Xi To Xii A Step Forward To Iitjee

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EMPOWER: The Strength
(A) & (B)
EMPOWER: The Strength

Q.1 A sample of clay contain 15% moisture, and rest are CaCO3 and nonvolatile SiO2. This on heating loses
part of its moisture, but CaCO3 is completely converted into CaO. The partially dried sample now
contain 7.35% moisture and 51.5% SiO2. Determine mass percentage of CaCO3 in the original sample.
Q.2 A compound containing Ca, C, N and S was subjected to quantitative analysis and formula mass
determination. A 0.25g of this compound was mixed with Na2CO3 to convert all Ca into 0.16 gm
CaCO3. A 0.115 gm sample of compound was carried through a series of reactions until all its S was
changed into SO42– and precipitated as 0.344 g BaSO4. A 0.712 g sample was processed to liberate all
of its N as NH3 and 0.155 g NH3 was obtained. The formula mass was found to be 156. Determine the
empirical formula and molecular formula of the compound.
Q.3 A 5.0 g sample of felspar containing Na2O, K2O and some inert impurity is dissolved in dilute HCl
solution and NaCl and KCl formed are separated by fractional crystallization. During the crystallization
some less soluble impurities also comes out. Mass of NaCl, KCl and impurity accompanying these salts
was found to be 6.47 g Solid crystal was then redissolved and required 300 mL of 0.3 M AgNO3 for
complete precipitation of chlorides. The precipitate thus, obtained was found to contain 4.23% insoluble
impurity. Determine mass percentage of Na2O and K2O in the original sample.
Q.4 Reducing sugars are sometimes characterized by a number RCu, which is defined as the number of mg of
copper reduced by 1 gm of sugar, in which half reaction for the copper is
Cu2+ + OH–   Cu2O + H2O
It is sometimes more convenient to determine the reducing power of a carbohydrate by an indirect
method. In this method 43.2 mg of the carbohydrate was oxidized by an excess of K3[Fe(CN)6]. The
[Fe(CN)6]4– formed in this reaction required 5.29 ml of 0.0345 N Ce(SO4)2 for re-oxidation to
[Fe(CN)6]3- . Determine the RCu value for the sample.
Q.5 25 ml from a stock solution containing NaHCO3 and Na2CO3 was diluted to 250 ml with CO2 free
distilled water. 25 ml of the diluted solution when titrated with 0.12 M HCl required 8 ml., when
phenolphthalein was used as an indicator. When 20 ml of diluted solution was titrated with same acid it
required 18 ml when methly orange was used as an indicator. Calculate concentration of NaHCO3 in the
stock solution in gm/litre and in mole / litre. To 100 ml of the stock solution how much NaOH should be
added so that all bicarbonate will be converted into carbonate?
Q.6 1.16 g CH3(CH2)nCOOH was burnt in excess air and the resultant gases (CO2 and H2O) were passed
through excess NaOH solution. The resulting solution was divided in two equal parts. One part requires
50 mL of 1 N HCl for neutralization using phenolphthalein as indicator. Another part required 80 mL of
1N HCl for neutralization using methyl orange as indicator. Find the value of n and the amount of excess
NaOH solution taken initially.
Q.7 2.5 g of a mixture containing CaCO3, Ca(HCO3)2 and NaCl was dissolved in 100 mL water and its 10
mL portion required 10 mL 0.05 M H2SO4 solution to reach the phenolphthalein end point. An another
10 mL portion of the same stock solution required 32.35 mL of the same acid solution to reach the
methyl orange end point. Determine mass percentage of CaCO3 and Ca(HCO3)2 in the original mixture.
Q.8 A 1.5 g sample containing oxalic acid and some inert impurity was dissolved in enough water and volume
made up to 250 mL. A 20 mL portion of this solution was then mixed with 30 mL of an alkali solution.
The resulting solution was then treated with stoichiometric amount of CaCl2 just needed for precipitation
of oxalate as CaC2O4. Solution was filtered off and filtrate was finally titrated against 0.1 M HCl solution.
8.0 mL of acid was required to reach the equivalence point. At last, the above neutral solution was
treated with excess of AgNO3 solution and AgCl obtained was washed, dried and weighed to be 0.4305g.
Determine mass percentage of oxalic acid in the original sample.
