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International Journal of Business and Economy

eISSN: 2682-8359 | Vol. 4, No. 3, 303-315, 2022

International Journal of Business and Economy (IJBEC)

eISSN: 2682-8359 | Vol. 4 No. 3 [September 2022]
Journal website:



Nur Marliana Mohamad1*, Norlaila Md Zin2 and Suzana Sulaiman3

Jabatan Pengurusan dan Sains Sosial, Kolej Yayasan Pelajaran Johor, Kulai, MALAYSIA
Faculty Accountancy, Universiti Teknologi Mara, Shah Alam, MALAYSIA

*Corresponding author:

Abstract: Tax awareness among the society is important

Article Information: since it is one of the main factors that contribute to tax
Article history: compliance among taxpayers. This study aimed to
systematically review, consolidate, and integrate the
Received date : 21 August 2022 findings of various empirical studies in the literature to
Revised date : 30 August 2022 identify the factors affecting tax awareness. Out of the
Accepted date : 4 September 2022
Published date : 10 September 2022 identified and screened 310 related studies, a total of 14
articles were included in this systematic review. A
To cite this document: frequency analysis was conducted on these selected
articles to look into the factors, theorical components,
Mohamad, N. M.., Md Zin, N., &
Sulaiman, S. (2022).
methodological approaches, countries of the origin,
DETERMINANTS OF TAX sample size, and the studies’ distribution by year. The
AWARENESS: A SYSTEMATIC results showed that tax knowledge, attitude, tax morale
LITERATURE REVIEW. and tax socialization are among the most factors
International Journal of Business and influencing tax awareness. As for theories, the Planned
Economy, 4(3), 303-315.
Behaviour and Attribution theories are the mostly
applied theories in the literature related to tax
awareness. In terms of distribution, the largest share of
the studies was attributed to Indonesia, followed by
Malaysia and Turkey. Methodologically, majority of the
studies are quantitative in nature, and then scientific
approach. Government, tax authorities and related
parties can utilize the findings of this study to improve
tax awareness for better compliance in future.

Keywords: Tax Awareness, Tax Compliance, Theory of

Planned Behavior (TPB).


Copyright © 2022 ACADEMIA INDUSTRY NETWORKS. All rights reserved.

International Journal of Business and Economy
eISSN: 2682-8359 | Vol. 4, No. 3, 303-315, 2022

1. Introduction
The issue of non-tax compliance has become a major concern globally since the
implementation of self-assessment system. Non-compliance with tax laws impedes the ability
of the government to collect taxes efficiently in both developed and developing countries, and
Malaysia has no exemption. Recently, the Inland Revenue Board Malaysia (IRBM) detected a
total of 31,598 entities comprising individuals, businesses, companies, and others who have
yet to report their actual income in which this has contributed to the country's direct tax leakage
of RM 665 million (Sinar Harian, 2022). Further investigation revealed that a total of 23,751
entities were constituted by individuals, while another 7,847 were from businesses, companies,
and others. Alarmed by this statistic, the Malaysian government has outlined three approaches
to mitigate non-compliance issues, i.e. through awareness, education, and service. These
approaches are in line with the suggestion by Othman et al. (2020) who asserted that the level
of tax compliance among taxpayers in a country reflect the level of knowledge about taxation
system among its citizens.

Previous studies in the literature have provided the evidence to show that tax awareness is
among the major factors that influence tax compliance (Adimasu, 2017; Indah & Setiawan,
2020; Lisa & Hermanto, 2018; Nurkhin et al., 2018; Oktaviani et al., 2020; Wicaksono &
Lestari, 2017; Zanaria & Lestari, 2020). For instance, Wicaksono and Lestari (2017) revealed
the significant influence of the taxpayers’ attitude on their tax compliance. In line with these
studies, Sanusi et al. (2021) suggested that introducing tax awareness at a young age is
necessary to prevent non-compliance among the citizens in the future. In fact, according to the
study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), tax
awareness and literacy is the key driver that contributes to shape the tax culture of a country,
whereby the people managed to develop an understanding about the consequences of both
paying and not paying taxes on their daily activities (OECD, 2021a). Given the importance of
tax awareness towards tax compliance, it seems necessary to investigate factors that influence
awareness towards taxes so that tax compliance behavior can be improved from the ground up.

