Deprenyl (Selegiline) : The History of Its Development and Pharmacological Action

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Acta Neurol Scand 1983: Suppl 9557-80

Deprenyl (selegiline): the history of its

development and pharmacological action
Department of Pharmacology, Semmelweis University of Medicine, Budapest, Hungary

ABSTRACT - Deprenyl inhibits MAO-B selectively in different animal

species and in man. Its safety margin is remarkable. We were able to block
MAO-B activity in the brain selectively in vivo in four species (mouse, rat, cat,
dog) with S.C. administration of 0.17-0.31 Yo of LD,,. The usual oral dose
range in clinical practice, 5-20 mg daily (0.05-0.2 mg/kg), is about ten times
lower than the orally active dose in the rat.
Deprenyl proved to be a safe drug in man. Neither hypertensive reactions nor
the need for any special dietary care were ever encountered during long-term
(2-8 years) daily administration of the drug.
The most important effect of deprenyl in the brain is the sensitization of
dopaminergic neurons to physiological and pharmacological influences, but in
contrast to levodopa or bromocrytine, deprenyl does not elicit an acute increase
in dopaminergic activity. The effect of deprenyl is due, on the one hand, to the
inhibition of MAO-B and, on the other hand, to inhibition of the uptake of
In agreement with its peculiar spectrum of pharmacological activity, deprenyl
proved to be a useful adjuvant to levodopa alone or in combination with a
peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor. In addition, a supplement of deprenyl in
Parkinson’s disease led to significant prolongation of the duration of the illness.
This has not been observed so far with other antiparkinsonian drugs.
The dopamine content of the human caudate nucleus decreases by 13 Yo per
decade over the age of 45.
The hypothesis has been put forward that the significant increase of in-
cidence of depression in the elderly, the age-dependent decline in male sexual
vigour and the frequent appearance of parkinsonian symptoms in the later
decades of life might be attributed to a decrease of dopamine and ’trace amines’
in the brain. The possibility of countering these biochemical lesions of ageing
by long-term administration of deprenyl, a selective inhibitor of MAO-B which
facilitates dopaminergic and ’trace-aminergic’ activity in the brain, and is a safe
drug in man, is considered in detail.

Key words: deprenyl’); selective inhibition of MAO-B; Parkinson’s disease;

depression; dopaminergic mechanisms; uptake of biogenic amines; levodopa
sparing effect; aphrodisiac effect; age-related biochemical changes.

I) In this supplement deprenyl (selegiline) always means (-)deprenyl unless otherwise stated.
J. Knoll

Both as experimental tools and as therapeutic chocolate and cream products, etc.) contain
agents, monoamine oxidase (MAO) in- indirectly-acting amines (mainly tyramine)
hibitors have exercised an important in- which may provoke hypertensive episodes in
fluence on the development of the widely ac- patients treated with M A 0 inhibitors.
cepted hypothesis that depression is These drugs also potentiate the effect of a
associated with diminished monoaminergic number of compounds with quite different
tone in the brain and that depressed patients, chemical stuctures. Analgesics, anorectics,
treated with antidepressants, become elated anticholinergics, anticonvulsants, antihista-
because of enhanced biological activity of mines, antimalarials, antiparkinsonian
monoamine transmitters in the CNS. agents, antitussives, CNS stimulants, diure-
The discovery of the mood-elevating effect tics, neuroleptics, nasal vasoconstrictors, oral
of M A 0 inhibitors was quite fortuitous. In hypoglycaemics, pressor agents, sedatives,
1951, isoniazid and its isopropyl derivative, tranquillizers, hypnotics and tricyclic anti-
iproniazid, were successfully introduced for depressants have all been claimed to interact
the treatment of tuberculosis. In contrast to with M A 0 inhibitors. The unpredictable
isoniazid, iproniazid was found to produce hazards of M A 0 inhibitors in combination
undesirable stimulation in some patients. In with a variety of foods and drugs limited
1952, Zeller and his co-workers demonstrated their use in psychiatric patients, despite their
that iproniazid is capable of inhibiting MAO, therapeutic value in depression, in narcolepsy
whereas isoniazid is ineffective (1). In 1956, and in certain phobic-anxiety states.
Crane analysed the ”psychiatric side-effects M A 0 inhibitors for clinical use still tend to
of iproniazid” and came to the conclusion be chosen from among a group of non-
that it might be beneficial in the treatment of selective inhibitors such as tranylcypromine,
depression. Kline introduced it as a ”psychic phenelzine, isocarboxazide and nialamide.
energizer” in 1957. A substantial number of But because of the development of two selec-
hydrazide (isocarboxazide, nialamide, phen- tive M A 0 inhibitors, clorgyline against
eIzine, etc.) and nonhydrazide (tranyl- MAO-A and deprenyl against MAO-B, we
cypromine, pargyline, etc.) M A 0 inhibitors now have strong evidence for the existence of
were developed and introduced into clinical two distinct forms of MAO. As the selective
practice, but because of serious side-effects inhibitors are remarkably different from the
there was a rapid turnover in the introduction non-selective inhibitors in their pharmacolo-
and withdrawal of M A 0 inhibitors. gical spectrum and potential toxicity, the in-
In 1963, a calamitous number of clinical troduction of the first selective inhibitor,
reports, demonstrating the occurrence of deprenyl, into clinical practice might provide
dangerous hypertensive attacks in patients a fresh start in the therapeutic usefulness of
treated with tranylcypromine (2-6) or with M A 0 inhibitors. Much clinical work,
other M A 0 inhibitors (7) were published. however, is needed to establish the ap-
Such hypertensive crises are associated with propriate indications for members of these
the ingestion of cheese. Asatoor et al. (1963) second-generation M A 0 Inhibitors.
demonstrated that after cheese consumption,
there is a considerable increase in the excre-
The development of deprenyl
tion of tyramine metabolites (8). Blackwell’s
suggestion that tyramine is responsible for In 1935, Prinzmetal and Bloomberg (10) in-
the “cheese effect” was subsequently sup- troduced racemic amphetamine as a central
ported by many authors. stimulant to treat narcolepsy. Amphetamine,
Horwitz et al. (1964) proved that small as well as its dextrorotatory isomer (dex-
amounts of cheese (e.g. 20 g of Cheddar) are troamphetamine) and methamphetamine,
sufficient to produce hypertensive crises (9). both more potent stimulants than racemic
Many other foods (yeast products, chicken amphetamine, are still in clinical use for a
liver, snails, pickled herring, red wines, some variety of diseases. Amphetamines are highly
varieties of beer, canned figs, broad beans, effective in preventing sleep in narcoleptic pa-

Pharmacology of deprenyl (selegiline)