Q.9 An amino acid isolated from a piece of animal tissue was believed to be glycine. A 0.05 g sample was
treated in such a way that all nitrogen in it was converted into ammonia. This ammonia was added to 50
mL of 0.05 HCl solution. The excess acid remaining in the solution required to 30.57 mL 0.06 M NaOH
solution for complete neutralization. What was the percentage by mass of nitrogen? How does this mass
compare with percentage mass of nitrogen calculated from glycine (H2NCH2COOH)?
Q.10 A 3.0 g sample containing Na2CO3, NaHCO3, NaCl and some inert impurity was dissolved in 100 mL
of water and its 10 mL portion was titrated against 0.1 M HCl solution using phenolphthalein indicator.
11.32 mL of acid solution was required to reach the end point. The resulting solution was then mixed
with excess of AgNO3 solution resulting in formation of 0.306g of AgCl precipitate. The solution was
filtered off and filtrate was again titrated, but now against 0.05 M NaOH solution. 42.64 mL of alkali
was required to reach the end point. Determine mass percentage of Na2CO3, NaHCO3 and NaCl in the
original sample.
Q.11 A sample of crude uranium oxide is known to be contaminated with iron. To determine the extent of
contamination, the crude oxide were dissolved and reduced with Zn to yield a solution containing U4+
and Fe2+. A 20 mL aliquot of this solution was treated with cupferron which precipitated all uranium and
the resulting precipitate on ignition yielded 423.3 mg of U3O8. A further 20 mL sample was treated with
0.024 KMnO4 solution and consumed 27.23 mL. Calculate mass percentage of contamination if the
iron were present as Fe2O3 in a sample of crude oxide containing 100 g of U3O8. KMnO4 solution
oxidized Fe2+ to Fe3+ and U4+ to UO22+. (At. mass of U=238).
Q.12 A 1.65 gm sample of FeS2 was oxidized by excess oxygen & the products were SO2 and Fe2+. The SO2
gas produced was passed through an acidified solution of 40ml Ba(MnO4)2 produced SO42 – & Mn2+.
The excess permanganate was diluted to 100 ml & 10 ml of it was treated with excess KI & iodine
produced required 5 ml 0.05 M hypo solution producing S4O62–. In a separate titration the 25 ml of
same solution of permanganate under alkaline condition when treated with KI produced I2 that required
20 ml of 0.05 M hypo solution producing S4O62– & Mn6+. Calculate the % of FeS2 in the sample.
Q.13 A steel sample is to be analyzed for Cr and Mn simultaneously. By suitable treatment the Cr is oxidized
to Cr2O72 and the Mn to MnO4. A 10.00g sample of steel is used to produce 250.0 mL of a solution
containing Cr2O72 and MnO4. A 10.00 mL portion of this solution is added to a BaCl2 solution and by
proper adjustment of the acidity, the chromium is completely precipitated as BaCrO4; 0.0549 g is obtained.
A second 10.00 mL portion of this solution requires exactly 15.95 mL of 0.0750M standard Fe2+
solution for its titration (in acid solution). Calculate the % of Mn and % of Cr in the steel sample.
Q.14 Sufficient amount of H2S gas is passes through 5 ml solution of tincture of iodine to convert its all iodine
into iodide ion. The sulphur precipitated is filtered off and the solution is made upto 1 litre and the
solution is acidified with HCl. 250 ml of this solution requires 28 ml of 0.05 N Ce4+ for the conversion of
entire I  into ICl only. 2 ml of same sample of tincture of iodine gave 0.0313gm of yellow precipitate in
another experiment when treated with AgNO3 solution. What weight percent of iodine is present in the
form of free iodine. ( Tinctuer of iodine contains free I  and I2 both ).
Q.15 A sample weighing 0.3 g containing K3[Fe(C2O4)3].3H2O, FeCl3.6H2O and inert impurity is dissolved in
to dilute sulphuric acid and volume made up to 100 mL. A 20 mL portion of this solution required 3.75
mL of 0.005 M acidified KMnO4 solution to reach the equivalence point. In an another experiment, 50
mL sample of the same stock solution is treated with Zn-amalgam and the resulting solution required
17.5 mL of permanganate solution of same strength. Determine mass percentage of FeCl3.6H2O in the
original sample.
