Purposive Communication 1

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2ND Semester | Midterms


What is Language?  When we have language, we tend to communicate

to understand each other. There is feedback/
 Language is purely human and non-instinctive
response from the receiver.
method of communicating ideas, emotions and
 Language shapes our social interactions and
desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols
brings order to our lives. Complex language is one
(Sapir,1921, as cited in Madrunio & Martin, 2018).
of the defining factors that make us human.
Why purely human? Because it is our language, we
 Social interactions we need a f2f interactions but
understand, we use this to express our ideas and
now in this modern world, we can now use like
convey messages to the listeners. This is non-
social media platforms, with the help of
instinctive method of communicating ideas. Our
emotions with our words with the symbols that
 Social interactions are not only limited to f2f
come out from our mouth is actually giving them a
interactions, it’s becoming strengthened, wider
lot of things and thoughts. Voluntary produced
because of the innovation
symbols, symbols with meanings, with meaningful
 Complex language because you have to interpret
or comprehend, u have to listen for u to be able to
 It is a system of communication by sound,
give your feedback. There are communication
operating through organs of speech, among
barriers which can lead to misinterpretation of the
members of a given community, and using vocal
symbols possessing arbitrary conventional
 Why complicated? Because it has so many process
meaning (Pei, 1966, as cited in Madrunio & Martin,
before u finally get it
2018). Phonology has something to do
 Language has a system of rules (also known as
with sounds. Through organs of speech (mouth)
grammar), a sound system (phonology) and a
something to do with linguistic. Among members
vocabulary (lexicon)
of a given community
 Phonology (sound)
 Language is purely human and a communication by
 Morphology (word)
sound, meaning sinasalita, vocal, oral.
 Lexicon (vocabulary)
 (The world is shrinking rapidly today) Advances in
 Pragmatics (grammar/ sentence construction)
information, in technology, in science, in
applications, including globalization have = ALL OF THESE MUST BE FOLLOWED to avoid
transformed earth into a global village (you are misinterpretation of language/ message.
being part of that) People with various cultures
and nationalities now meet, they can meet them  Speech Community is a group of people who
online, that is because of the globalization, of the share rules for conducting and interpreting at
internet, and that is because of the Language. least one variety of a language or dialect. The
 Even though we came from different places, we term can be applied to a neighborhood, a city, a
still able to understand each other because of region or a nation. We all belong to at least one
Language. speech community.
 Language is the ability to produce and  Ha Tacloban may speech community, and also ha
comprehend both spoken and written. (and in the iba na lugar like Biliran. In your home and in ur
case of sign language, signed) words. Language is brgy is considered to be a speech community.
not all about oral, not only about spoken, it also
has something to do with written.  Language Acquisition refers to the process of
 Sign language which is the language used for those acquiring a language, usually due to immersion
who have special needs, they also have their own (hearing the language often and in everyday
language. One of the characteristics of language is contexts). Most of us acquire our native language
unique because we have our own language, we use just from being around others such as our
our language in order for us to communicate, parents
express ideas.  Chomsky concluded that children must have an
inborn faculty for language acquisition.

2ND Semester | Midterms


According to this theory, the process is

biologically determined – the human species has
Monolingual- only one language
evolved a brain whose neural circuits contain
Bilingual – two language
linguistic information at birth.
Multilingual – more than two
 If your language is waray waray, because of your
SECOND LANGUAGE – language that a person learns
surroundings/ family, you already acquiring the
in addition to his/her first language
 You acquire that language because of your Language Learning- it may be learned in formal and
nature/ your environment that is what you call informal way such as in school & family. Nagagamit na
the FIRST LANGUAGE/ mother tongue/ native ha community an language na u have learned
tongue/ native language
 Before learning, we acquire first, the so-called “Language is used to establish relationship with other
process. We have Language Acquisition before people”
Language Learning. “It is through interaction (we need to interact), we
 Language Acquisition you are acquiring the learn language”
language without full understanding, u hear
those language every day. Social interaction –

- Process of building the ability to understand a Linguistic material that we are able to acquire and as
language using it to communicate to others. time goes on, nalelearn na naton an language

