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Tray top cabinet stand, fitted with two mats, deep tray (No,
201V24), and terminalblockonly 20/038

As stand 20/038but fitted with drum type reversingswitch 201023

As stand 20/038but fitted with push button starterincorporating
overloadand no-volt release 20i039
As stand 20/038but fitted with drum type reversingswitch and
push buttonstarterincorporatingoverloadand no-voltrelease 201040
Note: Stands 20/039and 20/040meet the safety requirements
of EducationAuthorities
Cabinet standsfor long bed lathes add suffix L (e.9.20/038L),to
stand price add ..
When orderinggive exact details (voltage,phase, periodicity)
Deep tray only with drain plug, (as fitted to above stands) m1021
Note: To prevent interferencebetween the top of the tray and
the operator'shands,this should be used only in coniunction
with No.20/025 raisingblocks
Deep tray as abovebut for long bed lathes 20t0uL
Raisingblockswith lack screws and securingscrews .. pair 201025
Steel drip tray, with drain plug enamelledsilver metallicfor
standardbed lathesadmitting19"betweencentresONLY z|5io
Coolantequipmentsuppliedseparatelyfor externalmounting,
includingpump,tank,deliveryand return pipes,deliveryfitting
for saddlewith bracket,cock and telescopicpipe, also pump
switch built into pump:
for three phase r488/A
lor s ingl ep h a s e. . .. 1488/8
Give exact details (voltage,'phase and' periodicity) when
Industrial stand with isolator, rotary reversingswitch for lathe
drive motor, shelf in tool locker,lock and two keys for locker
door, and mat for open front shelves 118f.11
Industrialstand as above, but with push button starter and
no-voltand overloadreleases 118f/2
Industrialstandas above,completewith fullcoolantequipment,
includingpump,tank,deliveryand returnpipes,deliveryfitting
{or saddlewith bracket,cock and telescopicpipe,pump switch,
push button starter,reversingswitch and isolator:
for three phase,with coolanttank mountedinternally 1{86/3A
for single phase,with coolanttank mountedinternally r{86/38
for three phase,with coolanttank mountedexternally r{86/3C
for single phase,with coolanttank mountedexternally r{86/3D
Splash guard 14a7
Splash guard for long bed lathes t{87L
N.B. When ordering splashguards for existing stands
please state whether for stand with curved or rectangular
drip tray.
Geared scroll chucks size 4" (100mm),3 law, with threaded
bodies to screw direct on to the spindle nose. This design
eliminatesthe separatebackplate,resultingin increasedrigidity
and reducedoverhang.Completewith insideand outsidejaws
4' (100mm)3 jaw G.S. MYFORD BURNERDeconomy chuck
(with ungroundbody)1588-10000 (30MX)with threadedbody . . 40/063
4' (100mm)3 jaw G.S. MYFORD BURNERDchuck 1588-10130
(30M)with threaded body 40/003
4' ( 100m m3) i a w G . S . M Y F O R DB U R N E R D" G R I P T R U "c h u c k
1638-10130 (130M)with micro adjusting screws for setting of
true runningof componentand with threadedbody 40/004
4' (100mm)3 jaw G.S. super precision MYFORD BURNERD
chuck 1278-10130 (30MP) with precision ground scroll and
threadedbody 40/050
Als o av a i l a b l e :
4" (1fi)mm)3 iaw G.S. Burnerdchuck 1580-01005 for backplate
mounting- without backplate 40i0r5
6" ( 150m m )4 j a w i n d e p e n d e n tM Y F O R D B U R N E R Dc h u c k
1548-16130 (34M)with threaded body 4il.1012
Als o av i l a b l e :
6' (150mm)4 jaw independentBurnerd chuck 1540-11601 with
recess for backplatemounting - without backplate 4nl0r8
4*' (120mm)Eclipsemagneticchuck fitted with backplatefor
screwingto the spindle nose.The circulargroovesin the face
help with the centringof workpieces 40/034
Chuck guard accommodatesboth 3 law and 4 jaw chucks -
swingsclearto providereadyaccessfor loadingand unloading;
single point fixing 301022
Essentialfor industrialand educationalapplicationsin order
to complywith safetyregulations.
Transparentsafetyshield (not illustrated)with magneticbase
for cross-slideor bed mounting; the tough Acrylic screen,
10' x 71" (254x 190mm),providessafe vision with protection
from flying chips and coolant 30/0s2
Drill chucks,3 iaw of the keytype,with No.2 morsetaperarbors
0 - *' (9'5mm) 4rl0/0l
0 - |" ( 12. 5m m ) . . 1r1002
electrical equipment Motor,1425r.p.m.50Hz. or 1750r.p.m.60Hz - giveexactdetails
(voltage,phase,periodicity)when ordering
I H,P, single phase,capacitorstart 60/029
I H.P,three phase 60/firA
When suppliedwith a lathe,the necessarysecuringbolts,with
nuts and washersare included.
When suppliedwith a latheand switch (eitherbenchor cabinet