tients, are the most potent drugs for calming MA0 inhibitor direction. Methamphetamine
abnormally hyperactive children, are highly itself is a reversible inhibitor of M A 0 (19).
effective anorexogenics, produce certain We knew from our unpublished observations
beneficial effects in parkinsonian patients with newly synthesized methamphetamine
(improvement of sleep, muscle strength and derivatives that compounds with substitu-
rigidity, and elevation of mood), and are tions at the nitrogen moiety might, by com-
useful in milder forms of depression, as well parison with the parent compound, practi-
as in #chronic nervous exhaustion and cally lose the ability to release biogenic
ps ychoneuroses. amines from the cytoplasmic pools of the
Amphetamines probably produce all their nerve endings. As we learned from the struc-
CNS effects by releasing noradrenaline, ture of pargyline, which had been introduced
dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) from at that time into clinical practice, the attach-
the cytoplasmic pools in the nerve terminals. ment of a propargyl group to the nitrogen in
In the rat, lower doses of amphetamine benzylamine inhibits M A 0 irreversibly; we
(0.5-2 mg/kg) activate the catechola- therefore synthesized a number of new
minergic system only, and higher doses are methamphetamine derivatives containing this
needed for the release of 5-HT in the brain. group and analysed their M A 0 inhibitory
In 1960, we were attracted by the finding ability and the changes in their phar-
that amphetamine improved (in lower doses) macological spectrum. As methamphetamine
or disturbed (in higher doses) the perform- was the parent compound, we naturally at-
ance of the rat in a one-way avoidance test. tached the propargyl group to it in our first
Pharmacological analysis of this difference series of experiments. Racemic phenylisopro-
revealed that in small and medium doses am- pylmethylpropargylamine HCI (E-250)was
phetamine and methamphetamine selectively soon selected as a highly potent irreversible
enhanced catecholaminergic tone in the brain M A 0 inhibitor with a peculiar spectrum of
but that with high doses serotonergic tone pharmacological activity (20, 21). The new
became dominant. Starting with metham- substance proved to possess mild central
phetamine, we began an extensive study of stimulatory effects combined with a long-
structure-activity relationships, aiming to lasting psycho-energizing ability. To diminish
develop new derivatives with more selective further the amphetamine-like acute CNS
actions on the CNS than the parent com- stimulatory effects, we decided to develop the
pound. We synthesized and analysed a series levorotatory isomer which proved to have ad-
of new methamphetamine derivatives and vantages over the racemic form. The most
learned that proper substitution at the para remarkable finding was that, in striking con-
position leads to structures with remarkable trast to methamphetamine, its propargyl
selectivity for catecholaminergic or seroton- derivative, especially the levorotatory isomer,
ergic systems. From among the newly syn- inhibited the release of biogenic amines from
thesized compounds, p-bromo-metham- nerve terminals and acted in vivo and in vitro
phetamine (V-Ill)was selected and used in as a potent antagonist against tyramine (22,
further experiments as a primarily 23). We expressed the hope ”that this
serotonergic amphetamine. Another meth- tyramine inhibiting property of E-250may be
amphetamine derivative, denoted 1-1703, highly valuable for human therapy” (23),and
with a bulky substitution at the para position argued that (-) isopropyl-methylpropargy-
(N l-0-carboxyphenyl-N2-p-/2-methylamino- lamine HC1, later named deprenyl, is the first
propyl-l/-phenylacetamidine) was selected as highly potent M A 0 inhibitor to be found
a prototype of a selective catecholaminergic which does not have the “cheese effect”.
amphetamine (11-18). In the same year as we arrived at this con-
In 1963, the “cheese effect” focussed our clusion with deprenyl, two new MA0 in-
attention on M A 0 inhibitors and we decided hibitors were described in the same number
to extend our structure-activity relationship of ”Biochemical Pharmacology”, one by
study with metamphetamine derivatives in an Johnston (1968)(24), MB 9302, and one by

J. Knoll

Fuller (1968) (25), Lilly 51641. Although the hibitors of A-type MAO, which block the en-
two compounds were shown later to be of zyme reversibly and differ chemically from
equal significance from a scientific point of the selective suicide inhibitors of MAO-A,
view, Johnston’s substance came into world- have recently been described by Strolin
wide use as an experimental tool, because Benedetti et al. (1983) (27).
Johnston realized the basic importance of his A further study by Hall et al. (1969) (28)
substance and introduced a still serviceable with MB 9302, thereafter named clorgyline,
nomenclature for the two forms of M A 0 it made it clear that a new pharmacological
identifies. MB 9302 (clorgyline) has tool, a highly selective inhibitor of MAO-B
structural similarities to deprenyl, being also was badly needed for final verification and
a methamphetamine derivative. There are detailed in vivo mapping of the two main
two differences from deprenyl. In clorgyline forms of MAO. The two enzymes proved to
we find, on the one hand, an oxygen bridge be too similar to each other to be separated
between the aromatic ring and the carbon biochemically or even differentiated im-
chain and, on the other hand, the aromatic munochemicall y.
ring is halogenated. We knew from earlier We were lucky to discover in 1970 that our
studies that halogenation of the ring in own substance, deprenyl, which proved to be
methamphetamine increases the affinity of a highly selective inhibitor of MAO-B, was
the compound to the serotonergic system (26, the missing link. We presented the evidence at
11). The new findings with MB 9302 seemed the first international meeting on M A 0 held
to be in good agreement with these observa- in Cagliari in 1971 and organized in honour
tions. of Hermann Blaschko. The proceedings of
Johnston realized that his substance this meeting were published as Volume 5 of
preferentially inhibits the deamination of Advances in Biochemical Psychopharmac-
5-HT and proposed the existence of two ology, in 1972 (29).
forms of MAO, one highly sensitive to MB Despite convincing pharmacological
9302 and one relatively insensitive to it. He evidence for the existence of two main forms
introduced the terms ’type A’ and ’type B’ of M A 0 and the possibility of blocking each
MAO, MAO-A being selectively inhibited by separately in vivo, using deprenyl or
MB 9302, whereas MAO-B was insensitive to clorgyline, the scientific community took
this substance. Johnston’s nomenclature has little interest in selective M A 0 inhibitors un-
become widely accepted and is still in use. til the 2nd international meeting on MAO, a
According to this classification Lilly 51641 CIBA Foundation Symposium held in Lon-
(25) was also a selective inhibitor of MAO-A. don in 1975 and organized in honour of
Fuller’s substance shows essentiaI struc- Mary L. Bernheim. This meeting gave a new
tural similarities to clorgyline. Unlike impetus to experimental research and at last
clorgyline and deprenyl, which are phenyl- aroused the interest of clinicians.
isopropylmethylamine derivatives, Fuller’s
substance is a close structural relative of
phenylethylamine, but this is as insignificant
Deprenyl: the first highly potent irreversible
from the point of view of selectivity as the
M A 0 inhibitor without the “cheese effect’:
chemical nature of the enzyme-killing group,
Evidence for its safety in man.
which is a propargyl in the case of deprenyl
and clorgyline, and a cyclopropyl ring in Lilly The peculiar spectrum of pharmacological
51641. What seems to be of crucial import- activity of deprenyl becomes evident if we
ance, however, for MAO-A selectivity is the compare it, on the one hand, to pargyline, a
oxygen bridge between the aromatic ring and so-called semi-selective MAO-B inhibitor and
the side chain, and the fact that the chlorine close structural relative of deprenyl, and on
atom is in the ortho position, common to the other hand, to clorgyline, a selective in-
clorgyline and Lilly 51641. It is worth men- hibitor of MAO-A.
tioning here that short-acting selective in- Deprenyl inhibits MAO-B selectively in

Pharmacology of deprenyl (selegiline)

different animals. Its safety margin is

remarkable, as shown in Table I. As will be
seen from the data in this table, we were able
to block MAO-B activity in the brain selec-
tively in vivo in four species with the sub-
cutaneous administration of 0.17-0.36 070 of
the LDSo, The highest dose of deprenyl
which blocked MAO-B activity, leaving
MAO-A activity unaffected from a func-
tional point of view, was 0.25-0.5 mg/kg. In
higher doses, deprenyl begins to block MAO-
A activity considerably.
The orally-active daily dose of deprenyl in
the rat is about 2-4 times higher than the
subcutaneous dose and lies between 0.5 and
2 mg/kg. Deprenyl is highly effective in man
by the oral route of administration. The usual
oral dose range in clinical practice, 5-20 mg
daily (0.05-0.2 mg/kg), is about ten times
lower than the orally-active dose in the rat. In

We also demonstrated that daily administra-

I 2 1:
tion of 0.25 mg/kg deprenyl for 21 days does
not change the selectivity of MAO-B inhibi-
tion (30).
Because of the high selectivity of deprenyl
for B-type MAO, the intestinal enzyme,
which is A-type, remains unaffected in both
animals and man treated with deprenyl (31,
32). Table I1 shows that in vivo pargyline is 6
times and clorgyline 60 times more potent
than deprenyl in inhibiting intestinal MA0 in
the rat. This phenomenon, in itself, works
against the “cheese effect” because deprenyl
leaves the gut wall MAO-A barrier intact, so
that tyramine access to the circulation can be
controlled; clorgyline inactivates the barrier
(33, 34). I
Deprenyl inhibits the uptake of tyramine,
thus reducing the pressor effect of this amine
(23, 33, 34), whereas both pargyline and
clorgyline potentiate the pressor response to
tyramine (16, 33). This effect of deprenyl is of
high importance for the safety of the drug, in
comparison with other MA0 inhibitors.
Deprenyl inhibits the release of
noradrenaline from synaptosomes, whereas
pargyline (29) and clorgyline (33) facilitate
the release of this transmitter. This is an addi-
tional factor allowing the administration of
deprenyl without dietary restriction.
Our claim that deprenyl is an MA0 in-
.I. Knoll

