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Separator Design Guide


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1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................1
2. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS ...................................................................................................2
3. HORIZONTAL VS VERTICAL SEPARATOR SELECTION ......................................................3
3.1 Theory of Horizontal Separators ...............................................................................................3
3.2 Theory of Vertical Separators ....................................................................................................4
3.3 Theory of Separators Applied To V-L Systems .........................................................................4
3.4 Advantages & Disadvantages of Horizontal / Vertical Separators ............................................5
4. SETTLING VELOCITY CALCULATIONS .................................................................................7
4.1 Conventional Approach ................................................................................................................7
4.2 Alternative Approach .................................................................................................................8
5. SEPARATOR SIZING PRINCIPLES .................................................................................................10
5.1 Vertical Vapour-Liquid Separators ..........................................................................................10
5.1.1 Sizing Diameter ..........................................................................................................10
5.1.2 Sizing Vessel Length ..................................................................................................10
5.2 Sizing Demister Pads ..............................................................................................................11


A Separator Sizing Spreadsheet

B Recommended Liquid Residence Time

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Separators play an important role in the chemical industry and are critical to the success of almost all
processes. The usage of phase separators range from functions as diverse as ensuring that final
product quality meets often stringent standards to protecting downstream equipment from undesirable
impurities. In the petrochemical industry the most common uses include:

• Separation of liquid hydrocarbon from a hydrocarbon vapour (2-phase vapour – liquid separation)
• Separation of a two liquids differing in their respective densities (2-phase, liquid – liquid
• Separation of a feed stream consisting of vapour, liquid hydrocarbon and water into 3 separate
components. (3-phase separation).

Some examples of separators are as follows:

2-Phase Separators 3-Phase Separators

Fuel gas KO drum Glycol Separator
Compressor KO drum Hydrotreater high pressure separator
Relief gas KO drum Wet column reflux drum
Crude unit desalter Production separator
Amine absorber KO drum
Coalescer units

This design guide presents the basic principles and methods involved with sizing vertical and
horizontal separators for both 2-phase and 3-phase separation. It is important to note, however, that
this guide does not cover the separation of solids from either liquids or vapour.

Whilst theoretically, it may be important to take into consideration dynamic operating conditions of
the separation process, such as variation in fluid properties with time; and the transient start-up and
shut-down characteristics of separation operation when undertaking the design, this presents a near
impossible task in reality. As such, this design guide uses steady-state operation of the separator as its

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As is the case with the design of any vessel, the associated system properties and process
requirements must first be defined. In the case of separator design, these may include:

System Properties
• Flow rates of each phase to be separated.
• Physical properties of each phase (viscosity, density, etc.)
• Identification of continuous phase(s) (see following table)
System Continuous / discontinuous phase distinction

Vapour – Liquid The vapour is the continuous “light” phase, with liquid being the heavy,
discontinuous phase which settles out as droplets.
HC liquid – Water. The HC liquid is the continuous phase, with water settling out as droplets
Water – HC liquid The water is the continuous, “heavy” phase, with HC liquid being the light
discontinuous phase rising up through the water as droplets.

Process Requirements
• The required throughput and composition of feed mixture to be purified will ultimately determine
the size and type of separator selected.
• Degree of separation required. The minimum droplet sizes required to be separated from each
phase need to be specified. This is generally set by factors such as purity of product required for
sale or purity required to avoid upsets to downstream equipment / processes. For example:
• In HC liquid – vapour separation, efficient liquid separation from vapour is needed, particularly in
situations where the vapour subsequently flows downstream to a compressor. Separators for this
purpose often include mist eliminators to enhance their separation performance.
• In water – HC liquid separation, efficient separation of water from the HC is needed to avoid
over-loading downstream water treatment facilities. This is particularly important if the liquid
HC is then fed to a downstream distillation column.

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Before a judgement is made regarding the type of separator most suitable for use in a specific
application, there are number of factors that need to be taken into consideration. The following
sections outline the general characteristics of both horizontal and vertical separators and where they
are most useful. It is important to note, however, there are exceptions to these recommendations and
each specific case should be evaluated before any decision is made.

For ease of reading, when comparing the performances of vertical and horizontal separators in this
section, the light phase will be referred to as “vapour” and the heavy phase as “liquid”, even in the
case of liquid-liquid systems.

3.1 Theory of Horizontal Separators

In terms of equivalent vapour flow areas, horizontal separators are more efficient than are their
vertical counterparts, due largely to the fact that the liquid settles out perpendicular to the direction of
vapour flow, rather than in a direction countering the vapour flow (as is the case with vertical

If the residence time1 of the vapour is greater than the time taken for the liquid droplets to reach the
liquid surface, then the liquid will undergo satisfactory disengagement from the vapour. It is this
relationship which ultimately determines the maximum allowable vapour velocity through the
separator, as follows:

v s .L
vmax  Equation 3.1

Where L = distance between feed inlet and vapour outlet.

Vs = liquid droplet settling velocity (details of calculation method to follow in section 4)
H = distance between top of drum and Normal Liquid Level (NLL)
Vmax = maximum allowable vapour velocity

Thus, for horizontal separators with a L/H ratio greater than 1, the maximum velocity can exceed the
liquid settling velocity without affecting the vessel’s ability to achieve satisfactory separation. As will
be shown in section 3.2, however, this is not the case with vertical separators.

The vapour residence time refers to the time taken for vapour to flow from the feed inlet to vapour outlet

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Horizontal separators are most efficient where large volumes of liquids are present with the vapour or
alternatively, when large volumes of vapour are dissolved in the liquid phase(s). They are generally
used in applications such as 3-phase separators, high-pressure vapour-liquid separators, relief KO
drums and liquid-liquid separators, although there are frequent exceptions.

3.2 Theory of Vertical Separato rs

In the case of a vertical separator, the liquid droplets settle out in a direction opposite to the direction
of vapour flow. Therefore, the liquid will not disengage from the vapour unless the vapour velocity is
lower than the liquid settling velocity. That is,

v max  v s Equation 3.2

Despite the fact that vertical separators are a less efficient alternative than horizontal ones with an
appropriate L/H ratio, they do offer some distinct advantages which have seen them favoured for
applications as fuel gas and compressor suction KO drums. Such advantages are detailed in section

3.3 Theory of Separators Applied To V -L Systems

In reality, the maximum allowable vapour velocity for liquid-vapour systems is highly dependent on
the specific separator application and indeed is vastly different, for example, in cases where a
demister pad is installed and cases where one is not. Such flexibility is not catered for using
Equations 3.1 and 3.2, where it is not possible to effectively take into consideration any variation in
separator characteristics. Instead, a more appropriate equation to use for calculating the maximum
allowable vapour velocity for vapour-liquid systems is as follows:

( l − v )
vmax = K Equation 3.3
Where vmax = Maximum allowable vapour velocity, m/s
K = Empirical constant, m/s
l = Density of liquid phase, kg/m3
v = Density of vapour phase, kg/m3

A range of values for K are available for use in the above equation, as illustrated in the following
table (Table-3.1) taken from figure 7-9 of GPSA (SI units) Volume 1, Section 7, page 7-7.