Q.16 A 5.0 g sample containing Pb3O4, PbO2 and some inert impurity is dissolved in 250 mL dilute HNO3
solution and 2.7 g of Na2C2O4 was added so that all lead converted into Pb2+. A 10 mL portion of this
solution required 8.0 mL 0.02 M KMnO4 for titration of excess of oxalate. In an another experiment, 25
mL of solution was taken and excess oxalate was removed by extraction, this required 10 mL of a
permanganate solution for oxidation of Pb2+ to Pb4+. 10 mL this permanganate solution is equivalent to
4.48 mL 5 V H2O2 solution. Calculate mass percentage of PbO2 and Pb3O4 in the original sample.
[At mass of Pb = 207]
Q.17 One gram of a moist sample of a mixture of KCIO3 and KCl was dissolved in water and made upto 250
mL. 25 ml of this solution was treated with SO2 to reduce chlorate into chloride and the excess SO2 was
boiled off. When the total chloride was precipitated, 0.1435 g of AgCl was obtained. In another experiment
25 mL of the original solution was treated with 30 mL of 0.2 N solution of FeSO4 and unreacted FeSO4
required 37.5 mL of 0.08 N solution of an oxidizing agent for complete oxidation. Calculate the molar
ratio of chlorate and chloride in the given mixture. Fe2+ reacts with CIO3– according to the equation.
CIO3– + 6Fe2+ + 6H+  Cl– + 6Fe3+ + 3H2O
Also calculate the mass per cent of moisture present in the moist sample.
Q.18 2g of chromite ore sample was mixed with enough potassium carbonate and potassium chlorate and
fused. The reaction that occurred was :
6FeCr2O4 + 12K2CO3 + 7KCIO4  3Fe2O3 + 12 K2CrO4 + 7KCl + 12CO2
The fused mass was cooled and extracted with 2N sulphuric acid. This was filtered and thoroughly
washed. The filterate and washings were collected in a 500 ml volumetric flask, when all the soluble
portion of the fused mass was extracted, 100 ml of 1M solution of ferrous ammonium sulphate were
added and the solution made to 500ml. An aliquot of 25ml was titrated with potassium dichromate
solution, prepared by dissolving 0.98 g of dried potassium dichromate in distilled water in a 250 ml
volumetric flask. The titration required 32.5 ml of this solution. Calculate the percentage of chromium in
the sample of the ore.
Q.19 10 gm sample of FeC2O4 containing inert impurity required 200 ml of 0.1 M K2Cr2O7 solution in presence
of dilute H2SO4 for complete oxidation. The resulting solution and the gas (if any) evolved is then treated
with excess volume of 2.8N NaOH and the Fe(OH)3 so precipitated is removed by filtration. The filtrate
after removal of all the Fe3+ required 200 ml of 0.6 N HCl in presence of phenolphthalein indicator to
reach end pt. What volume of NaOH was taken and what is the % purity of the sample.
Q.20 A 50 ml solution containing BaCl2 and SrCl2 when treated with K2CrO4 a yellow ppt of BaCrO4 is
formed. This yellow ppt was separated and in presence of H2SO4 it reacts with excess KI and the
liberated I2 required 20 ml of 0.15 M hypo solution for complete reaction. Now 25 ml of the initial
solution require 60 ml (NH4)2CO3 for complete precipitation of metal carbonates. Calculate the
normality of the solution with respect to Ba2+ and Sr2+.
Q.21 20 ml of H2O2 solution reacts quantitatively with 20 ml solution of acidified KMnO4 with dilute H2SO4.
The same volume of KMnO4 solution is just decolourised by 10 ml of MnSO4 in a neutral medium
simultaneously forming a dark brown precipitate of MnO2. The brown precipitate is dissolved in 10ml
0.2 M Na2C2O4 under boiling condition in presence of dilute H2SO4. Write the balanced chemical
equations involving the reactions and calculate molarity of H2O2.
Q.22 A one gram sample containing NaOH as the only basic substance and some inert impurity was left
exposed to atmosphere for a very long time so that part of NaOH got converted into Na2CO3 by
absorbing CO2 from atmosphere. The resulting sample was dissolved in water and volume made upto
100 mL. A 100 mL portion of this solution required 16 mL 0.25 M HCl solution to reach the equivalence
point when methyl orange was used as indicator. In a separate analysis, 20 mL portion of the same
solution was taken alongwith phenolphthalein indicator and mixed with 50 mL of 0.1 M HCl solution. An
additional 9.00 mL 0.1 M Ba(OH)2 solution was required to just restore the pink colour of solution.
