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TED演讲者:Adam Sadowsky | 亚当.

演讲标题:Adam Sadowsky engineers a viral music video | 亚当.萨多斯基操刀制作的一部火爆音乐视

内容概要:As the president of Syyn Labs, Adam Sadowsky merges art and technology to create
interactive projects big and small.
乐队OK Go将复杂的鲁宾.戈德堡装置这一新奇的创意运用于他们下一部音乐视频中——亚当.萨多斯基的团
Youtube上一炮走红。 锡育软件
Hi there. 大家好。[00:12]
I'm going to be talking a little bit about music, machines and 我准备简单地谈一下 音乐,机器和生活。[00:14]
Or, more specifically, what we learned from the creation of a 或者,更具体地说, 从为一部音乐视频而制造的一套
very large and complicated machine for a music video. 庞大复杂的机器中 我们学到了什么。[00:19]
Some of you may recognize this image. 在座可能有人认得这个画面。[00:27]
This is the opening frame of the video that we created. 这就是我们制作的视频开场。[00:29]
We'll be showing the video at the end, but before we do, I 在最后我们会播放这个视频, 但是,在这之前,我想
want to talk a little bit about what it is that they wanted. 先讲讲 他们(OK Go)当时提出的要求。[00:32]
Now, when we first started talking to OK Go -- the name of 第一次和OK Go乐队商讨的时候—— 这首歌的名
the song is "This Too Shall Pass" -- we were really excited 字叫“一切都会过去”—— 我们当时非常兴奋因
because they expressed interest in building a machine that 为 他们表示有意制造一台机器,好让他们跟着它跳
they could dance with. 舞。[00:39]
And we were very excited about this because, of course, they 我们听了非常兴奋, 因为,当然啦, 他们有一段与机
have a history of dancing with machines. 器共舞的历史。[00:50]
They're responsible for this video, "Here It Goes Again." 这个视频就是他们出演的,“唉,又来了”(歌名)
50-million-plus views on YouTube. 在YouTube上获得超过五千万播放次数。[01:00]
Four guys dancing on treadmills, no cuts, just a static camera.四个男人在跑步机上跳舞, 没有剪接,只使用了一架
expressed: v.表达(express的过去式和过去分词);(用符号等)表示;榨;(如在说话,写作或绘画中)表达(自己)的意见
A fantastically viral and wonderful video. 一部令人叫绝并迅速走红的视频。[01:07]
So we were really excited about working with them. 所以,能跟他们合作,我们实在是太兴奋了。[01:09]
And we sort of started talking about what it is that they 接着我们开始谈到他们的具体要求。[01:11]
And they explained that they wanted kind of a Rube 他们解释说他们想要 一个类似鲁宾·戈德堡装置那
Goldberg machine. 样的机器。[01:14]
Now, for those of you who don't know, a Rube Goldberg 你们有些人没听说过 鲁宾·戈德堡装置 就是一套复
machine is a complicated contraption, an incredibly over- 杂而奇妙机器, 一组令人煞费苦心制造出的机械装
engineered piece of machinery that accomplishes a 置 只为完成一个相对简单的任务。[01:18]
relatively simple task.
