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eee Sudani E Poainat 1 wien regarate manual rotatlen of fetus which one te folowing is corect? Qcrme spears hing arnance the vaginal wal Qs. piect oF positon should be aiwars be rotated antl dockwise Qc A Direct OF postion should be stays be rotated clocwisa Qo An FOP poston shoul be rated dackwise. Qe An Loe postion shove rotated cock 2 with regard to uterine version, whlch ene af the fallowing Is correct? Qn most ccomonysccrsin tesecand stage Os nantacoris implantation of na plcatain the lower trae segment Doc wne acute acnta ras usualy ateaey been eevee © patents ae usualy mae sheche Wan te amount elocaloss mould suggest Qe tisnot ussaty exsocstes wen a Pr | Regarding neonatal resucitaion: which one ofthe following le correct? Os commence cade compressans ifthe feat heat rates less than 80 bests per minute © post mecsnium espravon oeurs in utero Qe Feta taryogoscope bes are eunved Qo Team! ven isthe smatest othe 3 yess QE ha unbila rteilcateterarvides ence IV acne |. Which one ofthe following clinical signs define severe pre-Eclampsis ? Qs Bloc pressure of greater than 90 ramp Hasta Qs unin outpt of eater than S00 mis in 24 hours. Oc Pumonary oegema, Qo laters greater than 180 x 1097, Qe ni othe above, 5. In uterine rupture which one of the following is corect? Obie cccurs in 18 9¢0 wemen with a previous utesine sea. (QBs rests in hysterectomy in aoat a cases (Or Previous cbse! caesarean scion patents arent at iernsed rs. do aaameate manus rameval of placerta may increase the Hk Or mere ove ’ > i eh Yahoo! Mail ‘ALSO - MCQ Sample Questions. Cran is Mn eT eres Pease enter you emai asd. [Waleaabaate Sa7ayahaa. com 7 2. with repardte an OP pesition whien one of the following tatementsis FALSE? Or sose rae 08 Ge an ce postion re deter ow airs. © cctme aetererfortanatie i ae te palate Do A persistent anterior tip commen, Or nacre 2. With regard to amnictic fluid emboli which ane othe following i FALSE? Oar devetops win stunning rapt. i sexes aac tout on id patents cores» cenmon compicte. moraity rate in he pat was ashes 855 nay oe precip by cord wots [5 Which one of the flowing efnical signs define severe pre-Eclampate? QD etood pressure of greater than 80 meni diastole Os urine eutpat of eater than 800 mis in 24 hours Qc ruimonary eden. Qo erste greaterman :40 x 2094 Dea ere sve, Dicsos accursstpartum sme most eommen pasting symgzoms ae ayianoes and tehypece Orcs crest X-ray i eormalin > 60% of patients wit pulmnary embelism, Qo An £06 atways shows the classic St/ Q3/T3 pattern. O Putmanary angiography i not help 's. wit raga to placenta praevia which one ofthe flowing is earrect? Qn Qc Transvaginal utrssound can sever be performed Od digital examination can be performed, Oe specutum examination can never be performed. Gann) a) (2 dias are We Alagptsmaarecs Terns of Use | Trademarks |Privacy Statement ‘Mutwakil Babikir Alarnin navi > i eh Yahoo! Mail ‘ALSO - MCQ Sample Questions. Cran is Mn eT eres rit tr area otis [VbnabSaT Opa con 5 1. vith pad ncnatalretcaton wich nc fhe towns resuh of mary apnoea? Oa wpmia Ob nypertacnypnnes Oc Ressiratory sciesis Oo naewae meteors Oc aatine ave 2. Souder Doc ont the fling cet Ohtts defined as imoaction of pesterior shoulier against tie pubic syrptysis Os tess not associated with forceps Qc carcimeion cot ep ttt 0.4 pe inte (Q incisence is unrelated to Fetal wight Oc rps paisy is always permanent 2th ert iiestations of et ity Sr wich ne fh towing resi core? Qhton un Os ion seine Denies Oop Platte iss than 20 (QE Normal Liver fundion tests. Dacre pit or te vas Qs me pit of amnote ft is ete 7.1 ant 7.3 preananey. ‘Oc rering ona gas side suggests the presence of amnitic Mid (Goo the Fermin test has been reported to be up to 300% accurate Qe a atene ove ‘5. with rapard to preterm ripture of membres which one ofthe following i FALSE? Qn Os steniae sould te iv between 2 and 38 weeks gettin Oc sere anna een to rent wan wth T8 Qn medose sinect steses is Beanethnone 2g 12 tors Or sia: wove Geom) Cease) (2 dias are We Alagptsmaarecs Terns of Use | Trademarks |Privacy Statement = = = oo a o ° 3 a Cc = = = QO wn Please ener your name Mutwakil Babikir Alarmin Please enter your email address 1. With regard to CTs which one ofthe following is FALSE? A Accelerations are defined as an increase in the fetal heat rate of 15 beats pe’ minute lasting 15 seconds or more B Aneatly deceleration by detrition may drop by upto 60 beats per minute c Variable deceerations cecur n up o 80% of second stage labours, D Voviabledeeeerations occur in up to 80% of second stage labours © E shallow late decelerations are usualy cinicaly insignificant 2. With regard to manual rotation ofa fetus which one of the fllowing is correct? A The operators hand enhances the vagina wall B.A Direct OP position should be always be rotated ant cleckwise CA Direct OP position should be always be rotated clockwise ® 0 An ROP position shouldbe rotated clockwise E ANLOP position chould be rotated sloclouioe 3. Shoulder Dystocia : which one of the following is correct ? {At defined 3s impaction of posterir shoulder against the pubic symphysis Bit ic nat assaciated with forceps the pH to fallby 0.08 per minute D incidence is uncelaed to Fatal weight E Erb palsy ie always permanent 4, With aga utcome in Eclampsia which one ofthe following e correct? © b Amuption is «complication of clampsia andif it occurs may kil 10 45% of babies. The CTC alwove ehowe a bradveardia ¢econdiry to the magmesiurn sulphate sete. 2 wn cegerd to cardi ares whch one ofthe flowing Ie FALSE? Delve ofthe » Eafe forceps detver ventouce shouldneatemptes 4. Concerning magnesium sulphate wich oxe ofthe fllwingisconect? eneeo Sudant E wetrn <7) ¢ Yano Mail ® ‘ALSO-MCQ Sample Questions ALSO) CTE ce noma Car i a ise nee ouremat aden (WaneabamaaRo +?) imams. ~~ Oar canbe ssocited stn yrs Qe ay repasi a tena tae" (Qn wsasine wave pain wan alte of 0 beeper mine Oe a0 cine wove 2. With ragardto teins Inversion, which one of the allowing i coret? (Qa mos: commonty occurs in the second stope Oo arto (Qc wen ec th paren nae aly sandy boon alii Qd parents we usualy more stacked than the arrount of blood loss would suggest (Qe wisnot usualy assocsted with 7H. 23. Which one factors not associated with risk of third dagres tear? On episorsy. Oe uitnotory. Ocains weit Ob or postin Oc rorens 4. With regard to ECV which oe ofthe folowing statements i correct? (Qateica sett procedure the second trimester Ob 4 wornan with anistory of a previcus Cassarean Section an stilhave en ECV Oc A Fetal bradyeartia during ECV i very rare. Go fn evn eat abouts contre nseatee eat eine avove On seeast teasing Os vagina every versus Cotsarean section Ociign virstioad. Od Prolonged Premature rupture of membranes. QE Ait er the above. (© 20s Aas Al rome eames, Terms of Use | Trademarks |Privacy Statement we tny > i eh Yahoo Mail ‘ALSO - MCQ Sample Questions. eae tr you mal adse (Waestabdala 7 2. In Shoulder Dystocia af last resort: which one ofthe folowing may beused ? On peinerats race a th hues (Os zovanot ata hone neh Dc mystrecamy Ob syerervsicrary Qe Anette aove 2. 