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CEP Lesson Plan Form

Teacher: Ms. Tessa Warren Date: February 23, 2023

School: Fossil Ridge High School Grade Level: Freshmen Content Area: World History

Title: Study of Islam and American Civilizations (Mayans, Native) Lesson #: 1 of 1

Lesson Idea/Topic and This lesson will be the third day in our study of Islam as a religion and
Rational/Relevance: culture. Students have already learned about the Rise of Islam, and a
portion of the History, but we will be getting into what historians call “The
Golden Age” of Islam today during class. This lesson will start out being
student led, with them taking a chunk of time (about 30-45 minutes) to
research the Islamic Golden Age, and fill out the questions on their packet. If
students do not finish Part Three, it will be homework due Monday. We will
also engage in a small review session for the packet, to clear up any
confusion students have surrounding Islam on Monday.

I will be conducting some lecture for my students’ studies into The Americas
near the end of the class period. Within this lecture, we will be having a
short review on Native American tribes before we move on to diving into
the Mayan civilization. After this, students will be tasked with working on a
“Aztecs and Incas Primary Document” group activity, to show them some
different perspectives on the civilizations.

Student Profile: I have 29 freshmen students in this class, all of varying levels of
understanding and interest. There are a few students who have IEP’s and/or
504’s, which request that I do not call on them to read, and allow them to
take digital notes or complete assignments digitally if needed and requested
by them. Most of the students seem to be engaged with the topic of world
history, while, with others, you can clearly tell they are here to fulfill a credit
requirement for graduation. Most of them are incredibly mature for their
age, and are able to grasp onto much more complex World History topics
and concepts. My first period section is typically very quiet in the morning,

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson: (Write Content Standards directly from the standard)

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1. SS22-HS.WHS-S.2.PG.2: Analyze historical periods and patterns of continuity and change, through multiple perspectives, within and among cultures and

Understandings: (Big Ideas)

1. Islam is, commonly, misunderstood and negatively stereotyped.

2. The civilizations found in the early Americas are rich with culture, traditions and history.

3. The Mayans were extremely advanced as a civilization within their creation of the calendar and their expansive understanding of the stars above them.

4. The Islamic Golden Age was characterized by advancements in architecture, influential art styles and new schools of thought.

5. There are many perspectives on the Incan and Aztec civilizations that can inform a historians knowledge of their traditions, cultures and customs.

Inquiry Questions: (Essential questions relating knowledge at end of the unit of instruction, select applicable questions from standard)

1. How does the historical concept of the “Islamic Golden Age” challenge our viewpoints of Islam as a culture and religion?

2. How are the development of early civilizations in the Americas affected by the climate of the area they live in?

Evidence Outcomes: (Learning Targets)

Every student will be able to: (Create your own lesson objectives from the standard using student voice)

I can understand the importance of the Islamic Golden Age

I can understand the important features, traditions and cultural characteristics of the Mayan Civilizations

I can use my historical reading and critical thinking skills to understand Primary documents related to the Aztec and Incan civilizations.

This means:

Students understand the impact of the Islamic Golden Age on history and on the community it occurred in.

Students can effectively use their historical thinking and research skills to gain more knowledge, and a better understanding of the Islamic Golden Age.

Students can understand the Mayan’s and the importance and cultural traditions of their civilization.

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Students can effectively use their historical reading and critical thinking skills to gain a better understanding of the different perspectives of the Aztec and Inca

List of Assessments: (Write the number of the learning targets associated with each assessment)

1. “Study of Islam” Packet (Graded): This packet is the primary way students have been taking notes on Islam during the beginning of this Unit. It is split up
into three parts, with each having a set number of questions for students to answer while watching a documentary, listening to lecture or working on
independently. This was my attempt at making note-taking a little different for them, since we are closely approaching Spring Break and the end of Third
Quarter. This assessment will be one I collect on Monday morning, after we engage in a short review of some of the questions.
a. Learning Target: I can effectively use the “Study of Islam” Packet to inform and guide my learning on our exploration into Islam.
b. Learning Target: I am able to use my historical thinking and research skills to answer questions on the Islamic Golden Age.
2. “Aztecs and Incas Primary Document Group” worksheet: This group work is centered around three to four primary source documents from various
Spanish conquistadors that were able to see the civilizations first hand. Although some of these perspectives are sometimes hard to read, and
understand, it is vital that students understand that history is made up of many different perspectives. Thus, it is incredibly important as historians to be
able to look through all of them to inform a more well-rounded understanding of the content.
a. Learning Target: I can work effectively with a group to analyze and answer questions about primary source documents.
b. Learning Target: I can take in multiple perspectives on any civilization, point in time or era of history and use them to help me better understand
the different perspectives on a subject.
i. NOTE: this does not mean that some controversial historical perspectives have voice and should be regarded as moral or the truth.