m odel)wir in g i s i n c l u d e d .
Push button starterwith no-voltand overloadrelease
MEM826A.D.S.for 2001250 60/025
MEM 246A.D.S. for 4001440 volts A.C. 60/021
Give exactdetails(voltage,and periodicity)when ordering.

Drum type reversingswitch is a universalswitch suitablelor

single phase or three phase A.C. lt can be bench or wall
mountedand in the case of changewheeldrivelathesit can be

ffi mountedon a bracketattachedto the lathe bed lust below the

headstock,Wherethe drum type reversingswitchand motorare
orderedwith the lathe,wiringfrom switchto motoris included
Bracketfor above for bench lathes, Nos. 10/038,10/040,10/048
and 10/050
Extrafifting to machine at works

Sale work light completewith transformer,arm in three partsto
givelull adlustmentof movement,shade and bulb. The output
is 25 volts 40 watt 60/023
When orderingstateexactinput voltage.

centne lathe
Four tool turret enablestools to be kept ready mounted for
immediate use. An index ring and spring loaded plunger
provide positivelocation in any one of eight is
designedfor use with ft'(8mm) squarecutterbit blanks ., 1410
Fixedsteadyarrangedfor singlepoint clampingto the bed has a
hinged cap to facilitate loading and unloading and three
reversiblebronze bearingsteadyshoes. Maximumcapacity2'
(50mm)diameter 1412
Travellingsteadyfor attachmentto left hand side of saddleby
11lo 1412 single bolt has two reversiblebronze steadyshoes. Maximum
capacity2' (50mm)diameter l1l3

Rear tool post acceptstools having shanks up to *' (12mm)

square.Tools are invertedso that latheruns in normaldirection,
When mountedin rear slot on cross-slide,distance between
innerface and rearface of topslideis, on Super7, 4S"(110mm);
on ML7-R with standard cross-slide,2*" (67mm);with long
cross-slide,4$" (105mm) t468
Taperturningattachment,arrangedfor boltingon to a machin-
ed facing at the back of the bed. The holes for the securing
screwsare so arrangedthat the attachmentcan be used along
any portionof the bed. Angular movementis 10' eitherside of
zero,The slide baseis 9' (228mm)long givinga workinglength
f or t aper t ur n i n go f 6 " ( 1 5 0 m m ) .. ,. 1429
Longcross-slideis 1f' (41mm) longerthan standardand has an
extratee slot, leavingamplespacebetweentools whenthe rear
toolpost is in use 1ft?
Extralongfeedscrewwill increasethe lengthof travelof the long
cross-slide,lor millingetc. to 7' (178mm) 43239
Bothfor ML7-Ronly; Super7 has long slideas standard.
Countershaftclutch unit (for fitting to existingmachine);ideal
f or ' inc hing' th e s p i n d l ea l s o i n a p p l i c a t i o n sw h i c h c a l l f o r v e r y
lrequentstartingand stoppingof the spindle 30/040
For ML7-Ronly; $ups17 has clutch as standard,
Leadscrewhandwheelhaving125divisionseach representing
0'001'andpointerforit which is attachedto the bed by meansof
a single screw insertedinto the tapped hole provided.Used in
order to obtain a fine hand feed to the carriageor for accurate
lengthwork duringturning, boringor milling operations t430
Also availablegraduatedin 0.02mmdivisions,
(ML7-Ronly; standardequipmenton Super 7).