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Table- 3.1
Typical K & C Factors for Sizing Woven Wire Demisters

Separator Type K Factor (m/s) C Factor (m/hr)

Horizontal 0.12 to 0.15 420 to 540
Vertical 0.05 to 0.11 200 to 400
Spherical 0.05 to 0.11 220 to 400
Wet Steam 0.076 270
Most vapours under vacuum 0.061 220
Salt & Caustic Evaporators 0.046 160
Adjustment of K & C Factor for
Pressure - % of design value.
Atmospheric 100
1000 kPa 90
2000 kPa 85
4000 kPa 80
8000 kPa 75

➢ For glycol and amine solutions, multiply K by 0.6 to 0.8.

➢ Typical use one-half of the above K or C values for approximate sizing of vertical separators
without wire demisters.
➢ For compressors suction scrubbers and expander inlet separators multiply K by 0.7 to 0.8.

3.4 Advantages & Di sadvantage s of Horizon tal / Vertical

There are many factors
Horizontal Separators - Advantages:
• High separation efficiency due to higher vapour space volumes and vapour residence times.
• Lower nozzle outlet elevations
• More applicable for use as reflux accumulators, which can be more readily attached to and
supported by horizontal separators.
• More suitable than vertical separators for handling large total liquid volumes.
• May be used in applications requiring 3-phase separation.

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Horizontal Separators – Disadvantages:
• Larger footprint area required than for vertical separators.
• Become less economical than vertical separators for high vapour / liquid ratios.

Vertical Separators – Advantages

• Less potential for entrainment of liquid in vapour stream. Unlike a horizontal separator, the area
available for vapour flow is not reduced when the liquid level rises during operation.
• Less footprint area required.
• Easier installation and operation of level alarms and shutdown control systems.
• Generally a lower cost option than horizontal separators.
• More efficient than horizontal separators for high vapour / liquid ratios.

Vertical Separators – Disadvantages

• Not generally recommended for three-phase separation unless the total liquid fraction present in
the feed stream is very low (10 – 20% by weight).
• Less suitable for a feed with a high liquid/vapour ratio.

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Perhaps the most important criterion used in sizing phase separators is the velocities at which
entrained droplets of a discontinuous, dispersed phase settle out in a continuous medium. The settling
velocity of such droplets is dependent upon factors such as droplet size and shape, phase densities and
the droplets’ resistance to settling. Unfortunately, due to the fact that the droplet’s resistance to
settling is in fact a function of the settling velocity itself, various approximations are required in any
solution method and a precise determination of the settling velocity is not possible. In order to
minimise the errors associated with any approximations made, however, two independent approaches
to calculating the settling velocity are used in this design guide.

4.1 Conventional App roach

The conventional approach taken by the majority of literature sources in the past to calculate settling
velocities has been to use one of three laws, namely “Stokes Law”, the “Intermediate Law” or
“Newton’s Law”. These laws are given below, referenced from figure 7-4 of GPSA (SI Units),
Volume 1, Section 7, page 7-4:

1000 * g * D p (  l −  v )

Vt =
Stokes Law (Equation 4.1)

(  l −  v ) 0.71
3.54 * g 0.71 * D p
Vt =
 v 0.29  0.43
Intermediate Law (Equation 4.2)

g * D p * (l −  v )
Vt = 1.74 Newton’s Law
v (Equation 4.3)

Where: Vt = Settling velocity of droplet (m/s)

g = Gravitational acceleration constant (9.81 m/s2)
Dp = Droplet diameter (metres)
v = Density of continuous phase (kg/m3)
l = Density of discontinuous phase (kg/m3)
 = Viscosity of continuous phase (Pa.s)
Note: Maximum settling velocity shall not exceed 0.0042 m/s.

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The law that is selected for use in a specific situation depends upon the size range of settling droplets.
The maximum droplet size for which each respective law applies is given by the following:

  2
 3
D p , max = K CR   (Equation 4.4)
 g *  v * (  l −  v 

Where: Dp,max is the maximum droplet size for which each respective law applies (metres).
KCR is a dimensionless constant.

It is seen then from the above equation that KCR is in fact the quantity which determines which of the
three laws is applicable. Values for KCR are as follows:

Applicable Settling Law Value of KCR

Stoke’s Law 0.025
Intermediate Law 0.334
Newton’s Law 18.13

The law to be used is then selected by substituting the KCR values shown above sequentially into
equation 4.4 for each law and determining for which law the actual droplet size is lower than the value
of Dp,max calculated.

4.2 Alternati ve Approach

An alternative approach which can be used to calculate the settling velocity of the droplets was
developed by Haider & Levenspiel, (1989). This approach introduces two useful quantities – a
dimensionless droplet size, dp* and a dimensionless droplet settling velocity, ut*, defined as follows:
  ( −  )g  3
d p = d p  v l 2 v 
(Equation 4.5)
  

 v  2 3
ut = ut  
 ( −  )g  (Equation 4.6)
 l v 

For the direct evaluation of ut*, Haider & Levenspiel present the following approximation (valid for
spherical droplets), which expresses ut* as a function of dp*.

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 
u t = 
18 0.591 

 d *
 p ( ) ( ) 2
* 0.5 

(Equation 4.7)

Given the appropriate physical properties of the system under consideration, dp* is first calculated
(using equation 4.5) followed by ut (using back substitution in equation 4.8), as follows:

−1 1
 18 0.591   v 2


ut =  +  
 *2
 d p( ) ( )
d p
* 0.5 

 ( −  )g 
 l v 
(Equation 4.8)

Due to the fact that the “conventional” methods described in section 4.1 are more widely used and
trusted by industry world-wide than the “alternative” method, it is the method of choice used in the
calculation of droplet settling velocities for the purposes of actually sizing the separator in this design
guide. While the droplet settling velocities are calculated using both methods, this is merely to ensure
that the values calculated for the settling velocities do not differ substantially from one another. This
is designed to ensure that the potential errors associated with the approximations made in each method
are reduced.

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5.1 Vertical Vapou r-Liquid Separators

5.1.1 Siz ing Diameter

For a vertical separator, the vessel diameter required is determined by first calculating the maximum
allowable vapour velocity, (using equation 3.3) before using the following equation:

d min =
 .vmax Equation 5.1

Where dmin = Minimum Vessel Diameter (m)

Q = Vapour Flowrate (m3/s)
vmax = Maximum Vapour Velocity (m/s)

The vessel diameter should be selected as the next largest pipe/drum size to the dmin value calculated,
where deemed practical.