Planned Lesson Activities

Name and Purpose of Lesson The Islamic Golden Age and Early American Civilizations

Purpose: To educate students on the Islamic Golden age through their own discovery using guided research links
and questions. Additionally, the purpose of this lesson is also to inform students of civilizations in the Americas
(Mayans and Native American Tribes) to expand the knowledge they hold on them. Often times, students know
very little about the specifics of civilizations in Americas and this lesson serves as a way to push that knowledge.

Co-Teaching Not applicable. No co-teaching will be used for this lesson.

Will co-teaching models be utilized in this

Approx. Time and Materials Full 90 minute class period.

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1. Unit 04 Running Agenda Slide
2. Study of Islam Packet (1 per student, they should already have these)
3. Computer and clicker (for Americas slideshow)
4. The Americas slideshow and my background knowledge + notes pages to help me whilst I am lecturing.
5. “Aztecs and Incas” Primary Document Group worksheet
6. Doc with students pre-assigned groups

Anticipatory Set The strategy I intend to use is: Connection of material

- Connecting the material, we learned about Islam yesterday to what students will be learning today. In
other words, how their knowledge will help them research and understand the Islamic Golden Age.

I am using this strategy here because:

- I decided to use “Connection” as a strategy here because I feel it will lead extremely well into my students
study and research of the Islamic Golden Age. They have been learning about the specifics of Islam as
both a religion and culture, and now they will get to see it through a much more specific lens with the
Golden Age.
Procedures The strategy I intend to use is: A mix of student led, teacher-led, independent work and group work
- Student led: Work time for Part Three (Islamic Golden Age) of their Study of Islam packet
- Teacher led: Lecture on the Americas and the Mayan civilization
- Independent Work: Part three of Study of Islam Packet
- Group Work: students will be working in small groups to move through the Primary Document

Teacher Actions Student Actions Data Collected

At the beginning of class, Teacher instructs Students respectfully put their phones Students answers to
students to put away their phones, and away, listen to the agenda and learning warm up question, as a
reminds them of the agenda for the class targets for today and talk amongst each sort of check in to see
period, learning targets and the warm up other about the prompted warm up how talkative/awake
question for the day. (mentioning their question. they are that morning.
next chapter for textbook notes is Chapter
12 and apologizing for saying their last
chapter was the last one of the quarter)

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Once the warm up question has been Students take out their study of Islam
answered, Teacher instructs students to packet and listen as teacher is giving
take out their Study of Islam packet and instruction.
walks them through what their task will be
for completing the last part of it.

Once instructions are completed. Teacher Students begin to work independently

tells students they will have “half an hour and pull out their notebooks, turn them
to forty five minutes” to work on the last to their textbook notes and leaves
part of the packet. Teacher also instructs them where the teacher can easily look
students to take out their notebooks and over them.
turn them to their Chapter 10 textbook
notes so she can check on them as they are

“Cell phones are allowed for music, but Students who want to listen to their
music only. If I catch you scrolling or own music put in their headphones.
texting your phone will be mine until the
end of the period.”

Teacher also reminds students that if part

three of the packet is not finished by the
end of the class period, it is homework and
must be finished for Monday, where a
short review session on the packet will

For students who do not want to listen to

their own music, Teacher puts on “lo fi
beats” (studying music).

As students are working, teacher goes

around the classroom and checks their

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Chapter 10 textbook notes, making

comments on their notebooks and noting
good/insightful reflections.

For the remainder of the work time, Students ask questions when they are
teacher walks around periodically to see confused and continue to work
where students are and if they have any independently for the rest of work
questions/are struggling with any of the time.

After the 30-45 minutes is up, teacher Students put their packets, phones,
instructs students to put away their earbuds and/or airpods away in their
packets, phones and earbuds/airpods into backpacks and take out their notes.
their backpack and take out their notes.

“Now we will be diving into our exploration

of civilizations in the Americas, and a brief
overview of Native American tribes. We
won’t be covering the tribes in depth,
because your US history course should do
that. Since we are in a world history
course, we are going to ensure we stay
within the wider world and not just focus
on the U.S”

Teacher lectures on civilizations in the Students take notes, and ask questions
Americas using the slideshow, and stops when they are confused or need
after they get through the Mayan clarification.

Teacher then shifts the focus of the lesson

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to the “Aztecs and Incas Primary Students take out their laptops, go onto
Document” Group worksheet (posted on google classroom and pull up the
google classroom and shared with assignment.
University Supervisor on Google Docs), and
runs through instructions for it.

