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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Shall We Date?: Obey Me!
Relationship: Simeon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!)/Reader, Lucifer (Shall We Date?:
Obey Me!)/Reader
Character: Simeon (Shall We Date?: Obey Me!), Lucifer (Shall We Date?: Obey
Me!), Reader
Additional Tags: Longing, soft angst, lost interest, Simeon being Unobservant
Language: English
Series: Part 19 of Obey Me Reader Inserts
Stats: Published: 2022-05-26 Words: 326

by TSsweets13


She wanted him to start with.

He was everything she had ever dreamed of.

But that’s the thing about dreams, sometimes you wake up.

Nobody could say what she wanted. Mainly because they typically didn’t care to pay any

Since they met she wanted him.

He was handsome. Tanned. Sweet. A little naive for a celestial being...but he was perfect.

But he didn’t seem to understand that she wanted him.

Even though she didn’t make it a secret most of the time. She was flirtatious and oh so sweet to
him. She’d even asked him out on a date a few times and he always made the suggestion to make it
a group occasion...completely misunderstanding the situation. He paid no attention to her
emotional desires for him...

Hard to pay attention to something you don’t see happening...but hurt her…

Though…(Name) could say what hurt her more was the moment Simean seemed to realize that she
had been flirting with him for so long...after she’d stopped. After she’d given up on that. After
she’d started seeing Lucifer...a being who had paid attention to her affection and flirtation...and
asked her on a date one evening when he noticed how lonely she seemed. They found they were

She’d gotten over the hurt of her affections being inadvertently rejected...until he asked her about
it. Apparently Asmodeus had joked that he was so oblivious that he didn’t realize that she’d
wanted him and she had been, in Asmo’s words, ‘throwing herself at him’ for months.

She’d have to smack the demon avatar of lust for that comment later.

She told Simean that he didn’t seem interested so she moved on. She wanted to keep him as a
friend more than lament over losing a shot at dating him. He accepted that and the conversation
went in its usual direction...thankfully.

She didn’t say what she felt deep inside...that he’d ignored her so she lost was just that

Maybe she should...but she still wanted his friendship...that was true.

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