1 thromboomboll sease which ane ofthe following Is correct? Onts te teasing cause of iret" maternal erty in developed countries. Os may resutinenranic deep venous insuticency ‘Oe occurs in 1 in 1000 presences, Qp canresulttom virehow's tra. (hysercoapuaton, venous sass, vascuar damage) cw oF tne Dove 3. Which one ofthe following increase the risk of HIV transmission from mother to baby? QD brea fovcng Oa vest deivery versus Caesarean section Qc igh via nd (Q Prolonged @remature rptur of membranes QE dot tne soove Ora aizanoss of secentapraeva is centred by erasound showing the sacants coven th extent os. Qs a tu viadéer can create a fabe imeression of slaceea Prawwa. ‘Oc Trarsvapira ultrasound can never be perormed ‘Od ovata examination can be performed. De speautum examication can never be parfrmed. Os creand teal sep sampling hove eat reduced pera! mraty Oc creas ratuceacaesrean section rates, Od crehas naucedtne nines of mena Setaes. Qe crenasrecucea ne ate of emission Neonatal Uns, Siem.) feset) 1B 2 Aro Alohereanck.Termns Of Use) Trademarks |Privacy Statement wate > i eh Yahoo Mail ‘ALSO - MCQ Sample Questions. eae ntr you amat adress Waleslabdala yaboa.con 4. Iman OP position which one statement is FALSE ? Qa tna primicravis labour an OF postion can rasut in labour esting longer. (Os rereatal nore i soproxmatey the sime cmpara ta 39 A potion. Qc Poreaat eum may bt neresse, Oo rene nom by Menon, Oe ver 2 with regard to Ventoussdetivery which one ofthe following Is corract? Qr conse assocates witn subgaeal haematoma Os cane used on breech sresntation lcs recommenda on tes (cephaie) between 28-32 weeks (Qos recommends for fetal esress wna the ceri is Som Bt ws ts greatest sucess rates when moviang oftne nead ats fora beter ft he cup 3. With regard to the laboratory diagnosis of HELLP syndrome which one of te following may be useful? Qi tne oresece of haemelyss on 9 bled fi, Os the presence of hsemelyse ono bead fn Qc Pattee oferta tan 200. Od Anaemia DE None ot te above 4. In placanta abruption which ona ofthe following statements ie corect? © 20:6 of abuptions nave no wsbe teeing, ‘Qs seeding ito the endometrium can causea cowslaire uterus Qc abnption s usualy panies, Qo untrasouncis thes ne in diagnosis of ratronlacertal ct. ee Fetal moray is rare. remature rupture of membranes which Qs te nedere is porosmatey 35%, Qc Preterm premature rupture of membranes is define as occuring before 34 weeks. bo Teinssenceefpretem premature rupture of mambanes is appeouiatay 25, Ce Provan ek tar incl vaynal examinations, Siem.) CHeset) 1B 2 Aro Alohereanck.Termns Of Use) Trademarks |Privacy Statement E ry | > (©) ar your name Mutwakil Babikir Alamin er your email address ard to CTGs which one of the following is FALSE? elerations are defined as an increase in the fetal heart rate of 15 beats per minute lasting 15 si ‘arly deceleration by definition may drop by up to 60 beats per minute able decelerations occur in up to 80% of second stage labours. able decelerations occur in up to 80% of second stage labours low late decelerations are usually clinically insignificant. ard to manual rotation of a fetus which one of the following is correct? operator's hand enhances the vaginal wall rect OP position should be always be rotated anti clockwise rect OP position should be always be rotated clockwise 30P position should be rotated clockwise OP position should be rotated clockwise. F Dystocia: which one of the following is correct ? lefined as impaction of posterior shoulder against the pubic symphysis not associated with forceps id compression causes the pH to fall by 0.04 per minute dence is unrelated to Fetal weight : palsy is always permanent a cae rca a cm > (©) Please enter your name Mutwakil Babikir Alamin Please enter your email address 1. The lie of the fetus can be? A Vertex, B Breech C Shoulder D Face © E Transverse. 2. Which one factor is not associated with a risk of a third degree tear? A Episiotomy. B Lithotomy. © Cc Birth weight D OP position E Forceps. 3. Shoulder Dystocia : which one of the following is correct ? A Forceps delivery increases the risk of shoulder Dystocia B Ventouse delivery increases the risk of shoulder Dystocia C The fetal shoulders are in a position of adduction in normal labour. D With the traction of forceps the shoulders abduct © EAllofthe above 4. Which one of the following statements is correct? > DJ) ress [Alaminmutwakil@yahoo,com 1 ytenregardo te pele net wich ene of he flowy Is ot pat OF tat BoA? 2-During the delivery of ates whichone ofthe flowing is correct? she postertum haemorrhage most key eoiogy esuscitaton which one of the following isa reat of primary apne ? 8 yperactyences 5 With regard te pumenay embolism which ane ofthe following statements I cerec? 20% oceurps > DJ) 2. Stoulder Dyes fast retrt: whieh one of te following maybe used 7 4. Witnregardtoprematue rupture of memtranes which one ef the fllowing is erect? > DJ) ‘Mutwakil Babikir Alarnin, (Alaminmutwakil@yahoo,com to CTs wien or of te otmng = FALSE? 2 Durra the delivery a afetuewhichone of the fallowing i comect? se enter your name Mutwakil Babikir Alamin se enter your email address th regard to FBS which one of the following is correct? 4 One sampleis sufficient 3 During the second stage of labour a value of 7.15 may be acceptable if there is adequate proc 3 A base excess of minus 12 mmol/I is not significant. 2 ApH of < 7.25 is defined as being normal. = All of the above a Twin delivery which one is the correct statement? 4 PPH is relatively uncommon 3 Locked twins are possible if the first twin is cephalic 3 If appropriate ECV is possible on twin 2 following delivery of twin 1. 2 Internal podalic version is a possible manoeuvre on twin 1 Z In theory there are 20 possible combinations of twin presentations th regard to Trophoblastic disease. Which one of the following is correct? 4 Ultrasound is the gold standard of diagnosis. 3 Its incidence is 1 in 5000. 2 Its not common in South East Asia. 2 Itis associated with low levels of Beta HCG. = Itis associated with plum like vesicles. th regard to Ectopic pregnancy which one of the followin: 4 The incidence is approximately 1 in 500 pregnancies, 3 May result in subsequent infertility. iter your name Mutwakil Babikir Alamin iter your email address one factor is not associated with a risk of a third degree tear? isiotomy. hotomy. th weight. > position. rceps. :gard to neonatal resuscitation which one of the following is a result of primary apnoea? 