Meanwhile, several previous studies attempted to find the factors that influence tax awareness
among individuals. In some research, tax awareness is associated with factors such as the tax
education received by individuals (Baykan & Cek, 2019; Gergerlioğlu & Гергерлиоглу, 2022;
Tjen & Wicaksono, 2022), tax knowledge (Hamid et al., 2019; Hardiningsih et al., 2020;
Muawanah & Gajayana, 2021; Oktaviani et al., 2020; Panjaitan et al., 2018; Pattiasina et al.,
2021; Sanusi et al., 2021; Savitri, 2015), taxpayers’ attitude (Gergerlioğlu & Гергерлиоглу,
2022; Hamid et al., 2019; Panjaitan et al., 2018; Sanusi et al., 2021; Tambun, 2022), tax morale
(Sanusi et al., 2021; Tambun, 2022), the role of tax authorities (Sanusi et al., 2021; Tenreng et
al., 2021), subjective norms(Panjaitan et al., 2018), tax amnesty (Panjaitan et al., 2018), tax
sanction (Hardiningsih et al. et al., 2020; Tenreng et al., 2021), tax socialization(Hardiningsih
et al., 2020; Oktaviani et al., 2020; Savitri, 2015) service quality (Muawanah & Gajayana,
2021; Savitri, 2015), expediency of tax id number (Savitri, 2015), trust in government(Hamid
et al., 2019), tax literacy (Upa et al., 2021) and social environment (Upa et al., 2021). The
above studies have shown that there are varying factors at present which could significantly
impact tax awareness among the citizens.


Copyright © 2022 ACADEMIA INDUSTRY NETWORKS. All rights reserved.

International Journal of Business and Economy
eISSN: 2682-8359 | Vol. 4, No. 3, 303-315, 2022

Despite the significance of tax awareness, there seems to be lack of studies that focused on the
factors that could impact the tax awareness among individual taxpayers. Additionally, there
were also no agreement among the previous studies on a relevant theory that can act as a
guidance or reference for research practitioners and scholars who aim to understand and
explore issues and aspects related to taxpayers’ awareness. Furthermore, most of the existing
studies in the literature are empirical and quantitative in nature. Thus, it is not an exaggeration
if stated that there is still no review article that discusses the factors that affect tax awareness
among individuals based on database searching.

In line with the above, the main purpose of this study is to review, consolidate, and integrate
relevant findings obtained from the systematic review of previous studies in the literature in
order to identify the factors which may contribute towards tax awareness among individual
taxpayers in the society. Other than that, this systematic review study also aims to look into the
theories which have been used and discussed in the identified studies in order to suggest the
direction of future work for other researchers, scholars, and policymaker alike as they seek to
study and understand tax awareness in this country.

This paper is comprised of six sections. In the previously discussed section, the issues and the
purpose of this study have been presented. Next, the methodogical approach in implementing
this study is elaborated. Following the method section, the conducted review of previous
studies related to the scope of this study is explained. The fourth section presents the findings
obtained from this systematic review, and the fifth section presents the discussions of the study
findings in detailed. Finally, the six section explains the limitations and direction of future
work, and concludes the study findings.

