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Author's Accepted Manuscript

Effective Bond Length of FRP-to-Concrete

Adhesively-Bonded Joints: Experimental Eva-
luation of Existing Models
Ardalan Hosseini, Davood Mostofinejad

PII: S0143-7496(13)00159-0
Reference: JAAD1410

To appear in: International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives

Accepted date: 3 September 2013

Cite this article as: Ardalan Hosseini, Davood Mostofinejad, Effective Bond
Length of FRP-to-Concrete Adhesively-Bonded Joints: Experimental Evalua-
tion of Existing Models, International Journal of Adhesion & Adhesives, http://dx.doi.

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1 Dear Editor of International Journal of Adhesion and Adhesives,

3 Attached please find our final version of manuscript with Ms. Ref. No. of J950 entitled
4 “Effective Bond Length of FRP-to-Concrete Adhesively-Bonded Joints: Experimental
5 Evaluation of Existing Models” accepted for publication in the International Journal of
6 Adhesion and Adhesives.

8 Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

10 Sincerely,


12 Ardalan Hosseini

13 Research Assistant
14 Department of Civil Engineering
15 Isfahan University of Technology (IUT)
16 Isfahan 84156-83111, Iran
17 Tel.: +98 311 391 3818
18 fax: +98 311 391 2700
19 Email adresses:;

20 Effective Bond Length of FRP-to-Concrete Adhesively-Bonded Joints:

21 Experimental Evaluation of Existing Models

22 Ardalan Hosseini a*, Davood Mostofinejad b

23 a
Research Assistant, Department of Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran
24 b
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology (IUT), Isfahan, Iran

Corresponding author. Address: Department of Civil Engineering, Isfahan University of
Technology (IUT), Post Box: 84156-83111, Isfahan, Iran. Tel.: +98 311 391 3818; fax: +98 311
391 2700. Email addresses:;

26 Abstract

27 Bond behavior of adhesively-bonded fiber reinforced polymers (FRPs) to concrete substrate

28 has been investigated by many researchers worldwide. An interesting aspect of FRP-to-

29 concrete bond behavior is that there exists an effective bond length beyond which an

30 extension of the bond length cannot increase the ultimate capacity of the joint. Effective

31 bond length of FRP composites, in fact, is an important part of all strengthening

32 calculations, and conservative design guideline predictions can lead to waste of composite

33 materials in strengthening projects. Consequently, the main intention of the current study is

34 to evaluate the accuracy of existing guideline models of effective bond length by means of

35 single-shear bond tests. To do so, CFRP sheets with a wide range of bond length from 20

36 mm to 250 mm, were adhered to 22 concrete prisms using externally bonded reinforcement

37 (EBR) technique. The specimens were then subjected to single-shear test and debonding

38 loads as well as the effective bond length of the CFRP sheets were determined. Moreover,

39 an image based technique, i.e. particle image velocimetry (PIV) was used to verify the

40 estimated effective bond length by analyzing strain distribution along the CFRP strips

41 during loading process. Experimental results of the current study show that fib Bulletin 14

42 model overestimates debonding loads and effective bond length. The model adopted by

43 ACI 440.2R also overestimates effective bond length while accurately predicts debonding

44 loads. Appropriate calibration factors were introduced to modify the existing models for

45 CFRP sheets.

46 Keywords: Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP), externally bonded reinforcement (EBR), bond

47 strength model, effective bond length, single-shear test, particle image velocimetry (PIV).


49 1. Introduction

50 Certain advantages of FRP composites including high tensile strength, light weight and

51 ease of application, have led engineers all over the world to utilize FRPs as an easy-to-use

52 alternative to conventional materials for strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC)

53 structures [1]. Almost all shear/flexural strengthening techniques with FRP are relying on

54 bonding of the composite onto the concrete substrate. EBR is the most common technique

55 for strengthening of existing RC members; however, despite ease of use, the efficiency of

56 EBR technique could be seriously affected by various types of debonding of FRP

57 composite from concrete substrate [2]. In this case, FRP-to-concrete bond strength is a key

58 factor that controls debonding failures in FRP-strengthened members. As a result,

59 substantial experimental and theoretical investigations have been conducted on FRP-to-

60 concrete bond strength and numerous models have been proposed to predict FRP-to-

61 concrete bond capacity [3,4].

62 Initial models were mostly proposed based on the average bond shear stress at failure,

63 τu, (Tanaka [5], Sato et al. [6], and Hiroyuki and Wu [7]). Soon it emerged that there exists

64 an effective bond length, Le, beyond which an extension of the bond length cannot increase

65 debonding load. In other words, unlike reinforcing steel bars, it is not possible to increase

66 the bond length of the adhesively bonded plate in order to ensure that the maximum

67 capacity is attained by rupture of FRP plates/sheets or yield of steel plates [8].