 Language Learning is when you are using, or Social Interactionism Theory – social interaction is
applying the word/ the language in your daily important because it builds a social, meaningful,
conversation. When you are able to appropriately significant relationship w/ other people.
use the language in context  Language is a tool to communicate, express
 Language Acquisition “acquiring stage” needs and wants, express his/her feelings
 Language Learning “u already know how to use
the language in a sentence, u already know the LANGUAGE ACQUISITION
rules, its vocabulary.
The study of child language acquisition is the study of
 NATIVE LANGUAGE Because u are expose to your
the processes by which children learn a language. At
speech community, you are able to adapt the
a very young age, children begin to understand, and
language, that’s your native language
gradually use, the language spoken by their
 SECOND LANGUAGE is the ENGLISH, because it’s
the language of intelligent people so you are now
exposed to English language. The study of language acquisition involves three main
 But if you are expose to that English language areas:
ever since because u are watching cartoons etc
1. First-language acquisition (your native language,
and u already acquired the English language
child language acquisition)
hasta pagdako mo naspeak ka na English. It is
called NATIVE LANGUAGE 2. Bilingual language acquisition (learning two native
 Language Acquired is also know the FIRST languages)
LANGUAGE/ Native/ Mother Tongue Language
3. Second-language acquisition (learning a foreign
First Language – language a person has learn from language). Fun fact – There’s a reason why French
birth or within a critical period (ages to 0-12 years old) lessons were so difficult – babies’ brains are much
more primed for language learning than our adult
brains are!
Language Acquisition Device (LAD) - it is in our brain
(we easily acquire language when we are 0-12 yrs old)

2ND Semester | Midterms


1. What is Language? 1. INSTRUMENTAL

 Language can only be called language if: Classroom

Function Example
a. It has a system of rules (grammar) Experience
b. A sound system (phonology) Instrumental
c. A vocabulary (lexicon) language is
used to
communicate “I want to…”
materials, role
choices, wants,
or needs
- giving commands, making an order, you use
language to express people’s needs
- to get things done


Function Example
 Speech community mayda set of rules na Personal Making feelings
ginfofollow han group of people. language is public,
“Here I am…”
 First circle first language, language acquisition used to express interacting with
naaacquire an mother tongue pero as we get along individuality others
with people/ interact with people using the - using language in sharing and expressing your ideas
language we acquired, we tend to add more - hinanakit mo/ opinion mo/ you are declaring
language to our system called SECOND LANGUAGE something
(natutunan based ha peers, schools na naeexpose - the use of language in order to express opinions,
in addition haat first language. feelings and individual identity
 Dialect is a regional variety of language Classroom
distinguished by features of vocabulary, Function Example
grammar, and pronunciation from other Interactional
regional varieties and constituting together language is
with them a single language. used to interact Structured play,
and plan, “You and me…” dialogues and
II. What are the Functions of Language? develop, or “I’ll be the discussions,
maintain a play cashier…” talking in
 Haliday (1975) identifies 7 functions of
or group groups
language that children demonstrate in their
activity or social
early years. The first 4 functions –
instrumental, regulatory, interactional, and - Language is used to make contact with others and
personal- help the child to address his/her form relationships. You are interacting, you are
physical, emotional, and social needs. On the creating relationships, you are meddling with other
other hand, the next 3 functions – heuristic, people. You use language to socialize
imaginative, and representational- help the
child to adapt to his/her environment.

2ND Semester | Midterms


- more on questioning, answering

Classroom Function Example
Function Example Experience

Stories and
Imaginative “Let’s
Making rules in language is used pretend…”
Regulatory “Do as I tell rhymes, poems,
games, giving to create, “I went to my
language is you…” and riddles,
instructions, explore, and grandma’s last
used to control “You need…” nonsense and
teaching entertain night…”
word play

- you have to be creative, u explore and entertain,

- Language used to tell others what to do.
storytelling, draw
- In Instrumental, you are asking somebody to get
things done but in Regulatory, you are controlling
- mechanics on games, create rules, policies, laws
 According to Roman Jakobson, we can classify
the functions of language into 6 factors, which
5. REPRESENTATIONAL are necessary for successful communication:
1. Context
Function Example 2. Addresser
3. Addressee
Conveying 4. Contact
messages, 5. Common Code
Representational 6. Message
telling about
use language to “I’ll tell you…”
the real world,
explain “I know that…”
expressing a

- use of language to convey facts and information.