Faceplate9" (228mm)diameterfor work which is too large for

mounting on to the standard 6f' (170mm)
has eight radialslots for the securingbolts for workpiecesor
angle plates etc. r437
Threaddial indicatorforattachmenttoright handside ofapron.
Graduatedto show when the leadscrewnut should be engaged
on subsequentcuts when cuttingwholeor half numberT.P.l, .. 14rS
Fine feed tumbler cluster for feeds down to 0.0018'(0.M5mm);
replacesthe standardcluster gear on the tumbler reverseswing
pin. For ML7-Rand Super 7, not ML7-RBor Super 78 .. t974A

Lathe cover made in polythene will help to protect the lathe

when not in use . . 1669
For long bed lathes 1669A I

production equipment
Leveroperatedcollet chuck has all componentshardenedand
ground. lt is ol the backplatemounting type so that if ordered
subsequentlyfor an existing machine the backplatecan be
finished in position on the lathe thus giving the maximum
possibledegreeof concentricity.
lf suppliedsubsequently 201165R
lf suppliedwith machine 20/065F

Colletsfor it are of the "dead length" type.Sizesfrom fr'to f"

x 64t hs ,a l s o z m m t o 1 6 m mx | m m i n c r e m e n t s . . .. each 1027

Six stationself indexingturretarrangedfor mountingto the bed,

converts the lathe for capstan work. The inclined turret head
and adiustablelength stops, which are coupled to it, aro auto-
matically rotated.duringthe return movementof the slide. Not
suitable for 10/038and 10/fi19lathes admitting 19" (483mm)be-
tween centresand havingpower cross traverse.Excludingtools
illustrated.. m/068

Turret tooling (f" diametershanks).

havingf" diametershanks. .
Tap holder,self-releasing,fortaps IA
for buttondies 1' diameter;maximum
Die holder,self-releasing,
thread length f" 2A
Adjustablestop .. 6A
Plain round drill holderfor drill shank diameter|' 9A
Drilling and facing toolholder,drill shank diameter{' . . 124
Tur ning a n d d r i l l i n g toolholder,suitable also for chamfering
and centre drilling, m a x i m u mt u r n i n g l e n g t h 1 " , d r l l l s h a n k
diameterfo t3A
Recessingtoolholder,Stool boresf" diameter,maximumstroke
1|",front and rear adlustablestops .. ., r6A
Smalldrillholder,self centringchuck,maximumdrill sizef' 17A
Box turning toolholder with 2 vee steadies and two tools,
maximumturningdiameterf', maximumturninglength2f' 20A
Endingtoolholder,for rounding,pointingchamfering 2:24


Knurlingtoolholder,adjustable,maximumknurlinglength1*' .. 8A
Rollersteadybox,tangentialcutting, maximumturning diameter
jl", maximumturninglength1f", minimumsteadydiameterf' , . 604
Floating holder, lor reamers etc. bored |' diameter 590A
Cut-otr Slide - lever operated with front and rear tool posts,
eqch havingtee slot adjustment,gives provisionlor both parting
off and forming. Adjustable stops are provided for both lront
and reartools,Maximumstroke3n(75mm),maximumswingover
slide 2f" (70mm).Tool section$" (10mm)square 20/088

Turret attachment for mounting on the cross-slide. All the

tooling listed abovefor 20/068can be utllised in conjunctionwith
this attachment.Excludingtools illustrated .. .. t{08

Multi-stop,for use with No. 1408turret attachmentis bolted on

to the back of the bed, and to the saddle, beneaththe rear strip.
Six length stops are provided which can prove a useful facillhT
for normalturning independentof the turret. Maximumstrok6
4*" (114mm),stop screw adjustment2" (50mm) l{83

The lever operated tailstock attachment,can readily be inter-

changedwith the standardhandwheeland barrelwhenevera
number of componentshas to be drilled or centred.An ad-
justable stop is fitted for accurate depth control. Maximum
stroke 2*' (57mm) t610

milling equipment
Vertical slide, plain type is attachedto the cross-slideby means
of two tee bolts. The slide table is 5|' (13ilmm)x 2f' (70mm),the
feedscrew is 10 T.P.l. and is fitted with a mlcrometer dial with' graduations.Table provided with two clamping screws.
Slide movement, with table facing headstock spindle 3t'
(82mm).Also availablewith 2mm pitch feed screw and 0.02mm
graduations 67lr
Vertical slide, swivellingtype, is attachedto the cross-slide by
means of two tee bolts and is arrangedto pivot in both vertical
and horizontalplanes.The angle bracketwhich has largearea
contact faces for maximum rigidity is graduated for both
6?/r movements.The table size is 5' (127mm)x 4' (101mm)and the
feedscrewis fitted with a micrometerdial' gradua-
tions. Table providedwith two clampingscrews,Slide move-
ment, with table facing headstockspindle, 3' (76mm).Also
availablewith 2mm pitchfeed screwand 0.02mmgraduations. il12
Raisingblock,2{" (54mm)high,for 6711and 68/2verticalslide;
increases versatilityalso capacity of 1495dividing attachment.
(Can also be used at rear ol cross-slide) 30/0ll