So we were excited by this idea, and we started talking about 这个设想让我们跃跃欲试, 于是我们开始商量 这套
exactly what it would look like. 机器该是什么样的。[01:31]
And we came up with some parameters, because, you know, 我们提出了几套方案-- 要知道,制造一套鲁宾·戈德
building a Rube Goldberg machine has limitations, but it 堡装置 是有很多局限的, 但发挥的空间也很广。
also is pretty wide open. [01:37]
And we wanted to make sure that we did something that 我们要确保我们所做的 能在音乐视频中派上用
would work for a music video. 场。[01:47]
So we came up with a list of requirements, the "10 因此我们列出了一些要求 称之为“十诫”,[01:52]
fantastically: adv.想像中地;奇特地;难以置信地 viral: adj.滤过性毒菌引起的;滤过性毒菌的 Rube: n.乡巴佬;土包子/adj.土里
土气的;像乡巴佬的 contraption: n.奇妙的装置;精巧的设计 accomplishes: vt.完成;实现;达到 limitations: n.局限性;(限制)
因素;边界(limitation的复数形式) requirements: n.要求(requirement的复数);调整需要量,必需品 commandments: n.诫命
and they were, in order of ascending difficulty: The first is 内容如下,按难度的升序排列: 第一条是“不玩魔
"No magic." 术”。[01:57]
Everything that happened on screen had to be very easily 镜头里的所有东西都必须 让一个普通观众很轻易
understood by a typical viewer. 就能看懂。[02:02]
The rule of thumb was that, if my mother couldn't 考量的标准就是,如果我的母亲看不懂, 那么我们就
understand it, then we couldn't use it in the video. 不能用它。[02:06]
They wanted band integration, that is, the machine acting 第二,他们要求乐队与机器合为一体, 机器必须作用
upon the band members, specifically not the other way 于乐队成员的身上, 而尤其不能反过来。[02:11]
upon the band members, specifically not the other way
They wanted the machine action to follow the song feeling. 第三,他们希望机器能够跟着歌曲的感觉走。
So as the song picks up emotion, so should the machine get 也就是当歌曲渐入佳境, 机器要随着歌曲 运作规模
grander in its process. 越来越大。[02:21]
They wanted us to make use of the space. 第四,他们希望我们充分利用空间。[02:27]
So we have this 10,000-square-foot warehouse we were 于是我们使用了一间占地10000平方英尺的工房,
using, divided between two floors. 把它分成两层楼。[02:29]
It included an exterior loading dock. 它包括一个外部装卸支架。[02:34]
We used all of that, including a giant hole in the floor that we 我们用上了所有的空间,连地板上的一个大洞都没
actually descended the camera and cameraman through. 放过。 我们就是通过这个洞口来升降摄像机和摄
ascending: adj.上升的/v.上升;获得(ascend的ing形式);追溯 viewer: n.观察者;观看者;电视观众;[仪]指示器 integration: n.
集成;综合 make use of: 使用,利用 dock: n.码头;船坞;被告席;尾巴的骨肉部分/vt.使靠码头;剪短/vi.入船坞 descended: adj.
出身于...的;从一个祖先传下来的 cameraman: n.摄影师;照相师;摄影记者
They wanted it messy, and we were happy to oblige. 第五,场面乱成一团,这我们也非常乐意效劳。
The machine itself would start the music. 第六,机器自己会开始播放歌曲。[02:45]
So the machine would get started, it would travel some 这样机器就启动了, 它会经过一段路程, 沿途进行
distance, reacting along the way, hit play on an iPod or a 各种反应, 启动一台iPod或卡带机 或者其它有重放
tape deck or something that would start playback. 功能的设备。[02:47]
And the machine would maintain synchronization 第七,机器的全程运转与音乐同步进行。[02:57]
And speaking of synchronization, they wanted it to sync to 讲到同步进行, 他们特别要求机器必须与节拍同步,
the rhythm and to hit specific beats along the way. 并且全程的每一个拍子都要准确踩到位。[03:00]
Okay. (Laughter) They wanted it to end precisely on time. 行。(笑声) 第八,他们要求运作过程要准时结
Okay, so now the start to finish timing has to be perfect. 好,这样从开始到结束的时间就要分秒不差。
And they wanted the music to drop out at a certain point in 第九,他们还要求音乐暂停 在视频中某一特定时间
the video and actual live audio from the machine to play part 点上, 然后由机器自带的音频来 播放歌曲的一部
of the song. 分。[03:17]
And as if that wasn't enough, all of these incredibly 好像这些都还不算什么, 尽管以上所有要求已经极
complicating things, right, they wanted it in one shot. 其苛刻了,对吧, 他们还要求全程一镜到底。[03:26]
messy: adj.凌乱的,散乱的;肮脏的,污秽的;麻烦的 play on: 演奏;发生影响;利用别人的感情;继续比赛 playback: n.[电视][广
播]重放;录音重放装置 synchronization: n.[物]同步;同时性 sync: n.同步,同时/vi.同时发生/vt.使同步 drop out: 退出;退学;
脱离 complicating: 并发
(Laughter) (笑声)[03:33]
(Applause) Okay. (掌声) 好吧。[03:35]
So, just some statistics about what we went through in the 那么,下面这些数据 是从我们工作的过程中统计
process. 的。[03:43]
The machine itself has 89 distinct interactions. 机器本身有 89个不同的连锁动作。[03:47]
It took us 85 takes to get it on film to our satisfaction. 我们演练了85次 为上镜头之后 能够令人满意。
Of those 85 takes, only three actually successfully completed 在这85次演练中, 只有三次圆满完成运作。[03:58]
their run.