- “The world is spherical”
- You are sharing data, information using language Language an instrument or tool that enables
people to understand his or her feelings

Function Example - we are trying to interact with other people
- the sender and the receiver who makes
meaning and feedback
Heuristic - Latin word: Communicare means (to share
“Tell me why…” Question and
language is used something in common) (to unite, to join or to
“Why did you answer,
to find things have phase in common)
do that?” routines, inquiry
out, wonder, or Communication = process of exchanging, of
“What for?” and research
hypothesize sending, and receiving of information from
one person to another
- when the language is used to gain knowledge about
the environment

2ND Semester | Midterms


= is a process by which people send messages The term communication process refers to the
and exchange ideas or thoughts with one exchange of information (message between 2 or more
another people), transmitting the information
= exchange of ideas, concepts and views between - for communication to succeed/ to have an effective
among people communication, ano ang mahalaga? FEEDBACK
MANNERS/ WAYS IN COMMUNICATION 1. Sender – the information come from
1. Verbal manner – 2. Message
2. Non-verbal manner – use of written words, hand 3. Receiver
gestures etc to communicate 4. Feedback
- written, gestures, printed, digital (that gives you SOURCE, MESSAGE, CHANNEL, ENVIRONMENT (place,
knowledge) mode, feelings that both the sender and receiver) ,
Speech Communication- process of transmitting CONTEXT (expectations of the sender and receiver),
(transmission of information through spoken words) INTERFERENCE
knowledge/ idea/ emotions) information, thoughts, or
feelings of one person to another through spoken With only these 3, u can communicate
words effectively/successful/ have communication
Communication skills – is important for us to know - for communication to succeed, both parties must be
when we do communication because there will be able to exchange information, and understand each
misinterpretation if u don’t have communication skills. other.
- it helps us and it teaches us how we give and receive - if the flow of information is blocked, there will be
information and how to convey ideas/ opinions MISCOMMUNICATION/ COMMUNICATION FAILS
- The information that you want to convey will not be because there is no exchange of information even the
fully grasped by the reader/listener. sender sent his message, but there is a blockage, di
nakarating ang message sa receiver, there is no
Communication comes in many forms: feedback. The effective communication fails
1. Sound
2. Language The communication process begins with the SENDER.
3. Tone of voice Also called the COMMUNICATOR / THE SOURCE OF
= these are called VERBAL INFORMATION
It could be a command, request, idea that the
5 FORMS OF COMMUNICATION speaker he/she wants to share to others
1. Verbal - it includes sounds, language, and tone of - In order for the message to be received, the sender
voice (rising and falling intonation), diction (the way u must first enfold the message in a form that can be
speaks, emotions) understood and transmit
2. Aural – involves hearing and listening
- There is comprehension when Listening u have Types of Communication according to
critical thinking to process information, hearing while Mode, Context, Purpose and Style
understanding. While Hearing, it could be hearing
alone not understanding. According to CONTEXT
3. Non-Verbal- it contains facial expressions, body Communication is a process of exchanging
language, posture (at first glance the way he presents information, ideas, thoughts, feelings, and emotions
his self if educated hiya/ u judge) through speech, signals, writing, and behavior.
4. Written- text messages, newspaper, blogs, emails,
journals, letters, digital
5. Visual- signs, symbols, pictures, posters
Written, writing, listening, speaking, reading, viewing

2ND Semester | Midterms


- in f2f discussion, user is unable to deeply think about
what he is delivering, so this can be counted as a fault.
2. Written Communication – written signs or symbols
are used to communicate
- message can be transmitted via email, letter, report,
memo, etc. Most common form of communication
being used in business.
- Messages can be edited and revised. Written
communication provides record and backup. A written
CONTEXT message enables receiver to fully understand it and
 is the circumstance or environment in which send appropriate feedback.
communication styles take place. Disadvantages:
 may include the physical or actual setting, the - written communication doesn’t bring instant
value positions of a speaker/listener, and the feedback. It takes more time in composing a written
relevance or appropriateness of a message message as compared to word-of-mouth and number
conveyed. of people struggles for writing ability.
2. Nonverbal – is the sending or receiving of wordless
Communication may be classified according to: messages. Such as gesture, body language, posture,
1. Communication mode tone of voice/ facial expressions.
3. Purpose and style 1. Appearance
3 Types of Communication According to Mode Speaker- clothing, hairstyle, neatness, use of
 Verbal cosmetics
 Non-verbal Surrounding – room size, lighting, decorations,
 Visual furnishings
1. Verbal – spoken rather than written 2. Body Language
- relating to words or using words - facial expressions, gestures, postures
 It refers to the form of communication in 3. Sounds
which message is transmitted verbally. - voice tone, volume, speech rate
 Communication is done by word of mouth and 3. Visual – uses visuals to convey information/
a piece of writing messages, sense of sight to see the surroundings
Verbal Communication is divided into: - signs, symbols, imagery, maps, graphs, charts,
 Oral Communication diagrams, photos, drawings/illustrations, various
 Written Communication forms of electronic devices (movies, videos, AUDIO
1. Oral Communication – spoken words are used, VISUAL)
includes face to face conversations, speech,
telephonic conversation, video, radio, television Types of Communication According to CONTEXT
- communication is influence by pitch, volume, speed, 1. Intrapersonal
and clarity of speaking 2. Interpersonal
Advantages: 3. Extended
- it brings quick feedback in a f2f conversation, by 4. Organization
reading facial expression and body language one can 5. Intercultural
guess whether he/she should trust what’s being said 1. Intrapersonal Communication
or not. - is communication that occurs in your own mind
- basis of your feelings, biases, prejudices, and beliefs
Example: when u make any kind of decision, what to
eat or wear. When u think abt something