'poxia pertachypnoea spiratory acidosis erobic metabolism of the above :gard to magnesium sulphate which one of the following statements is TRUE? e loading dose is 4 gms over 15 minutes. e infusion rate if 1-2 gms per hour. e antidote is calcium gluconate. he patient refits give an additional bolus of 2. gms of magnesium sulphate of the above. Please enter your name Mutwakil Babikir Alamin Please enter your email address. 1. With regard to ECV which one of the following statements is correct? A Itis a useful procedure in the second trimester. © B Awoman witha history of a previous Caesarean Section can still have C AFetal bradycardia during ECV is very rare. D An ECV in early labour is contra indicated E All of the above 2. In Shoulder Dystocia , as a last resort : which one of the following may be A Deliberate fracture of the humerus. B Zavanelli ata home birth C Hysterectomy © D Symphysiotomy E All of the above 3. Hypertension caused by pregnancy. Which of the following is correct? A It affects approximately 25% of pregnancies. B Itcan occur before 20 weeks gestation ©) C Itmay be associated with HELLP syndrome. D If associated with proteinuria, it is called PIH. E Hypertension in pregnancy does not last beyond 42 days postpartum. eg ne aan meee > DJ) = | Please enter your name Mutwakil Babikir Alamin Please enter your email address. 1. With regard to uterine inversion, which one of the following is correct? AMost commonly occurs in the second stage. B Risk factor is implantation of the placenta in the lower uterine segment. C When it occurs the placenta has usually already been delivered. © D Patients are usually more shocked than the amount of blood loss would suggest. E Itis not usually associated with a PPH. 2. With regard to cardiac arrest which one of the following is FALSE? APregnant women may lose up to 1.5L of blood before exhibiting signs or symptoms B Delivery of the fetus increases maternal cardiac output C The fetus can withstand a short period of limited maternal cardiac output D Caesarean section of a woman in a cardiac arrest is done to save the mother. ® ESevere Sepsis never causes cardiac arrest. 3. Regarding neonatal resuscitation: which one of the following is correct 2 ACommence cardiac compressions if the fetal heart rate is less than 80 beats per mi ® B Most meconium aspiration occurs in utero C Fetal Laryngoscope blades are curved D The umbilical vein is the smallest of the 3 vessels EAn umbilical arterial catheter provides excellent IV access 4. Concerning pre-Eclampsia which one of the following is correct? a) > i eh Yohoo Mail ® ‘ALSO-MCQ Sample Questions eae tr you mal adse(Waestabdala 7 Dates uncommon, Co reteuroaycatatrophe Qc tetemore sommun with matparous women, ove ay toe pare an ansprvacoe syrome Qe Aiatthe sove, 2, with regard cardiac compressions in raonatal resuscitation which ane ef the following Is FALSE 7 Qa me sojectve isto wring oxygenates loot trom the lungs tothe brain sme hums shou ben the maine ast below an ninay line pining he wo wipes, (Cc tme nears compress by decreasing the estace Between the stemum and he Seine by approx 1/3 1/2 (Qo roo cand rate pes he camber ofthe nest no canes tf seve, (Qe mestoabes wit reepore win 2 mnt es, Qi pete eaatialy socotnan, Os Locked twins are posible ithe first twin fe cephalic Qc iv appropriate ECV is pusible on twin 2 Flowing delivery of win 1 Q tnternat pudaie version is # possible manoeuvre on twin 1, (Det teory there ae 20 posse combintons of in pesenatons 4. tn acuta fatty thar which one ofthe falling correct? Qa te cers in appronataly 1150 preoninoes. Os te ataysersons with aundce. Qc vowing sare Qd maternat mortality in tbe past was as high as 926 Oe as patients have hypertension, protsinuris ané cade, Oacon Os stents shuts te ven batwean 2 and 38 wesks gettin pure oF membranes whieh one of te folowing FALSE? Dc seesaeconat be sven to prignt women wit TB othe dose regime of steroids s Betanethasone 24 mg IM 12 hours apart. Qe wi orine soove, Cie.) Hose) 1B 2 Aro Alohereanck.Termns Of Use) Trademarks |Privacy Statement ern > i eh Yahoo Mail ‘ALSO - MCQ Sample Questions. eae tr you amat adress Waleslabdalayaboacon 7 Qs sorte caval compression bogns at 20 weeks getation (Os cotta sous spprximatety 39 deo. Qc comparaato.a nem preanant pater mor ores remived pertrm CAR, bd crnin reany x consdere ote as woctve a nthe nen pregnant Or ty 2 with regard a prolapsed umbileat cord which one ofthe follwing is comreet? Qa me nedetce of peapies coisa fetus wth a vertex presentations o5 Ds me nederce ot cra poaps in fomtng Seschis 2% cn energeney cesarean secon steatnént of cle a eass of cor prose Qo a sare unbical cord 2 rt acter for cr praapee Gia The most commen couse of FPH I lack af uterine tane which one occurs ~ 70% of cases Qs the so00 of Onycin i Suns in SOmIs Hartman's 128m or Oc ergometrine cane used in pre eclmptis wth » severe BPH Qo The dose of Heemebate is 0.25me, De oytcin nan se rte 4. shoulder Byte Qa Forceps eaivery increases the risk of shoulder Dystocis Os venouse caver erases the nsko shlde Dystoda Oc The tetal shoulders arein a poston of adduction in normal labour, (Oo wn tne wacton of fraps the solder about Qe At cithe soove. Oo me nse rate 1-208 sr howe Qe Meanie cone, Qbirer pater ge an ation oko 29m a mgt spate Or snare weve Csi.) Cosa) 1B 2 Aro Alohereanck.Termns Of Use) Trademarks |Privacy Statement eee Sudani E ye inite <7) ¢ Yano Mail ® ‘ALSO-MCQ Sample Questions ALSO) Sw Cn aT Peme eneryoursane. (Wat *? Qn tre operator's hand enhances the vaginal wall. Os A orect oP pasion should be always be rotated ant clockwise Oca Drect oF position shouldbe always be rotated dckwise Qd An 20° pesition shoul be ratated clockwise. Ode An LOP position shoul be retated clockse, 2. with ragardto uterineinverson, which one ef the following i correct? Orme Or nice et Qc when it cers te placenta has usually already heen Severed. Qc Patents se usualy mve stocked han the amount blood loss would sages. Oe isnot ussaty associated with a PPH. 23. Regarding neonatal resuscitation: which one of the folowing is correct? On commanescardac campressons the fetal het rit stan 8 tats par mie © rox meconium aspiration curs h ters Oc res tarngoscipe bases ae cures Qd mreumptcal ven stearate of he 9 vases Oe Ae etal aural etree proves neat V scat 4. Which one ofthe following clinical sighs define severe pre-Edlampsia ? Od Biocs pressure of greater than 90 mmio dastalie. Ors Unive output of preater than S00 mis in 