Table 11. In vivo inhibition of rat intestinal M A 0 by deprenyl, pargyline and clorgyline, using
’‘C-tyarnine as substrate

ID50 Relative
mg/kg S.C. potency

Deprenyl 15.0 1
Pargyline 2.5 6
Clorgyline 0.25 60

hibitor without the “cheese effect” was Deprenyl, an M A 0 inhibitor without the
substantially supported by the experience of “cheese effect”, lent itself particularly well to
clinicians, who never observed hypertensive this purpose because it could be safely com-
reactions, even during long-term administra- bined with levodopa. Birkmayer et al. (1977)
tion of the drug. There was never any need (41) demonstrated the clinical benefit of con-
for special dietary care. In some volunteers current administration of levodopa plus a
treated with deprenyl, Varga tried to provoke peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor plus
the “cheese effect” in his first clinical trial in deprenyl. Their finding was corroborated by
1966, by administering huge amounts of many authors (for reviews, see 42-44).
tyramine-rich cheeses; however, no signifi- Deprenyl was proved conclusively to poten-
cant change in blood pressure could be tiate the therapeutic effect of levodopa,
detected (E. Varga, unpublished results). without increasing its side-effects.
Elsworth et al. (1978) (35) and SandIer et al. As has been mentioned previously, non-
(1978) (36) demonstrated that subjects were selective M A 0 inhibitors are known to poten-
able to consume up to 200 mg of tyramine tiate in an unpredictable manner the effect of
during deprenyl treatment before a rise in drugs belonging to many different classes
blood pressure and slowing of the pulse oc- and differing widely in their chemical struc-
curred. This amount of tyramine is unlikely ture. The most plausible explanation for this
to be encountered during the course of a nor- side-effect is the non-specific inhibition of
mal diet. hepatic microsomal enzymes by the non-
The safety of deprenyl in man was further selective M A 0 inhibitor. As to selective in-
demonstrated by Pare et al. (1978) (37) and hibitors, this aspect needs further detailed
Mendis et al. (1981) (38). The authors used study. With regard to deprenyl itself, it is
the tyramine pressor test (39) and found that worth mentioning that during 2-8 years of
even high doses of deprenyl failed to increase continuous administration of the drug in
sensitivity to intravenous tyramine, whereas Parkinson’s disease, many different com-
moderate doses of standard M A 0 inhibitors pounds have been given concomitantly with
increased it considerably. Clinical advantage levodopa-benserazide or levodopa-carbidopa
of the peculiar pharmacological spectrum of plus deprenyl but, up to the present time,
deprenyl was first taken in connection with there has been no mention in literature of any
the levodopa treatment of parkinsonian pa- noticeable drug interaction. To evaluate more
tients. The possibility of potentiating the precisely, however, any difference in this
levodopa effect by concurrent administration respect between deprenyl and the non-
of an M A 0 inhibitor had always been ap- selective M A 0 inhibitors probably needs
parent, and was soon checked by Birkmayer planned studies. One example showing that,
and Hornykiewicz (1962) (40). M A 0 in- from the point of view of drug interactions,
hibitors, however, potentiated the unwanted deprenyl is a remarkably safe M A 0 inhibitor
effects of levodopa and the danger of is provided by the study of Jounela et al.
hypertensive crises supervening made such a (1977) (45). It is known from some early work
combination impossible. of Goldberg (1964) (46) that pethidine may be

Pharmacology of deprenyl (selegiline)

responsible for serious adverse reactions in ergic neurons, a continuous release of DA

patients treated with an M A 0 inhibitor. In can be measured. DA exerts a tonic inhibitory
the rabbit, phenelzine, a non-selective M A 0 effect on the release of acetylcholine (ACh)
inhibitor, strongly potentiates the effects of from the cholinergic interneurons of the
pethidine and during their combined ad- caudate nucleus. If we measure the release of
ministration, excitation, hyperthermia and ACh in pmols/g/min, we have an index of the
hypertension may be elicited. Deprenyl, physiological activity of the striatum, and
however,. when administered with pethidine, dopaminergic tone plays a rate-limiting role
failed to provoke such adverse reactions (45). in the net release of ACh. If we remove the
striatum from a rat pretreated with 6-
hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA), i.e. when the
overwhelming majority of the nigrostriatal
Evidence that the most important effect of
dopaminergic neurons are chemically dener-
deprenyl in the brain is sensitization of
vated, the release of ACh is considerably in-
dopaminergic neurons to physiological and
.creased, showing the important inhibitory
pharmacological influences
role of DA in ACh release. The striatum of
It is now firmly established that the main the 6-OHDA pretreated rat may serve as an
form of M A 0 in the human brain is the B experimental model for parkinsonism,
type. The predominance of this enzyme because of its greatly reduced dopaminergic
variant in the human striatum was first activity.
demonstrated by Glover et al. in 1977 (47). As Table 111 shows the dramatic increase in
deprenyl is a selective inhibitor of MAO-B, release of ACh in the striatum of rats
and dopamine is a substrate for this form of pretreated with 6-OHDA and the capacity
the enzyme, deprenyl enhances dopaminergic of deprenyl to re-establish dopaminergic in-
tone in the brain by, inhibiting MAO-B. fluence in the isolated striatum, thereby nor-
Deprenyl, however, might also increase malizing ACh release. This effect of deprenyl
dopaminergic tone in the brain by inhibiting is reversible, and independent of the
DA uptake. This action probably plays an im- MAO-inhibiting potency of the drug (34).
portant role in the effect of the drug on the The most plausible explanation for the im-
isolated striatum of the rat, which is a good pressive effect of deprenyl is the capacity of
experimental model for testing the effect of the compound to inhibit MAO-B activity and
drugs on the dopaminergic system. From the DA re-uptake, because U-1424, an MAO-B
nerve terminals of the nigrostriatal dopamin- inhibitor without uptake inhibitory effect,

Table 111. The effect of deprenyl on ouabain-induced release of acetylcholine from isolated striatal slices
taken from untreated and 6-OHDA pretreated rats.

Treatment Release of ACh

in vivo in vitro (pmol g-lmin-l)

1 Saline none 481.0 i 83.2 (4)

2 Saline deprenyl 226.1 i 26.8 (6)
3 6-OHDA none 777.2 k 91.0 (4)
4 6-OHDA deprenyl 280.6 f 38.2 (4)

1:2 p < 0.01

1:3 p < 0.005 deprenyl: 2.2 x rnole/l
3:4 p < 0.01

t statistic for two means. Methodological details described in this article.

