suffocation
- Masks for soldiers became necessary

3) Naval Warfare was so important to Germany because if they controlled the

waters around the British Isles, the supplies would never arrived to British and
British supplies of food and arms would be very low.

4) German submarines began attacking American ships that were carrying

supplies to Britain and France. This caused the loss of hundreds of American
Lives. Then the U.S President warned the Germans to stop the attacks. For a
time the Germans stop attacking hoping to keep the United States out of the
war. When the British blockade squeezed off supplies to Germany, German
leaders believed they had no choice but to resume the submarine attacks.
Germany announced the “unrestricted submarine Warfare”. Finally British
agents intercepted a telegram sent to Mexico by the Germans. The telegram
encouraged Mexico to ally itself with Germany and help fight the United States.
All these factors made United States joined the Allies.
5) Factors that turned the tide for the Allies:

- United States joining the Allies.

- A revolution broke out in Germany
- Low morale in the Germany Army
- Strategy of the General John Pershing that cause many losses in the
German army.

Critical Thinking

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