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8 Million-Dollar

Facebook Ads

By: Jad Al Fakhani


Last updated: 8/19/2021

Hello There! I'm happy you have purchased the
Facebook Ads strategies e-guide!
As usual, I go practical all the way.
After executing thousands of campaigns all
accross social media platforms & managing over
$2,000,000 in Ad budgets. I can tell you one
thing... I know what I'm doing.

Focusing more on eCommerce I have developed

so many strategies throughout the years that a
lot of failed from the 1st trial but a lot more have
generated millions of dollars in sales.
You are going to enjoy this e-guide, but what's
more important is to directly implement them on
your brands.
Make sure to check the cheat sheet in the
beginning to be more familiar with the terms we
will mention.

CPC: Cost per click
CPM: Cost per 1000 impressions
CPA: Cost per Acquisition
ROAS: Return on ad spend
Frequency: Impressions/Reach
CPE: Cost per engagement
CPI: Cost per install

Conversion Campaigns: Campaigns

aiming for a conversion (Mainly

Traffic Campaign: Campaigns aiming

to drive traffic to your site

Engagement Campaign: Campaigns

aiming to get you likes, comments &
shares or any type of engagement.

Before you do anything make sure
you have all those 3 covered:

1) Verify your domain

1) Verify your domain

1) Verify your domain

Copy this tag

Go to Shopify

1) Verify your domain

Press enter, paste the code &

2) Integrate your pixel

1) Download the Facebook App on Shopify


Set up the first one

2) Integrate your pixel

3) Press on connect & sign in

with your facebook, make
sure you are the owner of the
page and the business
manager account a long with
the ads manager acount.

Then press Finish Setup

2) Integrate your pixel

2) Integrate your pixel

Now go back to Facebook Ads manager

Go to Events Manager

2) Integrate your pixel

Make sure you are on the correct ads


You shall automatically find it

Create a fake purchase on your website and

wait for 20 minutes, make sure that all the
events get triggered.

3) Set-up aggregated event measurments

Go to Aggregated Event Measurement

Prioritize your events

The Unicorn

The Unicorn

When is it used?
Mainly for 1 Product Dropshipping Websites

adset video

adset Video

adset Still

adset Still

adset Video

adset Video

Before you start make sure you have at least 5

to 10 creatives (Videos/still images etc.)

Campaign Structure:

Campaign Goal: Conversion

Conversion Event: Purchase

Budget: $10.00
Start date: Next day 00:00AM

Campaign Structure:

Interest Targeting: Broad

Ex: Selling a make up product in Australia
Location: Australia
Gender: Female
Age: 20 - 50
Detailed Targeting Expansion: OFF
Placement: Automatic

Creative: Only put 1 creative

Preferably to have story size different than
feed size

Now quickly duplicate your adset

Keep the Adset as is,
Just for every adset
change the creative in the

Make sure to name them in order to
differentiate between them
Preferable budget: $10/Adset

Run the ads for at least 48 hours.
How to scale it?
Example: Product Price is $40, with a profit
margin of $25
Keep the ad sets that breakeven your
margins ON
Turn the adsets that DON'T breakeven OFF
Scale the adsets that are profitable by x2+
ROAS by increasing your budget 50%

This strategy is essential if you don't have

clear vision of your target audience, this
way you will be testing on a broad
audience and in parallel identifying the
winning creatives.

After that you can understand based on

your data that you retrieved who & where
to target so you can scale even better.

Social Proof

This strategy is
segmented into
2 parts, make
sure to read till
the end

The Ultimate
Social Proof Strategy
When is it used?
If you want social proof on a specific ad Mainly

adset post

adset Existing

adset Existing

Before you start make sure you have your

posts already posted on Instagram. To use this
strategy you can't use dark posts since
engagement will disappear after you turn off
the campaign

Campaign Structure:
Campaign goal: Engagement
Engagement type: Post likes

Campaign Structure:
Campaign goal: Engagement
Engagement type: Post likes
Budget: $5/adset
Schedule: Keep on until you reach your
engagement goal
Placement: Only keep Instagram
Ad: Select existing post

For every adset choose 1. Depending on how

many posts you want to get ultimate likes for.

Step 2 of the strategy ->

Campaign Structure:
After you turn off this campaign.
You would have obtained a really good
social proof, like this for example:

Campaign Structure:
Now you create a new campaign

Campaign goal: Conversions

Conversion event: Purchase

Adset: Narrow down a little bit based on your

target audience

Budget: $15/day

Ad creative: Select existing post

Choose the same post

This strategy aims on delivering a post with a

bigger social proof that will trigger clicks and
eventually result in higher sales.

The Super

The Super Niche
When is it used?
When your niche is too narrowed that you
can't reach through interest targeting.

adset post

Before starting this, make sure you have a

blog published on your website & your
Facebook pixel activated.
This is also a 2 step strategy which I will
explain further in the next slides.

