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1. The social and cultural aspects (adj-n): Những khía cạnh văn hoá và xã hội
2. Preserve the local heritage (v-n): Bảo tồn những di sản của địa phương
3. Provide better facilities (v-n): Cung cấp cơ sở vật chất tốt hơn
4. Create more job opportunities (v-n): Tạo nhiều việc làm
5. Improve living standards (v-n): Cải thiện mức sống
6. Diverse backgrounds (adj-n): Lý lịch đa dạng
7. Cultural diversity (adj-n): Sự đa dạng văn hoá
8. Expand knowledge (v-n): Mở mang kiến thức
9. Overcrowding and poor sanitation (n & n): Đông đúc chật chội và kém vệ
10.The intrusion of outsiders (n of n): Sự xâm nhập của người ngoài
11.A disease outbreak (n-n): Bùng phát dịch bệnh
12.Standards of behavior (n of n): Quy chuẩn hành vi
13.The loss of local traditions and customs (n of n): Sự mất đi của truyền thống
và tập quán địa phương
14.The local moral and religious values (adj-n): Những giá trị đạo đức và tín
ngưỡng ở địa phương
15.Religious attractions: Những điểm tham quan mang tính tín ngưỡng
16.Disrespect their customs and moral values: Thiếu tôn trọng tập quán và
những giá trị đạo đức


A. Đánh giá độ phù hợp của những từ và cụm từ in đậm trong các câu sau.

1. In tourist destinations, the locals interact with the tourists and mix with people
from similar backgrounds, which creates cultural diversity in the region.
2. The government do not need to invest money in preserving the local heritage
because it cannot be damaged or destroyed no matter how big the domestic
tourism industry gets. (No)
3. The development of the tourism sector creates more job opportunities for
local inhabitants because of a higher demand for goods and services (hotel,
entertainment etc). (Yes)
4. When organized tours to remote areas are more and more popular, the locals
will have the opportunity to expand their knowledge due to exposure to
people from more civilized societies. ( Yes)
5. Lack of clean water and poor sanitation have negligible effects on people’s
health. (No)
6. The typical example of a disease outbreak can be seen in the recent Ebola
outbreak, where infected travelers carried the virus from Africa to a number of
other countries. (Yes)

B. Chọn đáp án phù hợp để hoàn thành các câu sau.

1. Vietnam is famous of_________, including more than 50 different ethnic
groups, each with its own language.
(*) Be famous for something: Nổi tiếng vì điều gì đó
A. similar backgrounds
B. cultural diversity
C. religious attractions

2. In many tourist destinations, many people are forced to abandon their

traditional jobs and work in the tourist industry, which leads to __________.
(*) To force somebody to do something: Ép buộc ai đó làm gì đó
A. overcrowding
B. cultural diversity
C. the loss of local traditions

2. Many local people tend to copy _________of tourists, such as wearing shorts
or drinking alcohol, which leads to the loss of local traditions and customs.
(*) To lead to something: Dẫn đến cái gì đó
A. the lifestyles
B. backgrounds
C. living standards

3. Many people living in remote areas still suffer from _________, such as lack
of toilets and clean water.
(*) To suffer from something: Gặp phải vấn đề gì đó tiêu cực
A. pollution
B. poor sanitation
C. unhealthy food
5. There are many ill-informed Western tourists who _________, such as wearing
short skirts or swimwear, when visiting religious attractions in Vietnam.
(*) To visit something = to travel to something: Đi du lịch đến địa điểm nào đó
A. do not respect local cultural
B. are respectful
C. poorly dress

6. It is important for the government to allocate financial resources for preserving

_________, such as historical buildings or temples.
(*) To allocate financial resources for something = to invest money in something:
Đầu tư tiền vào cái gì đó
A. tourist infrastructure
B. the local heritage
C. the natural environment

A. Sử dụng tối thiểu 1 trong những từ/cụm từ gợi ý để mở rộng các câu sau.
1. Although many people think international tourism is likely to cause tension,
my conviction is that _________
Gợi ý: facilitate, understanding, cultural backgrounds
 Although many people think international tourism is likely to cause tension,
my conviction is that this industry will facilitate for people backgrounds to
expand their understanding of many different cultural backgrounds.

2. A well-developed tourism industry _________

Gợi ý: job opportunities, local people, an influx of money
 A well-developed tourism industry may bring local people many job
opportunities, which an influx of money from tourism have contributed to.

3. Many traditional customs are modified for _________

Gợi ý: commercialization, the loss of local traditions
 Many traditional customs are modified for the development of
commercialization that leads to the loss of local traditions.

4. Many religious attractions are heavily damaged _________

Gợi ý: irresponsible behaviors, litter, inappropriate clothes
 Many religious attractions are heavily damaged be tourists’ irresponsible
behaviors including wearing inappropriate clothes and littering.

5. The Vietnamese govermen has built several museums _________

Gợi ý: exhibit examples, preserve the local heritages, lives of these ethnic
=> The Vietnamese government has built several museums in order to preserve
the local heritages by exhibiting examples expressing the lives of these ethnic

B. Xây dựng câu hoàn chỉnh chứa ít nhất một trong các cụm từ cho sẵn dưới
1. Boost economy, the social and cultural aspects, host communities
 Despite boosting the economy, the development of tourism brings some
negative impacts on the social and cultural aspects of host communities

2. Holidaymakers, local customs and moral values, dress inappropriately

 Some holidaymakers who are poorly aware of local customs and moral
values dress inappropriately, which causes some antipathy scenes

3. The tourism industry, job opportunities, living standards

 The tourism industry can bring local people many job opportunities, which
may improve their living standards.

4. Local people, the lifestyles of tourists; local traditons and customs

 Local people tend to imitate the lifestyles of tourists, leading to the loss of
local traditions and customs

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