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Introduction: Realism is the doctrine that is associated with the study of the world we live in.

It is a
philosophy away from the world of ideas or spiritual things. In Realism the word ‘real’ denotes actual or
the existing. It indicates those things or events which exist in the world in its own right. It opposes the
thing or event which is imaginary or fictitious. It holds the view that knowledge acquired through senses
is true and what we observe and perceive through our own senses is real and the true entity of the
world. It says that physical world is objective and factual whereas personal feelings and desires are
subjective and secondary. That is why this philosophy is also known as objectivism.

Realism means a belief or theory which looks upon the worldTheistic realism is a philosophy based on
the idea that God is real,

What is the educational aim of theistic realism?

Theistic realism is seen in Christian and Catholic schools wherein students are taught about creation and
other things in the Bible. Students are trained to have good character through the rules of the schools.

What are the three types of realism?

realist thought can be divided into three branches: human nature realism, state-centric realism and
system-centric realism

Various aspects of Realistic Education: There are various aspects of education such as curriculum,
teaching methodology, discipline, aims of education and the like which are influenced by realistic

Realism and Aims of Education: Realism explains the aims of education in different perspectives.

Preparation for a Happy and Successful Life: The first and most important aim of realistic education is to
prepare learners for a happy and successful life.

Preparation for Practical Life: Realism recommends preparing students for real and practical life of
material world which can be gained through senses

Training of Senses: Realism believes that fullest development of personality can be possible through
proper training of senses. The learners will not have a proper knowledge about the material world
unless their senses are trained and improved properly
Developing Physical and Mental Powers: The physical and mental powers are required for developing
intelligence, discrimination and judgements by which learners will be able to overcome the challenges of

Developing Vocational Efficiency: This type of realistic aim makes education craft-centric. Realism is in
favour of developing vocational efficiencies among learners so that they can prepare themselves for
fulfilling livelihood demands.

Realism and Method of Teaching: Realism aims to prepare learners for real and practical life. It calls for
teaching-learning methodologies on the basis of subjects and interests of the learners.

Inductive Method: Inductive method of teaching enables the learners to generalize the truth from a
particular fact. It encourages the construction of knowledge from particular to general. At first, the
object is shown to the learners and then its description is demonstrated. It encourages learners to
observe and experiment by means of their senses

Deductive Method: This method of teaching enables learners to arrive at a specific truth from general
principles. It encourages the construction of knowledge from general to particular. It improves the
reasoning capacity of learners.

Observation Method: This technique calls for education from direct experiences so that all senses are
involved in the learning process. It augments the strength of mind, knowledge and experiences of

Experimental Method: Realism recommends to give emphasize on the learning of science subjects which
can be learned effectively through experimental method. This method prepares the learners to face the
challenges and to solve these taking systematic procedures.

Field Trip: Realism is in favour of learning by direct experiences. Realism discourages rote learning and
bookish knowledge and prefers hands-on experience for the purpose of learning. It gives importance on
field trips which facilitate learners to correlate classroom learning with reality.

Realism and Curriculum: Realism recommends the designing of curriculum for realistic education which
enables learners to solve different problems of life and to lead a happy and successful life.

Conclusion: Realism provides a new light and wisdom which produces remarkable changes in the
principles and practices of education.

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