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Tigas Gerwin A.

BFA Painting 3


1. Why are countries in the North considered more developed countries (MEDC)?
Because to the stability of their economies and the changes taking place inside them, the
nations are regarded as MEDC. The standard of living and quality of life are often higher in
MEDC nations.
2. Why are countries in the Sputh considered less economy developmed countries (LEDC)
Secondary sectors (like manufacturing) and service industries (like banking) are substantially less
prevalent in those nations due to their rural economies. Natural catastrophes like droughts or
floods, which can destroy an entire year's worth of crops, frequently have an impact on the
economy of LEDCs.
3. What is the main purpose/function of the human development index (HDI)?
The HDI is used to divert attention away from the conventional economic statistics and onto
human consequences among decision-makers, the media, and humanitarian organizations.

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