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This DEED OF ABSOLUTE SALE is made, executed and entered into by:

__________________, of legal age, Filipino, married and a resident of

___________, ___________________________, hereinafter referred to as SELLER;


____________________, married to ______________________, all of legal ages,

Filipinos and a resident of _____________________________________, hereinafter
referred to as BUYER.


WHEREAS, the SELLER is the absolute owner of a parcel of land located at

______ _________________and covered by Transfer Certificate of Title (TCT) No.
________ containing a total area of ____________________________________ (_____)
SQUARE METERS, more or less, by virtue of Deed of Absolute signed and notarized
by __________________________, on ________________ as per Doc. No. ___, Page No.
__, Book No. __, Series of ____ and more particularly described as follows:


“A PARCEL OF LAND OF LOT NO. __________, of the Cadastral Survey of

_________________ situated in the Municipality of ______________, bounded on the N.
by Lot No. __________, on the E. by Lot No. _____, on the S. by Lots No. _____ and
______, and on the W. by Lot No. _______.
Containing an area of _____________________________________ (_____)
SQUARE METERS, more or less..”

WHEREAS, the BUYER has offered to buy and the SELLER has agreed to sell the
above-mentioned property for the amount of ___________________ PESOS
(Php__________.00) Philippine Currency;

THAT for and in consideration of the sum of ___________________ PESOS

(Php__________.00) Philippine Currency, hand paid by the BUYER to the SELLER,
receipt whereof is hereby acknowledge by the seller from the buyer to the entire
satisfaction of the seller, said SELLER does by these presents, SELL, TRANSFER and
CONVEY in a manner absolute and irrevocable unto the BUYER, his heirs and assigns,
the above parcel of land.

THAT the SELLER hereby present and warrant that he has a good, valid and
subsisting right, interest and title to the above-described property herein sold to the
BUYER, that the above-described property is free from any and all liens and
encumbrances whatsoever; and that there is no pending, threatened or imminent action
or controversy, whether administrative or judicial, involving or affecting the above-
described property.
THAT the SELLER undertakes and agrees to defend the title to the above-
described property herein sold to the BUYER against any and all claims of third persons
or entities, and to defend the BUYER against all actions for eviction. Further, the
SELLER undertakes and agrees to execute, secure and/or deliver any and all
documents, contracts, agreements and/or other writings to complete and guarantee the
title of the BUYER to the above-described property so that it may be validly and
effectively transferred to and registered in the name of the BUYER.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their signature this 20 th
day of August, 2022 at Tuguegarao City, Cagayan.

With Marital Consent:

___________________ ________________________

With Marital Consent:

___________________ _______________________
Signed in the presence of:
_________________________                  _________________________

Republic of the Philippines )
Tuguegarao City, Cagayan ) S.S
BEFORE ME, a Notary Public for and in the City of Tuguegarao, personally appeared
the abovementioned parties.            
Known to me and to me known to be the same persons who executed the foregoing
instrument and acknowledged to me that the same is their free and voluntary act and
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL, on this __th day of ____________ at Tuguegarao City,
Doc. No.______;
Page No. ______;
Book No.______;
Series of 20__.

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