5.1.2 Siz ing Vessel Lengt h

Amongst the most important factors required for consideration when designing the length of a
proposed vertical separator, are:
• The location of various liquid levels inside the vessel (LLSD, LLL, NLL, HLL, HLSD, etc.)
• The location of inlet and outlet nozzles
• The surge volume required to permit corrective action to be taken by plant operators in times of
unsatisfactory plant operation. Such information is usually provided by the vendor, or based upon
experience gained in sizing similar vessels in the past.
• Whether or not a demister pad is to be installed.

The following recommendations can be made regarding vessel shell lengths which will assist the
process engineer in addressing the important issues listed above.

• The low liquid level (LLL) should be a minimum of 300 mm above the bottom vessel tangent
line. The precise level height may depend on the nature of level control instruments available.
• The high liquid shutdown (HLSD) level should be no less than 300 mm below the inlet feed
distributor / nozzle.

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• The shell length between the HLL and LLL should be set so as to provide sufficient liquid surge
• The shell length between the HLSD and HLL should be made sufficient to provide the operator
with sufficient time to shut down the separator before the performance and operation of
downstream processes and equipment is compromised.
• The minimum T/T length of the vessel should be 2500 mm.
• The clearance between the bottom of the demister pad and the top of the feed distributor should
be set at 70% of the vessel diameter or 750 mm, whichever of the two is greater.
• The clearance between the upper tangent line and the top of the demister pad should be 10% of
the vessel ID or 300 mm, whichever of the two is greater.

Following figure-5.1, adapted from GPSA (SI Units) Volume 1, Section 7, depicts an example of a
typical vertical separator containing a wire mesh mist extractor, in which the above-mentioned
recommendations have been adhered to.

Figure – 5.1

150 mm
Dv or 600 mm (min)

Inlet Di 2 Di
300 mm (min)

Dv 300 mm (min)

Slug Capacity 300 mm (min)

5.2 Sizing Demister Pads

Mist extractors of the mesh-type are typically constructed of a pad of compact stainless steel wire
designed to capture entrained liquid droplets or those droplets too small to settle by gravity. The
liquid droplets impinge on the mesh pad, coalesce and fall downward as larger droplets, back through
the rising vapour. Demister pads are generally aligned horizontally in both vertical and horizontal

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separators, with the vapour and entrained liquid passing vertically upward through the pad. In fact,
the pad performance is found to be adversely affected if tilted at an angle of greater than 30 degrees
from the horizontal.

As reported by GPSA (SI) volume 1, most installations use a 150 mm thick pad with the minimum
recommended thickness being 100 mm. In order to size the diameter of a demister pad, the following
correlation may be used:


4.Q  l − v  2
d=   (Equation 5.4)
 .K  v 

Where: Uv = Superficial velocity of vapour through the demister pad (m/s).

K = Empirical constant, provided by vendor, but usually in the range of 0.1 –
0.12 m/s.
Q = Vapour flowrate (m3/s)
l = Density of liquid phase (kg/m3)
v = Density of vapour phase (kg/m3)

The diameter of the mist extractor is usually substantially less than the diameter of the separator. In
the case of vertical separators with diameters less than 1000 mm, a mesh diameter equivalent to the
vessel diameter should be used. In addition, the demister pads are typically located 300 mm below
the vapour outlet nozzle of a horizontal separator.

For any variety of service, the material of construction for the mesh pad should be at least 304 ss. For
application in corrosive service, either 316 ss or Monel mesh pads should be used.

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Appendix A – Separator Sizing Spreadsheet
In order to allow for designs of separators to be generated rapidly, an Excel ’97 spreadsheet file
(Separator Sizing.xls) has been developed. This spreadsheet allows for the following types of
separator to be sized:

Horizontal Separators Vertical Separators

2-phase, vapour-liquid 2-phase, vapour-liquid
2-phase, liquid-liquid 2-phase, liquid-liquid
3-phase, liquid-liquid-vapour (with weir, no boot)
3-phase, liquid-liquid-vapour (with boot, no weir)

In the sections that follow, a brief outline is given for each type of separator on each of the following
• Inputs required by the spreadsheet,
• Final outputs provided by the spreadsheet,
• Warnings provided by the spreadsheet, and
• A chronological procedure for using the spreadsheet.

A.1 Vertical Liquid-Vapour Separator

A.1.1 Inputs Required

The following lists outline the input data required by the spreadsheet. Many such inputs are highly
sensitive on the precise process requirements of the separator, and include:

1. Physical properties of both phases -

• Maximum flowrates (kg/hr)
• Actual Densities (kg/m3)
• Viscosities (cP)

2. Separator vessel dimensions –

• Vessel diameter (mm) – varied by the spreadsheet user until the vessel cross-sectional area is
sufficient to ensure that the maximum allowable vapour velocity and specified liquid
residence times are not exceeded.

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• Liquid level heights (mm) – heights of LLSD, LLL, NLL, HLL and HLSD are varied by
spreadsheet user until no warnings regarding insufficient liquid residence times are

In addition to the required inputs described above, there are also inputs whose values are more or less
standard for the vast majority of vertical vapour-liquid designs, including:

“Standard” Inputs Required Typical / Suggested Values

(mvm2)max – inlet mixture feed nozzle 1000 kg/ms2 – where no inlet device present
1500 kg/ms2 – where half-open pipe inlet present)
(mvm2)max – vapour outlet nozzle 3750 kg/ms2
vmax – liquid outlet nozzle 1 m/s
Droplet size (liquid in gas) 150 m – without demister pad installed
500 mm – with demister pad installed
Liquid Residence Times See Appendix-B.
LLSD height above bottom tangent line 150 mm (minimum)
HLSD height above bottom tangent line A value such that the HLSD is no less than 150
mm below the inlet feed nozzle.
Thickness of Demister Pad 100 mm (minimum), but usually 150 mm.
K-value 1. May be supplied by vendor and manually
inputted into spreadsheet.
2. If not supplied by vendor, may be obtained
using information from Fig 7-9, GPSA (SI)
Volume 1, Section 7, Page 7-7.

A.1.2 Final Outputs Provided

Once all required input values have been entered, the spreadsheet calculates values for the following:

1. Fluid Properties
• Feed mixture density
• Maximum allowable vapour velocity
• Actual maximum vapour velocity
• Liquid droplet settling velocity & the settling law used in the calculation
• Liquid residence times between specified liquid levels.

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2. Vessel Dimensions
• Minimum vessel diameter
• Vessel height (T/T) – taken as a minimum of 2500 mm.
• Minimum inlet nozzle ID
• Minimum vapour outlet nozzle ID
• Minimum liquid outlet nozzle ID
• Clearance between inlet feed nozzle and bottom of demister pad (if fitted) – shall be taken as
the greater of 0.7D or 750 mm.
• Clearance between top of demister pad (if fitted) and upper tangent line – taken as the greater
of 0.1D or 300 mm.

