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Effect of corner radius and aspect ratio

on compressive behavior of rectangular

concrete columns confined with CFRP

Davood Mostofinejad, Niloufar Moshiri

& Nasrin Mortazavi

Materials and Structures

ISSN 1359-5997

Mater Struct
DOI 10.1617/s11527-013-0171-9

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Materials and Structures
DOI 10.1617/s11527-013-0171-9


Effect of corner radius and aspect ratio on compressive

behavior of rectangular concrete columns confined
with CFRP
Davood Mostofinejad • Niloufar Moshiri •

Nasrin Mortazavi

Received: 23 November 2012 / Accepted: 26 August 2013

Ó RILEM 2013

Abstract This paper investigates the behavior of the confined column. Results of simulating rectangular
rectangular concrete columns confined with carbon confined columns led to a design-oriented model for
fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites, consid- predicting the compressive strength of these sections
ering the effect of corner radius and cross section with different corner radii. The proposed simple model
aspect ratio. Nonlinear behavior of confined concrete is shown to be in good agreement with the existing test
and orthotropic behavior of fiber-reinforced polymer results in the literature, showing the applicability of
(FRP) composite have been incorporated in the finite the model for design purposes for FRP-confined
element modeling. The CFRP rupture was modeled in concrete columns.
the state of biaxial stresses by using Tsai–Wu’s failure
criterion. Therefore, the effects of axial stresses on Keywords CFRP confinement  Rectangular
rupture of FRP as well as the effects of hoop stresses concrete column  Corner radius  Aspect ratio 
were taken into consideration. Furthermore, to provide Finite element  Tsai–Wu’s failure criterion
more precise modeling and analysis, Tsai–Wu’s
criterion and a modified Drucker–Prager plasticity
model were applied concurrently in simulating. The
finite element analysis was verified by simulating 1 Introduction
CFRP confined cylindrical and rectangular columns.
Concrete columns with cross section aspect ratios of Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) jackets have been
1.00, 1.25, 1.54 and 2.00, and different corner radii widely used for strengthening and retrofitting of
including 5, 15, 25 and 38 mm were modeled. Corner concrete structures. Confining reinforced concrete
radii of 45, 60 and 75 mm were also modeled in square columns improves their both load carrying capacity
sections. Results showed that both decreasing the and ductility. Cross sectional shape, corner radius and
corner radius and increasing the aspect ratio, decrease side aspect ratio of columns are parameters that affect
the compressive strength and ductility enhancement of the structural performance of confined column [1].
Most of research works carried out on confined
concrete, dealt with circular sections; though new
D. Mostofinejad  N. Moshiri (&)  N. Mortazavi
studies focus on rectangular columns. However, the
Department of Civil Engineering, Isfahan University
of Technology (IUT), 84156-83111 Isfahan, Iran confinement effectiveness in rectangular columns is
e-mail: reduced compared to circular sections, due to the non-
D. Mostofinejad uniform confinement pressure across the cross-section
e-mail: [1–3]. Furthermore, increasing the aspect ratio in a
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Materials and Structures