24 nous Qc ruinonary oesema Ob Pretwiets greater nan 240 x 10971, Qe Ait tne sve tn uterine rape whith one of the fallen cera? Qa me eceurs ia 18 96 oF women with 2 previous uterine scar. (Qa ests ina mystaretomy in aast a eases Oc Previous dassicel caeserean section patients are not at increased isk Od A aticut manus! removal of placenta may inewease the risk Qe aie the above "S206 AesUK Alnahts esanea Terms of Use | Trademarks | Privacy Statement ern > i eh Yahoo Mail ‘ALSO - MCQ Sample Questions. eae tr you amat adress Waleslabdalayaboacon 7 Qs sorte caval compression bogns at 20 weeks getation (Os cotta sous spprximatety 39 deo. Qc comparaato.a nem preanant pater mor ores remived pertrm CAR, bd crnin reany x consdere ote as woctve a nthe nen pregnant Or ty 2 with regard a prolapsed umbileat cord which one ofthe follwing is comreet? Qa me nedetce of peapies coisa fetus wth a vertex presentations o5 Ds me nederce ot cra poaps in fomtng Seschis 2% cn energeney cesarean secon steatnént of cle a eass of cor prose Qo a sare unbical cord 2 rt acter for cr praapee Gia The most commen couse of FPH I lack af uterine tane which one occurs ~ 70% of cases Qs the so00 of Onycin i Suns in SOmIs Hartman's 128m or Oc ergometrine cane used in pre eclmptis wth » severe BPH Qo The dose of Heemebate is 0.25me, De oytcin nan se rte 4. shoulder Byte Qa Forceps eaivery increases the risk of shoulder Dystocis Os venouse caver erases the nsko shlde Dystoda Oc The tetal shoulders arein a poston of adduction in normal labour, (Oo wn tne wacton of fraps the solder about Qe At cithe soove. Oo me nse rate 1-208 sr howe Qe Meanie cone, Qbirer pater ge an ation oko 29m a mgt spate Or snare weve Csi.) Cosa) 1B 2 Aro Alohereanck.Termns Of Use) Trademarks |Privacy Statement pi > i eh Yohoo Mail ® ‘ALSO-MCQ Sample Questions Please enter your emai address (Waleesabdale@vanoocon 4. busing breech dsivery of anormal sce fetus which ones the correct management for wmuchel arm? Qaivabest os iverin ne He Raber poston Qo sovd s eien setos vesnaated Qconsoptan its tae te es fra i am niece @b onecptn i tea tne es for ae am dace (Qe tra nuchal arm persists vaginal deivery Ws stil possiole. 2. wt regard Ectopic pregnancy wich one fhe flowing icorrct?. Qn reiaiee npiman 9500 pega Qs nay restin sean ey. ccamay rae th ia rd eng Qe te Pepetoaenat pista oc sto sca Sous bar a hao iii cl Onn ana setae timed by tratando th tc te etl it asec cet ots nein pact ri (Qari iaoun in net pres Qo oii exainatsn cn be ptr (Qe seem aint nvr pre 4. wn eo the presentation frie rope which ne he lowing i correct Qa tase than 5% occur ovt of hospital Qa teen be cians wih sie tte decent nt CF: (Qc one eto otal a iin (Ob te moi wah hype Oc sna sme. 5 tn asa praevia whih one ot flowing statements is caret? Qaateisa common form ot antenatal haemorihage in pregnancy. Cen o Op am a0 tests nc het Qe a wright test nt Rebora Geen) Ceset) "pani Als Uk Avigns wesnv Terms of Use | Trademarks) Privacy Statement pi > i eh Yohoo Mail ® ‘ALSO-MCQ Sample Questions Please enter your emai address (Waleesabdale@vanoocon 4. busing breech dsivery of anormal sce fetus which ones the correct management for wmuchel arm? Qaivabest os iverin ne He Raber poston Qo sovd s eien setos vesnaated Qconsoptan its tae te es fra i am niece @b onecptn i tea tne es for ae am dace (Qe tra nuchal arm persists vaginal deivery Ws stil possiole. 2. wt regard Ectopic pregnancy wich one fhe flowing icorrct?. Qn reiaiee npiman 9500 pega Qs nay restin sean ey. ccamay rae th ia rd eng Qe te Pepetoaenat pista oc sto sca Sous bar a hao iii cl Onn ana setae timed by tratando th tc te etl it asec cet ots nein pact ri (Qari iaoun in net pres Qo oii exainatsn cn be ptr (Qe seem aint nvr pre 4. wn eo the presentation frie rope which ne he lowing i correct Qa tase than 5% occur ovt of hospital Qa teen be cians wih sie tte decent nt CF: (Qc one eto otal a iin (Ob te moi wah hype Oc sna sme. 5 tn asa praevia whih one ot flowing statements is caret? Qaateisa common form ot antenatal haemorihage in pregnancy. Cen o Op am a0 tests nc het Qe a wright test nt Rebora Geen) Ceset) "pani Als Uk Avigns wesnv Terms of Use | Trademarks) Privacy Statement we > i eh Yohoo Mail ® ‘ALSO-MCQ Sample Questions eae ntr you amat adress Waleslabdalayaboacon 4. hypertension caused by pregnancy Which of the folowing i xrrect? Qa tt atects approximately 254% of pregnancies, (Ci tecan ocr before 20 none pestton Qc 1e maybe erocton wn HELP syserome do i assoc wan proteinuria 1 aes Qe vivne 2, with regardto the laboratory dlagross of HELLP syndrome which one ofthe following may be useful? Qe presece of haemlysis ona bed tm, Qos te presence of haemedyss on bso tn, oc Pattets of greater nan 100, Od anaemia Qe mone ot en above. Qa Mepain crosses th placenta! bari, Os wepain ie preset in breast mk Qc Heparin my cause thrombocytopenia Oo Witenes net cross the pocent De wercn enssento beast milk ard prevent east eg. 4. ith regard preterm rupture Qs cena sas may flto cute oto 8% ot women Who have Group 8 strepacocas Os stones sto te avn batwean 24 and 38 weks gestation Oc stenias const beaten to grease women with TE (Qo the dose regime of steroids is Betamethasone 24 mg IM 12 hours apart Qe Ai atthe soove, Qs ttrspae Os anit ore educa nent meray Streptococcus whieh one ofthe flowing 5 correc? Dc oratansiin ae as ect as 1 nto (Do wemen win a nstory of Group 8 Streptococcus Qe an ottne above, wen.) Hose) 1B 2 Aro Alohereanck.Termns Of Use) Trademarks |Privacy Statement vet > i eh Yahoo Mail ‘ALSO - MCQ Sample Questions. eae tr you mal adse (Waestabdala 7 icra sera hang arnance the vain wal (Qs. pimct OF poston shuld be nvars be eatec at cocks ca piwct oF poston smuld be says Beate ose Qb An FOF postion shoule be rated dockwie Oem 2, with regard seat bet usage In pregnancy whlch one ofthe flowing Is FALSE? Orne use of seat tte in pregnancy mi reduce inhres compared to these women that are ne wean a sat Be (QBs tn seme sss only nal of eregnant women wear seat bet propery Qc the ap er part of tne saat bal Sra be positoned above the uterus Qo al pregnant women ar advised to wear seatbets. Bt the snouiaer ber snoua pass between the breasts Qa mority and mertaliy is inceased2-5x compared wih singleton pregnancies Qs tne incidence of slacerta prvi isineresed Qo Tne incidence AM increased ©d pears and tocaities have been shown ta be effective in preventing preterm ibour. (Doe aed esta toes have oon Showa be ee preventing preter our 4. ith regard te the Activa management of the In soos Dia teisaiso known asthe pnysiclate manapemer ofthe tire stag Qs te can reice tne incdenc o PH by Up » 66%. ct nreases the reed ter mansa removal (Oo te des nat voiveconroecora racioe Os te