J. Knoll

did not influence the release of ACh in this was found. No change in the turnover rate of
test (34). Deprenyl probably enhances the ac- noradrenaline could be detected in the teldi
tivity of those dopaminergic neurons which -encephalon minus the striatum (Table V).
survive 6-OHDA pretreatment. Because of This finding substantially supports our view
the well-known supersensitivity of post- (49-51), that deprenyl facilitates
synaptic DA receptors manifested after dopaminergic modulation in the brain.
chemical denervation, very small amounts of An increase in the DA turnover rate due to
physiologically released DA might be suffi- a change in efflux rate from its storage site is
cient to inhibit the release of ACh. in keeping with the possibility that deprenyl,
Dopaminergic nerve terminals in the which increases the amount of DA by in-
striatum of the rat contain MAO-A; thus the hibiting MAO-B, also increases the rate of
only possibility of deprenyl’s influencing the utilization of this important modulator in the
metabolism of DA in a selective dose-range striatum. Presumably this increase in the
remains via glial MAO-B. The considerable rate of utilization is due to an increase in the
distance in the rat striatum between dopa- firing rate of the dopaminergic neurons.
minergic nerve terminals and cholinergic Because, in contrast to the situation in the
interneurons supports a possible role of glial rat, MAO-B seems to be the main form of the
MAO-B activity in controlling dopaminergic enzyme in human nigrostriatal dopaminergic
tone in the striatum. Experiments are now in neurons (47), conditions for deprenyl to
progress in our laboratory to clarify this rela- facilitate dopaminergic modulation in the
tionship. human brain are particularly favourable.
To understand better the mechanism of the As we usually measure the effects of dep-
effect of deprenyl on the catecholaminergic renyl 24 h after its injection, only traces of
system, we have measured the content and either the unchanged drug molecule or its
turnover rate of DA in the striatum and of metabolites can be present in the organism.
noradrenaline in the brain stem of the rat The elimination of deprenyl and its
under the influence of a subcutaneous injec- metabolites is practically complete within 24
tion of the drug. We found that 24 h after the hours (52). The possibility, however, of reten-
injection of a single dose of 0.25 mg/kg tion of trace amounts of deprenyl metabolites
deprenyl, which is known to inhibit MAO-B in brain tissue, which might still exert a small,
activity selectively in the brain, the content continuous, releasing effect on DA and
and turnover rate of the catecholamines re- noradrenaline in the nerve terminals cannot
mained unchanged. We were, however, able be ruled out completely. The participation of
to detect important changes in monoamine traces of amphetamine-like metabolites of
metabolism after daily subcutaneous injec- deprenyl in the complex total phar-
tions of 0.25 mg/kg deprenyl for 14 days macological effect of the drug is not
(48). necessarily inconsistent with experimental
Table IV shows that the repeated admin- and clinical observations of a complete lack
istration of small daily doses of deprenyl of amphetamine-like symptoms during the
significantly increased the turnover rate of long-term administration of standard daily
DA in the rat striatum, whereas no signifi- doses of deprenyl. It must be borne in mind,
cant change in the teldi-encephalon minus however, that even if we do not rule out the
the striatum could be detected, as measured possibility of the accumulation of traces of
23 h after the last injection. The increase in amphetamine-like metabolites of deprenyl
the turnover rate of DA in the striatum was and, in addition, take their releasing effect
due to the enhancement of the fractional rate into account, the well-known accumulation
constant of DA efflux and the slight, but of PEA, an endogenous trace amine with
significant, increase in DA content (60.3 ver- greater catecholamine-releasing potency than
sus 52.7 nmoles/g). With regard to noradren- (-)amphetamine in the deprenyl-treated
aline, ,a significant decrease in its turnover animal or man, is likely to exceed any such
rate, with unchanged level in the brain stem, releasing effect by the metabolites.

As facilitation of dopaminergic modula- the possible contribution of an aocumulation
tion in the brain by deprenyl is likely to be of of amphetamine-Iike metabolites to this ef-
great therapeutic importance, we investigated fect. As demonstrated in Table IV, the daily

Table IV. The effect of deprenyl on dopamine (DA) content, turnover rate of dapamine (TRm) and fmc-
tional rate constant (kb) of dopamine efflux


Striatum nmoles/g nmol&&hr h-1

Control (saline) 52.7 1.6 13.3 i= 1.3 0.26

Deprenyl 60.3 + 2.2* 20-4 ie 0-98* 0.34
14 x 0.25 mg/kg


Control (saline) 2.8 0.1 1-3 0.45

Deprenyl 3.5 t 0.2* 1.6 0.e
14 x 0.25 mg/kg

* p < 0.05
Animals were injected subcutaneously with 0.25 mg/kg deprenyl daily for 14 days, CsntroIs were treated
with saline. Animals were killed 24 hours after the last injection of deprenyl and saline, respectively. Rats
were injected with 250 mg/k i.p., a-methyl-p-tyrosin methy1 ester HCI 1 and 2 hours before decapitation.
Each time point had six values. TR =(steady state)x x k,. Brains were dissected according to Glowinski
and Iversen (102). Catecholamine content was determined fluorimetrically according to Carlsson and
Waldeck (103). Turnover rates were measured according to Tozer et al. (104).

Table V. The effect of deprenyl on noradrenaline (NA) content, turnover rate of noradrenaline (TR~JA)
and fractional rate constant (kb) of noradrenaline efflux

NA kb

Brain stem nmoles/g nmoles/g/hr hr-’

Control (saline) 3.1 & 0.2 0.81 026

Deprenyl 3.2 + 0.1 0.39 0.I2
14 x 0.25 mg/kg


Control (saline) 1.2 & 0.1 0.30 096

Deprenyl 1.5 & 0.P 0.36 0.24
14 x 0.25 mgAg

*p < 0.05 For details see Table IV.

J. Knoll

administration of 0.25 mg/kg deprenyl for 14 presynaptic neuron. However, because of the
days significantly increased the turnover rate rapid conversion of levodopa to DA in the
of DA in the rat striatum. We therefore also brain, the possibility of stimulation of
tested the effect of ( k ) amphetamine on the postsynaptic DA receptors and, when high
striatal dopaminergic system by injecting 0.25 doses are given, even of stimulation of
rng/kg of this drug daily for 14 days. Table presynaptic DA receptors, thereby causing in-
VI shows the results. In contrast to deprenyl, hibition of dopaminergic neuronal activity,
amphetamine significantly deckeased the cannot be ruled out. Such a mechanism may
content of DA in the striatum and even the be of major importance in long-term
turnover rate showed a tendency to decrease. levodopa treatment of parkinsonian patients.
(k ) amphetamine influenced the turnover Bromocriptine acts as a pure postsynaptic
rate of noradrenaline in the brain stem (Table dopamine-receptor agonist. But deprenyl acts
VII) in a similar manner to deprenyl (Table differently. By itself, it does not elicit any
V). Thus,' we must conclude that the acute increase in dopaminergic activity as
metabolites of deprenyl do not play any would levodopa or bromocriptine. It seems
substantial role in the facilitation of only to make dopaminergic neurons more
dopaminergic modulation induced by this sensitive to physiological stimulus by block-
drug in the brain. ing MAO-B and DA uptake. Clinical ex-
The pharmacological properties of perience with deprenyl supports this view. In
deprenyl, in particular its peculiar activation parkinsonians, it potentiates the effect of
of the dopaminergic neuron, seem to be levodopa without increasing the side-effects.
essentially different from the effects of drugs When given with deprenyl, a smaller amount
which are used clinically as dopaminergic of levodopa is sufficient to exert the same
system stimulants. At present, levodopa and therapeutic effect as the larger dose.
bromocriptine are mainly employed for this Further support for the existence of this
purpose. The effect of levodopa is complex. unusual effect of deprenyI on the dopa-
It is thought to be an agonist acting through minergic system is given by Koulu and Lam-
uptake and release mechanisms in the mintausta (1981) (53) who investigated its ef-

Table VI. The effect of (*)amphetamine on dopamine (DA), the turnover rate of dopamine (TR,) and
the fractional rate constant (k,) of dopamine efflux


Striatum nmoles/g nmoles/g/hr hi'

Control (saline) 53.9 * 1.8 23.9 0.45

Amphetamine 47.7 f 1.5' 17.8 0.37
14 x 0.25 mg/kg

'- Teldiencephalon

Control (saline) 2.4 k 0.2 0.9 0.38

Amphetamine 2.6 k 0.2 1.1 0.41
14 x 0.25 mg/kg

*p < 0.05

Animals were injected subcutaneously with 0.25 mg/kg (*)amphetamine (base) daily for 14 days. For
other details see Table IV.