Dividingattachmentis arrangedfor mountingon to eitherthe

6/1 plain or 68/2swivellingverticalslide. lt is completewith two
division plates covering all numbers up to 50 and all even
numbersup to 100excepting88. Many numbersabove100can
also be obtained t495
Extraplates(2) coverNo.88 and allthe remainingodd numbers
up to 100 palr 1471
Circularsaw tablefits on the front of the lathecross-slidewhen
the top slide and topslide base have been removed.An ad-
justable fence, also the necessary arbor for the clrcular saw
and one 5o(127mm)diametersaw for metalare suppliedwith it 1407
Clampingbridgewith 3 work clamping screws for plate up to f'
(6mm)thick 7qrs2
Spare saws
Saw for metal for above,5' (127mm)diameter t{31
Saw for wood, for above,6' (152mm)diameter ., 111t2
Arbor for |' bore milling cutters for use betweencentres,fitted
with a driving peg tor engagementwith the catchplate.(Also
availablefor 13 and 16mmbore) fl33A
Flangesto convert1133Ato suit cuttershaving1' bore 7311%U2
Rodneyverticalmillingand drillingattachment.Mountedon the
lathebed and drivenfrom the headstockspindle,it usesthe full
lathe speed range.The milling spindle runs approximately 1'4
times lathespindlespeed.(Fordetailssee publicationNo.746) 201144
Rodneymachinevice with securingbolts .. 201141
Myford Rodneymini-millerattachment.Mountedon the lathe
bed and drivenfrom the headstockspindle,it usesthe full lathe
speed range and runs at lathe spindle speed.For detailssee
publicationNo. 763 201170
bars, toolholderc
Quick-settinglathe tools, H.S.S. butt welded, *" (12.5mm)
square shanks,Set of 12 tools with tool boat (with Cascelloid
tray and transparentlid) 107
Quick-settinglathetools, H.S.S.butt welded,f' (9'5mm)square
shanks.Set of 12 tools with tool boat (with Cascelloidtray and
transparentlid) ,, 108
Quick-settinglathetools, tungstencarbidetipped,{" (12.5mm)
squareshanks.(ldealfor castiron.)Set of 12tools with tool boat
(with Cascelloidtray and transparent lid) . . 109
Screw cuttingtools 55' angle standard;60oalso available
Individualtools *' (12.5mm) t" (9.5mm) *" (12'5mm)
StraightTurning R.H. l07C l08CA r09cc
StraightTurning L.H. l07D l08DA t09Dc
Slight CrankedR.H. l07K l08KA t09Kc
Slight CrankedL.H. l07L l08LA t09Lc
Off Set R.H. l07M r09Mc
Off Set L.H. l07N t09Nc
CrankedTurning (Heavycutting)R.H. t080A
CrankedTurning (Heavycutting)L.H. IOSPA
Round Nose R.H. l07l r08rA t09tc
Round Nose L.H. l07J l08JA t09Jc
Parting l07E flt8EA t09Ec
ExternalScrewing 107ES ilt8ESA r09Esc
Boring l07BT l08BTA I(x|BTC
InternalScrewing 10715 fll8tsA 109tsc
Toof Boat for above l07Z 1082A l07z
Quick-settingtoolholder with throwaway tungsten carbide
inserts.Insertsare in a medium grade but ground with chip-
breakersuitablefor steel. In packs of ten but availablesingly
Toolholder90'approachf" (9.5mm)squareshank URI2R9O
Toolholder45oapproach8" (9'5mm)squareshank URI2R45
Inserts, right hand (each insert) P OIR
Inserts, left hand (each insert) P Ol L
Tool boat t08zA
-16'sq.x2|" long high speedtool bits, packof 10(for use in 1410
fourtoolturret) 33Ir32