2. Method
This study employed a quantitative method in performing the systematic reviews of the related
studies in the literature in order to identify the factors as well as other aspects that contribute
to the tax awareness among individual taxpayers. The systematic literature review was
performed using the online method by involving a collection of articles in the literature related
to tax awareness. In order to collect the articles which are relevant to the topic and scope of
this paper, specific key terms, such as ‘tax awareness’, ‘taxpayers’ awareness’, and ‘factors
affect tax awareness’ were used in performing the search. The article search involved online
scholarly databases, such as Scopus, Science Direct, Emerald Insight, Web of Science and
ResearchGate. At the end of the article search process, a total of 310 articles were extracted
from these databases for further analysis. Following this, two screening activities was
conducted. The first screening was done to narrow down and eliminate the articles which are
deemed as unrelated to the topic of this study. From this first screening, a total of 277 articles
were removed from the database of article collection. Next, the second screening involved the
researchers’ manual activities in reading the articles by their title, abstract, as well as the article
content. As a result, 19 more articles were removed due to the unrelated scope and duplication.
Figure 1 illustrates the whole process of article collection and screening.


Copyright © 2022 ACADEMIA INDUSTRY NETWORKS. All rights reserved.

International Journal of Business and Economy
eISSN: 2682-8359 | Vol. 4, No. 3, 303-315, 2022

Figure 1: Processes Done in Selecting Articles Related to the Scope of the Study

No of records identified through

database searching
Scopus (n=64)
Science Direct (n=53)
Emerald Insight (n=44)
Web of Science (n=49)

Initial (n=310) Screening 1 =

277 removed

Total (n=33)
Screening 2 =
19 removed
Net (n=14) included

Finally, the screened and selected articles were further analyzed quantitatively in which a
frequency analysis was implemented using the statistical software in order to identify and
record the factors influencing tax awareness as well as other details such as theories,
methodological approach, countries, respondents involved, and sample size of the studies.

3. Literature Review
The initial scope of the study involved individual taxpayers. However, it was observed from
the review that there are limited articles that can be extracted from the literature which
specifically related to the investigation of factors affecting tax awareness among individual
taxpayers. Due to this reason, the systematic review in this study also included other articles
that studied the impacts on tax awareness among small and medium enterprises. The final
extracted articles were summarized in Table 1 with a brief summary of each article. As an
example, Pattiasina et al. (2021) and Oktaviani et al. (2020) in Indonesia confirmed that tax
knowledge and tax socialization have a significant effect on tax awareness. Similarly, Hamid
et al., 2019, identified the relationships between tax knowledge and attitude with tax awareness.
As indicated in their study results, higher level of tax knowledge and better attitude will
contribute towards increasing the people’s understanding of tax system and laws. Their
findings are in line with other research conducted by Panjaitan et al., (2018) who confirmed
that taxpayer’s attitude and tax knowledge have positive effect on tax awareness among Small
Medium Enterprise in Medan. Furthermore, tax amnesty is also found to have a positive
relationship with tax awareness in Panjaitan's (2018) study. Nevertheless, other factors such as


Copyright © 2022 ACADEMIA INDUSTRY NETWORKS. All rights reserved.

International Journal of Business and Economy
eISSN: 2682-8359 | Vol. 4, No. 3, 303-315, 2022

trust in government and tax system (Hamid et al., 2019) and subjective norms (Panjaitan et al.,
2018) were found to have a negative relationship with tax awareness.

Meanwhile, according to Tambun (2022), nationalism’s attitude and tax morale have a
significant relationship on tax awareness among taxpayers. As concluded by Tambun, the first
strategy for the government to increase tax awareness among taxpayers is by increasing the tax
morale, and then followed by the attitude of nationalism. In similar vein, the research conducted
by Tenreng et al., (2021) proved that the role of tax authorities and tax sanctions are effective
in increasing taxpayer awareness. Muawanah and Gajayana (2021) also discussed that taxes
knowledge and fiscal services quality positively and significantly affects taxpayers’ awareness.
Based on the findings by Savitri (2015), tax socialization, tax knowledge, and quality of service
were noted as the factors which significantly impacted the taxpayers’ tax awareness; on the
other hand, expediency of tax id number did not have a significant relationship with the tax
awareness. Similarly, Hardiningsih et al. (2020) concluded that tax knowledge, tax sanction,
and tax socialization have positive impact on tax awareness among taxpayers.