Pharmacology of deprenyl (selegiline)

Table VII. The effect of (+)amphetamine on noradrenaline (NA) content, the turnover rate of
noradrenaline (TRNA)and the fractional rate constant (kb) of noradrenaline efflux


Brain stem nmoles/g nmoles/g/hr hr-‘

Control (saline) 3.4 f 0.2 0.85 0.25

Amphetamine 3.3 f 0.2 0.41 0.12
14 x 0.25 mg/kg


Control (saline) 2.2 f 0.1 0.83 0.38

Amphetamine 2.4 f 0.2 0.96 0.41
14 x 0.25 mg/kg

Animals were injected subcutaneously with 0.25 mg/kg (*)amphetamine (base) daily for 14 days. For
other details see Table IV.

fect on human growth hormone secretion in Parkinson’s disease

healthy volunteers. 5 mg deprenyl was given
Parkinson’s disease, the cause of which is
orally 24 h and an additional 10 mg 10 h unknown, is incurable at the present time and
before the test. Deprenyl did not change the
none of the agents used in its treatment stops
basal growth hormone secretion rate, but
its progression. Even though levodopa only
significantly enhanced levodopa-stimulated
provides symptomatic replacement therapy,
hormone release. 200 mg levodopa plus 50
its introduction revolutionized the medica-
mg benserazide, given orally, increased secre- tion of Parkinson’s disease and alone, or in
tion from 1.8. f0.2 ng/ml to a maximum of
combination with a decarboxylase inhibitor,
11.3 f4.88 ng/ml. After deprenyl pretreat-
it is now the standard drug of choice all over
ment levodopa raised the basal concentration
the world. The major problem with levodopa
of 1.8. f0.3 ng/ml to 23.3. k 6.14 ng/ml, and
therapy lies in the large number of adverse
levels remained significantly higher during
reactions, mainly of central origin, associated
the 150 min observation period. Deprenyl did
with the progressive deterioration of parkin-
not, however, alter the effect of bromocrip-
sonian clinical features during long-term ad-
tine on growth hormone secretion. These
ministration of the drug.
findings support the view that deprenyl
The severe side-effects accompanying con-
renders the dopaminergic neuron more sen-
tinuous administration of levodopa alone in-
sitive to physiological and pharmacological
itiated the search for adjuvants with a
levodopa-sparing effect. Comparative clini-
cal trials of levodopa alone and in combina-
tion with either benserazide or carbidopa
Pharmacological considerations regarding
clearly demonstrated the advantages of the
the usefulness of deprenyl in therapy
combined therapy of levodopa with one of
Because deprenyl facilitates dopaminergic these peripheral decarboxylase inhibitors.
tone in the brain, three clinical indications It was reasonable to expect further poten-
for its use, Parkinson’s disease, depression tiation and prolongation of the effect of
and ageing, deserve discussion. levodopa in parkinsonians with concurrent

administration of MA0 inhibitors. A response which we are presently investi-
number of irreversible inhibitors of this type gating” (63).
were tested in combination with levodopa, The value of deprenyl in the treatment of
and potentiatiou of the antiakinetic effect of Parkinson’s disease, either as an adjuvant to
the latter was demonstrated; however, the levodopa alone or in combination with a
supervention of distressing side-effects peripheral decarboxylase inhibitor, was firm-
(greatly increased involuntary movements, ly established by Birkmayer and his group
hypertensive reactions, toxic delirium) ter- (see 66). In a recent paper Birkmayer et al.
minated any further work along this line. (67) compared 323 outpatients with Parkin-
There was a consensus that to give MA0 in- son’s disease who received levodopa-bense-
hibitors concurrently with levodopa was razide or levodopa-carbidopa daily (mean
contra-indicated. This conclusion was called duration, 8.2 years) without deprenyl and 285
in question, however, by the development of outpatients on combined levodopa therapy
deprenyl. for 8.7 years plus deprenyl 10 mg/day at
In excellent agreement with the distinct breakfast and lunch. The duration of the
pharmacological spectrum observed in ani- deprenyl medication was from two to eight
mal experiments, Birkmayer et al. showed in years. Birkmayer et al. also made a retrospec-
1975 (54) that deprenyl potentiates the anti- tive comparison between 141 deceased pa-
akinetic effect of levodopa in parkinsonians tients on a conventional therapeutic regimen,
and that even a single oral dose of deprenyl with a mean duration of 8 years of combined
can reduce the functional deficit within 60 levodopa treatment without deprenyl, and a
min; this beneficial effect can last up to three group of 96 deceased patients who had had
days. combined levodopa treatment for an average
In 1977, Birkmayer and his co-workers of 9 years plus deprenyl for two to six years.
published the first study of the long-term use In both studies it was found that there had
of deprenyl, demonstrating that the been a significant improvement of disability
therapeutic benefit can be maintained for in the deprenyl-treated patients, compared
more than two years when the drug is com- with those on conventional therapy only.
bined with levodopa-benserazide (41). This These data are in agreement with the earlier
important observation was first corroborated finding that deprenyl is a valuable adjuvant
by Stern and his co-workers (55), and later to standard antiparkinsonian therapy,
confirmed by a number of clinicians (56- especially in patients with on-off phenomena
64). (for review, see 42). The more important, and
As to the place of deprenyl in the treatment indeed unique, finding of this recent study by
of Parkinson’s disease, the following factors Birkmayer et al. was that the duration of ill-
must be taken into account. Barbeau (1980) ness was different in the groups with and
(65), who performed one of the first large without deprenyl. The supplementary use of
scale studies, both with levodopa alone and deprenyl in treating Parkinson’s disease led to
in combination with a peripheral decarbox- a significant prolongation of the duration of
ylase inhibitor, recently analysed his ex- the illness, i.e. the life span of the patients
periences with a total of 1,052 parkinsonian was prolonged. This is an extremely import-
patients treated over a period of 12 years and ant observation. Such a change, a conse-
concluded that ”Long-term side effects are quence perhaps of the effect of deprenyl in
numerous . . . although we recognize that increasing dopaminergic tone in the brain,
levodopa is still the best available therapy, we deserves attention.
prefer to delay its onset until absolutely The possibility of slowing down the evol-
necessary”. In view of this opinion, the ap- ution of Parkinson’s disease by supplement-
proach of Yahr with regard to deprenyl seems ing conventional therapy with deprenyl shows
to be promising: ”It may have additional for the first time that the degeneration of the
usefulness as a primary drug in the early dopaminergic nigrostriatal fibres can be
phase of parkinsonism, a therapeutic retarded to some extent. This finding has not

Pharmacology of deprenyl (selegiline)