68 Consequently, modified bond strength models were proposed based on effective bond

69 length concept (Maeda et al. [9], Neubar and Rostásy [10], khalifa et al. [11], and Sato et al.

70 [12]).

71 Bond strength models can be classified into three distinct categories as follows [3,4]:

72 1. Empirical relations directly based on the regression of test data such as the models

73 proposed by Tanaka [5], Hiroyuki and Wu [7], and Maeda et al. [9].

74 2. Fracture mechanics based models, including Holzenkämpfer [13], Täljsten [14],

75 Niedermeier [15], Neubauer and Rostásy [10], Blaschko et al. [16], Yuan and Wu [17],

76 Yuan et al. [18], Wu et al. [19], Yuan et al. [20], Toutanji et al. [21].

77 3. Design models generally proposed by adopting simple assumptions such as van Gemert

78 [22], Khalifa et al. [11], Sato et al. [12], Chen and Teng [3], Dai et al. [23] and, Seracino

79 et al. [24].

80 Despite primitive models, almost all recently developed models have been proposed

81 based on effective bond length. Many experimental studies have shown that only a limited

82 zone of the bonded joint, called active bond zone, plays the key role in load bearing

83 [9,25,26]. Furthermore, some fracture mechanics analyses confirmed that extension of bond

84 length beyond effective bond length has no effect on debonding capacity [13,17-20].

85 Due to importance of the issue, considerable research has been conducted to

86 investigate steel/FRP-to-concrete bond behavior up to now. However, almost all the

87 aforementioned investigations generally focused on evaluating the accuracy of existing

88 debonding models, or in some cases, calibrating existing models or rarely developing new

89 expressions. Hence, less attention has been paid to effective bond length of FRP composites

90 used through EBR method. Consequently, the main intention of the current study is to

91 experimentally evaluate the accuracy of the effective bond length models presented in well-

92 known existing guidelines, i.e. fib Bulletin 14 [27], ACI 440.2R [1], and HB 305 [8] by

93 means of single-shear bond tests on EBR CFRP systems.

94 2. Theoretical debonding and effective bond length models

95 Substantial experimental and theoretical research works exist on FRP-to-concrete bond

96 strength and numerous models have been proposed in the literature. However, only a few of

97 them have been accepted by design guidelines such as fib Bulletin 14 [27], ACI 440.2R [1],

98 and HB 305 [8]. Consequently, well-known expressions of the fib Bulletin 14 [27], Chen

99 and Teng’s [3] model presented in both ACI 440.2R [1] and HB 305 [8], and also Seracino

100 et al. [24] model presented in HB 305 [8] are briefly discussed here and experimental

101 results of the current study are compared with these models.

102 2.1 fib Bulletin 14 [27]

103 Debonding load of FRP composites, P, and the effective bond length, Le, in fib Bulletin 14

104 [27] are evaluated based on the following expressions.

105 (1a)

106 1.06 1.0 (1b)

107 (1c)

108 2 (1d)

109 where P, Lf and Le are debonding load, FRP bond length, and effective bond length,

110 respectively. Moreover, bf , tf , and Ef are width, thickness and elasticity modulus of the

111 FRP reinforcement, respectively; bc is width of the concrete element; fctm is mean tensile

112 strength of concrete, and α is a reduction factor, approximately equal to 0.9, to account for

113 the influence of inclined cracks on the bond strength [10]; kc is a factor accounting for the

114 state of compaction of concrete (generally can be assumed to be equal to 1.0); and kb is a

115 geometry factor presented by Eq. (1b). Note that c1 and c2 in Eqs. (1a) and (1c) may be

116 obtained through calibration with test results; however, for CFRP strips they are equal to

117 0.64 and 2.0, respectively [27]. Moreover, for bond lengths Lf < Le, the ultimate debonding

118 load can be calculated by Eq. (1d) [13,27].

119 2.2 Chen and Teng [3]

120 Debonding load and effective bond length of FRP composites based on Chen and Teng’s

121 [3] model can be calculated from the following expressions.

122 (2a)

123 (2b)

124 ⁄

125 (2d)

126 where fc is mean cylindrical compressive strength of concrete; α = 0.427 to obtain a mean

127 prediction; and βw is a geometry factor presented by Eq. (2c). It should be noted that, in the

128 case of Lf < Le, Chen and Teng’s [3] expression is capable of predicting the ultimate

129 debonding load by considering reduction factor, βL, calculated by Eq. (2b).


132 2.3 Seracino et al. [24]

133 Debonding load and effective length of FRP composites based on Seracino et al. [24]

134 model can be calculated from the following expressions.