Determine mass percentage of NaOH in the original sample and mass percentage of Na2CO3 in the
sample after exposure to atmosphere.
Q.23 0.4 g of a sample containing CuCO3 and some inert impurity was dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid and
volume made up to 50 mL. This solution was added to 50 mL 0.04 M KI solution where copper
precipitate as cuprous iodide and iodide ion is oxidised into I3–. A 10 mL portion of this solution is taken
for analysis, filtered, made free from I3– and treated with excess of acidic permanganate solution. Liberated
iodine required 20mL 2.5 mM sodium thiosulphate to reach the end point. Determine mass percentage
of CuCO3 in the original sample.
Q.24 5.0 mL of a pure liquid toluene is dissolved in 100 mL of dilute alkaline KMnO4 solution and refluxed so
that all toluene is oxidised into benzoic acid and a dark brown precipitate of MnO2 is formed. Solution
is filtered off and filtrate and precipitate were analysed separately. Precipitate was re-dissolved into
100mL 1.0 M acidified solution of Na2C2O4 and excess of oxalate required 50.73 mL 0.1 M acidic
dichromate solution for back titration. On the other hand 10.5 mL of filtrate was acidified by adding
excess of sulphuric acid and titrated with 0.1 M acidified solution of Na2C2O4. A 38 mL of oxalate
solution was required to reach the end point. Determine density of liquid toluene and molarity of original
permanganate solution.
Q.25 Calculate the amount of lime (84% pure) and soda (92% pure) required for treatment of 20,000 litres of
water whose analysis is as follows:
Ca(HCO3)2 – 40.5 ppm
Mg(HCO3)2 – 36.5 ppm
MgSO4 – 30.0 ppm
CaSO4 – 34.0 ppm
CaCl2 – 27.75 ppm
NaCl – 10.0 ppm
Also, calculate the temporary and permanent hardness of the water sample.
In a reaction vessel 100 gm H2 and 100 gm Cl2 are mixed and suitable conditions are provided for the
following reaction: H2(g) + Cl2(g) 
 2HCl (g)
Answer the following question:
Q.1 Select the correct statement(s) for the above reaction:
(A) presence of light is required for the reaction
(B) It is a chain reaction
(C) Catalyst is required
(D) All of the above
Q.2 The limiting reagent in this reaction will be
(A) H2 (B) Cl2 (C) both (D) cannot be predicted
Q.3 The actual amount of HCl formed in this reaction is
(A) 102.8 gm (B) 73 gm (C) 36.5 gm (D) 142 gm
Q.4 The amount of excess reactant remaining is
(A) 50 gm (B) 97.2 gm (C) 46 gm (D) 64 gm
Q.5 The amount of HCl formed (at 90% yield) will be
(A) 36.8 gm (B) 62.5 gm (C) 80 gm (D) 92.53 gm

Dissolved oxygen in water is determined by using a redox reaction. Following equations describe the
(i) 2Mn2+(aq) + 4OH–(aq) + O2(g)  2MnO2(s) + 2H2O(l)
(ii) MnO2(s) + 2I–(aq) + 4H+(aq)  Mn2+(aq) + I2(aq) + 2H2O(l)
(iii) 2S2O32–(aq) + I2(aq)  S4O62– (aq) + 2I– (aq)
Answer the following question:
Q.1 How many moles of S2O32– are equivalent to each mole of O2?
(A) 0.5 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 4
Q.2 What amount of I2 will be liberated from 8 gm dissolved oxygen?
(A) 127 gm (B) 254 gm (C) 508 gm (D) 1016 gm
Q.3 If 3 × 10–3 mole O2 is dissolved per litre of water, then what will be the molarity of I– produced in the
given reaction?