In the perspective of future taxpayers, a study in Indonesia (Upa et al. 2021) found that tax
literacy and social environment have a positive impact on the level of tax awareness among
secondary school students. Another study in Indonesia by Tjen and Wicaksono (2022)
discussed that after the tax education session, students' level of tax awareness rose.
Additionally, students who are familiar with the tax authority website and those who have
studied taxes before the event showed a greater increase in tax awareness. Meanwhile, in
Malaysia, according to Sanusi et al., (2021) tax knowledge, tax attitude, and tax morals were
found to have a significant relationship towards tax awareness among students in higher
learning institutions. On the other hand, the role of tax authorities was found to have a negative
relationship on tax awareness among the students (Sanusi et al., 2021).

Despite the importance of tax education and knowledge towards tax awareness, several other
studies found a contradicting evidence. For instance, the studies by Gergerlioğlu and
Гергерлиоглу (2022) and Baykan and Cek (2019) in Turkey showed that tax education has no
significant impact on tax awareness among students. Moreover, Gergerlioğlu and
Гергерлиоглу revealed that there is not much difference among the attitudes of students who
received tax courses and those who did not receive tax courses. Nevertheless, Baykan and Cek
suggested that tax education should be introduced at an earlier level of education to develop
tax awareness among the future taxpayers. This is in line with Othman et al., (2020) who
recommended that tax education should be formally introduced at secondary school to raise
future taxpayer’s awareness toward taxes.

Table 1: Summary of the Reviewed Articles

Author/ Theory/ Independent Dependent Sample Findings
year/ Models Variable Variable size/
country Applied methods
Gergerlioğlu Nil Tax education Tax 538 University There is not much
and Attitude consciousnes students/ difference among the
Гергерлиоглу s Quantitative attitudes of students who
(2022) received tax courses and
Turkey those who did not receive
tax courses.
Tjen & Nil Tax education Tax 693 taxpayers Students’ tax awareness
Wicaksono program awareness Quantitative levels increased after the
(2022) tax education program.


Copyright © 2022 ACADEMIA INDUSTRY NETWORKS. All rights reserved.

International Journal of Business and Economy
eISSN: 2682-8359 | Vol. 4, No. 3, 303-315, 2022

Sanusi et al., Nil Tax Tax 224 Significant positive
(2021) knowledge awareness respondents’ relationship between tax
Malaysia Tax morale students/ knowledge, tax morale and
The role of tax Quantitative attitude towards tax
authorities awareness were
discovered. However, no
relationship was found
between the role of tax
authorities and tax
Panjaitan et TPB Taxpayers’ Tax 344 There is a significant
al., et al., attitude awareness respondents/ influence of the Taxpayer’s
(2018) Taxpayers’ Tax Quantitative Attitude, tax knowledge
Indonesia knowledge compliance and tax amnesty towards
Subjective tax awareness. There is no
norms significant effect of
Tax amnesty subjective norms on tax
Tenreng et al., Slippery Tax sanction Tax 100 active The role of tax authorities
(2021) Slope The roles of awareness taxpayers/ and tax sanctions proved
Indonesia Framwork tax authorities Tax Scientific effective in increasing
compliance approach taxpayer awareness
Pattiasina et TPB Taxation Tax 120 The results of this study
al., (2021) knowledge awareness respondents indicate that tax knowledge
Indonesia Tax Tax Individual and tax socialization have a
socialization compliance taxpayers/ significant relationship
Quantitative towards tax awareness.
Oktaviani et Nil Taxpayer Tax 95 respondents The results of the study
al., (2020) knowledge awareness taxpayers/ reveal that taxpayer
Indonesia Taxation Tax Quantitative knowledge and taxation
socialization compliance socialization had a
significant effect on
taxpayer awareness.
Muawanah & Nil Taxes Tax 100 individual Taxes knowledge and
Gajayana, knowledge awareness taxpayers/ fiscal services quality
(2021) Fiscal services Tax Quantitative positively and significantly
Indonesia quality compliance affects taxpayers’
Savitri (2015) Attributio Tax Tax 100 taxpayers/ The tax socialization, tax
Indonesia n Theory socialization awareness Quantitative knowledge and quality of
TPB Tax Tax service were affecting the
knowledge compliance tax awareness while
Quality of expediency of tax id
service number does not affect the
Expediency of tax awareness.
tax id number
Baykan & Cek Nil Education Tax 82 students/ Students who are receiving
(2019) about tax awareness Quantitative education about tax show
Turkey Tax low levels of tax awareness
perception and perceptions.
Tambun TPB Nationalism’s Tax 180 There is a significant direct
(2022) Attitude and Awareness respondents effect on nationalism and
Indonesia Tax Morals Taxpayer Taxpayers/ tax morale on tax
Compliance Quantitative awareness.
Hamid et al., Equity Tax Tax 300 e- There are relationship
(2019) theory knowledge Awareness commerce/ between tax knowledge
Malaysia Tax attitude Quantitative and attitude with tax
awareness. While, trust in