We destroyed two pianos and 10 televisions in the process. 我们总共弄毁了两架钢琴 和十台电视机。[04:04]
We went to Home Depot well over a hundred times. 我们往家得宝超市跑了不下100趟。[04:09]
(Laughter) And we lost one high-heeled shoe when one of (笑声) 另外我们还牺牲了一只高跟鞋。 那是当
our engineers, Heather Knight, left her high-heeled shoe -- 我们的一位工程师海瑟·奈特, 落下了她的一只高跟
after a nice dinner, and returned back to the build -- and left 鞋——在一顿美妙的晚餐之后, 她回到工房——
it in a pile of stuff. 把鞋落在一堆杂物中。[04:12]
And another engineer thought, "Well, that would be a really 接着另一位工程师一想,“咦,这可以派上大用场。
good thing to use" ”[04:25]
statistics: n.统计;统计学;[统计]统计资料 interactions: n.[计]交互,相互作用;相互交流(interaction复数) pianos: n.钢琴
(piano的复数形式) televisions: n.电视,电视机;电视业 Depot: n.仓库;停车场;航空站/vt.把…存放在储藏处/adj.药性持久的
high-heeled: adj.高跟的 pile: n.堆;大量;建筑群/vt.累积;打桩于/vi.挤;堆积;积累
and ended up using it as a really nice trigger. 最后他就把它用作一个非常棒的启动装置。
[04:27] 锡育软件
And it's actually in the machine. 它事实上就在机器中。[04:29]
So what did we learn from all of this? 那么我们从中学到了什么呢?[04:32]
Well, having completed this, we have the opportunity to step 完成了这项工程以后, 我们有机会退一步反思一下
Well, having completed this, we have the opportunity to step
back and reflect on some of the things. 其中的一些事情。[04:34]
And we learned that small stuff stinks. 我们领悟到琐碎小事会令人抓狂。[04:40]
Little balls in wooden tracks are really susceptible to 那些木制轨道上的小珠子 非常容易受 湿气,温度,
humidity and temperature and a little bit of dust, and they 和哪怕一点灰尘的影响。 它们从轨道上滚落 很难
fall out of the tracks, the exact angles makes it hard to get 把握角度的精准度。[04:42]
And yet, a bowling ball will always follow the same path. 相反,一个保龄球就总可以顺利地通过同样的路
It doesn't matter what temperature it is, doesn't matter 不管温度高低, 不管前面有什么阻碍; 它几乎都可
what's in its way; it will pretty much get where it needs to go. 以顺利到达目的地。[04:56]
But as much as the small stuff stinks, we needed somewhere 但尽管那些琐碎的小东西会让人抓狂,我们还是需
to start, so that we would have somewhere to go. 要找到一个起点, 这样才能知道该往哪走。[05:02]
step back: 后退,退后;无意义 reflect on: 仔细考虑,思考;反省;回想,回顾;怀疑 stinks: v.令人厌恶;发臭味(stink的第三人称单
数)/n.恶臭;讨厌的人(stink的复数) susceptible: adj.易受影响的;易感动的;容许…的/n.易得病的人 humidity: n.[气象]湿
度;湿气 fall out: 发生;脱落;争吵;离队;结果是
And so you have to start with it. You have to focus on it. 所以你必须开始动手,必须全身心投入。[05:06]
Small stuff stinks, but, of course, it's essential, right? 琐碎小事让人头疼, 但是,当然,它不可或缺,对吧。
What else? Planning is incredibly important. 还学到什么了呢?计划是至关重要的。[05:13]
(Laughter) You know, we spent a lot of time ideating and (笑声) 你知道,我们花了大量时间构思 甚至做了
even building some of these things. 一些模型。[05:16]
It's been said that, "No battle plan survives contact with the 有句话说得好:“纸上谈兵 不及临阵对敌。