so far been made with other antiparkinson- toms connected with disturbed drive. The
ian drugs. Levodopa treatment counters the drug was not given to patients with predomi-
so-called early death rate of patients with nant anxiety, confusion, psychomotor excite-
Parkinson's disease, but has not been shown ment, disintegration of personality or manic
to influence the long-term duration of the manifestations. Out of the 39 patients so
disease (68, 69). In contrast, high doses of treated, 17 were also suffering from
combined levodopa therapy may accelerate depression. The conclusion drawn from this
the disease process, as the sensitivity of early study was that the target symptom of
postsynaptic dopamine receptors decreases E-250 is lack of initiative (stupor, inhibition,
progressively during long-term administra- negativism, etc.). The dosage at that time
tion of dopamine receptor agonists (70). varied between 1.25-2.5 mg/kg, whereas the
As long-term deprenyl treatment seems to selective dose range used today in clinics
prolong the life span of parkinsonian pa- varies from 0.05 mk/kg to 0.2 mg/kg. On the
tients significantly, the possibility of treating other hand, the racemic compound was
patients in the early stages of the disease with employed in that study and deprenyl has been
deprenyl and giving it, concurrently with any found, in our animal experiments, to be a
other drug therapy, until death, must be more potent stimulant than the levorotatory
seriously considered. form (75). To reduce amphetamine-like ac-
tivity, we selected for further clinical trial the
levorotatory optical isomer of phenylisopro-
Depression pyl methylpropargylamine, HC1, and the ef-
fect of this substance (coded 1-E-250, and
Non-selective MA0 inhibitors are known to later named deprenyl) was studied by Tringer
be effective antidepressants in non-endo- et al. in 1968-69 and a report published in
genous depression (71) and have some effect 1971 (76). Thirty patients with endogenous
also in bipolar depression (72). depression were treated with 10 mg of
Amphetamines are usually considered to deprenyl twice daily for ten days or two
be highly effective antidepressants in certain weeks. The Hamilton rating scale was used in
types of depression. Unlike tricyclics, they do the analysis. Tringer at al. (1971) (76) con-
not cause central or peripheral effects and do cluded that deprenyl has a favourable effect
not carry the potential for hypertensive crises in endogenous depression. It was claimed by
as do the non-selective and A-selective M A 0 these authors that the racemic form elicited
inhibitors. Many experienced psychiatrists agitation, anxiety and sleep disturbances
are against limiting the use of these drugs to more frequently than the (-) isomer.
the treatment of narcolepsy and childhood The first clinical trial using the selective
hyperactivity, and the claim that ampheta- dose range of deprenyl was performed by
mines should be used, despite their potential Mann and Gershon (1980) (77). Twelve endo-
for abuse, as primary agents for treating genously depressed patients, who failed to
depressive illness, is frequently made in respond to a week of placebo medication,
literature (73). were given 5 mg per day deprenyl for the first
Deprenyl was originally introduced as a week, followed by 10 mg and 15 mg daily in
compound integrating some amphetamine- the second and third weeks, respectively. The
like CNS effects with an irreversible, highly group included 6 unipolar and 6 bipolar pa-
potent, M A 0 inhibitory ability. Varga and tients and consisted of 8 females and 4 males.
Tringer performed the first clinical trials The Hamilton depression scale was used to
with racemic phenylisopropylmethylpropar- evaluate the effect of the drug. Deprenyl pro-
gyl HC1 (E-250) in 1966, administering the duced a significant improvement over the
drug to "negativistic" patients irrespective of whole range of depressive symptomatology.
diagnosis (74). The patients (34 men, 5 Patients began to respond after 3 days of
women) displayed lack of initiative and treatment. According to the authors mention-
scanty emotions and impulses, target symp- e d "Of particular interest is the improvement

J. Knoll

in factor I (anxiety-somatization) where the hibition < 85 070) than in the responders. Fur-
main improvement was in anxiety scores, and ther clinical studies must be carried out to
in factor VI (sleep disturbance) where benefit determine whether deprenyl may be a useful
was seen despite the well-known problems of and safe antidepressant agent in DA and/or
activation and initial insomnia associated PEA-dependent depressive subgroups.
with M A 0 inhibitors . . .” Much experimental and clinical work is
In a second open study, Mann et al. (1982) still needed in order to explore the factors in-
(78) analysed the effect of deprenyl in a volved in the antidepressant effect of depre-
group of 25 depressed patients classified as nyl. Patients usually begin to respond after
having nonendogenous and endogenous (uni- 3-4 days of treatment and clinical improve-
polar or bipolar) depression. After a one ment develops within the first and third
week single-blind placebo treatment to screen weeks (77). This finding is in complete agree-
out strong placebo responders, deprenyl was ment with the changes in DA turnover noted
given, 5-10 mg/day, building up to a max- in rats treated daily with 0.25 mg/kg doses
imum of 15-20 mg/day over four weeks of of deprenyl. No change in DA turnover was
treatment. Although this drug improved both found within 24 h of the first injection, but
groups significantly, there was a greater daily administration of deprenyl for 14 days
overall improvement in the nonendogenous was highly effective in increasing DA turn-
group. 16/25 patients responded to deprenyl. over in the striatum (48). The question,
The response rate in nonendogenous patients however, as to how many important
(10/12) was statistically significantly greater biochemical parameters in the brain are
than in the endogenous patients (6/13). Fur- changed concurrently with DA metabolism in
thermore, bipolar patients had a response deprenyl-treated rats, remains to be
rate of 5/7 compared with 1/6 for unipolar answered. Binding studies with a number of
patients. different monoamine receptors are now in
Since deprenyl, in a selective dose range, is progress in our laboratory.
known to elevate DA and phenylethylamine Several independent lines of investigation
(PEA) concentrations selectively in the brain, indicate that typical and atypical anti-
leaving noradrenaline and 5-HT levels un- depressants affect brain function by down-
changed, the authors concluded that DA and regulating the binding sites for ligands of
PEA play significant roles in nonendogenous noradrenaline (80, 81) and 5-HT recognition
and bipolar depression subgroups whereas by sites (82-83). Antidepressants also decrease
contrast, noradrenaline and 5-HT may be the stimulus amplification elicited by nor-
more important in the pathogenesis of adrenaline on the adenylate cyclase coupled
unipolar endogenous depression; they em- to 0-adrenergic receptors in the rat brain (84,
phasized that deprenyl is a potentially impor- 85).
tant tool for identifying the biochemical sub- Treatment with clorgyline, i.e. MAO-A in-
divisions of depressive disorders. hibition, down-regulates serotonergic 5-HT2
The effect of deprenyl was studied by recognition sites and noradrenergic receptor
Mendlewicz and Youdim (1978) (79) in 14 functions (86), an effect resembling that of
depressed patients (10 bipolar and 4 unipolar tricyclic antidepressants. In a recent study, we
cases) who were kept drug-free for 8 days and were able to demonstrate (87) that in rats the
from the ninth day onwards treated with 300 daily injection of deprenyl in a selective in-
mg 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP) plus 75 mg hibitory dose (1 gmol/kg) for 21 days at-
benserazide plus 5 mg deprenyl three times tenuates noradrenaline-dependent stimulat-
daily for 32 days. Deprenyl potentiated the ion of cortical adenylate cyclase and reduces
antidepressant response to 5-HTP in 10 out the number of brain recognition sites for 8-
of 14 patients and there was no increase in the adrenergic receptor ligands. Pargyline (2.5
side-effect score. In the four patients who did gmol/kg/day for 21 days) acts similarly, but
not respond to the combination, platelet (+) amphetamine proved to be ineffective.
MA0 activity was considerably higher (in- Hence deprenyl, a selective inhibitor of

Pharmacology of deprenyl (selegiline)

MAO-B, and pargyline, a semi-selective in- characteristics of ()H)imipramine binding to

hibitor of B-type MAO, mimic responses that cortical crude synaptic membranes (87).
are typically elicited by antidepressants. Im- Table VIII gives numerical data proving the
portant differences, however, were detected in specific efficiency of deprenyl in increasing
this study between pargyline and deprenyl (3H)imipramine binding in the rat brain. The
with regard to the recognition sites of (3H) physiological significance of imipramine bind-
imipramine. ing sites, as well as the physiological Iigands
In 1979, Raisman et al. (88) demonstrated to them, are unknown at present; thus the
the existence of specific tricyclic antide- pharmacological significance of this finding
pressant binding sites in the rat brain. Rehavi remains obscure for the moment. The fact,
et al. (1980) (89) showed the presence of spe- however, that deprenyl produces a highly
cific high affinity binding sites for (3H) specific alteration at the molecular level, not
4mipramine in the human brain. The (3H) brought about by either pargyline or (+)
-imipramine binding sites are preferentially amphetamine, in a function which seems
located on 5-HT axon terminals (90). closely related to the effect of anti-
Deprenyl treatment (1 pmol/kg, s.c., 21 days) depressants, underlines again the peculiar
significantly increased the number of (3H) pharmacological spectrum of deprenyl. It
imipramine recognition sites in crude synap- speaks in favour of the potential value of this
tic membranes prepared from the frontal drug as an antidepressant with a characteris-
cortex and hippocampus of the rat. Neither tic profile, and arouses hope that it may be
pargyline (2.5 pmol/kg or 100 pmol/kg i.p., used as a research tool in further studies into
21 days) nor (+) amphetamine (1 pmollkg, the nature of endogenous and nonendo-
s.c., 21 days) induced any change in the genous depression.