Copyright © 2022 ACADEMIA INDUSTRY NETWORKS. All rights reserved.

International Journal of Business and Economy
eISSN: 2682-8359 | Vol. 4, No. 3, 303-315, 2022

Trust in government and tax system

government has negative relationship
with tax awareness.
Upa et al., Nil Tax literacy Tax 398 The tax literacy variable
(2021) and social awareness respondents of has a significant effect on
Indonesia environment school tax awareness and the
students/ social environment has a
Quantitative significant effect on tax
Hardiningsi et Attributio Tax Tax 196 taxpayers/ Tax knowledge, tax
al., (2020) n theory knowledge awareness Quantitative sanction and tax
Indonesia Tax sanction Tax socialization have positive
Tax compliance relationship towards tax
socialization awareness

4. Findings
4.1 Most Important Factor for Tax Awareness
As indicated in Figure 2, the systematic review of articles in study showed that the most
important factors that influence tax awareness among individual taxpayers are related to TPB
which are tax knowledge (Hamid et al., 2019; Hardiningsih et al., 2020; Muawanah &
Gajayana, 2021; Oktaviani et al., 2020; Panjaitan et al., 2018; Pattiasina et al., 2021; Sanusi et
al., 2021; Savitri, 2015), attitude (Hamid et al., 2019; Panjaitan et al., 2018; Sanusi et al., 2021;
Tambun, 2022), and tax socialization (Hardiningsih et al., 2020; Oktaviani et al., 2020; Savitri,
2015). Furthermore, tax morale is also an essential factor for tax awareness (Sanusi et al., 2021;
Tambun, 2022).

Factors influencing tax awareness

Tax Sanction 1
Social Environment 1
Tax Literacy 1
Expediency of Tax ID… 1
Service Quality 1
The Role of Tax Authorities 1
Tax Amnesty 1
Tax Morale 2
Tax Socialization 3
Tax Attitude 4
Tax Knowledge 8
0 2 4 6 8 10
Figure 2: Factors Influencing Tax Awareness

4.2 Theories of Tax Awareness

In addition to the above finding, the review of the identified studies also revealed the major
focus on the application of TPB in describing the behavioural intention among the taxpayers
and its influence on tax awareness (Figure 3). Apart from TPB, the Attribution theory was also
discussed in the studies in the literature. Other theories, such as Social Learning theory,
Expected Utility theory, and Equity theory were marginally used. However, it was also found


Copyright © 2022 ACADEMIA INDUSTRY NETWORKS. All rights reserved.