2ND Semester | Midterms


- when you are talking yourself n a mirror, you are 2. Informal Structure Communication – comes from
trying to compose yourself, you’re making yourself unofficial channels of message flow, NOT PROPER
comfortable, relax CHANNEL
2. Interpersonal Communication - also known as “grapevine”, messages coming from
- communication between two people but can involve the different levels of the organization are
more in informal conversations transmitted.
Example: when u are talking to your friends, patient - this occurs due to the dissatisfaction of some
and doctor discussing a treatment employees accompanied by uncertainty, such as
3. Extended Communication superiors playing regulations.
- involves the use of electronic media Organizational culture
- includes telephone, audio, or phone conferencing, - dictate the kind of behavior that employees should
video conferencing, skype calls/ technological means posses as well as the extent of commitment expected
- your smartphone any gadgets u use to reach out from them by the organization.
somebody / people who are separated with distance, - they share all in the values, practices, vision, and
it becomes quick and possible. mission of the organization.
4. Organizational Communication Intercultural Communication
- the focus is on the role that communication plays in - is the communication between or among people
organizational contexts having different linguistic, religious, ethnic, social, and
- for an organization to be successful, a system of professional backgrounds.
communication should be put in place.
2 types of Organizational Structure Types of Communication According to
2. Informal  Formal Communication
1. Formal Structure Communication– allows  Informal Communication
communication to take place via designated channels 1. Formal Communication
of message flow between positions in the - employs formal language delivered orally or in
organization. written form
- lectures, public tasks/speeches, research and project
4 Approaches proposals, reports, and business letters
1. Downward Communication – is the type that flows 2. Informal Communication
from upper to lower positions, president to a manager - does not employ formal language
or supervisor, a manager to an ordinary staff. - involves personal and ordinary conversation with
- the flow of communication is top-down or from a friends, family members.
superior to a subordinate, usually asking certain - the mode may be oral as in face to face, ordinary or
individuals to perform a certain task. everyday talks, phone calls, written email messages,
2. Upward Communication – message transmission is text messages
bottom-up in which subordinates send - the purpose it simply to socialize and enhance
communication to their superior/ bosses bearing their relationships
views/feedback on organizational policies, and issues
related to their jobs
3. Horizontal Communication – is lateral in approach
as it take place among people belonging to the same
level but coming from different departments or units
to facilitate performance or tasks through proper
4. Crosswise Communication – is diagonal in nature
as employees from different units or departments
working at various levels communicate with each