Table VIII. Kinetic 'characteristicsof (3H)imipramine specific binding to crude synaptic membranes
prepared from the cortex or hippocampus of rats repeatedly injected with deprenyl, (+)amphetamine and

Treatment Cortical membranes Hippocampal membranes

KD Bmax KD Bmax
(nM) (fmol/mg prot) (nM) (fmollmg prot)

Saline 5.3 k 0.7 650 f 100 5.2 k 0.7 5 6 0 i 50

(1 pmol/kg,
s.c., 21 days) 8.2 k 1.5* 1065 k 150* 7.0 f 0.5 800 k 90.
(+ )amphetamine
(1 p mollkg,
s.c., 21 days) 4.5 f 0.6 620 k 90
(2.5 pmol/kg
i.p., 21 days) 5.1 f 0.5 690 k 80
(100 pmol/kg,
Lp., 21 days) 6.9 f 0.5 650 f 85 - -

Each Scatchard analysis was performed by plotting the data obtained in binding assays with 8 different
concentrations of ligand (from 0.5 to 10 nM); each experiment was repeated at least three times.

* p < 0.01 when compared to values obtained in saline treated rats.

Ageing as it gets older. In an up-to-date study by
Ball, published in 1977 (97), a drop in the
In 195'7, Montagn (91) detected the presence number of neurons, from 7,890/mrn3 at the
of DA in the central nervous system and age of 45 to 5,800/m3 at 90, a loss of 26 Yo,
Bertler and Rosengren reported in 1959 (92) was found in the hippocampal cortex with
that about 80 VCJof DA in the human brain the aid of a highly sophisticated counting ar-
is localized in the basal ganglia. An age- rangement. As loss of neurons is always com-
dependent de- in the DA content of the pensated for by gliai cells, the progressive and
basal ganglia in man was soon detected by cumulative loss in the ageing brain gives a
Bectler (1%1) (93) and c o r r o b o d by many satisfactory explanation of the selective in-
otfiers. This change in brain DA is not only crease of extmsynaptosomal MAO-B activity
statistically but also biologicaily highly with increasing age (49, 50).
significant. The DA content of the human As a functional consequence of such a
caudate nucleus, for example, decreases by change in the brain, we have to consider the
13 % per decade over the age of 45. The age- possible physiological significance of extra-
related progressiw decline of dopaminergic neuronally localised MAO-B for inter-
control in the brain now seems to be the first neuronal communication in the central ner-
firmly established biochemical lesion of age- vous system. As an example let us take DA,
ing (50). which is a substrate of MAO-B, and may
Year by year we learn more and more about possess some way of transmitting a message
the biochemical and morphological changes from one neuron to another. The dopamin-
within the ageing brain which Seem to com- ergic nerve terminal might be in synaptic con-
pose the intertwining chains of a vicious cir- tact with the target neuron. In this case, the
cle which results in the irresistible decline of released DA molecules immediately reach the
dopaminergic tone in senescence McGeer et target cell, to be eliminated rapidly by re-
al. reported in 1971 (94) that the activity of uptake. On the other hand (and perhaps this
tyrosine h y h x y h s e , the enzyme catalysing is more usual), DA may be released from the
the rate-limiting step in catecholamine bio- nerve terminals without synaptic contact.
synthesis, decreases substantially in human Thus the molecules have to scatter, and travel
brain tisslle with increasing a g e In the same a considerable distance, to reach the target
year, Robinson et al. (1971) (95) demon- cell. Whereas in the case of synaptic contact
strated that MA0 activity progressively in- between the neurons, extraneuronal MAO-B
creases in the ageing brain, perhaps securing activity would be unable to influence the ef-
more favourable conditions for the cata- fectiveness of the chemical message delivered
bolism of brain DA in senescence. by DA, in the case of non-synaptic inter-
The age-dependent change in MA0 activ- neuronal communication the situation is
ity has been studied in detail in a number of essentiaily different. Here, the chances of the
publications, leading to the unequivocal con- slowly-diffusing molecules reaching their
clusion that B-type M A 0 activity increases target cell and modulating its activity might
selectively with advancing age in both the essentially depend on the concentration of
human and the rat brain and that the age- glial MAO-B in the environment.
dependent increase is due entirely to higher Considering the fact that an unavoidable
enzyme concentration in brain tissue (96). loss of neurons leads inescapably to increased
When looking for an explanation of this MAO-B activity with increasing age, it is ob-
phenomenon, it must be remembered that in vious that dopaminergic modulation de-
both animals and humans, MAO-B is pre- creases progressively in the ageing brain. As
dominantly localized in the neuroglia. Cell PEA is the monoamine with the highest af-
loss is a general feature of the ageing brain. finity to MAO-B, an age-related decrease in
A more or less constant pattern of cortical brain concentration of this trace-mine also
neuron loss, up to 30 Sh of the totd neuronal seems to be unavoidable in the ageing brain.
pool, has been identified in the human brain Although the physiological significance of

Pharmacology of depmnyl (selegiline)

PEA in the brain is still obscure, we know status, etc.) and a period of general decline in
that this indirectly acting sympathomimetic health, because about 75 per cent of old
amine is a potent stimulant. Thus, the par- people cope with these problems without the
ticipation of a PEA deficit in the develop- advent of a depressed mood, sadness and re-
ment of age-related depression is a possibility duced activity. Not all old people are depress-
which deserves further experimental and ed. But when this condition does supervene,
clinical analysis. it is usually highly responsive to treatment
It is piomatic that any age-dependent with either tricyclic antidepressants or MA0
change of brain-function must be attributed inhibitors. Thus, it seems possible that age-
to a biochemical lesion of nervous tissue. A related and progressive reduction in dopa-
survey of the clinical literature enables us to minergic tone does play a decisive role in the
identify the following ageing changes, which proneness of the elderly to depression.
might be considered together:
a) a significant increase in the incidence of
depression in the elderly; Male sexual activity and ageing. Sexual ac-
b) an age-dependent decline in male sexual tivity in the human male is known to be in-
vigour; and fluenced by a number of factors, such as
c) the frequent appearance of parkinsonian good health, stable marriage, satisfactory
symptoms in the latter decades of life. sexual partner(s), adequate financial and
These three ageing phenomena might be social status, etc. But even in males who meet
attributed, at least partially, to age-depend- all the requirements for retention and
ent changes in brain dopamine metabolism, maintenance of sexual functioning, there is
for dopaminergic modulation is known to an age-related decrease in sexual vigour, the
play an important role in the control of reason for which still remains obscure.
mood, male sexual behaviour and motor Martin (1977) (100) studied coital activity
co-ordination, and there is a progressive as a function of age, interviewing 628 in-
decline in the activity of the dopaminergic dividuals who took part in the Baltimore
system in the brain with increasing age. Longitudinal Study of Aging. The subjects
were white, married, urban residents in good
health, living in the Washington-Baltimore
Depression and ageing. It is an old clinical area, their age ranging from 20-95 years.
experience that the elderly are more suscep- According to this study, median coital acti-
tible to depression than other age groups. vity was highest (2.1 events per week) between
Even if we accept the view that ”in old age, the ages of 30 and 34 and decreased pro-
death ought to be considered more as the gressively with increasing age, falling to 0.2
’finishing touch’ of life than as a horrifying per week in the age-group 65-69.
experience against which younger people The data in Martin’s study reveal enor-
rebel” (98), the extremely high incidence of mous individual variations in sexual vigour.
suicide in the elderly is a serious and objec- The mean frequency of total sexual activity
tive sign of a depressed mood, alien to in 159 males was found to be 520 sexual
healthy people of all age groups. events per 5 years in the age group 20 to 39,
During some field studies of depression in ranging from young males performing less
old age, performed on random samples of than 100 sexual events per 5 years to those
sexagenarians with the aim of identifying with frequencies of total sexual activity
mild and moderate cases of depression, some greater than 1,OOO sexual events per 5 years.
degree of depressive disorder was noted in In the age group 65-79, the mean frequency
about 25 per cent of persons over the age of of total sexual activity decreased to 75 sexual
65 (99). This high incidence of depression in events per 5 years, but even in this group, sub-
the elderly cannot be explained, however, jects performing 400-700 sexual acts per 5
simply by the fact that old age is the ”season years were recorded.
of losses” (loss of spouse, children, job, It is known from animal experiments that