requires the removal ofthe placenta betore signs of placental separation, Ectope pregnancy whe o Os may ressit in sutseouet inti. Occ aiways presents with pin and bleeding. Od serum set HCGisamays ste Qe Tne erogestogen oniy gi is nat 2 tk tector. Siem.) Hose) 1B 2 Aro Alohereanck.Termns Of Use) Trademarks |Privacy Statement vet > i eh Yahoo Mail ‘ALSO - MCQ Sample Questions. eae tr you mal adse (Waestabdala 7 icra sera hang arnance the vain wal (Qs. pimct OF poston shuld be nvars be eatec at cocks ca piwct oF poston smuld be says Beate ose Qb An FOF postion shoule be rated dockwie Oem 2, with regard seat bet usage In pregnancy whlch one ofthe flowing Is FALSE? Orne use of seat tte in pregnancy mi reduce inhres compared to these women that are ne wean a sat Be (QBs tn seme sss only nal of eregnant women wear seat bet propery Qc the ap er part of tne saat bal Sra be positoned above the uterus Qo al pregnant women ar advised to wear seatbets. Bt the snouiaer ber snoua pass between the breasts Qa mority and mertaliy is inceased2-5x compared wih singleton pregnancies Qs tne incidence of slacerta prvi isineresed Qo Tne incidence AM increased ©d pears and tocaities have been shown ta be effective in preventing preterm ibour. (Doe aed esta toes have oon Showa be ee preventing preter our 4. ith regard te the Activa management of the In soos Dia teisaiso known asthe pnysiclate manapemer ofthe tire stag Qs te can reice tne incdenc o PH by Up » 66%. ct nreases the reed ter mansa removal (Oo te des nat voiveconroecora racioe Os te requires the removal ofthe placenta betore signs of placental separation, Ectope pregnancy whe o Os may ressit in sutseouet inti. Occ aiways presents with pin and bleeding. Od serum set HCGisamays ste Qe Tne erogestogen oniy gi is nat 2 tk tector. Siem.) Hose) 1B 2 Aro Alohereanck.Termns Of Use) Trademarks |Privacy Statement peor > i eh Yahoo! Mail ‘ALSO - MCQ Sample Questions. Pease ener your name Pease enter you emal asd, [Waleaabaatn SaTayahaa. com 2. During the dativery of a fetus which one ofthe following is correct? ict naa nora by sin in 8 OP poten, Os roraps canbe wed a a face restate, Oc Foreps eae wed ring a breseh dev. ‘Op occasion Orns 2. With regard uterine lersion, hich ene ofthe fllowing is cree? Oh tost commontyeccursin the second stage (Os Risktactorisimpantatin of he plscantn te lower uterine segment, Cre wher it accra the placenta has usualy ates been dlivered Qd Patients are usualy more shocked tan th amount of bloodloss would swage Oe seiemot assay associated wan 2 Pm. ‘3. With regard to cardiae arrest which one of the following is FALSE Qe coceurs in 1 n 30,000 pregnancies. Qs peu nar of maternal Seats ae due to roteniy treatable causes Qc coraae output increases in sregnarey. Q cestic emptying increases inte pregnancy, De tne terusracivas abet a thd fatal cade stp sulphate which ane ofthe slewing ia correct? icrme oadny ose 4 miirame ove 15 nutes, Ds me ntason rtais a yams per hur Oc magnesium is excreted by the iver. Doo The erapeutic eve ie 15 mala Qs the oostevo mapteiun s depend onthe pats anal nti. ‘5. with raprd to Eetpicprepnaney wich one ofthe following i correct? Os soy rst steven ntetty Oc ames prt at a ot let Ob sera et Hes mye tte Qc te rogetgen ny iis ta rik et (Siem) Cease) (2 dias are We Alagptsmaarecs Terns of Use | Trademarks |Privacy Statement gent Sy Yahoo! Mail e fh ‘ALSO - MCQ Sample Questions. Pease ener your name Pease enter you emai asd. [Waleaabaate Sa7ayahaa. com 7 2. With regard a sinusodal C76 trace which one ofthe folowing is correct? Qn sinasoiat pattern can be feund on normal CTs Os men be sisodaen ih aytops Qetemay repesenta terra zac" Oo wa sinewave pation wean enpice a 30 beats per mute Orns 2. Vhich ane of the following dees net apply to conf resclution? Oh rocus on interests net positions Os tovertoptans tor mate! gun oc Separate the pase rom the problem. Qb be st onthe problem ana be especialy hard on the people Oe insiston using objective ert Qh eens reaovety common Os Locked wins ar possi if te fst twins capac Qc treppropriste ECV is pesibleon twin 2 folowing detivery of win 4. Oo tntema poate version is postible manceuyren twin (Dee they there an 20 pss cmtinetns a in preseattons |. Whe nate allowing ira feta fer developing BVT? irramty history otthonbeemtae deat Os racer v tien Oc Antphospratid syndrome, Qo sepsis Qe arene move |. with rard to Group @ Streptococcus which ane ofthe flowing ie corract? Qs torrapar Os ambit ret reduce nenatal mectaly Dc oratanvistis ae as aecthe as 1 anttabis, (Do women win a nstory of Grove 8 Srptocceus requis routine antics in he Sr Teestr, Oc arene ove Gann) Ge) (Bias are We Alagpimsarecs Terns of Use | Trademarks Privacy Statement aut > i eh Yahoo Mail ‘ALSO - MCQ Sample Questions. Cran Ts Mn eT eres Pease enter you emal asd. [Waleaabaatn Sa7ayahaa. com Oa vertex Os bree Oc sheer Oo race oO: oe 2. Vhieh ane of the following dees net apply to conf resclution? Qarocs on terest not poston. Os tava eptons or mate gin, Ce Separate te pape fem the problem, 2c st onthe prslem ante espealy hae a the eps De insist an wing obec ene £2. With raga te ECY which ane ofthe follwing statements correct? (Dat ca use procedurein the second trimester. Qs a woman wth a nstory ofa previous Caesarean Section can sil have an ECV. Qe a Feta weasyeartia using EO i very rare (Oo an cov in santy hours conta ndeates Dea ere soove 4 with ragerd te mapnestio alphats which ene af the fllawing statements ie THUED Dictme ating soseis 4 ome ove 35 minutes De te ntasen rater 1-2. pr nae Coe tme atte ie ecu aacoats Qo atte patient eres give an sectional bol of 2 gms of mageesium sulphate Qe a atene ave |5. win regard to pulmonary emboli which one ofthe folowing statements i correct Qrcore Qc a chase x-ray i earmal in > 60% of patients wit pulmonary embelism, dan ec aways shows te ease Si 03/3 pater Oc putmanary anaiogrphy i thet Gann) Ce) (2 dias are We Alagptsmaarecs Terns of Use | Trademarks |Privacy Statement tier > i eh Yahoo Mail ‘ALSO - MCQ Sample Questions. Pease ener your name Pease enter you emal asd. [Waleaabaat Sa7ayahaa. com 2. with regardto retained placenta which ene of the fllwing i correct? irre deined os tala seter the pice ines than 90 minutes Os suse wamen wih isoryaf euined placenta wihave mother etanedplcentain subsequent bith Oc itinsiveie is saci wana irene rk of hterctny. Od wrerae manseure ie unuatyea deve ne pact, Oe High wae ek tact. 2. With repordte neonatal resuscitation which one ofthe fotowing ls a result of pimery apnote ? Oariyposia Os rypetsctypnons Oc Respiratory acini Qo netic metanotsm Oc arorrhe soove '3. With regard to Twin pregnancy, which one of the folowing is FALSE? Qh morisiey end