Slide rest tools in 18% tungsten are availablewith g" (8mm)

squareshanksin setsof eight(lettersB, C, D, G, H, J, L, M) 105
and with 8" (9.5mm)squareshanksin sets of twelve 1115
As with the 107,108and 109tools the sets cover a
comprehensiverangeof shapesfor the variousoperationsl
Individualtools availablein both i+" (8mm) square and g"
H J K t IA

MyfordDicksoninterchangeable toolingset s.00

comprisingthe followingwhich are availableseparately
two positiontoolpost THOOO
two standardtoolholders(for $' (1Omm)tools (each) THOO1
boring bar holder(for $' (10mm)bar) THOO2
partingoff toolholder .. THtXt4
parting off blade (*" x l' x 4$' - 3 x 1 2 . 5 x 1 1 4 m m ) TH0014
hexagonkey THOO25
hexagonsocketwrench TH0007

Adiustable boring bars, each complete in box with two cutters,

spannerand hexagonkey.
Bar ft" dia. x 7' cutter f' dia. (14.3x 178x 6.35mm) . . 33/0rl
Bar fr" dia. x 5f" cufter |" dia. (11.1x 133x 6.35mm) . . 3U0r2
Bar $' dia. x 4|o cutter $" dia. (9.5x 114x 4.75mm) 33/013

"Easi-set"turningtoolholderwith R.H,and L.H. blocksf" x f" x

3' (19 x 16 x 76mm),6l' (6.35mm)diameterH.S.S.cuttereand
hexagonwrench,in wooden box 38/017
Parting tool holder with one $" x r|' (8 x 1'6mm)blade,height
from baseto pointS" (11mm) 633S
Spare bladefor above 33/033

centnes and drill pads

The rangeof centresof No.2 M.T. includes:
hard centre for tailstock 75112fi
soft centre for headstock 75l12AS
square centre t53
half centre t54
hollow centre t55
wood prong centre l86l
fluted centre t69
oiirl pJaJiequirestubuibor,'use
plain t70
vee 171
Rotatingcentre type H.D.2 No. 2 M.T. 3p,loz5
RotatingcentreSKODA No.2 M.T. 33/028
Rotating centre GEPY No. 2 M.T. high precision,compact
design,Swiss made 33/035
chuck backplabs
For 6" (150mm)- 4 jaw independentBurnerd 73lr9/'4
For 4" (100mm)- 3 jaw Burnerd & Pratt 7qrrfi
For4" (100mm)-4 iaw &3*" (80mm)-4 jaw independentBurnerd 7qrsfi
For 3' (75mm)- 3 jaw Burnerdleverscroll 73/r035
41" (108mm)dia. for gcneralpurposes 73n907
For 6" (150mm)- 4 jaw independentPratt 73119x,,2
4*'(114mm)dia. for generalpurposes fl94
5' (127mm)dia. for generalpurposes A.3091
generaf accessories
ColletsNo.2 directinto the headstockspindle . . each t03l
and requireonly the nose piece 1438
and collet closingtube r139
The latteris intendedfor closing.thecolletto simpllfyinsertion
into, or removalfrom the nose piece.
Collets are availablein 64th.incrementsin sizes fi'to f" and
from 2 to 13mmin |mm increments.
Colletcase,polishedhardwood,holds 16collets,plus the nose
pieceand collet closingtube. (Caseonly) r{84
Hand rest and basearrangedto clamp directon to the lathebed
by meansof a singlebolt, Suppliedcompletewith one tee rest, l1l1
either for metal 7311967
or for wood 30/002
ihirie'iiJ uotns; (tzsmm)
Adaptorfor mountingheadstockchucksetc.,on tailstock.This
has a No,2 M.T. shankand a threadat the f ront end with register
to matchthe threadand registeron the headstockspindlenose 1434

Tailstockdieholdersfor $ t135
and for 1' diameterbuttondies with No.2 M.T. shanksto fit the
tailstock r436
They have a sliding head and a pin to preventrotation,The
tailstock barrel may be set so that the head is withdrawn from
the pin and rotateswith the workpieceat the end ol the cut. Also
availablefor 20 & 25 mm dies.
Angle plate,3" (75mm)long, three slots in one face,the other
being left blankso that it may be drilledas required 70
Angle plate4" (100mm)long m
Angle plate6" (150mm)long 2nB
both with slots in both faces.