rectangular column, decreases the confinement effec- and FRP-confined concrete. They presented a modi-
tiveness and the strength enhancement [1, 3–6]; so that fied plastic-damage model as well, for modeling of
in aspect ratio of more than 2, the strength enhance- concrete in a number of stress states, including active
ment of confined column is insignificant [7]. confinement, biaxial compression and FRP-confined
Sharp corners of rectangular confined sections, circular and square columns [22].
result in stress concentration at corners and thus Mirmiran et al. [19] and Yang et al. [4, 23]
reduce the FRP efficiency in improving the structural mentioned that stress concentration at corners of
behavior of columns [8, 9]. Besides, maximum rectangular sections is the main reason for premature
confinement pressure for prismatic columns occurs rupture of the FRP composite; however, the states of
at corners of the section [10]. biaxial stresses, axial compression and hoop tension,
The unconfined concrete compressive strength of have not been exactly investigated in their
columns is another parameter influencing the FRP researches. In the test method developed by Yang
effectiveness. The axial strength enhancement due to et al. [4, 23] FRP composite is not bonded to
confinement increases with decrease in concrete com- concrete surface. As a result, axial stresses could not
pressive strength either in rectangular [1, 2] or circular be transferred to the concrete substrate. On the other
sections [1, 11]. The ratio of FRP stiffness to the column hand, the effect of corner radius on distribution of
axial stiffness, affects the compressive strength of hoop stresses has been taken into consideration by
column as well, as demonstrated by Chaallal et al. [2]. Mirmiran et al. [19]; however, they only considered
Different models have been proposed for predicting the the effect of hoop stresses on FRP rupture [19];
behavior of FRP-confined concrete, considering the though axial stresses may also affect the rupture of
above-mentioned parameters [12–18]. FRP composites.
Several studies have been conducted on numerical In the present paper, rectangular concrete columns
analysis and finite element modeling of concrete confined with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP)
confined with FRP composite. Mirmiran et al. [19] composites have been modeled by ABAQUS software
developed a nonlinear finite element model with a using finite element analysis and the effect of corner
non-associative Drucker–Prager plasticity for the radius and side aspect ratio on the compressive
analysis of FRP-confined concrete. They reported behavior of columns are studied. Effects of axial
stress concentration around corners of square sections stresses on rupture of FRP composite, as well as
and reduction of hoop stresses at these parts depending effects of hoop stresses are considered in modeling
on corner radius. They concluded that although their through Tsai–Wu’s failure criterion; despite previous
model can be calibrated fairly well for predicting the studies in which only the effect of hoop stresses on
stress–strain response, it can not correctly demonstrate FRP performance of FRP-confined members has been
the volumetric expansion tendency and stiffness taken into account. Accordingly, a more accurate
degradation of confined concrete under cyclic loading simulating and more precise results are expected to be
[19]. achieved by modeling of CFRP rupture in the state of
Mostofinejad and Saadatmand [20] proposed biaxial stresses.
certain relationships for predicting the ultimate com- Drucker–Prager (DP) plasticity model is utilized in
pressive strength and the ultimate axial strain corre- concrete modeling in which the dilation angle of the
sponding to a given ultimate hoop strain in concrete model is modified as suggested by Yu et al. [21] to
columns confined with FRP sheets. The presented consider the confinement pressure. The Drucker–
relationships were used for nonlinear finite element Prager Model of the software is modified using the
analysis. They concluded that their model is properly facility of user-defined solution-dependent field vari-
applicable for the parametric studies conducted on ables (SDFV). Therefore, the material properties can
confined concrete subjected to axial load and flexural be defined dependent on the solution-dependent field
moment. They also showed that premature hoop variables. A solution-dependent field variable is a field
rupture of FRP composite can well be assessed variable that varies throughout the solution process
regarding Tsai–Wu’s failure criterion [20]. Yu et al. (such as the displacements and the stresses). For this
[21] proposed a modified Drucker–Prager type con- purpose, a computer program was developed to
crete plasticity model to simulate actively-confined produce the input material data. The modified DP
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plasticity model was used particularly for modeling of shows a distinct reversal of volumetric expansion
rectangular columns; where the column section con- during loading [19]. Besides, in FRP-confined con-
fronts non-uniform confining pressure along the sides. crete, the linearly increasing hoop stress of the FRP
According to the FE analysis of the current study, a jacket can eventually curtail the dilation if the amount
simple model for predicting the compressive strength of FRP is large enough [26]. Therefore, a constant
of confined rectangular columns is proposed, which dilation angle cannot correctly model the volumetric
can be used for design purposes. The effect of corner strains of confined concrete. Some researchers, how-
radius is taken into account as its ratio to the large side ever, have used a constant dilation angle [19, 27–29].
dimension of the cross section. The main reason for relative success of their models is
that the utilized dilation angle is in the range of
dilation angle variations of the modeled specimen.
2 Finite element modeling Although such dilation angle can predict the stress–
strain curve properly, it cannot show the lateral-to-
Due to symmetric geometry and loading, only one axial strain curve correctly. Consequently, some
quarter of each specimen is modeled using suitable researchers have defined the dilation angle to be a
boundary conditions in planes of symmetry. Axial function of plastic deformation [30]. The confining
loads are applied on the top of column using a pressure affects the dilation angle as well. Volumetric
displacement control method. By using element sizes strain, of which the dilation trend is reversed and
of 5–25 mm in some primary analyses, element size of results in volumetric compaction, increases with an
10 mm was selected. In simulating the specimens with increase in the confining pressure [26]. As a result, the
different corner radii, smaller element sizes were dilation angle of confined concrete is affected by
selected so that they can model the corner curvature. plastic deformation, the confining pressure and the rate
The CFRP composite is defined as an orthotropic of confinement increment [21, 28]. To consider these
material with linear elastic behavior up to failure. effects, Yu et al. [21] have suggested Eq. (1) for the
Tsai–Wu’s failure criterion is utilized for precise dilation angle, which is utilized in the present study;
prediction of CFRP fracture under biaxial stresses pffiffiffi p
3 dec þ 2depl
[20]. When CFRP is used for confining a column, both w¼ ; ð1Þ
axial and hoop stresses affect the rupture of composite. 6 depc  2depl
The efficiency of CFRP composite under the action of where depc and depl are the plastic axial strain and
biaxial stresses is, therefore, much reduced than the plastic lateral strain increment, respectively, and w is
state of uniaxial hoop tension [24]. Having a more the dilation angle. To predict the lateral and axial
realistic prediction of behavior of composite, as shown strains, Teng et al.’s [14] model is used, which is given
by Mostofinejad and Saadatmand [20], Tsai–Wu’s by Eqs. (2) and (3);
failure criterion is used in the current study to deal with (
the influence of biaxial stresses on the rupture of CFRP ec rl el
composite. Since this criterion cannot be used for 1 þ 8 0 ¼ 0:85  1 þ 0:75
eco fco eco
three-dimensional elements, CFRP layers are modeled   )
using 4-node shell elements. Concrete is modeled by el
 exp 7 ; ð2Þ
8-node three dimensional solid elements. For the eco
elastic behavior of concrete, the Poisson’s ratio, tc , is
2 Efrp tfrp
assumed to be 0.18, and the modulus of elasticity, Ec, rl ¼ efrp ; ð3Þ
is determined by suggestion of ACI 318 [25].
The plastic behavior of concrete is defined by where ec and el are the axial strain and lateral strain,
Drucker–Prager plasticity model. For determining the respectively; fco is the compressive strength of
dilation angle in Drucker–Prager model, it should be concrete; eco is the corresponding strain to fco ; rl is
noted that, actively confined concrete in triaxial the lateral confining pressure on a cylinder with a
compression tests, exhibits unstable dilation after the diameter of D; and tfrp , Efrp and efrp are thickness,
initial compaction [26]. Furthermore, volumetric elastic modulus and hoop rupture strain of FRP
strain to axial stress curves of FRP-confined concrete composite, respectively.
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Some researchers have used a constant value for

