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Emily Leif

February 28 2023

PRNU 115 Professional Portfolio Assignment- Part C

Vancouver Island University

Cindy Davidson

Professional Organization Selected: NICE: National Initiative for Care of the Elderly

I have selected the organization NICE- National Initiative for Care of the Elderly. NICE is an

international network for students, practitioners, researchers, and seniors dedicated to improving

better health of older adults. This organization has three main goals, which leads to research on why

elderly care is lacking. Research has shown that there is a large gap between how the care of older

adults should look and how the care actually is. This leads to the three main goals that this

organization has. The first is to “Help close the gap between evidence-based research and actual

practice.” The second is “Improve the training of existing practitioners, geriatric educational

curricula, and interest new students in specializing in geriatric care.” The third is to “Effect positive

policy changes for the care of older adults.” (NICE, n.d., para.3 )

My Reasoning for Selecting This Organization

I chose the NICE organization because I found it very interesting how they have the resources

to assist the elderly in our community. There is such a vast population of seniors within our

community that are living longer. Another reason why I like this organization is they have a lot of

resources for the older adult population that is easy to access. Such as the senior mental health

website, the senior abuse helpline, Canadian pension plan information, and many more. Although

there are many tools for the older population there are also sources to help the “Caregiver.” For

example “Caregiver self-care tool” online provides support to families or friends to support the roles

of a caregiver.

NICE is an excellent resource for practical nurses and other healthcare team professionals. As

well as older adults and their families. NICE helps improve care for the elderly and provides tools for

older adults to better their health care for themselves and their families.

What I Have Learned About This Organization

What I found interesting and learned from this organization NICE is that they have great online

toolsets A statement that impacted me from this organization is “Knowing that caring for someone in the

last years of their lives is one of the most difficult journeys anyone can take.” (NICE, n.d., para 1). I

have learned some of the most important things a person may need from you while they are at the end

stage of life is to talk to them and provide comfort, dignity, and respect. Small things matter even when

they might not show. “Advance Care Planning and Substitute Health Care Decision Making” is a

process of planning for the future to make health care choices. It allows people to make their own

choices about future treatment when a time comes when they can't make their own decisions.

(NICE,n.d., para 12). I found this to be a beneficial learning tool to use in the future when working in

the healthcare field, as it's essential to keep a person's values and beliefs for what makes their life


Importance of This Organization to LPNs

It is important for healthcare teams to have trusted and easy access to an organization that

provides ongoing sources and education. This organization can provide learning sources for the

public to further their knowledge in different areas. Nurses can also use this organization to rely on

sources to advocate for older adults in our communities. Maintaining a healthy profession that

advocates for the needs of older adults and nurses to trust society. I believe this website is beneficial

to healthcare providers due to the amount of knowledge and sources that can be used to help teach

families and older adults, but to also keep nurses up to date on information.

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C. C. S. M. H. (2023, February 22). Canadian Coalition for Seniors' Mental Health.

NICE (n.d.). About NICE.

NICE (n.d.).When someone close to You is dying (English).

Seniors First BC. (n.d.)Seniors abuse and information line.

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