A.1.3 Warnings Provided

The spreadsheet issues various warnings to help ensure that the design of the separator is adequate for
its desired purpose. These warnings are issued if the following conditions result:

1. The calculated vapour velocity exceeds the maximum allowable vapour velocity calculated by the
K-factor method.
2. The specified liquid level heights are inadequate to provide the required liquid residence times.
3. The vessel height / diameter ratio does not fall in the range of 2 – 5.

An overall status box that is viewable at the top of the spreadsheet at all times is included which
displays warning messages if any of the above conditions occur. When this status box displays an
“OK, No Warnings Present” message, all spreadsheet calculations have been completed without any

A.1.4 Procedure for Spreadsheet Use.

The warnings provided as outlined in the previous section represent one of the most important and
user-friendly tools possessed by the excel spreadsheet file to assist the user in sequentially entering all
data required for a successful design. A suggested procedure is as follows:
1. Enter all the required input data listed in A.1.1, except for the vessel ID and liquid level

The minimum value for any nozzle diameter is considered to be 50 mm.

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2. Set the vessel diameter to the calculated value for the “minimum vessel diameter” as a starting
3. Enter arbitrary values for the various liquid level elevations and vary them to meet the required
liquid residence times.
4. Examine the vessel height / diameter ratio to ensure that it lies between 2 – 5.
(i) If the ratio is greater than 5, a more economical ratio can be achieved by gradually
increasing the vessel ID from the value selected in step 2, while decreasing one or all of
the LLSD, LLL, NLL, HLL and HLSD elevations specified in step 3. If the latter
approach is taken, it must be ensured that all required liquid residence times remain
satisfied and that the LLSD elevation is a minimum of 150 mm above the bottom
tangent line.
(ii) If the ratio is less than 2, on the other hand, the elevations of the LLSD, LLL, NLL,
HLSD may be increased to extend the height of the vessel and increase the ratio. The
vessel diameter may not be decreased from the value selected in step 2. In step 2, the
minimum vessel diameter was selected, which cannot be decreased in order to increase
the H/D ratio without the maximum allowable vapour velocity being exceeded.

A.2 Vertical Liquid-Liquid Separator

A.2.1 Inputs Required

The following lists outline the input data required by the spreadsheet. Many such inputs are highly
sensitive on the precise process requirements of the separator, and include:

1. Physical properties of both phases -

• Maximum flowrates (kg/hr)
• Actual Densities (kg/m3)
• Viscosities (cP)

2. Separator vessel dimensions –

• Vessel diameter (mm) – varied by the spreadsheet user until the vessel cross-sectional area is
sufficient to ensure that the maximum allowable light liquid velocity and specified liquid
residence times are not exceeded.
• Liquid level heights (mm) – heights of LILSD, LIL, NIL, HIL, HILSD are varied by
spreadsheet user until no warnings regarding insufficient liquid residence times are

In addition to the required inputs described above, there are also inputs whose values are more or less
standard for the vast majority of vertical vapour-liquid designs, including:

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“Standard” Inputs Required Typical / Suggested Values
(mvm2)max – inlet mixture feed nozzle 1000 kg/ms2 – where no inlet device present
1500 kg/ms2 – where half-open pipe inlet present
vmax – light liquid outlet nozzle 1 m/s
vmax – heavy liquid outlet nozzle 1 m/s
Droplet size (heavy liquid in light liquid) 600 m
Droplet size (light liquid in heavy liquid) 1000 m
Liquid Residence Times See Appendix-B
LILSD height above bottom tangent line 150 mm (minimum)
HILSD height above bottom tangent line A value such that the HILSD is no less than 150
mm below the inlet feed nozzle.

A.2.2 Final Outputs Provided

Once all required input values have been entered, the spreadsheet calculates values for the following:

1. Fluid Properties
• Feed mixture density
• Maximum allowable light liquid velocity (assumed equal to 0.85 * settling velocity of heavy
liquid droplets in the light liquid phase)
• Actual maximum light liquid velocity
• Light liquid droplet settling velocity & the settling law used in the calculation
• Heavy liquid droplet settling velocity & the settling law used in the calculation
• Liquid residence times between specified liquid levels.

2. Vessel Dimensions
• Minimum vessel diameter
• Vessel height (T/T) – taken as a minimum of 2500 mm.
• Minimum inlet nozzle ID
• Minimum light liquid outlet nozzle ID
• Minimum heavy liquid outlet nozzle ID

The minimum value for any nozzle diameter is considered to be 50 mm.

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A.2.3 Warnings Provided

The spreadsheet issues various warnings to help ensure that the design of the separator is adequate for
its desired purpose. These warnings are issued if the following conditions result:

1. The calculated light liquid velocity exceeds the maximum allowable light liquid velocity.
2. The residence time of the heavy liquid between the vessel bottom and the NIL is less than the
light liquid droplet “fall” time in the heavy liquid medium.
3. The specified liquid level heights are inadequate to provide the required liquid residence times.
4. The vessel height / diameter ratio does not fall in the range of 2 – 5.

An overall status box that is viewable at the top of the spreadsheet at all times is included which
displays warning messages if any of the above conditions occur. When this status box displays an
“OK, No Warnings Present” message, all spreadsheet calculations have been completed without any

A.2.4 Procedure for Spreadsheet Use.

The warnings provided as outlined in the previous section represent one of the most important and
user-friendly tools possessed by the excel spreadsheet file to assist the user in sequentially entering all
data required for a successful design. A suggested procedure is as follows:
1. Enter all the required input data listed in A.2.1, except for the vessel ID and elevations of LILSD,
2. Set the vessel diameter to the calculated value for the “minimum vessel diameter” as a starting
3. Enter arbitrary values for the various liquid level elevations (i.e. LILSD, LIL, NIL, HIL and
HILSD) and vary them to meet the required liquid residence times. Also ensure in specifying
these levels that the residence time of the heavy liquid between the vessel bottom and the NIL is
less than the light liquid droplet “fall” time in the heavy liquid medium.
4. Examine the vessel height / diameter ratio to ensure that it lies between 2 – 5.
(i) If the ratio is greater than 5, a more economical ratio can be achieved by gradually
increasing the vessel ID from the value selected in step 2, while decreasing one or all of
the LILSD, LIL, NIL, HIL and HILSD elevations specified in step 3. If this approach
is taken, it must be ensured that all required liquid residence times remain satisfied and
that the LILSD elevation is a minimum of 150 mm above the bottom tangent line.
(ii) If the ratio is less than 2, on the other hand, the elevations of the LILSD, LIL, NIL,
HILSD may be increased to extend the height of the vessel and increase the ratio. In
doing so, it is again vital to ensure that the light liquid droplet fall time is less than the

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heavy liquid residence time between the vessel bottom and the NIL. The vessel
diameter may not be decreased from the value selected in step 2. In step 2, the
minimum vessel diameter was selected, which cannot be decreased in order to increase
the H/D ratio without the maximum allowable light liquid velocity being exceeded.