hardening rule in the Drucker–Prager model which
represents an elastic-perfectly plastic behavior for
concrete [19, 27]. The true behavior of FRP confined
concrete, however, indicates strain hardening or soften-
ing [31]. Teng et al. [14] demonstrated that stress–strain
curve of FRP-confined concrete intersects the stress–
strain curves of actively confined concrete by different
constant pressure; however, the intersection points may
not be always the same as peak points of actively
confined concrete curves. By assuming an elastic-
perfectly plastic behavior for concrete, intersection
points are the maximum of actively confined concrete Fig. 1 Stress–strain relationship of steel reinforcement
curves and the stress in FRP-confined concrete is
overestimated. Furthermore, by using the plastic defor- The stress–strain curve used for behavior of steel
mation as the only variable in hardening rule, concrete reinforcement is shown in Fig. 1. It is inferred from
behavior is modeled by a single stress–strain curve either the figure that when the longitudinal column rein-
in the presence or absence of confining pressure [14]. forcement passes the yield stress level in confined
Yu et al. [21] simulated three specimens including columns, its modulus is zero up to a certain strain;
unconfined concrete and concrete confined by constant therefore, its influence on column stability should be
active pressure of 6 and 12 MPa with the aforemen- taken into account as it is discussed in [36, 37].
tioned model using uniaxial stress–strain curve. Their
results showed the same slope for the strain softening
branches of stress–strain curves of these specimens. But, 3 Verification of non-linear finite element
experimental observations demonstrate that post-peak modeling
stiffness of stress–strain curve increases with an increase
in lateral confining pressure [32]. Some researchers Three tests of Xiao and Wu [24] are simulated to verify
have ascertained that without considering the effect of the adopted FE modeling using modified Drucker–
confining pressure in hardening rule, ductility of Prager (DP) plasticity model for concrete and Tsai–
confined concrete can not be predicted accurately [28, Wu’s failure criterion for CFRP rupture. The simu-
33, 34]. In some of these studies, a modified hardening lated specimens of Xiao and Wu include cylinders
rule taking account of confining pressure and also plastic with a diameter of 150 mm and a height of 300 mm,
deformation, was proposed [28, 33]. To consider the confined with one, two or three plies of CFRP. The
effect of lateral pressure, Yu et al. [21] have suggested cylinder compressive strength of unconfined concrete
using a series of axial compressive stress–strain rela- is 43.8 MPa. The CFRP jacket has an elastic modulus
tionships of actively-confined concrete instead of one of 105 GPa, a tensile strength of 1,577 MPa and an
axial stress–strain relationship. These relationships are ultimate tensile strain of 0.015; and its nominal
defined for various active confining pressure using Teng thickness is 0.381 mm per layer.
et al.’s model [14]. In the current study, the suggestion of Figure 2 shows the experimental stress–strain
Yu et al. [21] is utilized in FE modeling. curves for each specimen compared with the predicted
The tensile behavior of concrete is defined accord- ones obtained from the finite element analysis. The
ing to Lin and Scordelis model [35]. In this model, the curves to the left-hand side of the Y-axis present the
tensile stress–strain curve consists of an initial linear- responses of the lateral strains versus the axial stresses,
elastic behavior with slope of Ec up to tensile strength whereas the curves to the right-hand side show the
of concrete and a post-peak strain softening behavior responses of the axial strains versus the axial stresses.
with tension stiffening. The axial strains in FE, according to experimental
The elastic behavior of steel reinforcement is program by Xiao and Wu [24], are calculated from
defined using the modulus of elasticity equal to dividing the axial deformations of the mid height
2 9 105 MPa and the Poisson’s ratio equal to 0.3. region of column by its length, which is 152 mm.
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Fig. 4 Comparison of predicted and experimental stress–strain

Fig. 2 Comparison of predicted and experimental stress–strain
curves for FRP-confined RC column
curves for FRP confined cylindrical specimens

To verify the capability of the FE modeling

procedure in CFRP strengthened reinforced concrete
columns, a steel reinforced concrete column confined
with CFRP from Pessiki et al. [9] study is also modeled
and analyzed. This column with 508 mm diameter and
1,830 mm height contains eight Ø22 longitudinal
reinforcing bars (q = 1.9 %) and Ø9.5 transverse ties
on 356 mm centers; whereas the compressive strength
of concrete is 32.8 MPa. Three layers of CFRP are
used with tensile strength of 580 9 103 N/(m.ply),
tensile modulus of 38.1 9 103 kN/(m.ply) and ulti-
mate tensile strain of 1.5 %. Figure 4 shows the
Fig. 3 Comparison of predicted and experimental stress–strain stress–strain curves of this specimen obtained from FE
curves for FRP confined rectangular specimen analysis and experiments which demonstrates a fairly
well agreement.
Figure 2 shows that the stress–strain curves of FE
analysis and test results are in close agreement.
A rectangular concrete column tested by Wu and Wei 4 Case study
[7], is also simulated to verify the FE modeling. This
specimen is 150 9 188 mm in cross section, and Nineteen square and rectangle specimens are simu-
300 mm high and has a corner radius of 30 mm. The lated using the aforementioned proposed model; the
compressive strength of unconfined concrete is specimens do not exist in the available experimental
33.57 MPa. This specimen is confined with 2 plies of literature in the present form. The parameters consid-
CFRP with a thickness of 0.167 mm per layer. Accord- ered in this investigation include the aspect ratio, h/b,
ing to the Manufacturer’s catalogue, the elastic modu- and the corner radius to large side dimension ratio, r/h,
lus, tensile strength and ultimate tensile strain of fibers where h and b are dimensions of the longer and shorter
are 230 GPa, 3,400 MPa and 0.0148, respectively. The sides of the cross-section, respectively, and r is the
fibers were impregnated with Sikadur-300 epoxy resin. corner radius. Concrete columns with cross section
Figure 3 compares the predicted and experimental aspect ratios of 1.00, 1.25, 1.54 and 2.00, and corner
stress–strain curves of this specimen. Note that Fig. 3 radii of 5, 15, 25 and 38 mm are modeled. In addition,
is plotted for the lateral strain of shorter side of the 45, 60 and 75 mm corner radii are modeled in square
specimen. It is observed in the figure that the FE model sections. All specimens have an unconfined compres-
provides accurate predictions of the stress–strain sive strength of 40.0 MPa and are confined with 2 plies
responses for the selected rectangular specimen. of CFRP with 0.166 mm thickness per layer. Since the
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Table 1 Properties and FE results of selected specimens

No. b 9 h (mm 9 mm) h/b r (mm) r/h Confinement Maximum Ultimate Increase in Ultimate FRP
ratio stress (fcc0 , stress maximum axial rupture
MPa) (MPa) stress (%) strain strain

