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Allya Miramontes

Professor Watson



Project 5:

Arches as designs on architectural buildings:

In history, there can be many phenomena, the one I chose to look into is the history and

creation of arches in buildings. Arches are one of the most common structures we see being built

throughout history (and the world). Arches are seen everywhere, but why? I want to look into the

similarities and differences between arches and the reasons they were built for. To take a closer

look I will dive into the arches found in the mosque, basilicas, and gothic architecture. In a broad

sense, arches were made for many reasons. These reasons could be because of religion, structure,

aesthetics, sound, movement, etc. Each of these reasons is important to look into and figure out

why certain parts of the world did the arches the same and why they also did them differently.

Arches are common architectural forms, especially in churches. From mosques to

basilicas there are many different forms of arches. In the mosque temples, there was a common

theme of arches called the horseshoe arch. The horseshoe was seen mostly in the interior of this

mosque. The horseshoe arch represented a traditional, religious, and cultural aspect of the

Umayyad world. The Art of Islamic Spain talks more specifically about the Great Mosque of

Cordoba mentioning “The complex dialogue excited by this system of decorations can be seen as

a part of a subconscious collective experience common to many early Islamic societies.” (D.
Dodds p.13.) Explains how these horseshoe arches represent culture and meaning in the Mosque.

There is an echo of horseshoe arches in the Great Mosque to represent the culture of Islam.

Showing struggle and confusion as you get lost in all the arches. It also lets people understand

the play they are in. Playing with space shows the scaredness with multiple arches. These arches

also show a time in history with the ruler trying to create and unify Islam with an architectural

creation. Now, on the other hand, the basilica also had arches built in them. The arches in the

basilica were for structural support. In the article The Christian Basilica, Stalley talks about how

the roman had already formed many structural arches, but that the basilicas used free-standing

columns. Which Christian architecture popularized. (Stalley 17-19). Inside the Santa Sabina

Basilica are many formed arches covered in colored marble inlays. This forms beauty inside

Santa Sabina while having a structural support frame all around. While both of these arches are

formed into these temples/worship spaces they are being used differently. The Mosque's use is to

create a sense of culture, while the basilica already had the round arch, but improved the

technique as a stronger form within the church.

Along with forming structure and culture arches were also used to play with space and

light. Great examples of this can be seen in gothic architecture. From the Charters Cathedral,

Canterbury Cathedral, and Karlstein castle. In Gothic Art, Camille talks about flying buttresses

and arches and how they form light inside the Charters Cathedral. These arches enlarge the

window and let the interior become dazzling with light. (Camille p.42.) The light was a big play

in gothic architecture. Allowing for there to be elements in play with the Christian faith. Another

way arches were used in gothic churches was to form space. Allowing the space to make certain

light depending on how the arches were formed. This could mean that arches helped open the

room to light or even be used as a way to keep light from reaching. One arch form called the
pointed arch was seen in certain gothic architecture. According to Gothic Art, these arches

vaulted the space allowing for light to be brought into the space. (Camille p.48.) This form of

arches created a new interior space for the churches. Being able to bring light into play with not

just the form of windows but also the space inside held by arches.

Throughout history, we can see certain designs being formed, yet these designs have

different outcomes depending on the architect or designer. These forms can transform a space

depending on its purpose and use. How the architect/designer decides to place, form, or create an

arch or any form can impact the building. Arches are one example of how a structural form can

be transformed and perceived/used in different ways. Even though many of these arches were

seen in temples and sacred spaces, they all symbolize different meanings in churches. Whether

that be light, space, religion, or structure. Throughout history, you can see many arches form

whether it be simple arches for a structure too complex arches to create space within a building.

This phenomenon of the creation of arches is amazing, especially to see it transform throughout

history and across the world.

Work Cited:

Dodds, Jerrilynn Denise. Al-Andalus: The Art of Islamic Spain. Metropolitan Museum of
Art, 1992.

Stalley, Roger. Oxford History of Art: Early Medieval Architecture. Oxford University
Press, 1999.

Camille, Michael. Gothic Art: Glorious Visions. , New York, 2003.

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