A.3 Horizontal Vapour-Liquid Separator

A.3.1 Inputs Required

The following lists outline the input data required by the spreadsheet. Many such inputs are highly
sensitive on the precise process requirements of the separator, and include:

1. Physical properties of both phases -

• Maximum flowrates (kg/hr)
• Actual Densities (kg/m3)
• Viscosities (cP)

2. Separator vessel dimensions –

• Vessel diameter (mm) – varied by the spreadsheet user until the vessel cross-sectional area is
sufficient to ensure that the maximum allowable vapour velocity and specified vapour and
liquid residence times are not exceeded.
• Vessel length (T/T) (mm) – adjusted such that the minimum length is 2500 mm and that the
length / diameter ratio is between 2 – 4 for the final design. The vessel length must also be
adjusted such that the required vapour and liquid residence times are not exceeded. Of
particular importance in this regard is ensuring that the vapour residence time provided is
sufficient to allow a liquid droplet to fall from the top of the vessel to the NLL.
• Liquid level heights (mm) – heights of LLSD, LLL, NLL, HLL and HLSD are varied by
spreadsheet user until no warnings regarding insufficient liquid residence times are
encountered. The NLL is in fact one of the first inputs required as it is needed to calculate the
minimum vapour flow area and subsequently the vapour residence time (once vessel length is

In addition to the required inputs described above, there are also inputs whose values are more or less
standard for the vast majority of vertical vapour-liquid designs, including:

“Standard” Inputs Required Typical / Suggested Values

(mvm2)max – inlet mixture feed nozzle 1000 kg/ms2 – where no inlet device present
1500 kg/ms2 – where half-open pipe inlet present
(mvm2)max – vapour outlet nozzle 3750 kg/ms2

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vmax – liquid outlet nozzle 1 m/s
Droplet size (liquid in gas) 150 m – regardless of whether or not a demister
pad is installed
Liquid Residence Times See Appendix-B
LLSD height above vessel bottom 150 mm (minimum)
HLSD height above vessel bottom A value such that the HLSD is no less than 150
mm below the inlet feed nozzle.
Thickness of Demister Pad 100 mm (minimum), but usually 150 mm.
K-value 1. May be supplied by vendor and manually
inputted into spreadsheet.
2. If not supplied by vendor, may be obtained
using information from figure 7-9, GPSA (SI)
Volume 1, Section 7, Page 7-7..

A.3.2 Final Outputs Provided

Once all required input values have been entered, the spreadsheet calculates values for the following:

1. Fluid Properties
• Feed mixture density
• Maximum allowable vapour velocity
• Actual maximum vapour velocity
• Liquid droplet settling velocity & the settling law used in the calculation
• Liquid droplet fall time (from top of vessel to NLL)
• Vapour residence time (from top of vessel to NLL)
• Liquid residence times between specified liquid levels.

2. Vessel Dimensions
• Minimum vessel diameter
• Minimum inlet nozzle ID
• Minimum vapour outlet nozzle ID
• Minimum liquid outlet nozzle ID

The minimum value for any nozzle diameter is considered to be 50 mm.

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• Clearance between inlet feed nozzle and bottom of demister pad (if fitted) – shall be taken as
the greater of 0.7D or 750 mm.
• Clearance between top of demister pad (if fitted) and upper tangent line – taken as the greater
of 0.1D or 300 mm.

A.3.3 Warnings Provided

The spreadsheet issues various warnings to help ensure that the design of the separator is adequate for
its desired purpose. These warnings are issued if the following conditions result:

1. The calculated vapour velocity exceeds the maximum allowable vapour velocity calculated by the
K-factor method.
2. The liquid droplet fall time (from top of vessel to NLL) exceeds the vapour residence time (also
from top of vessel to NLL).
3. The specified liquid level heights are inadequate to provide the required liquid residence times.
4. The vessel length / diameter ratio does not fall in the range of 2 – 4.

An overall status box that is viewable at the top of the spreadsheet at all times is included which
displays warning messages if any of the above conditions occur. When this status box displays an
“OK, No Warnings Present” message, all spreadsheet calculations have been completed without any

A.3.4 Procedure for Spreadsheet Use.

The warnings provided as outlined in the previous section represent one of the most important and
user-friendly tools possessed by the excel spreadsheet file to assist the user in sequentially entering all
data required for a successful design. A suggested procedure is as follows:
1. Enter all the required input data listed in A.3.1, except for the vessel ID, vessel length and
elevations of LLSD, LLL, NLL, HLL and HLSD.
2. As a starting point, set the vessel diameter to an arbitrary value and the vessel length initially as 3
times this quantity.
3. Enter arbitrary values for the various liquid level elevations (i.e. LLSD, LLL, NLL, HLL and
(i) If the liquid droplet fall time exceeds the vapour residence time (warning number 2), the
vapour residence time may be increased by:
• Increasing vessel diameter as needed – the most successful measure if the vapour
residence time is significantly lower than the liquid droplet fall time (i.e. >25%

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• Increasing the length of the vessel – the most successful measure if the vapour
residence time is only slightly lower than the liquid droplet fall time (i.e. <25%
(ii) If the specified liquid level heights are inadequate to provide the required liquid residence
times, the residence times may be increased by employing either of the two above measures
or alternatively increasing the height difference between the liquid levels where residence
time is calculated to be insufficient.
4. If warning 1 occurs, the available cross-sectional area available to vapour flow may be increased
by an increase in vessel ID, or by a decrease in liquid level elevations.
5. Examine the vessel length / diameter ratio to ensure that it lies between 2 – 4.
(iii) If the ratio is greater than 4, a more economical ratio can be achieved by gradually
increasing the vessel ID from the value selected in step 2, while decreasing the vessel
length. If this approach is taken, it must be ensured that none of the warnings listed in
A.3.3 occur and that the length of the vessel does not become lower than 2500 mm.
(iv) If the ratio is less than 2, on the other hand, the vessel length may be increased as a
remedy, while decreasing the vessel diameter from the value selected in step 2.