1 150 9 150 1.00 5 0.033 0.032 43.40 35.03 8.5 0.0120 0.0100
2 150 9 150 1.00 15 0.100 0.096 53.64 53.64 34.1 0.0140 0.0113
3 150 9 150 1.00 25 0.167 0.160 59.96 59.96 49.9 0.0160 0.0127
4 150 9 150 1.00 38 0.253 0.243 69.12 69.12 72.8 0.0190 0.0136
5 150 9 150 1.00 45 0.300 0.288 72.84 72.84 82.1 0.0200 0.0142
6 150 9 150 1.00 60 0.400 0.384 80.31 80.31 100.8 0.0220 0.0161
7 150 9 150 1.00 75 0.500 0.480 92.93 92.93 132.3 0.0275 0.0176
8 167.7 9 134.2 1.25 5 0.030 0.026 43.00 34.85 7.5 0.0122 0.0087
9 167.7 9 134.2 1.25 15 0.089 0.077 48.30 48.30 20.8 0.0137 0.0116
10 167.7 9 134.2 1.25 25 0.149 0.128 56.71 56.71 41.8 0.0167 0.0124
11 167.7 9 134.2 1.25 38 0.227 0.194 63.24 63.24 58.1 0.0180 0.0134
12 186.1 9 120.9 1.54 5 0.027 0.021 42.00 33.02 5.0 0.0120 0.0070
13 186.1 9 120.9 1.54 15 0.081 0.062 43.20 39.98 8.0 0.0134 0.0094
14 186.1 9 120.9 1.54 25 0.134 0.104 48.27 48.27 20.7 0.0162 0.0120
15 186.1 9 120.9 1.54 38 0.204 0.158 53.89 53.89 34.7 0.0170 0.0131
16 212 9 106 2.00 5 0.024 0.016 41.30 26.91 3.2 0.0080 0.0061
17 212 9 106 2.00 15 0.071 0.048 42.00 32.57 5.0 0.0090 0.0073
18 212 9 106 2.00 25 0.118 0.080 46.81 46.81 17.0 0.0107 0.0086
19 212 9 106 2.00 38 0.179 0.122 52.40 52.40 31.0 0.0123 0.0100

FRP efficiency factor, which is explained later, is in the range of 150–200 mm confined with CFRP with
determined by simulating some tests of Wang and elastic modulus in the range of 200–240 GPa, pro-
Wu’s research, the mechanical properties of CFRP in vides an average value of 0.67 for FRP efficiency
the current study is taken the same as Wang and Wu’s factor [39].
[38]. The elastic modulus and ultimate tensile strain of To define the FRP efficiency factor, a new approach
CFRP are 225.7 GPa and 0.0192, respectively, which was used in the current study. In primary studies of the
provides a tensile strength of 4,333 MPa [38]. Side current research, the CFRP rupture strain were
dimensions of specimens are selected so that cross obtained by simulating 6 square specimens of Wang
section areas are almost the same. The specimens’ and Wu [38] tests with 150 mm side dimension and
properties and FE results are summarized in Table 1. different corner radii. The actual CFRP hoop rupture
In this table, fcc0 is the compressive strength of confined strain, efrp; a , and its ratio to the CFRP rupture strain of
specimen. flat coupon tests, 0.0192, are shown in Table 2. The
Since the actual FRP hoop rupture strain in FRP- normalized strain ratios corresponding to circular
confined concrete is not the same as FRP rupture strain section of 75 mm radius which are used as normalized
in flat coupon tests, an FRP efficiency factor, which is efficiency factors are also shown in Table 2. Exper-
defined as the ratio of these two strains, should be used imental tests have indicated that the fracture of the
for calculating the FRP confining pressure (Eq. 3). FRP jacket in confined square sections occurs at or
Lam and Teng [39] mentioned that the average FRP near the corners of the specimens [5, 7, 38, 40, 41].
efficiency factor for CFRP is 0.586; though there is a Furthermore, the confining mechanism is fully acti-
considerable scatter in the efficiency factor deduced vated at section corners while negligible confinement
from test results. Using data of the Lam and Teng’s exists outside these regions [31]. Therefore, it can be
study for the specimens with close properties to those concluded that the FRP rupture occurs at the region
of the present research, i.e. specimens with a diameter between the point of change in curvature (the start
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Table 2 FRP hoop rupture strain and efficiency factors in simulated specimens of Wang and Wu [38]
Corner Point of change in curvature Center of corner
radius (mm) efrp; a efrp; a
efrp; a Normalized efrp; a Normalized
eflatcoupon tests efficiency factor eflatcoupon tests efficiency factor

0 – – – 0.00630 0.33 0.35

15 0.0113 0.59 0.63 0.00940 0.49 0.52
30 0.0139 0.72 0.77 0.01283 0.67 0.71
45 0.0154 0.80 0.85 0.01476 0.77 0.82
60 0.0175 0.91 0.97 0.01674 0.87 0.93
75 0.01804 0.94 1.00 0.01804 0.94 1.00