135 0.85 (3a)

136 (3b)

137 0.802 0.078 (3c)

. .
138 (3d)

139 (3e)

140 where Af is transversal area of FRP reinforcement; df is thickness of the failure plane

141 perpendicular to the concrete surface (suggested value for EBR systems = 1 mm) and Lper is

142 length of the debonding failure plane which can be assumed as 2df + bf for EBR systems.

143 Moreover, τf and δf are peak interface shear stress and slip beyond which bond stress is

144 zero, respectively. Although τf and δf may be experimentally evaluated, however, they can

145 be calculated by Eqs. (3c) and (3d) [24]. It should be noted that for bond lengths Lf < Le,

146 debonding load may be determined using a linear variation from zero to P, at Lf = Le (Eq.

147 (3e)) [24].

148 To the best knowledge of the authors, to date no research can be found in the

149 literature experimentally evaluate the accuracy of the existing models in predicting the

150 effective bond length of externally bonded FRP composites. Hence, in the current study 22

151 concrete prism specimens having CFRP bond length from 20 mm to 250 mm were

152 subjected to single-shear test. Consequently, the effective bond length of CFRP sheets was

153 experimentally evaluated by comparing debonding loads of tested specimens, and the

154 accuracy of effective bond length models in existing guidelines was evaluated based on the

155 experimental results.

156 3. Experimental procedure

157 3.1 Specimens’ detail and material characteristics

158 In order to carry out the experimental program on single-shear tests, 22 concrete prisms

159 with dimensions of 150 × 150 × 350 mm were cast using steel molds. To obtain a

160 compressive strength of about 30 MPa, 425 kg/m3 of normal Portland cement, 892 kg/m3

161 sand, 736 kg/m3 coarse aggregate and, 221 kg/m3 water were used. The molds were

162 removed after 24 hours and all the specimens were cured in water for 28 days at standard

163 conditions [28].

164 CFRP composite sheets were made up of SikaWrap 230C carbon fibers and two-

165 component epoxy adhesive, Sikadur 330, and were fabricated through wet lay-up process.

166 Mechanical properties of carbon fibers and epoxy resin utilized in the current study are

167 presented in Table 1 according to the manufacturer’s catalogue.

168 3.2 Test layout and specimens preparation

169 The notation of all tested specimens is EBR-x-n, where EBR is the strengthening technique;

170 x identifies CFRP bond length in mm (Lf), and n distinguishes the ordinal number of each

171 test (1 or 2). Since it was observed that in some studies concerning on FRP-to-concrete

172 bond behavior only one specimen per case was used in experimental phase [24], in the

173 current study two specimens were assumed to be sufficient in each case. Carbon fibers were

174 adhered to the prism specimens using conventional EBR technique. To do so, first the weak

175 layer of the concrete surface was removed using a grinding machine. Then the concrete

176 surface was properly cleaned with air jet to remove dust. Finally, carbon fiber sheets were

177 cut into selected sizes and were adhered to concrete surface using epoxy resin through wet

178 lay-up procedure. Lf was considered to vary in a wide range from 20 to 250 mm, while all

179 other experimental parameters such as CFRP width and thickness remained constant and

180 equal to bf = 48 mm and tf = 0.131 mm.

181 3.3 Test setup

182 According to the manufacturer’s suggestion, i.e. Sika group catalogue, all prepared

183 specimens were cured in laboratory condition for 7 days before testing in order to ensure

184 strength development in epoxy resin. After 7 days of curing, all the specimens were

185 subjected to single-shear test by means of a 300 kN tension machine specially designed for

186 single-shear bond tests in structural laboratory of Isfahan University of Technology (IUT).

187 All tests were performed under displacement control with a speed of 2.0 mm/min according

188 to ASTM D3039 recommendation [29]. Specimen dimensions and loading arrangement are

189 presented in Fig. 1. Since the compression reaction of the support may cause stress

190 concentration at the loaded end of the concrete specimens [30], the first 35 mm of the

191 CFRP composite was left unbonded to eliminate any probable stress concentration (Fig. 1).

192 Note that similar setups for eliminating stress concentration at the loaded edge of CFRP

193 composites, in single-shear bond tests, have been utilized by other researchers [31,32].

194 In order to provide full field deformation measurements, an image-based technique

195 was used. One CCD (charge couple device) digital camera, i.e. Nikon D80 with resolution

196 of 10.0 megapixels (3872 × 2592 pixels) having a Nikkor 18-135 mm lens was placed

197 perpendicular to the specimens’ face at a distance equal to 1.0 m. Digital images were
198 automatically taken from each specimen undergoing deformation using a remote control at

199 regular intervals. A digital data logger was used to monitor the load cell and image numbers

200 simultaneously. Moreover, the specimens were illuminated using two white light projectors

201 to eliminate any probable parasitic lights. Test setup including specimen, camera and

202 projectors positions and testing machine are presented in Fig. 2.