A.4 Horizontal Liquid-Liquid Separator

A.4.1 Inputs Required

The following lists outline the input data required by the spreadsheet. Many such inputs are highly
sensitive on the precise process requirements of the separator, and include:

1. Physical properties of both phases -

• Maximum flowrates (kg/hr)
• Actual Densities (kg/m3)
• Viscosities (cP)

3. Separator vessel dimensions –

• Vessel diameter (mm) – varied by the spreadsheet user until the vessel cross-sectional area is
sufficient to ensure that the maximum allowable vapour velocity and specified vapour and
liquid residence times are not exceeded.
• Vessel length (T/T) (mm) – adjusted such that the minimum length is 2500 mm and that the
length / diameter ratio is between 2 – 4 for the final design. The vessel length must also be
adjusted such that the required vapour and liquid residence times are not exceeded. Of
particular importance in this regard is ensuring that the vapour residence time provided is
sufficient to allow a liquid droplet to fall from the top of the vessel to the NLL.
• Liquid level heights (mm) – heights of LILSD, LIL, NIL, HIL and HILSD are varied by
spreadsheet user until no warnings regarding insufficient liquid residence times are
encountered. The NIL is in fact one of the first inputs required as it is needed to calculate the

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minimum light liquid flow area and subsequently the light liquid residence time (once vessel
length is specified).

In addition to the required inputs described above, there are also inputs whose values are more or less
standard for the vast majority of vertical vapour-liquid designs, including:

“Standard” Inputs Required Typical / Suggested Values

(mvm2)max – inlet mixture feed nozzle 1000 kg/ms2 – where no inlet device present
1500 kg/ms2 – where half-open pipe inlet present
vmax – light liquid outlet nozzle 1 m/s
vmax – heavy liquid outlet nozzle 1 m/s
Droplet size (heavy liquid in light liquid) 600 m
Droplet size (light liquid in heavy liquid) 1000 m
Liquid Residence Times See Appendix-B
LILSD height above vessel bottom 150 mm (minimum)
HILSD height above vessel bottom A value such that the HILSD is no less than 150
mm below the inlet feed nozzle.

A.4.2 Final Outputs Provided

Once all required input values have been entered, the spreadsheet calculates values for the following:

1. Fluid Properties
• Feed mixture density
• Maximum allowable light liquid velocity
• Actual maximum light liquid velocity.
• Light liquid droplet settling velocity in heavy liquid medium & the settling law used in the
• Light liquid droplet fall time (from bottom of vessel to NL)
• Heavy liquid droplet settling velocity in light liquid medium & the settling law used in the
• Heavy liquid droplet fall time (from top of vessel to NIL).
• Liquid residence times between specified liquid levels.

3. Vessel Dimensions

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• Minimum vessel diameter
• Minimum inlet nozzle ID
• Minimum light liquid outlet nozzle ID
• Minimum heavy liquid outlet nozzle ID

A.4.3 Warnings Provided

The spreadsheet issues various warnings to help ensure that the design of the separator is adequate for
its desired purpose. These warnings are issued if the following conditions result:

1. The calculated light liquid velocity exceeds the maximum allowable light liquid velocity.
2. The heavy liquid droplet fall time (from top of vessel to NIL) exceeds the light liquid residence
time (also from top of vessel to NIL).
3. The heavy liquid residence time is less than the light liquid droplet fall time (from bottom of
vessel to NIL).
5. The specified liquid level heights are inadequate to provide the required liquid residence times.
6. The vessel length / diameter ratio does not fall in the range of 2 – 4.

An overall status box that is viewable at the top of the spreadsheet at all times is included which
displays warning messages if any of the above conditions occur. When this status box displays an
“OK, No Warnings Present” message, all spreadsheet calculations have been completed without any

A.4.4 Procedure for Spreadsheet Use.

The warnings provided as outlined in the previous section represent one of the most important and
user-friendly tools possessed by the excel spreadsheet file to assist the user in sequentially entering all
data required for a successful design. A suggested procedure is as follows:
1. Enter all the required input data listed in A.4.1, except for the vessel ID, vessel length and
elevations of LILSD, LIL, NIL, HIL and HILSD.
2. Set the vessel diameter as an arbitrary value and the vessel length as 3 times this value. Enter
arbitrary values for the various liquid level elevations (i.e. LILSD, LIL, NIL, HIL and HILSD).
(i) If the heavy liquid droplet fall time exceeds the light liquid residence time (warning number
2), the light liquid residence time may be increased by:

The minimum value for any nozzle diameter is considered to be 50 mm.

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• Increasing vessel diameter as needed – the most successful measure if the light liquid
residence time is significantly lower than the heavy liquid droplet fall time (i.e.
>25% lower).
• Increasing the length of the vessel – the most successful measure if the light liquid
residence time is only slightly lower than the heavy liquid droplet fall time (i.e.
<25% lower)
(ii) If the specified liquid level heights are inadequate to provide any other required liquid
residence times (including that related to warning 3), the appropriate residence times may be
increased by employing either of the two above measures, or alternatively increasing the
height difference between the liquid levels where residence time is determined to be
3. If warning 1 occurs, the available cross-sectional area available to vapour flow may be increased
by an increase in vessel ID, or by a decrease in liquid level elevations.
4. Examine the vessel length / diameter ratio to ensure that it lies between 2 – 4.
(i) If the ratio is greater than 4, a more economical ratio can be achieved by gradually
increasing the vessel ID from the value selected in step 2, while decreasing the vessel length.
If this approach is taken, it must be ensured that none of the warnings listed in A.4.3 occur
and that the length of the vessel does not become lower than 2500 mm.
(ii) If the ratio is less than 2, on the other hand, the vessel length may be increased while
increases to the diameter of the vessel are made. In decreasing the diameter, it is important
to ensure that the maximum allowable velocity is not exceeded.

A.5 Horizontal 3-Phase Separator, With Boot, No Weir.

A.5.1 Inputs Required

The following lists outline the input data required by the spreadsheet. Many such inputs are highly
sensitive on the precise process requirements of the separator, and include:

1. Physical properties of both phases -

• Maximum flowrates (kg/hr)
• Densities (kg/m3)
• Viscosities (cP)

2. Separator vessel dimensions –

• Vessel diameter (mm) – varied by the spreadsheet user until the vessel cross-sectional area is
sufficient to ensure that the maximum allowable vapour velocity and specified vapour and
liquid residence times are not exceeded.
• Boot diameter (mm) – varied to ensure that all liquid residence times in the boot are

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• Vessel length (T/T) (mm) – adjusted such that the minimum length is 2500 mm and that the
length / diameter ratio is between 2 – 4 for the final design. The vessel length must also be
adjusted such that the required vapour and liquid residence times are not exceeded.
• Boot height (mm) – adjusted such that the required liquid residence times in the boot are not
• Liquid level heights (mm) in both the main horizontal section of the vessel (heights of LLSD,
LLL, NLL, HLL and HLSD) and also in the boot section (heights of LILSD, LIL, NIL, HIL
and HILSD) are varied by spreadsheet user until no warnings regarding insufficient liquid
residence times are encountered.