point of corner radius, T) and center of corner (C). The strength, fco . In the present study, the confinement
FRP stains are determined at these two points (T and ratio suggested by Mirmiran et al. [8] is used. As stated
C) at ultimate and are shown in Table 2. The average in Lam and Teng’s [43] study, h in Mirmiran et al.’s
of normalized efficiency factors is 0.78. It should be research is the large side dimension in rectangular
pointed out that in FE analysis, the confining pressure sections.
for each specimen is calculated based on the equiv- Table 1 shows that the FRP performance signifi-
alent circular section, in which the thickness of FRP cantly depends on the cross sectional shape; the FRP
and the cross sectional area of the specimen remain the jacket is less effective in confining rectangular
same as those in the original rectangular section [22]. sections compared to square sections, and by increas-
As a result, the normalized efficiency factor equal to ing the aspect ratio, the confinement effectiveness
1.00 is used in the FE analysis which corresponds to decreases; i.e. FRP rupture strain in rectangular
circular section. However, in the proposed model for specimen with aspect ratio of 2.00 and corner radius
predicting the compressive strength of square and of 5 mm is 0.61 times its value in square specimen
rectangular sections which will be explained later, the with the same corner radius. Furthermore, Increasing
average value of 0.78 is used in calculating the in cross section ratio decreases the ultimate strength;
confinement pressure. i.e. in aspect ratio of 2.00, the strength enhancement is
According to Mirmiran et al.’s [8] study, the less than half of that in square specimen with the same
confinement ratio for square sections is defined by corner radius. In specimens with h/b = 1.00 and
Eq. 4, which is called the modified confinement ratio corner radii of 5–38 mm, the strength enhancements
in their study; are in the range of 8.5–72.8 %. For specimens with h/
2 r 2Ete b = 2.00, the strength enhancements are in the range
confinement ratio ¼ 0
; ð4Þ of 3.2–31.0 %. The ultimate axial strains of rectangu-
h h fco
lar specimens with r = 15 mm and h/b = 1.25, 1.54
where, h is the side dimension and r is the corner and 2.00 are 0.98, 0.96 and 0.64 times its value in
radius of the cross section. Mirmiran et al. concluded square specimen with the same corner radius. It is
that the confinement ratio of more than 0.15 provides worth mentioning that great shortening of columns
an ascending stress–strain curve. Otherwise, the will result in imposed stresses in connecting concrete
stress–strain curve is followed by a post-peak descend- members that may lead to their collapse. However, in
ing branch after the first ascending part and the FRP is this paper the behavior of one column is investigated
not very effective in strengthening the concrete core; individually and its effect on connecting members has
so, no strength enhancement should be expected in this not been considered here.
case. For circular sections, the confinement ratio is 2Ete
hf 0 Stress–strain curves of simulated rectangular speci-

which is equal to fl mens with different aspect ratios are presented in Fig. 5.
0 . Spoelstra and Monti [42]
This figure clearly shows that confinement with CFRP
demonstrated that 0
of less than 0.07, results in an can enhance the performance of concrete. It can be
ultimate stress of less than unconfined concrete observed in Fig. 5 that increasing the corner radius
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Fig. 5 Stress–strain curves of rectangular columns with different aspect ratios confined with 2-ply CFRP

results in a higher ultimate strength and changes the concentration at corners, decreasing the FRP rupture
stress–strain behavior from an ascending-descending strain and its performance. On the other hand,
curve to a completely ascending one. Furthermore, increasing the aspect ratio in specimens with certain
increasing in corner radius, increases the ultimate axial corner radius increases the stress concentration at
strain of the specimen. In addition, the ultimate axial corners (Fig. 6a). Furthermore, in specimens with
strains and stresses decrease as the aspect ratio increases. nearly identical r/h ratio, increasing the aspect ratio
In a fully ascending stress–strain curve, the ultimate decreases the FRP rupture strain as it can be seen in
and maximum stresses are the same and the FRP is specimen No. 2 compared to No. 18 in Table 1, or
effective enough in strengthening the concrete core, as specimen No. 3 compared to No. 19.
stated by Mirmiran et al. [8]. In specimens with a Figure 6b shows the effect of aspect ratio on the
lower ultimate stress than the maximum stress, the effective confined area of rectangular specimens with
stress–strain curve is followed by a post-peak descend- a corner radius of 25 mm. As expected, increasing the
ing branch after reaching the maximum stress. Com- aspect ratio at a certain corner radius decreases the
paring Table 1 and Fig. 5 demonstrates that in effective confined area of the cross section. Further-
specimens with a confinement ratio of less than 0.07, more, the confining pressure at corners increases with
the second branch of stress–strain curve is descending. an increase in aspect ratio, which indicates the higher
In rectangular sections with the same aspect ratio, stress concentration and results in reduction of FRP
decreasing the corner radius results in stress efficiency (see Table 1).
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Fig. 6 Stress distribution (in MPa) in rectangular specimens with a corner radius of 25 mm and different aspect ratios: a axial stress;
b lateral confining stress

5 Developing a design-oriented model confinement ratio of more than 0.07, the compressive
for predicting the compressive strength strength of confined concrete can be predicted by the
of confined concrete following method. According to the study of Teng
et al. [14], the compressive strength of FRP confined
As mentioned before, based on the results of the circular sections can be determined by Eq. (5);
present study, in specimens with a confinement ratio of 0

less than 0.07, the ultimate stress is less than the fcc ¼ fco þ 3:3 fl : ð5Þ
maximum stress; thus, the stress–strain curve is In Eq. (5), fco is the standard cylinder compressive
followed by a post-peak descending branch after the strength of concrete and fl is the confining pressure
peak point corresponding to the maximum stress. calculated from Eq. (3) regarding the efficiency factor.
Therefore, in this study no strength enhancement is For active confinement, coefficient of 3.3 in Eq. (5) is
considered for such specimens. For specimens with a changed to 3.5. In this study, for considering the effect
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Materials and Structures

Fig. 7 Regression line for factor k in Eq. (6), respect to the ratio Fig. 8 Comparison of proposed model with FE results for
of corner radius to side dimension for square specimens square and rectangular specimens