2ND Semester | Midterms


4 KINDS OF INTERFERENCE receiver. This clearly reflects that

1. Psychological barriers- mental thoughts your mind communication is a one-way process.
hinders you to interpret properly the things na  One-way process- not expecting a feedback
ginsend ni sender. Gin ask ka tas damo na tim gin iisip
2. Physical barriers- something to do with the A. ARISTOTLE’S COMMUNICATION MODEL
environment/ atmosphere / with the weather,  Orator to a large audience. The speaker plays
physical ability (hearing/ visually impaired) an important role in communication. Aristotle
3. Linguistic and Cultural barriers- pertain to the emphasized that there are 3 variables in the
language/ they can’t understand each other’s communication process – SPEAKER, SPEECH,
language/ the words that we used based on our & AUDIENCE
culture, discussing the weather (SCIENTIST jargon)  Delivering a speech, campaigns (not expecting
explaining with his neighbor (not best in science a feedback), announcements, oration
compared to scientist) AN ETHICAL
- u met an American, you are expecting them to say
“maam, sir”, they are first name basis B. LASWELL’S COMMUNICATION MODEL
4. Mechanical Barriers- raised by a channel, employed  This communication model was developed by
for interpersonal (interacting with others), group or communication theorist Harold D. Lasswell in
mass communication 1948. This model was summed up and can be
- internet, technical problems, cellphone understood by answering the 5 questions:
Who, Says what, In which channel, To whom,
Elements of Communication Process with what effect.
1. Source (sender)
2. Message
3. Channel
4. Receiver
5. Feedback
6. Environment (place, feelings, mode, mindset, and
 Claude Shannon and Warren Weaver broadly
both condition of the sender and receiver on their
defined communication as “all of the
procedures by which one mind may affect
7. context (involves the expectation of the sender and
another”. Their communication model
the receiver. You are expecting him to be like this like
consisted of an information source: the
source’s message, a transmitter, and a signal,
8. Interference/ barriers
and a receiver; the receiver’s message, and a
destination. This model is specially designed
to improve the technical communication.
Later it's widely applied in the field of
 The communication process is best described
communication. Furthermore, there is also
through discussion of different communication
concept of noise included in the model, which
models. In simple terms, model means systematic
goes through the channel and renders the
description of a phenomenon or abstract process.
message more difficult to understand by the
The common models of communication that have
been utilized over the years are as follows:
1. Linear Model- straightforward
 Also called the TRANSMISSION MODEL, a
linear model is based on the assumption that
communication is transmitted in a
straightforward manner- from a sender to a

2ND Semester | Midterms


 Also called as TRANSACTION MODEL. This 1. Intrapersonal (knowledge of oneself)

model is in contrast with the linear one, which 2. Interpersonal
considers communication flowing only in one
direction, from a sender to a receiver. In this 2 kinds of interpersonal communication
model, communication is a two-way process, 1. DYADIC INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION
which involves an exchange or an interaction - communication between 2 individuals
between the sender and the receiver. 2. SMALL GROUP INTERPERSONAL
- interaction between 3 or more persons
3. Extended Communication
- involves the use of electronic media, technologies
4. Organizational Communication
- system of communication
- agencies, office
3. SCHRAMM MODEL 1. Formal structure- allows take place between the
- filled of experience positions, 4 approaches
- known as the circular model because the message 2. Informal structure -
can go into 2 directions, continuous cycle, di
natatapos ang usapan 4.

FUNCTIONS OF COMMUNICATION 5. Complex Structure Communication

1. Control – used communication to control behavior, - includes cognitive processes
give policies, laws, related to regulatory - communication is a skill it can be learned.
2. Social interaction – thinking, interaction
3. Motivation- communication motivates people to 9 C’s OF EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION
live better, lift the mood, uplift the person, sharing
quotations, valedictory speech 1. Clarity – makes speeches understandable, you have
4. Emotional Expression- u communicate to express to consider your listener
your feelings, ross greets rocky, “THINKS” 2. Concreteness (SMART)- reduces misunderstanding,
5. Information Dissemination- create messages must be according to facts, research data,
announcements, create research, relay information, site authors
tourist, presents strategies to execute the plans, 3. Courtesy - (good will, being polite in terms of
sharing informative speeches approach, manner of addressing the individual
4. Correctness - (grammatically correct)
5. Consideration - (the level of profession, consider
Principles of Communication the race)
6. Creativity – sentence structure and word choice,
- We have to follow these to have successful example: hugot
communication 7. Conciseness – brief
1. Communication is Transactional (two-way 8. Cultural Sensitivity – culture, general equality
communication) 9. Captivating – strive to make your messages
2. Communication is Inevitable interesting, speech starts with a joke
3. Communication is goal-oriented
- if u are communicating, you have goals in mind/
know your purpose of communication Michael Osbom

4. communication has various levels


2ND Semester | Midterms


Ethical Considerations in Communication

- Ethics is a branch of philosophy that focuses on
issues of right or wrong.
Ethical communicator
1. Respect (the audience)
2. Consider the result of communication
3. Value truth
4. Use information correctly
5. do not falsify information
- valuing truth (falsification) (must be research based)

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