203 4. Image analysis using particle image velocimetry (PIV)

204 Particle image velocimetry (PIV) was used to obtain accurate deformation measurements

205 during test process by analyzing successive digital images. PIV is originally a velocity-

206 measuring technique which was first developed by Adrian [33] in the field of experimental

207 fluid mechanics. As detailed review on PIV method is beyond the scope of the current

208 paper, the readers are referred to White et al. [34] and Slominski et al. [35] for further

209 details of the technique. Moreover, the ability of the technique to accurately investigate the

210 bond behavior of CFRP sheets attached to concrete substrate has been previously discussed

211 by the authors [36].

212 In the current study, successive digital images were taken from each tested specimen

213 during the test process. It is necessary for the images to have a proper texture to create

214 features upon which image processing can operate. Since CFRP sheets originally does not

215 show suitable texture, natural colored sand between sieve no. 50 and 100, obtained from

216 mixing same fraction of five different colors was embedded to all specimens’ face at the

217 end of adhering CFRP sheets to the concrete surface and before epoxy hardening.

218 Obviously, embedded sand has no effect on CFRP-to-concrete bond behavior. Images were

219 then analyzed using GeoPIV8 software developed by White and Take at Cambridge

220 University [37]. All PIV analyses due to displacement measurements were undertaken

221 using 128 × 128 pixel patches. A search area of 5 × 5 pixels for each pair of successive

222 images was considered in all PIV analyses, which provides sufficient area to give good

223 tracking of the patches.

224 5. Results and discussions

225 5.1 Failure mode

226 As it is illustrated in Fig. 3 all tested specimens failed due to debonding of CFRP sheets

227 from concrete substrate. Note that a thin layer of concrete including crushed aggregates was

228 adhered to all debonded CFRP strips (Fig. 3). It means that the failure plane occurs in

229 concrete near to the interface, not in the adhesive layer. Depth of concrete failure plane (df)

230 is approximately equal to 1 mm as suggested by Seracino et al. [24]. However, such a

231 parameter is not easy to be accurately determined since the failure plane passes through the

232 crushed aggregates (Fig. 3).

233 5.2 Experimental results versus theoretical predictions

234 Experimental debonding loads (Ptest) for all tested specimens are presented in Table 2. The

235 table also contains the theoretical debonding loads (Pmodel) based on fib Bulletin 14 [27],

236 Chen and Teng [3], and Seracino et al. [24] expressions which were calculated from Eqs.

237 (1a), (2a), and (3a), respectively. The percentage differences between the experimental and

238 theoretical debonding loads, computed as Δ = (Ptest,avg Pmodel)/Ptest,avg are also reported in

239 the table in parentheses. Obviously, positive values correspond to underestimated

240 predictions while negative values report overestimated predictions of theoretical models. It

241 can be observed in Table 2 that fib Bulletin 14 [27] and Chen and Teng’s [3] models

242 generally overestimate debonding loads, while Seracino et al. [24] model safely

243 underestimates failure loads. Experimental versus calculated debonding loads for tested

244 specimens are also plotted in Fig. 4. Note that the points which are located above line y=x

245 represent conservative predictions. Fig. 4 shows the capability of both Chen and Teng [3]

246 and Seracino et al. [24] models to predict almost accurate debonding loads while fib

247 Bulletin 14 [27] predictions are mostly overestimated.

248 Theoretical effective bond lengths for tested specimens predicted by fib Bulletin 14

249 [27], Chen and Teng [3], and Seracino et al. [24] expressions are presented in Table 3. The

250 table shows that calculated Le based on fib Bulletin 14 [27] and Chen and Teng [3]

251 expressions (Eqs. (1c) and (2d) which are basically identical) is about 70 mm, while

252 predicted Le based on Seracino et al. [24] (Eq. (3b)) is about 40 mm. Note that slight

253 differences in predicted Le for tested specimens in Table 3 are due to the small variation of

254 compressive strengths of different concrete batches.

255 Table 2 shows that increasing the bond length (Lf) beyond 35 mm has no significant

256 effect on debonding capacity, and ultimate loads are approximately constant when Lf

257 increases beyond 35 mm. Consequently, it can be concluded that the experimentally

258 evaluated Le for the CFRP strips of the current study is approximately equal to 35 mm.

259 Comparing the experimentally evaluated Le with the theoretically calculated values in Table

260 3 shows that fib Bulletin 14 [27] and Chen and Teng’s [3] models overestimate Le up to 100

261 percent, while Seracino et al. [24] model predicts more realistic values for Le. Note that in

262 externally strengthened flexural members, it is recommended [8,38] that the bond length

263 beyond the inflection point be extended at least two times of Le specified by theoretical

264 models to appropriately anchor the tension force developed in external strengthening

265 plate/sheet. Consequently, fib Bulletin 14 [27] and Chen and Teng [3] Le predictions lead to

266 waste of composite materials in practical projects.