(A) 3 × 10–3 M (B) 4 × 3 × 10–3 M (C) 2 × 10–3 M (D) 1.5 × 10–3 M
Q.4 8 mg dissolved oxygen will consume
(A) 5 × 10–4 mole Mn2+ (B) 2.5 × 10–4 mole Mn2+
(C) 10–3 mole Mn2+ (D) 2 mol Mn2+
Q.5 If 1ml of 0.02 M hypo solution is required to titrate I2 liberated from 10ml waste water than dissolve
oxygen (DO in mg/l) waste is
(A) 16 (B) 32 (C) 40 (D) 8
Valency and oxidation number are different for an element. Valency of carbon is generally 4, however,
the oxidation state may be –4 –3, –2, –1, 0 +2, +4 etc.
In the compounds containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, the oxidation number of carbon can be
2n 0  n H
calculated as: oxidation number of carbon = nC ( nH, nO and nC are number of respective atoms).

Answer the following question:

Q.1 Which of the following compounds have zero oxidation state at carbon?
(A) C6H12O6 (B) HCOOH (C) HCHO (D) CH4
Q.2 Which of the following oxides of carbon has fractional oxidation state?
(A) Carbon monoxide (B) carbon dioxide
(C) carbon suboxide (D) all of these
Q.3 Which of the following compounds of carbon has highest oxidation state?
(A) CH4 (B) CH3OH (C) CH2O (D) HCOOH
Q.4 Oxidation state of carbon in diamond is
(A) zero (B) +1 (C) –1 (D) +2
Q.5 In which of the following compounds, the valency of carbon is two?
(A) Carbenes (B) Allenes (C) Alkenes (D) Ketenes

Oxidation and reduction process involves the transaction of electrons. Loss of electrons is oxidation and
the gain of electrons is reduction. It is thus obvious that in a redox reaction, the oxidant is reduced by
accepting the electrons and the reductant is oxidized by losing electrons. The reactions in which a species
disproportionate into two oxidation states (lower and higher) are called disproportionation reactions. In
electrochemical cells, redox reaction is involved i.e. oxidation takes place at anode and reduction at
Answer the following question:
Q.1 The reaction:
Cl2  Cl– + ClO3– is
(A) oxidation (B) reduction
(C) disproportionation (D) neither oxidation nor reduction
Q.2 In the reaction
I2 + 2S2O32–  2I– + S4O62–
(A) I2 is reducing sugar (B) I2 is oxidising agent
(C) S2O32– is reducing agent (D) S2O3 is oxidising agent
Q.3 Determine the change in oxidation number of sulphur in H2S and SO2 respectively in the following
2H2S + SO2  2H2O + 3S
(A) 0, 2 (B) 2, 4 (C) 2, 2 (D) 4, 0
Q.4 Which of the following reactions is(are) correctly indicated?
Oxidant Reductant
(A) HNO3 + Cu  Cu2+ + NO2
(B) 2Zn + O2  ZnO
(C) Cl2 + 2Br–  2Cl– + Br2
(D) 4Cl2 + CH4  CCl4 + 4HCl
The one kind of titrations, in which all amount of reagent (i.e., reagent in excess in set of reagents) is not
completely reacting with pure part of substance in a given sample, is known as back titration. In back
titration, we take definite weight of impure substance , X, whose percentage purity in the sample has to
be calculated. For this purpose, we take at least two reagents Y and Z whose concentrations are known.
The reactions proceed in the following ways:
(i) X + Y  X + Y (ii) Y + Z  Product
In this type of titration, the following conditions essentially should be satisfied:
(a) equivalent of reagent Y > equivalent of reagent Z
(b) reagent Y will react with both, the pure part of substance X and limiting reagent Z
(c) the limiting reagent Z will neither react with substance X nor its products X and Y
Equivalents of Y remain for reaction with X = Equivalents of X reacted
= Initial equivalents of Y – equivalents of Y reacted with Z
It is very important to keep in mind that the problems can be solved by both ways i.e.,
(a) mole method
(b) equivalent method; but in case of solution by equivalent methods for different n–factor of “Y” in
reactions (i) and (ii), the proper conversions of equivalents are required.