enemy." ”[05:24]
I think our enemy was physics -- 我认为我们的敌人是物理学。[05:28]
(Laughter) and she's a cruel mistress. (笑声) 它可是一位难伺候的主儿。[05:30]
Often, we had to pull things out as a result because of timing 我们往往不得不把一些东西去掉 为了保证时间或
or aesthetics or whatever. 美观性等等。[05:35]
And so while planning is important, so is flexibility. 所以计划很重要,灵活性也同样重要。[05:40]
These are all things that ended up not making it into the final这些都是 没有入选最终成品的部分。[05:43]
另外,要把可靠的部分放在最后, 也就是每次都能顺
So also, put reliable stuff last, the stuff that's going to run
every time. 利运行的部分。[05:47]
Again, small to large is relevant here. 这就与小件到大件的安排有关了。[05:53]
to start with: adv.首先;作为开始(等于forastart) mistress: n.情妇;女主人;主妇;女教师;女能人 aesthetics: n.美学;美
的哲学 flexibility: n.灵活性;弹性;适应性
The little Lego car in the beginning of the video references 在视频开头的小乐高玩具车 与视频结尾时 那辆大
the big, real car near the end of the video. 的真车相比,[05:56]
The big, real car works every time; there's no problem about 大的真车每次运行都成功;没有任何问题。[06:03]
The little one had a tendency to try to run off the track and但是,那架小车就很容易从轨道上溜出来, 这就成问
that's a problem. 题了。[06:06]
But you don't want to have to reset the whole machine 但是你肯定不愿意因为把小车子放在最后出了岔子
because the Lego car at the end doesn't work, right. 而重置整台机器。[06:10]
所以你才把它放在最前面,即使它出错了, 至少你知
So you put that up front so that, if it fails, at least you know
you don't have to reset the whole thing. 道 你不需要全部返工。[06:14]
Life can be messy. 生活可能会 乱成一团。[06:20]
There were incredibly difficult moments in the building of 在建造这套机器的过程中,我们碰到过极其困难的
this thing. 时候。[06:26]
Months were spent in this tiny, cold warehouse. 我们在这间又小又冷的工房里花了几个月的时间。
And the wonderful elation that we had when we finally 而最后我们兴高采烈地庆祝 圆满完成任务。
completed it. [06:32]
So it's important to remember that whether it's good or it's 所以,重要的是要记住,不管事情是好是坏, “一切
bad, "This Too Shall Pass." 都会过去”。[06:36]
Thank you very much. 非常感谢。[06:41]
references: n.[图情]参考文献;参照;推荐信(reference的复数)/v.附…以供参考;把…引作参考(reference的三单形式) off the
track: 出轨;误入歧途;离题 reset: vi.重置;清零/vt.重置;重新设定;重新组合/n.重新设定;重新组合;重排版 elation: n.兴高采烈,
(Applause) And now to introduce their music video, we have (掌声) 下面请欣赏 他们的音乐视频, 我们有请Ok
OK Go. Go。[06:43]
OK Go: An introduction. Hello TEDxUSC. OK Go: 自我介绍。TEDxUSC你们好。[06:55]
We are OK Go. 我们是OK Go。[06:57]
What are we doing? Oh, just hanging out with our Grammy. 我们在做什么?哦,在把弄我们的格莱美奖杯呢。
What are we doing? Oh, just hanging out with our Grammy.
What what! 怎么样,怎么样。[06:59]
It think we can do better than this. Hello TEDxUSC. 我觉得我们能做得更好。TEDxUSC你们好。
We are OK Go. Have you read the "Natural Curiosity 我们是OK Go。你们读过《自然奇珍》吗?