267 Average discrepancies between experimental and theoretical debonding loads are

268 presented in Table 4. The average discrepancies between experimental and theoretical

269 debonding loads are estimated in three distinct categories: Lf > Le, Lf < Le, and an overall

270 estimation for all data which is indicated as Lf > 0; where Lf is FRP bond length and Le is

271 the effective bond length predicted by theoretical models.

272 In the case Lf > 0, all 22 experimental results of the current study are considered and

273 errors of theoretical models are computed as (Σ|Δ|)/n, where Δ = (Ptest,avg Pmodel)/Ptest,avg

274 and n is number of tests. The main intention of considering this category is to evaluate the

275 accuracy of theoretical models through absolute errors, regardless of under/overestimated

276 predictions. Unlike the first category, errors of theoretical models in two other categories

277 were computed as (ΣΔ)/n; where n here is the number of only a part of data in which Lf > Le

278 or Lf < Le. Consequently, negative values indicate overestimated unsafe predictions.

279 It is expected that when Lf > Le, theoretical models conservatively predict debonding

280 loads; however, as it is presented in Table 4, fib Bulletin 14 [27] generally overestimates

281 debonding loads up to 20 percent. Chen and Teng [3] and Seracino et al. [24] models, by

282 contrast, very well predict debonding loads of FRP sheets when Lf > Le, with average

283 discrepancies of -5.2 and 3.4, respectively. In case Lf < Le, all three models conservatively

284 predict debonding loads, since theoretical models overestimate effective bond lengths.

285 In order to better describe the effect of Lf on debonding load, experimental debonding

286 load versus bond length (Lf), were plotted in Fig. 5. The figure also shows the

287 corresponding predicted loads of fib Bulletin 14 [27], Chen and Teng [3] and Seracino et al.

288 [24] models for comparison. It is observed in Fig. 5 that when Lf > Le, the experimental

289 curve (solid line with circles) is limited to Seracino et al. [24] predictions (as lower bound),

290 and Chen and Teng [3] predictions (as upper bound); which means that the performance of

291 Seracino et al. [24] and Chen and Teng’s [3] models are acceptable. The model of fib

292 Bulletin 14 [27], however, overestimates debonding loads. Although Seracino et al. [24]

293 model predicts more accurate values for both Le and P when Lf > Le, the predictions of

294 Seracino et al. [24] diverged from experimental results in case Lf < Le (Fig. 5). An accurate

295 inspection of Fig. 5 reveals that assumption of linear variation of debonding load in case of

296 Lf < Le is too conservative.

297 5.3 Evaluation of effective bond length using PIV

298 Effective bond length of the CFRP sheets can be also evaluated by monitoring strain

299 distribution along the strip at different stages of loading. In other words, when the FRP-to-

300 concrete bonded joint reaches its ultimate capacity, the length of the effective bond zone

301 can be evaluated using longitudinal strain field of the strip, obtained from PIV analysis. To

302 do so, successive digital images were taken and analyzed using PIV method, and

303 longitudinal strain field corresponding to each load level was derived. To perform PIV

304 analysis, 128 × 128 pixel patches, spaced at 32 pixels center-to-center were generated and

305 displacement fields were calculated; then triangular elements were generated and strain

306 fields were evaluated using nodal displacements.

307 Evolution of longitudinal strain fields in the CFRP sheet during the loading process

308 for specimen EBR-50-1 is presented in Fig. 6. Note that vertical axis, z, represents the

309 distance from loaded end of CFRP sheet. Fig. 6 obviously shows the fact that, at each stage

310 of loading, only a limited zone of the CFRP strip experiences deformation and,

311 subsequently strain values. As it is illustrated in Fig. 6, by increasing the applied load, the

312 strain further distributes along the CFRP strip. At ultimate load level (P), however, only a

313 limited zone of the bond length (not the whole Lf = 50 mm), which is approximately equal

314 to 35 mm, is affected by the applied load (Fig. 6f). Therefore, it can be concluded from Fig.

315 6 that the effective bond length, Le, for the tested specimen is approximately equal to 35

316 mm.

317 In order to better describe the concept of effective bond length and effect of bond

318 length (Lf) on debonding phenomenon in FRP-to-concrete adhesively-bonded joints,

319 longitudinal strain fields corresponding to different load levels for specimen EBR-250-2 are

320 plotted in Fig. 7. Careful inspection of Fig. 7 reveals that at ultimate load level, P, only the

321 first 35 mm of the bonded zone is affected by the applied load (Fig. 7a). Consequently, the

322 effective bond zone is approximately equal to 35 mm. Immediately after reaching the

323 ultimate capacity of the joint, however, the FRP in close zone to loading point detaches

324 from the concrete substrate and the effective bond zone shifts further to new areas, while

325 the load is fluctuating close to the ultimate load (Figs. 7b to 7f). In fact, debonding rapidly

326 propagates toward the free end of CFRP strip causing strain redistribution along the strip,

327 as previously discussed by the authors [36]. Finally the whole length of the CFRP strip

328 detaches from the concrete substrate.