of corner radius, it is suggested to use Eq. (6) to predict

(7) and (8). It is observed in the figure that although the
the compressive strength of unconfined rectangular
factor k has been determined for square specimens, the
strengths obtained from FE and the proposed model
fcc0 ¼ k fcc ; ð6Þ are in close agreement even for rectangular columns. It
is concluded, therefore, that the proposed model can
where k is a factor to account for the effect of corner
properly predict the compressive strength of confined
radius, fcc0 is the confined concrete strength of the
square and rectangular specimens with different
rectangular specimen, and fcc is the confined concrete
corner radii.
strength of a circular section with a diameter equal to
To evaluate the accuracy of the proposed model, 75
large side dimension of the rectangular section,
FRP confined concrete specimens including 56 square
calculated from Eq. (5). To determine the factor k,
and 19 rectangular sections are selected, and the
the ratio of fcc0 to fcc versus the ratio of r/h for the
predictions of the model are compared with the
simulated square specimens is presented in Fig. 7. For
existing test results. The specimens’ dimensions and
plotting Fig. 7, fcc0 is taken the specimen strength
characteristics as well as the results obtained from the
obtained from FE analysis which is shown in Table 1,
tests and the proposed model are presented in Table 3.
and fcc is taken as the strength of specimen No. 7 in
In this table, L is the height of concrete column and ffrp
Table 1. A linear relationship is observed between
is the ultimate tensile strength of the FRP composite
fcc0 =fcc and r/h in Fig. 7. Equation (7) is obtained from
used for strengthening. Other parameters in Table 3
regression on the data points to determine the k factor,
were defined before. Results of FRP tensile coupon
where the regression coefficient, R2, is equal to 0.994;
tests were used to determine the composite properties
r in the table if they were available. Note that the
k ¼ 1:027 þ 0:475: ð7Þ
h maximum stress in Table 3 is taken as the average
Comparing the results of proposed model and value of strengths of identical specimens in each
results of FE analysis for the simulated specimens group, if available. In a fully ascending stress–strain
demonstrates some discrepancies; however, adding a curve, the ultimate stress is taken equal to the
correction factor of a = 1.03 to Eq. (6) as given in maximum stress; but in an ascending–descending
Eq. (8) provides reasonable agreement, curve, the ultimate stress is determined based on the
available curve in the original reference. It should be
fcc0 ¼ a k fcc : ð8Þ
pointed out that the proposed model is not applicable
Figure 8 compares the compressive strengths of the for specimens with a confinement ratio of less than
simulated square and rectangular specimens obtained 0.07; therefore, this case is defined by NA in Table 3.
from FE analysis and proposed model using Eqs. (5), Figure 9 shows a favorable agreement between the
Table 3 Experimental properties and results of the proposed model for predicting the compressive strength
No. References b 9 h 9 L (mm 9 mm 9 mm) r (mm) h/b r/h fco Maximum Ultimate tfrp efrp Efrp ffrp Confinement Proposed Error
stress; fcc0 stress (mm) (GPa) (MPa) ratio model; fcc0 (%)a
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)

1 Wu and Wei 150 9 150 9 300 30 1.0 0.200 34.14 41.23 41.23 0.167 0.0184 229 4192 0.110 40.85 0.92
2 [7] 150 9 188 9 300 30 1.25 0.160 33.57 38.77 38.77 0.167 0.0184 229 4192 0.071 34.77 10.32
Materials and Structures

3 150 9 225 9 300 30 1.5 0.133 36.17 38.39 33.04 0.167 0.0184 229 4192 0.046 NAb 2
4 150 9 263 9 300 30 1.75 0.114 37.3 37.68 25.14 0.167 0.0184 229 4192 0.033 NA 2
5 150 9 300 9 300 30 2.0 0.100 35.35 37.44 29.98 0.167 0.0184 229 4192 0.027 NA 2
6 150 9 150 9 300 30 1.0 0.200 34.14 60.37 60.37 0.334 0.0184 229 4192 0.220 57.77 4.30
7 150 9 188 9 300 30 1.25 0.160 33.57 51.36 51.36 0.334 0.0184 229 4192 0.142 47.45 7.61
8 150 9 225 9 300 30 1.5 0.133 36.17 43.87 43.87 0.334 0.0184 229 4192 0.092 43.09 1.77
9 150 9 263 9 300 30 1.75 0.114 37.3 40.51 35.13 0.334 0.0184 229 4192 0.065 NA 2
10 150 9 300 9 300 30 2.0 0.100 35.35 38.97 27.93 0.334 0.0184 229 3500 0.053 NA 2
11 Pessiki et al. 152 9 152 9 610 38 1.0 0.250 26.4 41.4 41.4 1.0 0.015 38.1 580 0.142 34.48 16.70
12 [9] 152 9 152 9 610 38 1.0 0.250 26.4 55.1 55.1 2.0 0.015 38.1 580 0.284 49.07 10.94
13 Al-Salloum 150 9 150 9 500 5 1.0 0.033 29.81 41.84 35.75 1.2 0.0125 75.1 935 0.034 NA 2
14 [44] 150 9 150 9 500 25 1.0 0.167 30.16 46.92 46.92 1.2 0.0125 75.1 935 0.166 45.80 2.38
15 150 9 150 9 500 38 1.0 0.253 29.00 55.96 55.96 1.2 0.0125 75.1 935 0.262 51.24 8.44
16 150 9 150 9 500 50 1.0 0.333 27.49 62.68 62.68 1.2 0.0125 75.1 935 0.364 55.69 11.15
17 Harajli et al. 131.5 9 131.5 9 300 15 1.0 0.114 18.3 29.2 29.2 0.13 0.015 230 3500 0.085 21.87 25.10
18 [45] 131.5 9 131.5 9 300 15 1.0 0.114 18.3 40.3 40.3 0.26 0.015 230 3500 0.170 32.58 19.16
19 131.5 9 131.5 9 300 15 1.0 0.114 18.3 43.4 43.4 0.39 0.015 230 3500 0.255 43.29 0.26
20 102 9 176 9 300 15 1.73 0.085 18.3 23.7 7.4 0.13 0.015 230 3500 0.047 NA 2
Author's personal copy

21 102 9 176 9 300 15 1.73 0.085 18.3 31.3 31.3 0.26 0.015 230 3500 0.095 25.81 17.56
22 102 9 176 9 300 15 1.73 0.085 18.3 36.8 36.8 0.39 0.015 230 3500 0.142 33.41 9.22
23 79 9 214 9 300 15 2.71 0.070 18.3 28.0 18.5 0.13 0.015 230 3500 0.032 NA 2
24 79 9 214 9 300 15 2.71 0.070 18.3 28.6 24.0 0.26 0.015 230 3500 0.064 NA 2
25 79 9 214 9 300 15 2.71 0.070 18.3 30.7 25.6 0.39 0.015 230 3500 0.096 28.55 7.02
26 Parvin and 108 9 108 9 305 8.26 1.0 0.0765 21.4 34.7 34.7 0.165 0.016 188.9 3022 0.068 NA 2
27 Wang [46] 108 9 108 9 305 8.26 1.0 0.0765 21.4 45.2 45.2 0.330 0.016 188.9 3022 0.130 33.95 24.89
Table 3 continued
No. References b 9 h 9 L (mm 9 mm 9 mm) r (mm) h/b r/h fco Maximum Ultimate tfrp efrp Efrp ffrp Confinement Proposed Error
stress; fcc0 stress (mm) (GPa) (MPa) ratio model; fcc0 (%)a
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)