Cabinet?" [07:05]
I mean, "Curiosity" -- excuse me. 我说的是,“奇珍”--不好意思。[07:08]
Let me start again. 我重来一边。[07:10]
We need some more ridiculous things besides "The Cabinet 除了《自然奇珍》之外,我们需要一些更荒唐的东
of Natural Curiosities." 西。[07:12]
Tim's sundial hat. 蒂姆的日晷帽。[07:15]
Have you seen the new work they've done to the Waltz 你们见过新建的瓦尔特塔吗?[07:17]
Sorry, start again. 对不起,重来。[07:19]
(Barking) Dogs. (狗叫声) 狗来了。[07:21]
TEDxUSC,你们好。我们是OK Go, 这是我们新的
Hello, TEDxUSC. We are OK Go, and this our new video, "This
Too Shall Pass." 音乐视频,“一切都会过去”。[07:25]
[unclear] Kay, we can still do one better I think, yeah. [不清楚] 凯伊,我觉得我们还能做得更好,对吧。
Grammy: n.留声机(等于gramophone);(外)祖母;老太太(等于grandmother) ridiculous: adj.可笑的;荒谬的 Curiosities:
n.好奇,好奇心;珍品,古董,古玩 sundial: n.日晷,日规;羽扇豆(产于美国东部) Waltz: vi.跳华尔兹舞;旋转;轻快地走动/vt.硬拖;
That one's pretty good. It's getting better. 刚才那段还不错。有进步。[07:35]
(Music) (音乐响起)[08:01]
? You know you can't keep letting it get you down ? ?你知道你不该一直垂头丧气?[08:18]
? And you can't keep dragging that dead weight around ? ?你不该总背负着沉重的累赘?[08:21]
? If there ain't all that much to lug around ? ?如果没有什么让你踌躇不前?[08:30]
? Better run like hell when you hit the ground ? ?那么跌倒之后你最好拼命奔跑?[08:33]
? When the morning comes ? ?当清晨来临时?[08:41]
? When the morning comes ? ?当清晨来临时?[08:47]
? You can't stop these kids from dancing ? ?你不能阻止孩子们的舞步?[08:53]
? Why would you want to? ? ?为什么要这样做呢?[08:56]
? Especially when you're already getting yours ? ?况且你已经得到了你应得的?[08:58]
? Cuz if your mind don't move and your knees don't bend ? ?如果你思想保守,不肯屈服?[09:05]
? Well don't go blaming the kids again ? ?就别再责怪孩子?[09:08]
? When the morning comes ? ?当清晨来临时?[09:16]
? When the morning comes ? ?当清晨来临时?[09:22]
? When the morning comes ? ?当清晨来临时?[09:28]
? When the morning comes ? ?当清晨来临时?[09:34]
? When the morning comes ? ?当清晨来临时?[09:37]
dragging: vt.牵引(drag的现在分词)/adj.拖延的;拖曳用的 lug: n.支托;接线片;耳状物/vt.用力拉或拖/vi.用力拉或拖
? When the morning comes ? ?当清晨来临时?[09:40]
? Let it go ? ?都忘了吧?[09:51]
? This too shall pass ? ?一切都会过去?[09:55]
? Let it go ? ?都忘了吧?[10:03]
? This too shall pass ? ?一切都会过去?[10:07]
? You know you can't keep letting it get you down ? ?你知道你不该一直垂头丧气?[10:15]
? No, you can't keep letting it get you down ? ?不,你不该一直垂头丧气?[10:18]
? Let it go ? ?都忘了吧?[10:27]
? This too shall pass ? ?一切都会过去?[10:31]
? When the morning comes ? ?当清晨来临时?[10:37]
? When the morning comes ? ?当清晨来临时?[10:43]
? When the morning comes ? ?当清晨来临时?[10:49]
? When the morning comes ? ?当清晨来临时?[11:01]
(Cheering) (热烈欢呼)[11:10]


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