329 As it was discussed earlier, the effective bond length (Le) of the CFRP sheets used in

330 the current study was experimentally determined equal to 35 mm based on debonding

331 loads. PIV results presented in Figs. 6 and 7 verifies the experimentally determined value of

332 the Le; since the length of the effective bond zone obtained from the PIV analysis is equal

333 to 35 mm for both specimens EBR-50-1 (Fig. 6f) and EBR-250-2 (Fig. 7a). Furthermore,

334 comparing the PIV results of specimen EBR-50-1 (having Lf = 50 mm) with those of

335 specimen EBR-250-2 (having Lf = 250 mm) verifies that effective bond length is

336 independent of bonded length, Lf. This is due to the fact that Le is a function of material

337 characteristics.

338 5.4 Calibration of theoretical models

339 As discussed earlier, fib Bulletin 14 [27] considers constant values c1 and c2 for calibrating

340 debonding load and effective bond length as expressed in Eqs. (1a) and (1c), respectively.

341 Since fib Bulletin 14 [27] overestimates debonding loads and effective bond length, the

342 values of c1 = 0.53 and c2 = 7.7 are suggested for calibrating Eqs. (1a) and (1c) for CFRP

343 sheets based on the current experimental results, instead of former values of c1 = 0.64 and

344 c2 = 2.0.

345 On the other hand, Chen and Teng’s [3] model only considers calibration factor α,

346 suggested to be 0.427 by Yao et al. [38] using 72 single-shear tests. As previously

347 discussed, Chen and Teng’s [3] model overestimates effective bond length, though the

348 model clearly provides accurate debonding loads. Consequently, based on experimental

349 results of the current study, the reduction factor c = 0.5 can be introduced to Eq. (2d) in

350 order to reduce Le values predicted by Chen and Teng’s [3] model. As a result, α in Eq. (2a)

351 cab be modified as 0.854 (0.427/0.5), since Le is directly used in Eq. (2a).

352 It was mentioned earlier that Seracino et al. [24] model more accurately predicts both

353 Le and debonding loads. The model is slightly conservative, but its calibrating is not easily

354 applicable since the model operates based on df (thickness of the failure plane) and such a

355 parameter is not easy to be determined based on limited experimental results. However,

356 linear variation assumption of debonding loads is too conservative in case Lf < Le and using

357 a non-linear reduction factor such that presented by Chen and Teng [3] (Eq. 2b) can

358 increase the capability of Seracino et al. [24] model in predicting debonding loads of FRP

359 strips with Lf < Le.

360 Calculated debonding loads based on the suggested factors for calibrated models of

361 fib Bulletin 14 [27], Chen and Teng [3] and Seracino et al. [24] are plotted in Fig. 8.

362 Modified predictions of fib Bulletin 14 [27] very well match the experimental results, since

363 both bond strength and effective bond length models were calibrated based on experimental

364 results of the current study. The modified Chen and Teng’s [3] effective bond length model

365 also results in an agreement between the predicted debonding loads and the experimental

366 results. Furthermore, Fig. 8 illustrates that the non-linear reduction factor calculated from

367 Eq. (2b) can improve the capability of Seracino et al. [24] model in predicting more

368 accurate debonding loads in case of Lf < Le.

369 It should be noted that the presented calibration factors in this section can be surely

370 improved when more experimental results focused on the effective bond lengths, become

371 available. It is also important to notice that the modified theoretical models using the

372 suggested factors predict nominal values of debonding loads and effective bond lengths;

373 therefore, appropriate safety factors are definitely needed to be incorporated in existing

374 guidelines such as fib Bulletin 14 [27], ACI 440.2R [1] and HB 305 [8].

375 6. Conclusions

376 In this study, performance of well-known FRP-to-concrete bond strength models in fib

377 Bulletin 14 [27], ACI 440.2R [1] and HB 305 [8] were evaluated by means of experimental

378 tests. CFRP sheets having a wide range of bond length from 20 mm to 250 mm were

379 adhered to 22 concrete prisms to experimentally estimate the effective bond length. The

380 specimens were then subjected to single-shear test and the effective bond length of CFRP

381 sheets was evaluated based on debonding loads. Furthermore, a full field image-based

382 deformation measurement technique, i.e. particle image velocimetry (PIV) was used to

383 investigate strain distribution along CFRP strips during loading process. Based on the

384 experimental results of the current study in comparison with debonding loads and effective

385 bond length calculated from code expressions, the following concluding remarks can be

386 drawn.