J. Knoll

the dopaminergic system facilitates and the of the system remains above the critical
serotonergic system inhibits coital activity in threshold for parkinsonian symptoms. How-
males. There are many data supporting the ever, proneness to the disease evidently in-
conclusion that the same is true for human creases with age and different aetiological
males. The age-related decrease of sexual ac- factors are then capable of provoking the
tivity in man is probably not unrelated to the disorder. The relationship between parkinso-
decline of brain DA in the ageing brain. In- nian symptoms, dopaminergic activity and
dividual differences in the activity of the age is likely to be similar to that between
dopaminergic system might explain the con- depression with late onset, catecholaminergic
siderable variations in sexual performance tone and age.
observed between males in the same age
group. Individuals in the age range 20-39,
with high rates of performance (over 800 sex- The potential benefits of using deprenyl in
ual events per 4 years) might possess a more the elderly
active dopaminergic system than poor per-
formers (less than 200 sexual events per 5 We may well be able to counter the conse-
years). Such individual differences might also quences of the age-related decrease in brain
explain why a number of males in the age- DA by facilitating the response of the
group 65-79 maintain remarkable sexual dopaminergic system to physiological and
vigour, a few being even better performers pharmacological influences or by continuous
than the average in the age group 20-39, stimulation of postsynaptic DA receptors. As
despite an unavoidable age-related decrease such medication must, of necessity, be con-
in the activity of the dopaminergic system. tinued for decades, the latter possibility, i.e.
continuous administration of a DA receptor
agonist, is probably contraindicated. Modern
Parkinsonian symptoms and ageing. As parkinsonian therapy has taught us that both
has been previously mentioned, the DA con- an abundant supply of exogenous DA to the
tent of the human caudate nucleus decreases brain, by oral administration of levodopa,
by 13 To per decade over the age of 45. the precursor of this amine which penetrates
Parkinson’s disease seems to be a kind of the blood-brain barrier, or continuous
selective, highly accelerated ’premature age- stimulation of postsynaptic DA receptors by
ing’ of the nigrostriatal dopaminergic system, an agonist such as 2-bromocryptine, have too
and the DA content of this neuron system many side-effects; in addition, their efficacy
shrinks within a short time to less than 10 To seems likely to decrease substantially during
of the normal level in the premorbid state. long-term administration.
Clinical studies have revealed that parkin- A drug which facilitates dopaminergic
sonian symptoms appear if the striatum loses modulation in the brain without acting on
more than 70 To of its DA content. The age- the postsynaptic DA receptor, which remains
related decrease in the DA content of the efficient during many years of administration
basal ganglia explains the usual appearance and which is reasonably free from side-
of Parkinson’s disease in advanced age. effects has a potentially greater chance of
In answer to the question as to why all being adopted as a special medicament for
elderly persons do not exhibit parkinsonian counteracting the consequences of age-
symptoms, we might once more mention the related decreases in brain DA concentration.
importance of individual variation in dopa- Up to the present time, deprenyl seems to
minergic activity. It seems likely that in- be the only drug which is close to fulfilling
dividuals with relatively high dopaminergic these requirements. It has a characteristic
activity in early life maintain during their spectrum of pharmacological activity,
latter decades a higher dopaminergic tone enhances dopaminergic tone in the brain
and, despite an age-related decrease in the without affecting postsynaptic DA receptors
DA content of the basal ganglia, the activity and is a safe drug in man, being reasonably

Pharmacology of deprenyl (selegiline)

free from side-effects even after many years

of daily administration.
We have sought a suitable experimental
model to illustrate how the age-dependent
decline of a physiological function can be
countered by deprenyl medication. Sexual
performance in male rats represents a quan-
tifiablel function decreasing with age. As an
experimental model, it may well possess good
predictive value for man, for the similarities
in the decline of sexual vigour with increasing
age in both male rats and man are striking.
Table IX demonstrates the significant dif-
ference between the sexual performance of
male rats aged less than 6 months and those
aged more than 12 months. Continuous ad-
ministration of low doses of deprenyl
significantly increased the sexual vigour of
older male rats. Fig. 1 shows an example. Out
of the 76 males of the 'old group', selected ac-
cording to their "sluggish" sexual behaviour
in the first four consecutive weekly mating
tests (see Table IX), 20 were injected sub-
cutaneously with 0.25 mg/kg of deprenyl and
10 with saline, 3 times a week. Their sexual
activity was then tested weekly during a
period of 10 weeks. The data in Fig. 1 clearly
demonstrate that no change in the sexual per-
formance of saline-treated rats was to be
observed during this long-lasting experiment.
Deprenyl, however, enhanced sexual activity
Our working hypothesis that deprenyl
medication might be useful for counteracting
impairment of dopamine-dependent func-
tions receives substantial support from the
previously quoted recent clinical evaluation
of the consequences of long-term deprenyl
treatment in parkinsonian patients (67). Up
to the present time only Birkmayer and his
group have treated very large numbers of pa-
tients for 2-8 years with deprenyl. Evalu-
ation of the accumulated data revealed that c -
deprenyl significantly prolonged the duration d .5
of Parkinson's disease, i.e. the life span of the 2 9
deprenyl-treated patients was substantially
extended, as shown in Fig. 2. This effect of
deprenyl is unique. None of the other anti-
parkinsonian drugs, including levodopa, in-
fluences the duration of the disease.
Putting experimental data and theoretical

J Knoll

considerations together, it seems likely that strategy aimed at preventing or at least par-
those unavoidable age-related morphological tially countering the problems caused by DA
and biochemical changes which lead to a pro- deficiency in the ageing brain. Thus, our
gressive decline of dopaminergic activity in work with deprenyl may possibly be regarded
the elderly have serious functional conse- as the first exploratory step towards the ob-
quences. It is now open to medical science to jective of improving the quality of life in
devise an appropriate long-term treatment senescence.

;. 0.80.

.s 0.40..
4 '50.00.
5c E.-. 1.60-
Ig 1.20.
+ 0.80..
o, 0.40.

0 0.00
. . - . . . . .. J weekly
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 mating
injections 3 times a week injections 3 times a week
p < 0.05 ** p < 0.01; *** p< 0.001 Control (-IDeprenyl

Fig. 1. The true aphrodisiac effect of repeated administration of 0.25 mg/kg S.C.deprenyl for 10 weeks
in sexually sluggish male rats.
Male CFY rats (LATI, Godc316, Hungary) weighing 650-750 g, which showed at least one intromission
without any ejaculatory pattern were chosen for the experiment. Copulatory tests were performed once
a week. N = 20 in the deprenyl-treated group and N = 10 in the control group.

Outpatients Deceased patients

Madopar Madopar Madopar Madopar
Dep;enyl DeGenyl
N =323 N =284 N =150 N=96
9.0 f 2.7 12.0 * 3.9' 8.4 2.1 *
11.9 3.5f

iool n

70. -

$: @
10 --@a 0
0 Number of patients p < O.oOO5
Based on data of Birkmayer et al. 1983
Duration of the
disease (years)

Fig. 2. Comparison of the duration of Parkinson's disease in patients treated with Madopar or with
Madopar and concurrent administration of deprenyl for 2-8 years. Note that deprenyl prolonged the
duration of the disease from 9 to 12 years in the still living group of outpatients and from 8.4 to 11.9 years
in the deceased group. Based on data of Birkmayer et al., 1983 (67).

Pharmacology of deprenyl (selegiline)

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