mertastyis increased 2-Se amped wih singleton pregnincies Os the incidence of slacere praevia is increased Qe te incidence of 9H iinereaied Qd wedrest and toesvscshave heen shown tbe effective in preventing preterm about De aaa rst ae toetys have Been shown tbe tec 4. With raged te Trophic Qi versoundis thegoa standard of dagoss Os tiniest in 500, cts rot common b Souh East tia Oo ws aesocitet eth nw evel af eta HES Or tis ascents wt lam he ves, ‘5.nthrambosnboledsense which ane ofthe following is correct? arma Os ony resin eben deep venous nsutceny. cocci in is 1000 prapnnces, (Oo cain resuerom viehows ad (hyerconuttin, venous sie aac dag Qe sorte move Gann) Ge) (2 dias are We Alagptsmaarecs Terns of Use | Trademarks |Privacy Statement wate > i eh Yahoo Mail ‘ALSO - MCQ Sample Questions. eae ntr you amat adress Waleslabdala yaboa.con 4. Iman OP position which one statement is FALSE ? Qa tna primicravis labour an OF postion can rasut in labour esting longer. (Os rereatal nore i soproxmatey the sime cmpara ta 39 A potion. Qc Poreaat eum may bt neresse, Oo rene nom by Menon, Oe ver 2 with regard to Ventoussdetivery which one ofthe following Is corract? Qr conse assocates witn subgaeal haematoma Os cane used on breech sresntation lcs recommenda on tes (cephaie) between 28-32 weeks (Qos recommends for fetal esress wna the ceri is Som Bt ws ts greatest sucess rates when moviang oftne nead ats fora beter ft he cup 3. With regard to the laboratory diagnosis of HELLP syndrome which one of te following may be useful? Qi tne oresece of haemelyss on 9 bled fi, Os the presence of hsemelyse ono bead fn Qc Pattee oferta tan 200. Od Anaemia DE None ot te above 4. In placanta abruption which ona ofthe following statements ie corect? © 20:6 of abuptions nave no wsbe teeing, ‘Qs seeding ito the endometrium can causea cowslaire uterus Qc abnption s usualy panies, Qo untrasouncis thes ne in diagnosis of ratronlacertal ct. ee Fetal moray is rare. remature rupture of membranes which Qs te nedere is porosmatey 35%, Qc Preterm premature rupture of membranes is define as occuring before 34 weeks. bo Teinssenceefpretem premature rupture of mambanes is appeouiatay 25, Ce Provan ek tar incl vaynal examinations, Siem.) CHeset) 1B 2 Aro Alohereanck.Termns Of Use) Trademarks |Privacy Statement peed > i eh Yahoo! Mail ‘ALSO - MCQ Sample Questions. Pease ener your name Pease enter you emal asd, [Waleaabaatn SaTayahaa. com 2. During the dativery of a fetus which one ofthe following is correct? ict naa nora by sin in 8 OP poten, Os roraps canbe wed a a face restate, Oc Foreps eae wed ring a breseh dev. ‘Op occasion Orns 2. With regard uterine lersion, hich ene ofthe fllowing is cree? Oh tost commontyeccursin the second stage (Os Risktactorisimpantatin of he plscantn te lower uterine segment, Cre wher it accra the placenta has usualy ates been dlivered Qd Patients are usualy more shocked tan th amount of bloodloss would swage Oe seiemot assay associated wan 2 Pm. ‘3. With regard to cardiae arrest which one of the following is FALSE Qe coceurs in 1 n 30,000 pregnancies. Qs peu nar of maternal Seats ae due to roteniy treatable causes Qc coraae output increases in sregnarey. Q cestic emptying increases inte pregnancy, De tne terusracivas abet a thd fatal cade stp sulphate which ane ofthe slewing ia correct? icrme oadny ose 4 miirame ove 15 nutes, Ds me ntason rtais a yams per hur Oc magnesium is excreted by the iver. Doo The erapeutic eve ie 15 mala Qs the oostevo mapteiun s depend onthe pats anal nti. ‘5. with raprd to Eetpicprepnaney wich one ofthe following i correct? Os soy rst steven ntetty Oc ames prt at a ot let Ob sera et Hes mye tte Qc te rogetgen ny iis ta rik et (Siem) Cease) (2 dias are We Alagptsmaarecs Terns of Use | Trademarks |Privacy Statement Please enter your name Waleed 7 Please enter your email address [Waleedabdallad 4. With regard to FBS which one of the following is correct? Qarcone sample ts suttctent @z during the second stage of labour a value of 7.15 may be acceptable if there is adequate progress OLA base excess of minus 12 mmoi/| is not significant. Od A pit of < 7.25 is defined as being normal eal of the above. 2. Which one of the following represents the “presentation” of a fetus? Oaronoitudinal Osootiue. Octransverse Od rece QE None of tre above. 3. Which one of the following Is correct In delivery by forceps? Od me shanks should be no more than 1 cm below pasterior fontanelle, Oe. mitine episotomy is essential cima diabetic roulder dystocia is unlikely Od The hese should be ne more than 2/5 palpable Oetn a taies forceps delivery ventouse shouldbe attempted. 4. With ruptured membranes which one of the following is correct? Olathe pe of the vagina is approximately 4.5 to 6,09 in preanancy. ate pt of amniotic uid is between 7.1 and 7.3 in preananey Oc Freening en s slass side suggests the presence of amniotic ld othe rerning test has been reported to be up to 100% accurate. eau or tne above. 5. With regard to the use of CTGs which one of the following Is correct? OA cTe alone has reduced perinatal mortality. (Q8.c7G and fetal scalp sampling have greatly reduced perinatal mortality Occere has reduced caesarean section rates. Qo crehas reduced the incidence of neonatal seizures. OB cre has reduced the rate of admission to Neonatal Units. Crest) (© 2008 Azo Uk. Allnghtsreserved, Terms of Use | Trademarks | Privacy St err > i eh Yahoo! Mail ‘ALSO - MCQ Sample Questions. Per is Men u fy rit tr area otis [Wannabe on 2. itn ene FB which ne fhe fting ie coc? Drones since (Qs During the second stage of labour a value of 7.15 ray be acceptatie if there i adequate progress Oc A vase excess of minus 12 mmol/l i net significant Qo apnar< 7.25 denned as being norma Qeaatin soe 2. win erecta cmpresioe in hens rentlation wih on te along FALSE? Qn sje rig nye rane gente an Ors The mumts shou be 1 the midline just below an imaginary line joining the two nipples. Oc The heart s cormoressed by decreasing the distance between the sternum and the spine by epprox 1/3 - 2/2, (QD Tea vapid «rate gives the chambers af the heart ne chance t fil pssivty QE Most babies wit respond withn 8 minute e two. 2: where a polpied une cord wih ne fh ftw comet ®eld ed tli ves presen 3% Qs enn rd plating eh Creve cava sc me rl i Od a short umbiical cord i a risk facta for card prolapse, ire seat rat Eamon He Sat 24 Nous postpartum, Ds neu syntrmets card by der Oc oiazparm i ust in the trestment of Ecler Co very re fora patent tai ey hie a asta BP a ess han 90 mm (De a paints no ave hid an orp Manat haven enarprey Cternn sto, ‘5. with rapa to outoomein Eceenpale which one of the folowing i correct? On Qs renotin «a conatcnon of Eeampsa and 8 acurs maykll