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Future Destination Management

Future Tourism: Sustainable, Responsible, Smart


• The concerns about tourist experiences have led Destinations Management

Organizations (DMOs) to face different and more complex challenges.

• DMO’s need to develop a new vision on how the tourism system should work
and to adopt new management paradigms aiming at achieving a high level of
tourist satisfaction.

• Understanding tourists’ experiences, perceptions and emotions during their

stay at the destination, is a central issue for DMO’s in terms of supply and
positioning to potential segments.

• The experience is affected by a large set of factors which determines the

overall satisfaction of tourists.
• Destination marketing goes hand-in-hand with a destination
management strategy, highlighting to potential travelers the
unique selling points and experiences the.

• DMOs can assist increasing demand to travel destination by

creating a comprehensive destination marketing strategy.

• To promoting the destination, a DMO can provide potential

travelers with valuable information, direct travelers to hotels and
other forms of accommodation, provide access to booking
platforms and help tourists to plan their itinerary.

• By focusing on the ideas of place, people, product and process, it

becomes easier to consider the interests of all stakeholders, adopt
a holistic approach, promote the destination and come up with a
coherent management strategy.
Malaysia Perspective
• The competitive situation and challenges within the tourism
industry worldwide to achieve Malaysia’s aspiration to retain its
international reputation as one of the most desirable destinations.

• Changes within the environment and an increasingly competitive

internationally need an effective positioning strategy.

• Malaysia government, through the Tourism Malaysia, has

undertaken enthusiastic efforts promoting Malaysia, especially at
the international level, to attract foreign tourists to Malaysia.

• It is important to ascertain Malaysia’s destination image from the

customers’ perspective which can then be used to guide
promotional activities to attract foreign tourists travelling to
The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic
• The coronavirus outbreak in the early months of 2020
already imposed a significant threat to the tourism industry
in Malaysia.

• The tourism industry suffered a huge loss. This is especially

so for the airline and hotel industries.
❑ Hundreds hotels were closed either permanently or
❑ Airlines industry have implemented wage cuts and
unpaid leave
❑ Tour guides struggle to cope with unemployment
❑ Street vendors and local businesses’ sales were reduced
or closed
❑ Other public transport also affected badly

• Positioning a tourism destination can gain a competitive edge.

• The concept of positioning is not limited to a brand, company, service, person, but is
also applicable to a place.

• The process of successful positioning starts with the host country’s

destination-management office (DMO) ascertaining the main attractive attributes of
the destination that are meaningful and become the “pulling” factor to tourists
visiting the destination.

• Different tourist segments may have different interests and perceptions of a tourist
destination, and this requires the DMO to develop appropriate
destination-positioning strategy based on the identified image for the different target

• Successful destination marketing requires selecting the right target market and
offering the most suitable combination of local tourism products and services.
Turn on Domestic Tourism

• In most nations, domestic tourism has the most significant

number of visitor arrivals and revenues and better access
and transit flexibility and fewer limitations.

• The Malaysian Ministry of Tourism has concentrated on

domestic tourism and presenting the country as a safe
vacation destination to restore the tourism sector.

• Several incentives and discounts for domestic tourism

have been implemented to encourage individuals to
discover their nation.
Establishing Better Health

• Destinations must portray themselves

as safe and secure, simple to reach,
and compliant with COVID-19 travel
regulations that are acceptable and
non-disruptive to travelers' plans.
Accepting digitalization

• Fast digitalization has significantly

impacted those working in the tourism
industry, such as hotel booking.

• e-commerce platforms may provide a

seamless consumer experience and
enhance productivity.
Making Tourism Stronger
and Ready for the Future

1. Working together
• The collaboration between the authorities in tourism industry and health organization.
• Ensuring harmonized travel protocols to restart tourism in many parts of the world.

2. For people and planet

• Restart tourism around the pillars of sustainability, innovation, people, and investing
for a resilient future.

3. Mainstreaming tourism
• Tourism is now part of the global conversation and at the heart of both national and
international recovery action plans.
• International: UNWTO, WHO etc. National: MOTAC, KKM, MKN etc.

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