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Rubens De Ocampo

World Lit

Global Citizen Essay 2022-2023

ASGL strives to foster students and develop global awareness, and the ability to work
with and understand people from different backgrounds and cultures. Here at ASGL, we are
exposed to a diverse community of people that come from different parts of the world, and it
teaches us how to be open-minded about the different perspectives of people. ASGL’s vision is
to prepare students to be college and career-ready, and globally competent people. We are taught
skills that can be applied to real-life situations. Global learners are becoming increasingly
important in today's world, and there are several reasons why people should strive to become

A person who is open to different perspectives and reflects on the different outcomes. A
person who takes risks in order to take action. It means learning about modern and overlooked
problems and giving attention to them, and through advocacy spreading awareness globally. My
teacher, Mr. Colon is a global citizen. He is a communicator, he listens well and takes all his
student's perspectives into consideration, and tries to answer them the best he can. He uses
principled because he has a strong sense of fairness, justice, charisma, and integrity. He teaches
us about the different overlooked problems in the world while doing his duty as a teacher. He is
open-minded about problems and different opinions which I think is respectable because by
being open-minded he also shows how caring he is.

As the world becomes more connected, we are exposed to a more diverse community. It
is important to be able to understand and appreciate different perspectives, and cultural
differences to avoid misunderstandings. I have grown to be caring, principled, a risk-taker, and
a communicator. Throughout my time in high school, I showed more care to my peers, teachers,
and myself. I try to use my strengths like reflection, by reflecting on what I could’ve done better
and things I could’ve done differently. With strength comes weakness, as an introverted person I
had trouble, communicating with other people. Throughout my time in ASGL I have been put in
situations where I had no choice but to communicate with my classmates and teachers, this
helped me develop into a much more social person. I joined the basketball and baseball teams
and it was a new experience for me since I’ve never played for a school, I was able to be a
risk-taker by building up the courage to join and experience something new. In the future I see
myself becoming more social and confident in my abilities while continuing to improve as a
global citizen.
I will continue to be caring principled and a risk-taker, while I develop my
communication skills because it’s a required skill in any work environment. If I didn’t learn
caring, principled, and risk-taker skills, I wouldn’t be the person I am today. These are crucial
skills that I look forward to improving on and getting a deeper understanding of. With the unique
and different experiences that ASGL has exposed me to, I feel prepared for the next chapter in
my life and continue to improve as a global learner.

Being a globally competent person is not just for the students at ASGL, but also for
everyone who strives to better the world around them. These learner profiles are a diverse set of
skills that takes you from learning about the different parts and problems of the world to taking
action. We were given the knowledge and experience of thinking critically and making moral
decisions. ASGL has helped me with my personal growth and shown me how the real world is
and prepared me for the future and continue to improve and strive to become a global citizen.

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