In addition to the required inputs described above, there are also inputs whose values are more or less
standard for the vast majority of vertical vapour-liquid designs, including:

“Standard” Inputs Required Typical / Suggested Values

(mvm2)max – inlet mixture feed nozzle 1000 kg/ms2 – where no inlet device present
1500 kg/ms2 – where half-open pipe inlet present
(mvm2)max – vapour outlet nozzle 3750 kg/ms2
vmax – light liquid outlet nozzle 1 m/s
vmax – heavy liquid outlet nozzle 1 m/s
Droplet size (light liquid in gas) 150 m – regardless of whether or not a demister
pad is installed
Droplet size (light liquid in heavy liquid) 1000 m
Droplet size (heavy liquid in light liquid) 600 m
Liquid Residence Times See Appendix-B.
LILSD height above vessel bottom 150 mm (minimum)
HLSD height above vessel bottom 0.8 D
Boot diameter Generally taken as 1/3 of the main vessel inner
Thickness of Demister Pad 100 mm (minimum), but usually 150 mm.
K-value 1. May be supplied by vendor and manually
inputted into spreadsheet.
2. If not supplied by vendor, may be obtained
using information from GPSA (SI) Volume 1.

A.5.2 Final Outputs Provided

Once all required input values have been entered, the spreadsheet calculates values for the following:

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1. Fluid Properties
• Feed mixture density
• Maximum allowable vapour velocity
• Actual maximum vapour velocity
• Light liquid droplet settling velocity in vapour & the settling law used in the calculation.
• Light liquid droplet settling velocity in heavy liquid & the settling law used in the calculation.
• Heavy liquid droplet settling velocity in light liquid & the settling law used in the calculation.
• Light liquid droplet fall time in vapour (from top of vessel to NLL)
• Heavy liquid droplet fall time in light liquid (from NLL to NIL)
• Vapour residence time (from top of vessel to NLL)
• Liquid residence times between specified liquid levels.
• Heavy liquid velocity in boot section.

2. Vessel Dimensions
• Minimum vessel diameter
• Minimum inlet nozzle ID
• Minimum vapour outlet nozzle ID
• Minimum light liquid outlet nozzle ID
• Minimum heavy liquid outlet nozzle ID
• Clearance between inlet feed nozzle and bottom of demister pad (if fitted) – shall be taken as
the greater of 0.7D or 750 mm.
• Clearance between top of demister pad (if fitted) and upper tangent line – taken as the greater
of 0.1D or 300 mm.
A.5.3 Warnings Provided

The spreadsheet issues various warnings to help ensure that the design of the separator is adequate for
its desired purpose. These warnings are issued if the following conditions result:

The minimum value for any nozzle diameter is considered to be 50 mm. (REF)

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1. The specified liquid level heights are inadequate to provide the required liquid residence times.
2. The calculated vapour velocity exceeds the maximum allowable vapour velocity calculated by the
K-factor method.
3. The calculated light liquid droplet fall time (in vapour from top of vessel to NLL) exceeds the
vapour residence time (also from top of vessel to NLL).
4. The calculated heavy droplet fall time (in light liquid from NLL to NIL) exceeds the light liquid
residence time (between NLL and NIL).
5. The water velocity drawn from the boot exceeds the light liquid settling velocity.
6. The vessel length / diameter ratio does not fall in the range of 2 – 4.

An overall status box that is viewable at the top of the spreadsheet at all times is included which
displays warning messages if any of the above conditions occur. When this status box displays an
“OK, No Warnings Present” message, all spreadsheet calculations have been completed without any

A.5.4 Procedure for Spreadsheet Use.

The warnings provided as outlined in the previous section represent one of the most important and
user-friendly tools possessed by the excel spreadsheet file to assist the user in sequentially entering all
data required for a successful design. A suggested procedure is as follows:
1. Enter all the required input data listed in A.5.1, except for the vessel ID, vessel length and
elevations of LLSD, LLL, etc..
2. Set the vessel diameter to an arbitrary value as a starting point, with the vessel length set initially
as 3 times this value.
3. Enter arbitrary values for the various liquid level elevations (i.e. LLSD, LLL, etc.).
4. If warning 1 occurs and the liquid level elevations are inadequate in the “main” horizontal section
of the vessel, the liquid residence times may be increased by increasing the length of this
horizontal section. If the liquid residence times are insufficient in the boot, however, they may be
increased by increasing the boot diameter. In both cases, the solution may be solved also by
simply increasing the height difference between the liquid levels where residence time is
calculated to be insufficient, which may lead to increases in vessel diameter or boot length. It is
important however, that in undertaking the latter measure suggested that the HLSD remains no
higher than 0.8 times the vessel diameter.
5. If warning 2 occurs, the available cross-sectional area available to vapour flow may be increased
by an increase in vessel ID, or by a decrease in liquid level elevations.
6. If the liquid droplet fall time exceeds the vapour residence time (warning number 3), the vapour
residence time may be increased by:
• Increasing vessel diameter as needed – the most successful measure if the vapour
residence time is significantly lower than the liquid droplet fall time (i.e. >25%

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• Increasing the length of the vessel – the most successful measure if the vapour
residence time is only slightly lower than the liquid droplet fall time (i.e. <25%
7. If warning 4 occurs, the light liquid residence time may be increased by increasing the length of
the vessel. In both steps 6 and 7, the residence times may also be increased by increasing the
height differences between the liquid levels where the residence time is calculated to be
8. If warning 5 occurs, the heavy liquid velocity drawn from the boot may be decreased by
increasing the size of the boot ID.
9. Examine the vessel length / diameter ratio to ensure that it lies between 2 – 4.
(v) If the ratio is greater than 4, a more economical ratio can be achieved by gradually
increasing the vessel ID from the value selected in step 2, while decreasing the vessel
length. If this approach is taken, it must be ensured that none of the warnings listed in
A.6.3 occur and that the length of the vessel does not become lower than 2500 mm.
(vi) If the ratio is less than 2, on the other hand, the vessel length may be increased as a
remedy, while decreasing the vessel diameter as required. The vessel diameter may not
be decreased from the value selected in step 2. In step 2, the minimum vessel diameter
was selected, which cannot be decreased in order to increase the H/D ratio without the
maximum allowable vapour velocity being exceeded.

A.6 Horizontal 3-Phase Separator With Weir, No Boot

A.6.1 Inputs Required

The following lists outline the input data required by the spreadsheet. Many such inputs are highly
sensitive on the precise process requirements of the separator, and include:

1. Physical properties of both phases -

• Maximum flowrates (kg/hr)
• Actual Densities (kg/m3)
• Viscosities (cP)

2. Separator vessel dimensions –

• Vessel diameter (mm) – varied by the spreadsheet user until the vessel cross-sectional area is
sufficient to ensure that the maximum allowable vapour velocity and specified vapour and
liquid residence times are not exceeded.
• Overall vessel length (T/T) (mm) – adjusted such that the minimum length is 2500 mm and
that the length / diameter ratio is between 2 – 4 for the final design. The vessel length must
also be adjusted such that the required vapour and liquid residence times are not exceeded.