387 1. The expressions of fib Bulletin 14 [27], overestimate both debonding loads and effective

388 bond lengths up to 20 % and 100 %, respectively. Based on the experimental results of

389 the current study, constant values of c1 = 0.53 and c2 = 7.7 are suggested for calibrating

390 bond strength and effective bond length expressions for CFRP sheets, respectively;

391 instead of former values of c1 = 0.64 and c2 = 2.0.

392 2. Chen and Teng’s [3] model utilized in both ACI 440.2R [1] and HB 305 [8], slightly

393 overestimates debonding loads, where the mean error of the model is 5.2 % compared

394 with the experimental results. The model, however, overestimates the effective bond

395 length up to 100%. Consequently, reduction factor c = 0.5 can be introduced to Chen

396 and Teng’s [3] effective bond length model.

397 3. Seracino et al. [24] model more accurately predicts effective bond length of externally

398 bonded CFRP sheets compared with other code expressions. Furthermore, the model

399 conservatively predicts debonding loads with an average discrepancy of 3.7 % compared

400 with experimental results in case of Lf > Le; however, when Lf < Le the model is too

401 conservative which is due to assuming linear variation of debonding load in this case.

402 Hence, using non-linear reduction factor presented by Chen and Teng [3] can improve

403 the capability of Seracino et al. [24] model in predicting debonding loads of EBR FRP

404 systems with Lf < Le.

405 4. Utilizing PIV analysis, the effective bond length of the CFRP sheets was evaluated from

406 the obtained longitudinal strain field of the strip at ultimate load level. PIV results

407 verified the concept of effective bond length as well as the experimentally estimated

408 value of Le for the CFRP strips used in the current study.

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506 Tables and Figures

507 Table 1. Properties of FRP materials.

508 Table 2. Experimental and theoretical debonding loads.

509 Table 3. Effective bond lengths predicted by theoretical models.

510 Table 4. Average discrepancies between experimental and theoretical debonding loads.

511 Fig. 1. Specimen dimensions and loading arrangement.

512 Fig. 2. Test setup (camera and projectors positions and testing machine).

513 Fig. 3. Debonding of CFRP sheets from concrete substrate; a) EBR-20-2; b) EBR-35-1; c)
514 EBR-150-2; d) EBR-250-2.

515 Fig. 4. Experimental versus calculated debonding loads.

516 Fig. 5. Debonding loads versus bond length.

517 Fig. 6. Strain fields corresponding to different load levels for specimen EBR-50-1 (dash
518 lines indicate 48 mm width of CFRP strip, P = 9.74 kN).

519 Fig. 7. Strain fields corresponding to different load levels for specimen EBR-250-2 (dash
520 lines indicate 48 mm width of CFRP strip, P = 9.67 kN).

521 Fig. 8. Modified debonding loads versus bond length (based on the suggested factors).

522 Table 1
523 Properties of FRP materials.
Thickness Tensile strength Elastic modulus Elongation at break
(mm) (MPa) (GPa) (%)
Fibers SikaWrap 230 C 0.131 4300 238 1.8
Adhesive Sikadur 330 0.5-0.9 30 4.5 1.5




527 Table 2
528 Experimental and theoretical debonding loads.
fc Lf Ptest Ptest,avg Pmodel (kN) (Δ (%) )
Specimen fib Bulletin 14 Chen and Teng Seracino et al.
(MPa) (mm) (kN) (kN)
[27] [3] [24]
EBR-20-1 7.94
36.8 20 7.76 5.69 (26.7 %) 4.27 (45.0%) 4.35 (43.9%)
EBR-20-2 7.58
EBR-35-1 9.24
36.8 35 9.56 8.69 (9.1%) 6.98 (27.0%) 7.61 (20.4%)
EBR-35-2 9.88
EBR-50-1 9.74
36.8 50 9.80 10.60 (-8.2%) 8.94 (8.7%) 9.18 (6.3%)
EBR-50-2 9.85
EBR-75-1 9.52
36.5 75 9.66 11.45 (-18.5%) 10.03 (-3.8%) 9.16 (5.2%)
EBR-75-2 9.80
EBR-100-1 9.89
36.5 100 9.92 11.45 (-15.4%) 10.03 (-1.1%) 9.16 (7.7%)
EBR-100-2 9.95
EBR-125-1 9.45
39.1 125 9.77 11.64 (-19.1%) 10.21 (-4.5%) 9.37 (4.1%)
EBR-125-2 10.09
EBR-150-1 9.42
39.1 150 9.51 11.64 (-22.4%) 10.21 (-7.4%) 9.37 (1.5%)
EBR-150-2 9.60
EBR-175-1 9.86
41.1 175 9.99 11.79 (-18.0%) 10.34 (-3.5%) 9.52 (4.7%)
EBR-175-2 10.12
EBR-200-1 9.62
41.1 200 9.79 11.79 (-20.5%) 10.34 (-5.7%) 9.52 (2.7%)
EBR-200-2 9.95
EBR-225-1 9.81
40.6 225 9.58 11.75 (-22.7%) 10.30 (-7.5%) 9.48 (1.0 %)
EBR-225-2 9.35
EBR-250-1 9.39
40.6 250 9.53 11.75 (-23.3%) 10.30 (-8.1%) 9.48 (0.5%)
EBR-250-2 9.67