International Journal of Business and Economy
eISSN: 2682-8359 | Vol. 4, No. 3, 303-315, 2022

that 50% of the identified studies did not use or discuss any theory to explain the relationship
that exists between tax variables.

Theories of tax awareness

Equity Theory 1
Expected Utility Theory 1
Social Learning Theory 1
Attibution Theory 2
Theory Planned Behavior 4
0 1 2 3 4 5
Figure 3: Theories of Tax Awareness

4.3 Countries of Origin of the Reviewed Studies

As shown in Figure 4, Indonesia contributes the largest number of the related studies, followed
by Malaysia and Turkey.


Turkey 2
Malaysia 2
Indonesia 10
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Figure 4: Countries of the Studies

4.4 Methodological Approach

In terms of the methodological approach, majority of the studies employed the quantitative
method of data collection. The plausible reason could be because the main focus of this study
is on individual taxpayers, and thus the easiest and most practical way to extract relevant
primary data from this type of respondents is through the use of survey-based method, such as

Methodological Approach

Scientific Approach

Figure 5: Methodological Approach of the Studies


Copyright © 2022 ACADEMIA INDUSTRY NETWORKS. All rights reserved.

International Journal of Business and Economy
eISSN: 2682-8359 | Vol. 4, No. 3, 303-315, 2022

4.5 Sample Size

Based on the analysis, it was found that the quantitative studies have accounted for 93% of the
total studies identified. For these quantitative studies, the sample size applied for the data
collection varied significantly from 82 to 693 respondents. The calculated mean of this sample
size was 248.

4.6 Studies Distribution by Year

The importance of tax awareness can also be observed by the number of studies published in
the literature. As can be seen from Figure 6, the number of studies conducted on tax awareness
increased significantly from 2015 to the middle of 2022. This suggests the increasing scholarly
focus on tax awareness. Meanwhile, the constant trend from 2019 to 2020 could be due to the
impact of COVID-19 in which the pandemic has caused disruptions to various socio-economic
areas, including tax administration and public services. As reported by OECD (2021b), the
COVID-19 crisis has led to severe deterioration in public finances, which put forward the need
for restructuring tax and expenditure policies.

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Figure 6: Chronology of the Studies (Yearly Distribution)

5. Discussion
It is of vital importance to identify the factors that influence tax awareness since these factors
can provide a basic understanding on the ways or solutions for encouraging taxpayers to do
voluntary compliance with tax-related laws and regulation (Nadiah et al., 2019). Overall, based
on the systematic review of the literature, this study has identified several factors that affect
the tax awareness, namely tax education, tax knowledge, tax literacy, attitude, tax morale, tax
socialization, service quality, social environment, expediency tax ID, tax amnesty, tax sanction,
and the role of tax authorities. These factors may suggest the areas for developing a conceptual
framework of tax awareness which is applicable for analyzing and discussing the role of tax
awareness for the society’s tax compliance.

Most importantly, in line with other studies, this study put forward the importance of enhancing
tax awareness among both individual and future taxpayers for sustainable sources of funding
for social and public development programmes. Tax is an important source of income for a
nation’s development, and thus people’s awareness on their obligation is necessarily vitality.
Multiple studies have shown that higher tax awareness is associated with a higher tax
compliance, in which such level can be achieved with a necessary level of education and
knowledge on the taxation system (Shahnaz et al., 2022). Furthermore, as observed from the
yearly distribution of the studies, the increasing trend could be an important indication or

Copyright © 2022 ACADEMIA INDUSTRY NETWORKS. All rights reserved.

International Journal of Business and Economy
eISSN: 2682-8359 | Vol. 4, No. 3, 303-315, 2022

reflection of the importance of tax awareness in the body of knowledge, thus putting forward
the need to improve tax compliance among the society in future.