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• Liquid level heights (mm) – heights of LLSD, LLL, NLL, HLL, HLSD, LILSD, LIL, NIL,
HIL and HILSD are varied by spreadsheet user until no warnings regarding insufficient liquid
residence times are encountered.
In addition to the required inputs described above, there are also inputs whose values are more or less
standard for the vast majority of vertical vapour-liquid designs, including:

“Standard” Inputs Required Typical / Suggested Values

(mvm2)max – inlet mixture feed nozzle 1000 kg/ms2 – where no inlet device present
1500 kg/ms2 – where half-open pipe inlet present
(mvm2)max – vapour outlet nozzle 3750 kg/ms2 (REF)
vmax – light liquid outlet nozzle 1 m/s (REF)
vmax – heavy liquid outlet nozzle 1 m/s (REF)
Droplet size (light liquid in gas) 150 m – regardless of whether or not a demister
pad is installed (REF)
Droplet size (light liquid in heavy liquid) 1000 m (REF)
Droplet size (heavy liquid in light liquid) 600 m (REF)
Liquid Residence Times See Appendix-B
LILSD height above vessel bottom 150 mm (minimum) (REF)
Weir height above vessel bottom Generally taken as the lesser value of 0.8 D or 0.6
m. (REF)
Thickness of Demister Pad 100 mm (minimum), but usually 150 mm. (REF)
K-value 1. May be supplied by vendor and manually
inputted into spreadsheet.
2. If not supplied by vendor, may be obtained
using information from GPSA (SI) Volume 1.

A.6.2 Final Outputs Provided

Once all required input values have been entered, the spreadsheet calculates values for the following:

1. Fluid Properties
• Feed mixture density
• Maximum allowable vapour velocity
• Actual maximum vapour velocity
• Light liquid droplet settling velocity in vapour & the settling law used in the calculation.

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• Light liquid droplet settling velocity in heavy liquid & the settling law used in the calculation.
• Heavy liquid droplet settling velocity in light liquid & the settling law used in the calculation.
• Light liquid droplet fall time in vapour (from top of vessel to NLL)
• Light liquid droplet fall time in heavy liquid (from vessel bottom to NIL).
• Heavy liquid droplet fall time in light liquid (from NLL to NIL)
• Vapour residence time (from top of vessel to NLL)
• Liquid residence times between specified liquid levels.

2. Vessel Dimensions
• Minimum vessel diameter
• Minimum inlet nozzle ID
• Minimum vapour outlet nozzle ID
• Minimum light liquid outlet nozzle ID
• Minimum heavy liquid outlet nozzle ID
• Clearance between inlet feed nozzle and bottom of demister pad (if fitted) – shall be taken as
the greater of 0.7D or 750 mm.
• Clearance between top of demister pad (if fitted) and upper tangent line – taken as the greater
of 0.1D or 300 mm.

A.6.3 Warnings Provided

The spreadsheet issues various warnings to help ensure that the design of the separator is adequate for
its desired purpose. These warnings are issued if the following conditions result:

1. The specified liquid level heights are inadequate to provide the required liquid residence times.
2. The calculated vapour velocity exceeds the maximum allowable vapour velocity calculated by the
K-factor method.
3. The calculated light liquid droplet fall time (in vapour from top of vessel to NLL) exceeds the
vapour residence time (also from top of vessel to NLL).

The minimum value for any nozzle diameter is considered to be 50 mm.

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4. The calculated heavy droplet fall time (in light liquid from NLL to NIL) exceeds the light liquid
residence time (between NLL and NIL).
5. The calculated light liquid droplet fall time (in heavy liquid from bottom of vessel to NIL)
exceeds the heavy liquid residence time (between vessel bottom and NIL).
6. The vessel length / diameter ratio does not fall in the range of 2 – 4.

An overall status box that is viewable at the top of the spreadsheet at all times is included which
displays warning messages if any of the above conditions occur. When this status box displays an
“OK, No Warnings Present” message, all spreadsheet calculations have been completed without any

A.6.4 Procedure for Spreadsheet Use.

The warnings provided as outlined in the previous section represent one of the most important and
user-friendly tools possessed by the excel spreadsheet file to assist the user in sequentially entering all
data required for a successful design. A suggested procedure is as follows:
1. Enter all the required input data listed in A.5.1, except for the vessel ID, vessel length and
elevations of LLSD, LLL, etc..
2. Set an arbitrary value for the vessel diameter and set the vessel length initially as 3 times this
3. Enter arbitrary values for the various liquid level elevations (i.e. LLSD, LLL, etc.).
4. If warning 1 occurs and the liquid level elevations are inadequate, the liquid residence times may
be increased by increasing the overall vessel length or by increasing the height difference between
the liquid levels where residence time is calculated to be insufficient. It is important however,
that in undertaking the latter measure suggested that the weir height remains no higher than 0.8
times the vessel diameter.
5. If warning 2 occurs, the available cross-sectional area available to vapour flow may be increased
by an increase in vessel ID or a lowering in liquid level elevations.
6. If the liquid droplet fall time exceeds the vapour residence time (warning number 3), the vapour
residence time may be increased by:
• Increasing vessel diameter as needed – the most successful measure if the vapour
residence time is significantly lower than the liquid droplet fall time (i.e. >25%
• Increasing the length of available setting section between the inlet feed nozzle and
the weir – the most successful measure if the vapour residence time is only slightly
lower than the liquid droplet fall time (i.e. <25% lower)
7. If either of warnings 4 or 5 occur, the appropriate liquid residence time may be increased by
increasing the length of the vessel between the feed inlet nozzle and the weir.
8. Examine the vessel length / diameter ratio to ensure that it lies between 2 – 4.

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(i) If the ratio is greater than 4, a more economical ratio can be achieved by gradually
increasing the vessel ID from the value selected in step 2, while decreasing the vessel
length. If this approach is taken, it must be ensured that none of the warnings listed in
A.6.3 occur and that the length of the vessel does not become lower than 2500 mm.
(ii) If the ratio is less than 2, on the other hand, the vessel length may be increased in
conjuction with a decrease in vessel diameter.

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Appendix B – Recommended Liquid Residence

Service Liquid Residence Time (min)

1) Reflux to tower 5
2) Product to off-plot tankage or other unit
feed drum (direct)
a) without pump 2
b) with pump 5
3) Product to off-plot tankage or other unit 3 to 5
feed drum (via feed-bottom exchanger)
4) Distillate / liquid feed to subsequent tower or furnace
a) drum diameter less than 1.2 m 20
b) drum diameter 1.2 to 2 m 15
c) drum diameter more than 2 m 10
5) Compressor interstage knockout drums 5
5) Refrigeration system
a) intermediate stage drums 5
b) main accumulators 10
6) HP separator followed by LP separator 4
7) Other general services 3 to 10

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