28 Wang L and 150 9 150 9 300 0 1.0 0.000 31.7 32.2 14.3 0.165 0.0199 219 4364 0.000 NA 2
29 Wu Y [38] 150 9 150 9 300 15 1.0 0.100 31.9 33.6 24.2 0.165 0.0199 219 4364 0.060 NA 2
30 150 9 150 9 300 30 1.0 0.200 32.3 39.8 20.7 0.165 0.0199 219 4364 0.119 39.93 0.33
31 150 9 150 9 300 45 1.0 0.300 30.7 43.7 19.3 0.165 0.0199 219 4364 0.187 44.67 2.22
32 150 9 150 9 300 60 1.0 0.400 31.8 50.0 50.0 0.165 0.0199 219 4364 0.241 51.53 3.06
33 150 9 150 9 300 75 1.0 0.500 30.9 55.8 55.8 0.165 0.0199 219 4364 0.310 56.59 1.41
34 150 9 150 9 300 0 1.0 0.000 31.7 32.2 22.2 0.330 0.0199 219 4364 0.000 NA 2
35 150 9 150 9 300 15 1.0 0.100 31.9 42.2 42.2 0.330 0.0199 219 4364 0.120 48.35 14.58
36 150 9 150 9 300 30 1.0 0.200 32.3 56.5 56.5 0.330 0.0199 219 4364 0.237 57.23 1.29
37 150 9 150 9 300 45 1.0 0.300 30.7 68.0 68.0 0.330 0.0199 219 4364 0.375 64.57 5.04
38 150 9 150 9 300 60 1.0 0.400 31.8 78.9 78.9 0.330 0.0199 219 4364 0.482 74.05 6.15
39 150 9 150 9 300 75 1.0 0.500 30.9 84.8 84.8 0.330 0.0199 219 4364 0.621 81.72 3.64
40 150 9 150 9 300 0 1.0 0.000 52.1 53.7 17.4 0.165 0.0192 225.7 3788 0.000 NA 2
41 150 9 150 9 300 15 1.0 0.100 54.1 55.8 36.1 0.165 0.0192 225.7 3788 0.035 NA 2
42 150 9 150 9 300 30 1.0 0.200 52 55.9 44.2 0.165 0.0192 225.7 3788 0.073 53.64 4.04
43 150 9 150 9 300 45 1.0 0.300 52.7 57.6 47.2 0.165 0.0192 225.7 3788 0.109 62.30 8.16
44 150 9 150 9 300 60 1.0 0.400 52.7 62.6 62.6 0.165 0.0192 225.7 3788 0.145 70.47 12.57
45 150 9 150 9 300 75 1.0 0.500 52.1 67.9 67.9 0.165 0.0192 225.7 3788 0.183 78.03 14.92
46 150 9 150 9 300 0 1.0 0.000 52.1 55.9 27.6 0.330 0.0192 225.7 3788 0.000 NA 2
47 150 9 150 9 300 15 1.0 0.100 54.1 59.4 52.2 0.330 0.0192 225.7 3788 0.070 61.39 3.36
Author's personal copy

48 150 9 150 9 300 30 1.0 0.200 52 63.0 61.5 0.330 0.0192 225.7 3788 0.147 70.84 12.44
49 150 9 150 9 300 45 1.0 0.300 52.7 80.3 80.3 0.330 0.0192 225.7 3788 0.217 82.09 2.23
50 150 9 150 9 300 60 1.0 0.400 52.7 89.3 89.3 0.330 0.0192 225.7 3788 0.289 92.86 3.99
51 150 9 150 9 300 75 1.0 0.500 52.1 99.3 99.3 0.330 0.0192 225.7 3788 0.366 103.02 3.74
52 Wang Y and 100 9 100 9 300 10 1.0 0.100 46.43 55.12 46.12 0.286 0.0177 118 2060 0.051 NA 2
53 Wu H [40] 100 9 100 9 300 10 1.0 0.100 46.43 62.02 59.72 0.572 0.0177 118 2060 0.103 64.22 3.55
54 100 9 100 9 300 10 1.0 0.100 46.43 88.03 88.03 0.858 0.0177 118 2060 0.154 82.52 6.26
55 100 9 100 9 300 10 1.0 0.100 78.50 97.57 97.57 0.572 0.0177 118 2060 0.061 NA 2
56 100 9 100 9 300 10 1.0 0.100 78.50 106.02 101.63 0.858 0.0177 118 2060 0.091 101.60 4.17
57 100 9 100 9 300 10 1.0 0.100 101.18 103.52 99.97 0.286 0.0177 118 2060 0.024 NA 2
58 100 9 100 9 300 10 1.0 0.100 101.18 113.03 101.42 0.572 0.0177 118 2060 0.047 NA 2
59 100 9 100 9 300 10 1.0 0.100 101.18 121.52 120.80 0.858 0.0177 118 2060 0.071 115.10 5.28
Materials and Structures
Table 3 continued
No. References b 9 h 9 L (mm 9 mm 9 mm) r (mm) h/b r/h fco Maximum Ultimate tfrp efrp Efrp ffrp Confinement Proposed Error
stress; fcc0 stress (mm) (GPa) (MPa) ratio model; fcc0 (%)a
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa)

60 Abbasnia and 152 9 152 9 305 29 1.0 0.191 30 58.86 58.86 0.528 0.0163 241 3943.5 0.231 69.28 17.70
61 Ziaadiny 152 9 152 9 305 29 1.0 0.191 27 61.76 61.76 0.528 0.0163 241 3943.5 0.257 67.21 8.82
Materials and Structures

