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Based on the title and the vocabulary, what do you think this story is about?
I think this story is about how do you see yourself and of the difficulties that lizzie had to
go through.

Listening for general comprehension

1. Why is Lizzie different from other people?
She has a syndrome that prevents her from gaining weight.
2. What did the doctors tell Lizzie's parents to expect? Were their predictions right?
Doctors told Lizzie's parents that she would not be able to walk or speak for
herself. The predictions were not correct because she was able to do everything
and even more by herself.
3. What did her parents decide to do?
Lizzie's parents decided that they were going to love and care for her as best
they could.
4. Why was Lizzie so confused on her first day at primary school?
Because the other children did not want to play or be with her because she
looked different from them.
5. What happened to her in high school that motivated her to fight back?
They published a video on the internet of her with the title the ugliest woman in
the world.
6. What is the speaker’s message to the audience?
The message is that we use the negativity and bad comments of other people as
motivation to be better.

Listening for specific information

1. What is the heaviest that Lizzie has ever been?
About 64 pounds.
2. What are, according to her, the benefits to her syndrome?
Lizzie says if someone is rude to her she can't see it out of one eye and it's like
that person isn't there. Says that being small, she can go to a gym and say that
program worked and she also said that she can eat whatever she wants
whenever she wants because she can't gain weight.
3. Why has her mother specifically been so important to her?
Because her mom is the glue that has kept the family together and has given her
strength seeing that her mom has been through so much.
4. What details do we learn about the video of herself that Lizzie found online? (title,
number of views, length, audio, number of comments)
They called her the ugliest woman in the world with more than 4 million views,
it was 8 seconds, without sound and thousands of comments.
5. What academic and professional accomplishments is Lizzie proud of?
She is a motivational speaker, wrote books and graduated from college.

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