540 Table 3
541 Effective bond lengths predicted by theoretical models.
fc Lf Le (mm)
Specimen fib Bulletin 14 Chen and Teng Seracino et al.
(MPa) (mm)
[27] [3] [24]
EBR-20-1(2) 36.8 20 69.0 71.7 42.2
EBR-35-1(2) 36.8 35 69.0 71.7 42.2
EBR-50-1(2) 36.8 50 69.0 71.7 42.2
EBR-75-1(2) 36.5 75 69.1 71.8 42.3
EBR-100-1(2) 36.5 100 69.1 71.8 42.3
EBR-125-1(2) 39.1 125 67.9 70.6 41.5
EBR-150-1(2) 39.1 150 67.9 70.6 41.5
EBR-175-1(2) 41.1 175 67.1 69.7 41.0
EBR-200-1(2) 41.1 200 67.1 69.7 41.0
EBR-225-1(2) 40.6 225 67.3 70.0 41.1
EBR-250-1(2) 40.6 250 67.3 70.0 41.1




545 Table 4
546 Average discrepancies between experimental and theoretical debonding loads.
Average discrepancy (%)
Lf > 0 Lf > Le Lf < Le
fib Bulletin 14 [27] 18.5 -20.0 14.7
Chen and Teng [3] 11.1 -5.2 26.9
Seracino et al. [24] 8.9 3.7 32.2





551 P P
552 CFRP
553 Support
Unbonded zone
(35 mm)

555 Lf

556 350 mm Concrete

bf =48 mm

558 Support

bc=150 mm hc=150 mm

561 Fig. 1. Specimen dimensions and loading arrangement.


565 Fig. 2. Test setup (camera and projectors positions and testing machine).

a) EBR-20-2 b) EBR-35-1

c) EBR-150-2 d) EBR-250-2
Fig. 3. Debonding of CFRP sheets from concrete substrate; a) EBR-20-2; b) EBR-35-1;
c) EBR-150-2; d) EBR-250-2.




Ptest (kN) 7

5 fib Bulletin 14 [27]

Chen and Teng [3]

Seracino et al. [24]
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
567 Pmodel (kN)

568 Fig. 4. Experimental versus calculated debonding loads.







Debonding load (kN)

4 Current study (exp.)
3 fib Bulletin 14 [27]
2 Chen and Teng [3]
1 Seracino et al. [24]
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
575 Bonded length, Lf (mm)

576 Fig. 5. Debonding loads versus bond length.





Longitudinal strain (%)

583 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
0 0
584 10 10
z (mm)

z (mm)
20 20
585 30 30
40 40
586 50
a) 0.65 P
b) 0.71 P
0 0
10 10
z (mm)

z (mm)

20 20
30 30
40 40
50 50
c) 0.86 P d) 0.91 P
590 0 0
10 10
z (mm)
z (mm)

20 20
30 30
592 40 40
50 50
593 e) 0.95 P f) P

594 Fig. 6. Strain fields corresponding to different load levels for specimen EBR-50-1 (dash
595 lines indicate 48 mm width of CFRP strip, P = 9.74 kN).









Longitudinal strain (%)

606 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
0 0 0

50 50 50

609 100 100 100

z (mm)

z (mm)

z (mm)
150 150 150
200 200 200

613 250 250 250

a) P b) 0.97 P c) 0.94 P
0 0 0

615 50 50 50

100 100 100
z (mm)

z (mm)
z (mm)

618 150 150 150

619 200 200


250 250 250
d) 0.95 P e) P f) 0.99 P

622 Fig. 7. Strain fields corresponding to different load levels for specimen EBR-250-2 (dash
623 lines indicate 48 mm width of CFRP strip, P = 9.67 kN).



Debonding load (kN)

Current study (exp.)
fib Bulletin 14 [27] (calibrated)
2 Chen and Teng [3] (calibrated)
1 Seracino et al. [24] (calibrated)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260
625 Bonded length, Lf (mm)

626 Fig. 8. Modified debonding loads versus bond length (based on the suggested factors).


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