62 Abbasnia 152 9 152 9 305 29 1.0 0.191 50 77.08 77.08 0.704 0.0163 241 3943.5 0.139 99.28 28.80
63 et al. [48] 90 9 152 9 305 17.5 1.69 0.115 30 52.76 52.76 0.528 0.0163 241 3943.5 0.140 61.26 16.10
64 Abbasnia 150 9 150 9 300 13.6 1.0 0.0907 33 44.51 44.51 0.176 0.0163 241 3944 0.101 45.66 2.58
65 et al. [49] 150 9 150 9 300 22.6 1.0 0.1507 33 48.70 48.70 0.176 0.0163 241 3944 0.168 50.61 3.93
66 150 9 150 9 300 34.5 1.0 0.23 33 49.81 49.81 0.176 0.0163 241 3944 0.257 57.16 14.76
67 150 9 150 9 300 42 1.0 0.28 33 55.40 55.40 0.176 0.0163 241 3944 0.313 61.29 10.63
68 Shehata et al. 150 9 150 9 300 10 1.0 0.067 23.7 27.4 - 0.165 0.015 235 3550 0.044 NA 2
69 [50] 150 9 150 9 300 10 1.0 0.067 29.5 40.4 27.7 0.165 0.015 235 3550 0.035 NA 2
70 94 9 188 9 300 10 2.0 0.053 23.7 25.8 2 0.165 0.015 235 3550 0.028 NA 2
71 94 9 188 9 300 10 2.0 0.053 28.8 32.0 26.6 0.165 0.015 235 3550 0.023 NA 2
72 150 9 150 9 300 10 1.0 0.067 23.7 36.5 2 0.330 0.015 235 3550 0.087 35.61 2.43
73 150 9 150 9 300 10 1.0 0.067 29.5 43.7 33.4 0.330 0.015 235 3550 0.070 38.86 11.07
74 94 9 188 9 300 10 2.0 0.053 23.7 33.2 2 0.330 0.015 235 3550 0.056 NA 2
75 94 9 188 9 300 10 2.0 0.053 28.8 38.7 31.5 0.330 0.015 235 3550 0.046 NA 2
a f ðproposed modelÞ  fcc0 ðexp:Þ 
f 0 ðexp:Þ
Error ¼  cc  100

NA, since the confinement ratio is less than 0.07
Author's personal copy
Author's personal copy
Materials and Structures

(1) The behavior of CFRP confined circular and

rectangular sections can be predicted using
appropriate non-linear FE analysis, considering
the effect of concrete strength, CFRP confining
pressure and the number of CFRP layers (jacket
stiffness). Results showed that simultaneous use
of the modified Drucker–Prager plasticity model
for concrete and Tsai–Wu’s failure criterion for
modeling the CFRP rupture provides accurate
prediction of stress–strain curves.
(2) In a certain aspect ratio of rectangular columns
confined with CFRP, as the corner radius
increases, the gain in strength and ultimate strain
increases; i.e. increasing the corner radius from
Fig. 9 Comparison of proposed model for predicting the 15 to 25 mm in rectangular specimens with an
compressive strength with test results
aspect ratio of 1.54, results in 11.7 % increase in
compressive strength, 20.9 % increase in ulti-
proposed model and test results, with an average error mate axial strain of the specimen and 27.7 %
of 8.51 %. Thus, it is concluded that the strength of increase in CFRP rupture strain, indicating
confined rectangular concrete columns, considering improvement of CFRP efficiency.
the effect of corner radius, can be predicted by the (3) At a constant corner radius, strength and ultimate
proposed model (Eq. 8) with reasonable accuracy. axial strain is decreased by increasing the aspect
ratio. For example, it was observed that the
strength enhancement is 20.8 % for the specimen
6 Summary and conclusions with r = 15 mm and h/b = 1.25 (specimen No.
9 in Table 1), and 8.0 % for the specimen with
This paper studied the behavior and the compressive r = 15 mm and h/b = 1.54 (specimen No. 13 in
strength of rectangular concrete columns confined Table 1). Furthermore, increasing the aspect
with CFRP composites using finite element analysis. ratio results in reduction of FRP rupture strain
Tsai–Wu’s failure criterion was used for modeling the indicating that the FRP efficiency is decreased;
CFRP rupture to take into account both the effect of i.e. in the two specimens mentioned above, the
axial stresses on FRP performance and the effect of FRP rupture strain decreases 19.0 % by increas-
hoop stresses. The accuracy of the selected procedure ing the aspect ratio from 1.25 to 1.54.
for finite element analysis was verified by modeling (4) In rectangular sections, axial and lateral stresses are
three circular and one rectangular confined specimens. considerably higher at corners than those at middle
The effects of corner radius and side aspect ratio were of sides, resulting in stress concentration and
investigated by modeling 19 specimens. Concrete premature rupture of FRP at corners. For example,
columns with corner radii of 5, 15, 25 and 38 mm and in specimen with h/b = 2.00 and r = 15 mm, the
aspect ratios of 1.00, 1.25, 1.54 and 2.00 were ratio of axial stress at corners to its value in the
modeled. Square sections with 45, 60 and 75 mm middle of large side was 3.81 at the column mid-
corner radii were also modeled. Distribution of axial height; this ratio for lateral stress was 2.56.
and lateral stresses in these specimens was studied. A (5) The proposed model for predicting the compres-
model for predicting the compressive strength of sive strength of confined rectangular concrete
confined concrete was proposed considering the effect columns considering the effect of corner radius,
of corner radius. The predictions of the proposed FRP stiffness and unconfined concrete strength
model were compared with available experimental showed good accuracy in strength prediction of a
data to demonstrate its accuracy. Based on the results vast variety of available experimental tests;
of the present study, the conclusions can be summa- showing the reliability of the model for design
rized as follows. applications.
Author's personal copy
Materials and Structures

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