The Super Niche


Step 1: Create a traffic campaign to drive

traffic to your blog post on your website.

Campaign Structure:
Now you create a new campaign

Campaign goal: Traffic

Take to: Website
Budget: ($10 to $30)/day
Duration: 7 Days
Target audience: Average - Broad
Add: up to 5 interests that are under your industry

ex: if you sell hiking products in Norway

Create a blog:
5 Best Hiking spots in Norway (YOU CAN'T MISS)

Interest targeting:
Adventure, road trips, hiking, nature, climbing

Create a creative appealing blog cover

After this campaign ends and you have a
good number of traffic on this blog.

Go to: Audience

Create a custom audience:

Everyone who went on the blog page:

Now go create a conversion campaign:
The only difference is that in the audience
you do this:

Leave the audience open.

Add the audience you created before in
the custom audience section.

This strategy is super hot!
Because you sent a broad ad for people
to ready an article regarding a specific
niche topic.
whoever clicks it might be interested in
this activity, which means they would lie
under your target audience.

Then you retarget those people who saw

the blog with your products!


When is it used?
If you are targeting a country that uses
whatsapp as a way of shopping (chatting with
customer support)

For this strategy you need:

- WhatsApp (Normal or business)
- Download Intouch App on Phone
- Download intouch chrome extension

How to set it up?
Create a traffic campaign

Choose to take to whatsApp.

In case of error, choose website & use:

How to set it up?
Drive as much traffic as you can to whatsApp.
Get chats, get sales, but most importantly:

Retarget the people who opened a

conversation with you but did not buy.

Unfortunately, you can not do that.

But, I reversed engineered the whole process
and came up with a super hot way to do so.

When I first implemented this strategy I was

able to get 15 extra orders everyday!
Let me teach you how ->

How to set it up?

Usually 65% of people who open a chat with

you coming from an add, tend to save your

In order for people to see your stories on

whatsapp statuses, both parties should save
each other's contact information.

Let us focus on the 65%.

The other party is you. But it is very hectic to

go and manually save every single number.
I used to get 600+ chats on whatsapp

Here is when intouch app comes in handy.

Download the chrome extension and open

web whatsapp, then download the app, follow
the steps & you will automatically save every
number who opens a chat with you.

Do this, then add stories everyday on

Trust me, this HELPS A LOT.

The Video

When is it used?
When you are showcasing several features of
a product or you have several products you
want to show.
Preferably to use on top of the funnel.

For this strategy you need:

- a 45 to 90 second video
- 3 video snippets

To create kick ass videos, use MOJO mobile app

Campaign Structure
Start with a video views campaign

Broad audience - $15/day

Play this video until you have 100,000 video


Step 2 ->

Campaign Structure
Go back to audience, create a custom
audience but this time:

Then choose this:

Then press here:

Campaign Structure
Choose the big video you already played in
campaign 1 & make sure it's people who
watched at least 50% of it

Choose the Video source: Campaign.

And choose the big video you played in
campaign 1

Then go to a new campaign choose,

conversions, purchase event, but in the
audience leave it all open and choose the
custom audience > The audience you created

Campaign Structure
For those ads, create:
1 Adset -> 3 ads

15 sec


15 sec
adset video

15 sec

The secret to this is to have 3 videos under 1

ad set, each ad should be:
- 15 seconds
- Direct call to action (to drive traffic to the
- 2 placement sizes (stories + feed)
- Preferred budget: $30+

Campaign Structure
In this campaign you would have drove as
much traffic as you can to the big video.
Understood who was interested by filtering
out who watched less than 50% of the video.

Re directed those people to the website.

This has a very high % rate between Clicks ->
page view content

"I'm new here"

When is it used?
If you are new to the market, already have
your buyer's personas sketched out, and need
to start testing out.

adset Ad

adset Ad

adset Ad

adset Ad

adset Ad

adset Ad

adset Ad

Campaign Structure
Make sure you already have your creatives
Sketch out several adsets at the same time.

Each ad set differs with the interest targeting.

BUT, each adset should have 1 and only 1

Imagine it like a cake, with 8 pieces.

Each one is an adset.

Campaign Structure
Let's say you are selling an electric new

I would test the following:

Adset 1: Teeth
Adset 2: Beauty
Adset 3: Cosmetics
Adset 4: Food
Adset 5: Coffee
Adset 6: Sports

Put 10$ equally on every ad set

It can vary between 5-8 adsets
Every adset has the same video or ad.
Make sure to not overlap interests.

Campaign Structure
How to scale it?

Leave them for 48 hours.

Every ad that gets 1 sale, leave it an extra
48 hours.
Every adset that gets 0 sales, turn it off.
Every adset that gets more than 1 sale,
scale it by adding 50% of the budget
which makes it $15

Keep on doing this until you only have 2-

3 adsets on.
Duplicate the winning adsets into new
separate campaigns, and start scaling it
until you reach the peak.