Machinevicefor mountingon the faceplate,on the cross-slide,

or on one or other of the verticalslides. lt is suppliedwith a
loose iaw for gripping tapered work. The iaw width is lf'
(41mm),the maximumjaw openingwithoutthe looseiaw is 1|'
(38mm)and the jaw height is |" (19mm) 7l

Vee bfocks 3o x-1lox 1*" (75 x 39 x 32mm) 73

and 4' x 2! x 1 *'( 1 0 0 x 5 0 x 3 2 m m ) . .. 71
arb in cast iron andare provided with lugs so that they can be
ieadily clamped to the cross-slide, the vertical slides or the
barriers(LatheDogs).Availablein three sizes*n,f" and 1" (12,

€-+ 19 & 25mm) capacity;these are in phosphor bronze and are

providedwith square head clampingscrews
* ' ( 12m m ). .
l' ( 1gm m )
1" (25mm) 85

e a aa Facepfateclamps, These are l-nsets of four, and are2l' (63mm)

long.' They are suitable for''clamping work.not only to the
faceplatebutalso tothe crois-slidb and the verticalslides 86
Boring bar intendedfor use is 13'(330mm)
long, by *' (19mm) diameterand is contpletewith three f"

ffi (6'3limm)diameter cutter$ and cotter; for bores from 1' to 2|"
(25to 57mm) diameter'

Sets ol four tee bolts and nuts.

6' ( 150m m l)o n g . . fi96
G{}_-6qps@ and 3' (75mm)Iong 1197
are suitablefor clamping work to the faceplate,the cross-slide
Gflpn€pG@e or the verticalslides.
Also, for clamping the.No. 71 vice to the croSs-slideor the
verticalslides 242:2
Surface plates, precision ground, in cast iron with edges
machinedsquare and completewith handlesare availablein
three sizes.
5o x3l" (127x 89mm) 33/002
7" x5' (178x 127mm) 33/003
10' x7' (254x 178mm) 33/004
Oil gun, with specialnozzlefor Myfordapplication 33/006
Lubricatingoil, Esso Nuto H32,(|SO.VG32)litre t490
(Availablefor supplyin U.K. only)
Grease, Rocol Molytone 1000,ideal for backgears,change-
wheels,leedscrewsetc, Pertube 33/001

Vee belt, spare,{or headstock(A29.5)(A780) 3315

Vee belt, spare,for motor drive (M33.5)(2870) 2350

Gearboxcompletewith hingedguard,installationand operating
i nstructions t6E0
Metric conversionset comprising slotted quadrant,change-
wheelsspacersand studs.Covers29 pitchesf rom 0'2to 4mm , . rnrlr
Slotted quadrant,for odd pitches. (lncluded in 1481/1set);
enablesuse of standardchangewheels 24/',5
Changewheelstud assembly.(Two requiredfor use with 2469
quandrantfor ML7-RBand Super 78 only,) Each t485
Quickchangeleadscrew(replacement for existingscrewwhich
can be modified)for ML7-Rstandard,19"betweencentres 3/'rrn
lor ML7-Rlong,31" betweencentres A3839
for Super 7, boxes QC2495/1and upwards, lathes prior to
SK1158i10, standard,19obetweencentres 30rrl1
Ditto but long, 31' betweencentres A3839
ForSuperT,SKl15830and onwards,standard19nbetweencentres A5221
Ditto but long, 31' betweencentres 49224

Teeth Price Teeth Price Teeth Price Teeth Price
|20 *60 2l 48
*E 27 51
*30 "65
*70 28 52
*35 *75 31 53
*38 80 32 59
I40 85 33 62
*45 90 3t 63
46 95 43 04
*50 t00 4 73
*55 127 47 8l
*These wheelscomprisea standardset lor changewheellathes,but two 20
tooth are includedin the set.
For metric conversionfor changewheellathes,two 21tooth wheels requiredper
machine.A chartshowingthe use ofthese wheelscan be suppliedon request.
We resewe the rlght to charye pilces rull,rg at a date of despatchand make changesin design and speciflcationwithout notlce.
All orders arc accepted subject to our Standard Conditlons of Sale'


Printed in England Tef : (fl6ll2)25,42:A2
'Telegrams: Myford Beeston llottingham ' Telex: 3?llXl

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