upto 45 of abies Cletme crs anys noms. bneycaraa secenday te Uh magnesium sulphate tous (Oo at pens wits severe unstable pre-eanpsia mast be arsered a lari uni before every. Qt Fatal C76 mey show @ bradycantia seconday to spas of the uterine vein, Gann) Ge) (2 dias are We Alagptsmaarecs Terns of Use | Trademarks |Privacy Statement rat > i eh Yahoo! Mail ‘ALSO - MCQ Sample Questions. Cran is Mn eT eres Pease enter you emai asd. [Waleaabaate Sa7ayahaa. com 7 2. with repardte an OP pesition whien one of the following tatementsis FALSE? Or sose rae 08 Ge an ce postion re deter ow airs. © cctme aetererfortanatie i ae te palate Do A persistent anterior tip commen, Or nacre 2. With regard to amnictic fluid emboli which ane othe following i FALSE? Oar devetops win stunning rapt. i sexes aac tout on id patents cores» cenmon compicte. moraity rate in he pat was ashes 855 nay oe precip by cord wots [5 Which one of the flowing efnical signs define severe pre-Eclampate? QD etood pressure of greater than 80 meni diastole Os urine eutpat of eater than 800 mis in 24 hours Qc ruimonary eden. Qo erste greaterman :40 x 2094 Dea ere sve, Dicsos accursstpartum sme most eommen pasting symgzoms ae ayianoes and tehypece Orcs crest X-ray i eormalin > 60% of patients wit pulmnary embelism, Qo An £06 atways shows the classic St/ Q3/T3 pattern. O Putmanary angiography i not help 's. wit raga to placenta praevia which one ofthe flowing is earrect? Qn Qc Transvaginal utrssound can sever be performed Od digital examination can be performed, Oe specutum examination can never be performed. Gann) a) (2 dias are We Alagptsmaarecs Terns of Use | Trademarks |Privacy Statement 00 Sudani 30 vet: < Sag je) (ty Yahoo Mail ALSO - MCQ Sample Questions. ——— 4. During the delivery o fetus which one of the following is correct? Oda tne head is born by flexion in 2 OP postion. Os Forceps can be used on a face presentation Oc Forceps can be used during a breech delivery Ob occasionally in an OP position the vertex can be on the perineum but the head Is not engaged. Qc ait or the above. 2. In Shoulder Dystocia , as a last resort: which one of the following may be used? F the humerus Orn vetiverate fret Ors zavaneit at 3 home birth Qe niysterectomy bd sympnysiotomy Oekalt ofthe above 3. Which of one the following has n linked to the cause of a miscarriage? Od cernetic abnormaities. Os tobacco. Oceateahot. Op rising maternal age. Qc au or tne avove. 4. With regard to placenta praevia which one of the following Is correct? Oa te occurs in 1 1n 500 pregnancies Qs or those whe have placenta praevia diagnosed at 20 weeks, 90% will have resolved by 30 weeks Qe smoking is not a risk factor. Oo Han pasty is not a risk factor. QB Advanced maternal age is not a risk factor. 5. With regard to the use of CTGs which one of the following is correct? Oka non-reassuring trace is a good predictor of poor outcome. Os the use of tate decelerations to predict cerebral palsy is very accurate ©c me majority of perinatal asphyxia, even severe, doas net result In lang-term neurological autcames. Od changes in the Fetal heart rate ere mediated via the mothers sympathetic nerves. Oe cres are direct measure ofthe fetal acid base balance Gomi) Geese) (© 2006 Also UK. Al eights rasarves, Terms Of Use| Trademarks | Privacy Please enter your name Waleed 7 Please enter your email address [Waleedabdallad 4. With regard to FBS which one of the following is correct? Qarcone sample ts suttctent @z during the second stage of labour a value of 7.15 may be acceptable if there is adequate progress OLA base excess of minus 12 mmoi/| is not significant. Od A pit of < 7.25 is defined as being normal eal of the above. 2. Which one of the following represents the “presentation” of a fetus? Oaronoitudinal Osootiue. Octransverse Od rece QE None of tre above. 3. Which one of the following Is correct In delivery by forceps? Od me shanks should be no more than 1 cm below pasterior fontanelle, Oe. mitine episotomy is essential cima diabetic roulder dystocia is unlikely Od The hese should be ne more than 2/5 palpable Oetn a taies forceps delivery ventouse shouldbe attempted. 4. With ruptured membranes which one of the following is correct? Olathe pe of the vagina is approximately 4.5 to 6,09 in preanancy. ate pt of amniotic uid is between 7.1 and 7.3 in preananey Oc Freening en s slass side suggests the presence of amniotic ld othe rerning test has been reported to be up to 100% accurate. eau or tne above. 5. With regard to the use of CTGs which one of the following Is correct? OA cTe alone has reduced perinatal mortality. (Q8.c7G and fetal scalp sampling have greatly reduced perinatal mortality Occere has reduced caesarean section rates. Qo crehas reduced the incidence of neonatal seizures. OB cre has reduced the rate of admission to Neonatal Units. Crest) (© 2008 Azo Uk. Allnghtsreserved, Terms of Use | Trademarks | Privacy St ain > i eh Yohoo Mail ® ‘ALSO-MCQ Sample Questions Cran is Mn eT eres Pease ener you emai adérss. [Waleeaabaain@yaloacon 7 4. With repardteanmictic fluid embelien which one ofthe following i correct? irre uncommon, Os usathcotstopne Qe wismere commen with multoarous women Do ae may torm part ot Or asin ove 2. patton red pregnancy. Whi fh toning ec? (nana post 20% 0 epee (Osteen cccur before 20 weeks gestation. Qc temay be associated with HELP syndeome. Qo wessociated wits proteinuria, iis cited FM. QE teypertension in pregnancy dees nat ast beyond 42 days postpartum. 2h ogre th prestatn oF tere ture wich ou he ingore? @iterinen $9: ocean Qs mene cd ih se vb octets he Cote cu enn ttt nd gy Ooo ean be associated with hyperstimulation, Diusees commen term efeteratal hemenasepreowncy, Qs tes associates wn a sacenurat be Coc reta moray rates are 100% © nr ta i da De a hg test at Re ‘5. with rard to the use of CYGe which one ofthe followings correct? Os creand ta see sampling hove ereaty reed pernatl moray. Oc etenasratucedcacsrean sctionrates. bo cronas roduc cance of eons sees. Qc cranes rtuced the rt of dissin ta Neon Unt Gann) se) (2 dias are We Alagptsmaarecs Terns of Use | Trademarks |Privacy Statement > DJ) 'Alaminmutwakil@yahoo,com 2. Concerning magnesium sulphate which ove ofthe followings conect? Winegard to HEL ature rptre of membranes which on othe flloning i corect? > DJ) ‘Mutwakil Babikir Alarnin, oa C1G Wace wich on ofthe following is correct? ined placeata which on ofthe follonng = core? retained placenta na subsequent bir, ampsia which one ofthe fellwingie cone? tot 14/99 meng paver > i eh Yohoo Mail ® ‘ALSO-MCQ Sample Questions Pea tr you mal adse (Waestabdala Da cvisoromy, Oo unmet Oc Bir wget Do oF poses, Oe Forceps 2. whic ofthe following Is correct In delivery by