Once upon a time, in National laboratories Pune, there were three scientist A, B and C. The three
scientists A, B and C were to calculate the % purity of oxalic acid in 45g of oxalic acid sample, containing
inert impurities, which was titrated with 200 ml KMnO4 in acidic medium. The excess KMnO4 was
M +2
back titrated with 300 ml Fe (aq) in basic medium. The reactions are as under:
(i) (COOH)2 + KMnO4  2CO2 + Mn2+

(ii) KMnO4 + Fe2+ OH  Fe + Mn
3+ 4+

The three different ways of solution were given by these scientists as follows:
1. Solution by scientist “A”
 Initial m. mole of KMnO4 = 200 ml = 20
 Initial m. equivalent of KMnO4 (n-factor = 3) = 20 × 3 = 60
m. equivalent of Fe2+ taken for back titration = 300 ml = 30 m. mole (n-factor = 1)
= 30 m equivalent
m. equivalent of KMnO4 (n–factor = 3) left for reaction with (COOH)2 = 60 – 30 = 30
30  5
m. equivalent of KMnO4(n–factor = 5) for reaction with (COOH)2 = = 50
% purity of (COOH)2 = × 100 = 5%
25  10 3  90  100
% purity of oxalic acid = = 5%
2. Solution by scientist B was as under:
 M
Initial m. equivalent of MnO4– =  200ml  × 3 = 60
 10 
m. equivalent of Fe2+ for back titration = 300 ml = 30 m. equivalent
 m. equivalent of MnO4– left behind = 60 – 30 = 30
 m. equivalent of pure (COOH)2 = 30
 % purity of (COOH)2 = × 100 = 3%
3. Solution by scientist C: given by mole method
 Reciprocal of n-factor’s ratio is the molar ratio. (n = 2) (n = 5)
(i) 5(COOH)2 + 2KMnO4  2CO2 + Mn2+

(ii) KMnO4 + 3Fe2+ OH

 Mn + Fe

n=3 n=1
Initial m. mole of KMnO4 taken = 200ml = 30
m. mole of MnO4– remaining after reaction with Fe2+ = 20 – 10 = 10
m. mole of pure oxalic acid =  10 = 25 = 25 × 10–3 × 90g oxalic acid
25  10 3  90
=  100 = 5%
Q1. What will be the number of milli equivalents of pure oxalic acid in the given information?
(A) 30 (B) 40 (C) 45 (D) 50
Q2. Which of the following statements are correct?
(A) Solution given by scientist A is only correct
(B) Solution given by the scientist B is only correct
(C) Solutions given by scientist A and B are correct
(D) Solutions given by scientist A and C are correct
Q3. What is the percentage of inert impurities in the sample?
(A) 5% (B) 97% (C) 3% (D) 95%
Q4. How much volume of KMnO4 consumed for back titration?
(A) 75 ml (B) 150 ml (C) 50 ml (D) 100 ml
Q5. If there would have been the n–factor of KMnO4(3) in the both reactions, then what will be no. of m
equivalents of pure oxalic acid in the given information?
(A) 25 (B) 20 (C) 30 (D) 50
Q6. If there would have been the n–factor (3) of KMnO4 in the both reactions, then what will be the % of
inert impurities in the sample?
(A) 97% (B) 3% (C) 95% (D) 5%
Q7. If there would have been the n–factor (=5) of KMnO4 in both reactions, then what will be remaining
volume of KMnO4 for reactions with (COOH)2
(A) 60ml (B) 140 ml (C) 80ml (D) 120 ml
In stoichiometry, titration assumes great importance. The process of determination of strength of a solution
by means of standard solution i.e., solution of known strength is known as titration. The fundamental
basis of all titrations is the law of equivalence which states: For each and every reactant and product, the
equivalent of each reactant reacted = equivalents of each product formed.
For example :
Suppose the reaction is taking place as under:
A + B  C + D
According to law of equivalence
equivalent of A reacted = equivalent of B reacted = equivalent of C formed = equivalent of D formed.
This above statement can hold good for the single type of redox reaction, in which one substance is
oxidising and other is reducing. This above statement of law of equivalence can hold good for acid-base
reaction. The problematic part, in law of equivalence, is the equivalents of the reactant reacted will be
equal to equivalent of product produced, it can only be possible provided that the n–factor of both has
to be same, otherwise some modifications is required in law of equivalence. In such cases, no. of equivalent
of reactant reacted, differs from the product produced.