Teacher displays student groups on the

board and prompts them to move to their Students move to their assigned groups
groups (teacher points out specific spots in and begin working, dividing up the
the room for each group to go to ex: work evenly between each group
“Group number one will be at the front of member.
the room….”)

Teacher instructs students that they have

the remainder of the period to work on the Students work with their groups and Student ability to work
assignment, but should not be on their are not on their phones. with and contribute to a
phones, or listening to music since it is a group
group activity and not an independent one.

As students are working, teacher walks

around to check in on student progress
and answer any questions or concerns they

IF TIME: Teacher engages in a short review

of the assignment.
Closure The strategy I intend to use is: Summary/Wrap Up
I am using this strategy here because: With so much happening in this lesson, and with me allowing students to
have the rest of the period to work on their Primary document activity, a formal closure statement doesn’t seem
to fit right here. Instead, what I intended to do is wrap up what they have learned, and remind them of the
homework they need to complete for Monday.
Differentiation Content Process Product Environment
Modifications: For content to be modified Process wise, I Product wise, I would As always, students
for this lesson, I would most believe most likely have who need
likely modify the primary modifications students who need modifications could

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document worksheet, as would be best modifications find a work out in the flex
some of the wording in the done within the format they are lab or another
primary sources can be hard independent comfortable with for quieter location
for students to understand. and group work the given assignment. should they need.
My modifications would take time. For those
place in the form of that need this, I
highlighting words that may would offer to
be hard to understand, and them to maybe
defining them at the bottom approach their
of the page process from a
mindset. So the
idea of starting
with the end of
a task (if
possible) and
then working
their way up to
the beginning.
Or, starting with
the things they
do know and
answering the
things they
Extensions: Extensions for content would In terms of For process, students In this case, since
probably come in the form of process, who need extensions much of the work
allowing students to do extensions could be given some will be done in
further research if they would could come in extra links to look into groups or
like, or to start on their next the form of for their study of the independently, I
chapter of notes for the class. which primary Islamic Golden Age, or would also allow
source possibly to brainstorm students who need

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document a some ideas about how extensions to go

student this golden age out to the flex lab if
chooses. They compares or contrasts they need.
could choose a with the Renaissance
excerpt that in Europe later on.
challenging to
them, or
possibly find
another one
related to the
topic to analyze.
Assessment Assessment can be found within the Primary Document group work, their study of Islam packet and me walking
around during work time to ensure comprehension.

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Post Lesson Reflection

Reflecting back on this lesson, now almost a week after I taught it, it went well. I felt extremely
confident in my content knowledge, and was excited to teach the Mayan Civilization to my students and
that definitely translated in the time I had for lecture. I could tell students were more interested in this
topic, and maybe already held some knowledge or understanding of the Mayan civilization, which made
me feel more assured and capable in my teaching abilities. I do feel, however, that I could have
differentiated who I was asking my questions to. I tend to gravitate towards students who I know will
answer my question, and not just say “I don’t know”. I need to be more comfortable with the possibility
of having a student say “I don’t know” in response, because it presents another opportunity for me to
push them as learners and students and for me to push myself into being more comfortable with the
uncomfortable. How can education be successful for both my students and myself if I am not pushing
them (and myself) to be the very best they can be?

Students performed alright on the Inca and Aztecs Primary document assessment. Some of
them did not annotate the sources as I had requested, which was disappointing to me as we have gone
through many primary document activities and they have been told they need to annotate for them. In
terms of the Study of Islam packets, students performed much better on them than they did the Incas
and Aztecs Primary document assessment. I could see students were interested to learn about Islam as a
religion and found the majority of their answers to be correct, with only two students scoring lower than
a 75%.

In terms of my goals for my next University supervisor observation, I would really like to push
my boundaries of what warm-ups I find comfortable. I tend to enjoy giving them warm up questions that
they just discuss with their table mates, but feel I could elevate my students experience in my classroom
if I have them physically get up, talk with their neighbors or discuss material that was covered the day
before. I would love to try this in the format of, “Get up and find two people to high five and give a
positive affirmation to, and then tell them what you found interesting/cool/a lightbulb moment about
the material we covered yesterday”. Additionally, I would like to try my hand at looping my content back
to previous units. This would help me reinforce what students are learning and also reinforce
connections to material that is important for them to remember. I feel a little unsure of how I can
accomplish this, but I believe that a good start would be to write down connections as I am working on
my background information for specific content. Having those connections, or “loops”, written down
would help me feel much more comfortable in accomplishing this goal.

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