forceps? Qe snonks shows be vo more than 1m below posterior frtane Os A mine episiotomy saseriah cin aciabete shoulder estoc is urkely Qp-menaae snouts be no mare than 2/5 pabable Ot inataiea orceps ceivery vnouse snoua be atemote, 3. In acute fatty liver which one ofthe following is corect? Qt ours in appreximataly 1 150 pregrances. Ot atuays presents with unde. Dee vorting is rare ©d sternal mortality in the past was a high as 92% (QE A patents have hypertension, ratinurie an cadens Qs 806 occur postoarum © 1me most commen presenting symstoms are dyspnaea and tachyproea. Oc a ches xxay 5 normal in > 60% of paints wen pulmonary emtlsm. Qo An ce always stows the classic Si/ 03/3 pater, Qe Pulmonary angosrapy i nat tpi, Ou Qe Smaing 1 not ask fector. Oo won piety is nota is acto Oc pavancea matral ages nota sk acto Ciomi,) Cfeset) 1B 2 Aro Alohereanck.Termns Of Use) Trademarks |Privacy Statement ‘Mutwakil Babikir Alarnin, svess (Alaminmutwakil@yahoo,com 4. ionruptuted menbranes which one of te follwing sconce? ugnesum euiphate which one tthe fllowng scree? A Magnesium spt good ate rm ab it ithess [ 1 In PPM wich one of te ftlowng FALSE? per agate publ symahysic .gnesium euphate which one tthe fllong is crrec? A Magnesium ap od at preventing preterm abou > DJ) ‘Mutwakil Babikir Alarnin, 'Alaminmutwakil@yahoo,com We netwhichene of he fotlowng Is tot pat of tat Douay? eoening pat ‘Mutwakil Babikir Alarnin, + |Alaminmutwakil@yahoo,com |C1Gs wich op ote fotuwing = FALSE? ’ Sy Yahoo Mail Vv Cn omer a Pease enter you emai asd. [Waleaabaate Sa7ayahaa. com 7 2. With regard a sinusodal C76 trace which one ofthe folowing is correct? Qn sinasoiat pattern can be feund on normal CTs Os men be sisodaen ih aytops Qetemay repesenta terra zac" Oo wa sinewave pation wean enpice a 30 beats per mute Orns Oncynsecsia pais Oe andcid vi Oc Anitropsi pv. Dp Pletypetii pis. Be None ofthe apo. ‘3. With regard to cardiac arrest which one of the following is FALSE Qe coceurs in 1 n 30,000 pregnancies. Qs peu nar of maternal Seats ae due to roteniy treatable causes Qc coraae output increases in sregnarey. Q cestic emptying increases inte pregnancy, De tne terusracivas abet a thd fatal cade stp Ci morenarTeryertia Qs narrow puse pressure Oc rcittion do towurine output Dare Os Heparin aes in beast ite Q hieparin may cause thrombocrtoperia (Oo wartrin ds net ras ee pct © warn cossesint bent ik and prvens tena dig. Gann) Ge) ¢ a ‘ALSO - MCQ Sample Questions. rer (Bias are We Alagpimsarecs Terns of Use | Trademarks Privacy Statement ’ > i eh Yahoo Mail ‘ALSO - MCQ Sample Questions. o Cran is Mn eT eres Pease enter you emai asd. [Waleaabaate Sa7ayahaa. com 7 2. with repardte an OP pesition whien one of the following tatementsis FALSE? Or sose rae 08 Ge an ce postion re deter ow airs. © cctme aetererfortanatie i ae te palate Do A persistent anterior tip commen, Or nacre 2. With repordte neonatal resuscitation which one ofthe fotowing ls a result of pimery apnote ? Oariyposia Qa typertsctypnoes Qc ressratey acids Cd necrie metaboton Oc srcrtne wove [5 with regards the Active management of the Jd stage of labour which one ofthe fodowing is correct? Qat catse known a the shysiclosies! managemest of te thre stage. Qs 0 car reaice the incidence of PH by up & 66%, Qe teinerenses tne need for manual removal Oo woes not iene conto cord tation De te reyirene renovate pce bear ins af acerelseparatin, ire presres of hemes lod ft. (Ds me presenen of haemsiso 2 Bod fm Occ Ptelets of greater than 400, Do Anaernia Qe none athe above ‘5.nthrambosbole dense which ane ofthe following is correct? arma Os ony resin eben deep venous nsutceny. cocci in is 1000 prapnnces, (Oo cain resuerom viehows ad (hyerconuttin, venous sie aac dag Qe sorte move Gann) Ge) (2 dias are We Alagptsmaarecs Terns of Use | Trademarks |Privacy Statement ‘Mutwakil Babikir Alarnin, 'Alaminmutwakil@yahoo,com Aven one fe flowing FALSE? ymérome nbichone ofthe following may be uretul? « [Alaminmutwakil@yahoo,com nich one te Yrlowing Here? sve postpartum haemorrhage shoud be pated as a priotty sion ond shoul be voided ey eology 4. Witnregardto placenta praeva which ne ofthe flowing ic correct? ‘Mutwakil Babikir Alarnin, ‘Alaminmutwakil@yahoo,com notactoiated with isk ofa thie degree tea? yen Seton ean stave an CV owing elnical igs define severe preEclamgsia? « [Alaminmutwakil@yahoo,com ‘2. Whale the een Arter Pressure of he olowing bao pressure reach of 90/100 mat? Ki66 aus cw ®on0 2 win regan to Trephobinstle seas, Which one of he folowing ie comeet? 4. Wionrututed menbranes which one of the follwing econ? Re 4 4 we aa a ‘Mutwakil Babikir Alarnin 7 al rom which one of te Fotbwing a FALSE ? 4. Concering magnesium sulphate which oxe ofthe followings conect? > DJ) name ‘Mutwakil Babikir Alarnin Pease enter your ena adress [Alaminmutwakil@yahoo,com 1 Durr We devery of atetus wrchone ofthe folowtng = crrect? 2. Witregard to uterine version, which ont f the foloing core? manly occurs inthe second plintton othe placenta inthe loner teri segment. tneplncente has uouayaready been vee. clad tan the amount of boot es would suggest hie not usualy associated witha PP 2 Win regan to Ecople peomancy whlch one ofthe flowing ie comect? ‘4m place abroption bch one ofthe followy etatemests ie carec? © A70% orabruplons nave ro vse beeang se ofmatemal membranes 26 minutes porte the onset ot inour > DJ) name ‘Mutwakil Babikir Alarnin Pease enter your ena adress [Alaminmutwakil@yahoo,com 1 Durr We devery of atetus wrchone ofthe folowtng = crrect? 2. Witregard to uterine version, which ont f the foloing core? manly occurs inthe second plintton othe placenta inthe loner teri segment. tneplncente has uouayaready been vee. clad tan the amount of boot es would suggest hie not usualy associated witha PP 2 Win regan to Ecople peomancy whlch one ofthe flowing ie comect? ‘4m place abroption bch one ofthe followy etatemests ie carec? © A70% orabruplons nave ro vse beeang se ofmatemal membranes 26 minutes porte the onset ot inour > DJ) ‘Mutwakil Babikir Alarnin — ress [Alaminmutwakil@yahoo,com aon a fetus which one of the foiowing i erect A The hea stom by fexion in 20 aly an OP postion te vex canbe onthe perineum but the head isnot engaged 5 wit regar to retained pacer whch oe ofthe flowing correct? than 30 minutes otwamen witha rec cfained placenta wa subsequent ih wave associates with an ony Brandt manceuvte is ultely tod E high party tenota ick actor ‘4m place abraption nbich one ot the follow etatemerts ie carec? 2. Wich one of thefllowing represent the-presetation” of fet? ALongitutina. +) ene 4.lnthe wentnent of tomboenbolc dizease which on ofthe following fe core?

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