"Catch me if you
can" Strategy

When is it used?
This is one of my favorite strategies of all time.
You make sure to target only the people who
showed interest in any of your products or

For this strategy you need:

- 15 second (Coupon code video)
- 15-30 second key selling point video
- 3,000+ people on your site

You can do them on MOJO mobile app

Campaign Structure:
You will need 3 active conversion campaigns
This campaign happens after you have
winning adsets & started to scale

1st conversion campaign:

Audience: winning audience from previous

Go to:
Audiences> Create custom audience > Website

Campaign Structure:
Campaign goal: Conversions
Conversion event: Purchase
Audience: Winning Audience + (exclude visitors)

Run this campaign always, until it reaches

a high CPA or a High frequency

Campaign 2 + 3 ->

Campaign Structure: Ad 2
Campaign goal: Conversions
Conversion event: Purchase
Audience: Visitors - Added to cart

Create 2 new custom audiences:

1) Everyone who visited the website (Already
2) Everyone who added to cart

You create them the same way you created

the first one.

Campaign is conversions, purchase event,

audience is OPEN, but you:
include: visitors
Exclude: Added to cart

Campaign Structure:

Ad creative:
Video with a key selling point. example:
- If you sell a tooth brush, create a video that
showcases its durability, another video that
showcases the areas it reaches, another one
that showcases a special feature in it etc.
Because here, we are targeting people who
already visited your website, so they already
know most of your features, but did not add
to cart, so you need to remind them to get
back in.

You can add a budget of not more than $5

as a start and scale up to $15/day as more
traffic you get.

Campaign Structure: Ad 3
Campaign goal: Conversions
Conversion event: Purchase
Audience: Add to cart - Purchases

Create 2 new custom audiences:

1) Everyone who added to cart
2) Everyone who purchased
You create them the same way you created
the first one.

Campaign is conversions, purchase event,

audience is OPEN, but you:
include: Added to cart
Exclude: Purchases

Campaign Structure:

Ad creative:
Video with a a coupon code - 48 hours limited
time offer, example:
- If you sell a tooth brush, create a video that
shows only a (Coupon code % OFF) for 48
Because here, we are targeting people who
already visited your website, + added to cart,
so they already want your product, the only
way to rush this order is by giving them a %

You can add a budget of not more than $5

as a start and scale up to $10/day as ur add
to cart number increases.

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Rich Guy

When is it used?
When your target audience are rich people.
In this strategy I will give you direct tips on
how to target rich people.
By rich, I mean really rich, not people who can
easily afford a $400 product.

For this strategy you need:

- A deep research on the top streets &
compounds that rich people live & work in

How can I target them?
Target Streets. Not cities, not countries, not

A really good way to do so, is by getting all the

streets or blocks that rich people own houses
at > get the zip codes > add them to the
location targeting on the audience targeting

Target Iphone users.

Owns Iphone X & above

How can I target them?
Frequent travelers. People who travel 3+
times/year are considered as frequent
international travelers based on their ip

People who work in class A business

centers. Pinpoint those locations + 1km

When you create this audience, make sure

to press on narrow audience & add
engaged shoppers. This will add people
who previously bought something online
from the last 2 weeks. ---->

Make sure you are targeting Behaviors &
not interest targeting in this situation.

Those where 8 FB ads strategies that have
contributed in every million dollar of sales
I generate for me or my clients.

The best thing is to always test, test & test.

Make sure to always have your pixel

integrated, make sure to play it safe on
Facebook ads & not to outsmart the
system so you don't get blocked.

In the last page after this, I will share with

you a couple of tips to avoid getting

Facebook cares about people’s user experience on
your account & website
Facebook's primary way of monitoring you is by
using bots to crawl your website
Facebook's secondary way is using human reviewal
Website rules facebook look for
Use a .com domain (HUGE HUGE PLUS)
Custom content (Don’t steal content)
ABOUT US PAGE (Must be included)
PHONE NUMBER (Must be included)
LOCATION - city & town (Must be included)
The mandatory pages - terms of service - shipping
policy (Must be inc)

BLOG! You need 1 - 3 blogs with 250-1000 words
Disclaimer saying your site is not endorsed by
Facebook (HUGE PLUS)
Use this: This site is not a part of the Facebook
website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT
endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a
trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

Facebook business page rules:

Profile Pic (must be included)

Cover photo (must be included)

Shop now button (Must be included)

Content - 3 - 5 posts (The more the better)

Get at least 10 likes - invite your friends

Fill out all Information slots on the page!

Get your page verified!- this is the best!

Facebook ad manager setup
Setup as a business with the same name as your
(registered company is a huge plus)
Use a business credit card or debit card that is
(registered to your company + Huge plus)
Make sure you use 1080p HD videos or high quality
pictures for your ads
Be careful with emojis (Don’t over over do it)
Don't argue with negative comments - delete or
block words


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