Moreover, tax awareness relates to multi-faceted aspect of human’s cognitive and behavioral
understandings. This study also revealed that the theoretical applications in describing the
behavioral intention among the taxpayers and its influence on tax awareness, particularly TPB.
Other than TPB, the study findings also identified several other theories related to the study on
tax awareness, such as Social Learning theory, Expected Utility theory, and Equity theory. As
suggested by Muzakkir et al. (2019), the best approach to investigate the determinants of
individual behavior is through the application of TPB. Similarly, their study identified the
determinant effect of the theory and tax knowledge on taxpayer compliance.

As for implication, findings obtained in this study would be very beneficial for decision makers
and policy makers alike by focusing on these factors so that the tax awareness can be increased
thus comply with tax laws in future. As for research practitioners and researchers, this study
has provided a useful summary of the key findings from various previous studies in the
literature, thus it would be helpful to assist them to identify gaps, while looking into potentials
and emerging challenges in extending the study.

6. Limitations of the Study and Future Work

Despite the significance of the study findings, there are several limitations to be considered.
Firstly, the systematic review only involved 14 studies of the total identified studies. Therefore,
it is suggested that future studies to expand the database of articles so that the findings could
be more representative and generalizable. Secondly, findings obtained in this study were also
limited since they were based on individual taxpayers and small medium enterprises. Although
the scope of the study was individual taxpayers, the inclusion of small medium enterprise was
done due to the lack of studies which focused only on individual taxpayers. Considering this,
it is recommended for future research to extend the literature by conducting empirical studies
that involve not only individual taxpayers, but also future taxpayers, i.e., school and university
students. Other than that, this study was also limited since most extracted studies were related
to three countries, namely Indonesia, followed by Malaysia and Turkey. Therefore, it is
proposed that future empirical studies can be done on developing countries, specifically those
involved the use of the theory of TPB, Attribution Theory, and Social Learning Theory. Finally,
there is also a need for the findings of this study to be examined more empirically. In line with
this need, future work may explore the investigation of factors such as tax education, tax
knowledge, tax socialization, tax morale, social environment and other relevant factors which
constitute the behavioural approach. This may be useful for explaining how the tax awareness
can vary by the types of taxpayers, either individual or future taxpayers.

7. Conclusion
In conclusion, through the systematic review, this study has identified the factors which could
affect the tax awareness among individual taxpayers. The obtained findings have also provided
relevant statistical and empirical evidence based on the literature studies which discussed
aspects related to tax awareness. In implementing the systematic review, 14 articles were
extracted from a total of 310 identified articles. Further frequency analysis was conducted
based on these articles to identify the factors as well as other relevant data, i.e. theorical
components, methodological approaches, countries of origin, sample size, and the studies’
distribution by year. Based on the study findings, it was observed that tax knowledge, attitude,

Copyright © 2022 ACADEMIA INDUSTRY NETWORKS. All rights reserved.

International Journal of Business and Economy
eISSN: 2682-8359 | Vol. 4, No. 3, 303-315, 2022

tax morale and tax socialization are among the most factors which influence tax awareness
among the taxpayers. As for the theories, the theory of Planned Behaviour and Attribution
theory were found to be the most applied and discussed theories in the literature studies related
to tax awareness. Based on distribution, the largest share of studies was attributed to Indonesia,
followed by Malaysia and Turkey. Methodologically, majority of the studies were quantitative
in nature, and many others were scientific approach. In the light of the study findings and
limitations, suggestions for future works were also highlighted.

8. Acknowledgement
It is a pleasure to acknowledge all the roles of those involved in the completion of this study.
The authors are grateful to the Kolej Yayasan Pelajaran Johor (KYPJ) which provides facilities
as well as the staff for their assistance to carry out this research.

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Copyright © 2022 ACADEMIA INDUSTRY NETWORKS. All rights reserved.

International Journal of Business and Economy
eISSN: 2682-8359 | Vol. 4, No. 3, 303-315, 2022

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International Journal of Business and Economy
eISSN: 2682-8359 | Vol. 4, No. 3, 303-315, 2022

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