So, in such cases, first of all, the molar ratio is determined, through which the no. of moles of reactant
reacted and the no. of moles of product produced, there after it is converted into number of equivalents
by multiplying with its corresponding n–factors. Some short of conversions are very important which are
as under:
 1ml N = 1m eq., 1 ml M = 1m mole
(i) V1 ml × x1 N = V1x1ml N = V1x1m eq. (ii) V2 ml × x2 M = V2x2ml M = V2x2 m mole
If X and Y are oxidising agents and Z is the reducing agent, then
(a) X + Y  Products (b) Y + Z  Products
then according to law of equivalence:
eq. of X reacted + eq. of Y reacted = eq. of Z reacted
A B.Sc. chemistry (Hon.) student goes to National Chemical Laboratory Pune.There he finds the chemical
substance FeS2. Now he oxidizes FeS2 by O2 into Fe2O3 and SO2. Then he remembers the law of
equivalence and calculates the number of equivalents of Fe2O3 and SO2 w.r.t. FeS2 by consuming ‘a’
equivalents of O2.
Answer the following question:
Q.1 On the basis of the above information given what will be the number of equivalents of Fe2O3 produced
for “a” eq. of O2 consumed?
a a a
(A) a (B) (C) (D)
10 5 11
Q.2 What will be the number of equivalents of SO2 produced, from the above the given information?
a a 10a
(A) (B) (C) a (D)
6 11 11
Q.3 Which of the following is correct?
(A) eq. of O2 reacted = eq. of FeS2 reacted = eq. of Fe2O3 produced = eq. of SO2 produced.
(B) eq. of O2 reacted = eq. of FeS2 reacted > eq. of SO2 produced > eq. of Fe2O3 produced.
(C) eq. of FeS2 reacted = eq. of O2 reacted < eq. of Fe2O3 produced < eq. of SO2 produced.
(D) eq. of FeS2 reacted = eq. of O2 reacted < eq. of SO2 produced < eq. of Fe2O3 produced.
Q.4 For the above given redox reaction, if the molarity of SO2 be “M”, then what will be its normality “N”?
(A) 4M (B) 5M (C) 6M (D) cannot be produced
Q.5 How much volume of 1M FeS2 in litre is required for complete reaction with 35.2 g O2?
(A) 1 litre (B) 0.5 litre (C) 0.8 litre (D) 0.4 litre
Q.6 What volume of 1 M FeC2O4(ferrous oxalate) solution is required for the complete oxidation of 100ml
of 1 M Fe(SCN)2 solution into Fe+3, SO4–2, CO3–2 and nitrate?
(A) 0.7 litre (B) 1 litre (C) 0.8 litre (D) 1.1 litre
Q.7 A solution contains Cu+2 and C2O4–2 ions which on titration with 1 M KMnO4 consumes 10 ml of the
oxidising agent for complete oxidation in acidic medium. The resulting solution is neutralized withNa2CO3,
acidified with dil. CH3COOH and is treated with excess of KI. The liberated iodine requires 25 ml of 1
M of hypo solution, then that will be the molar ratio of Cu+2 to C2O4–2 ions in solution?
(A) 5 : 2 (B) 1 : 2 (C) 2 : 1 (D) 1 : 1
Q.8 A mixture of 120 ml of 1 M of KMnO4 and certain volume of 1 M K2Cr2O7 is completely reacted with
excess of KI in acidic medium then the liberated I2 required 1200 ml 1M Na2S2O3 for complete reaction,
then what will be the volume of K2Cr2O7 (in ml) in the mixture for the complete reaction with KI?
(A) 120 ml (B) 500 ml (C) 200 ml (D) 100ml

The most problematic part in stoichiometry is to establish the molar ratio of reactant and the product. In
order to solve, these problems, n–factor, is an important tool, which is defined according to the kinds of
reaction. In order to calculate n–factor, first of all we categorized the reactions in two parts: (i) Acid base
reaction (ii) Redox reaction.
For acid and base reactions, it is the number of moles of H+ and OH– replaced per mole of acid and base
respectively. For salt, n–factor is nothing but it is no. of moles of cation charge replaced per mole of the
salt. So, n–factor of acids, bases and salts depend upon the nature of the reactions. For redox reactions,
n–factor is nothing but it is the number of moles of electrons lost or gained in a given number of moles of
active element in 1–moles of reducing agent or oxidising agent respectively. For redox reaction, n–factor
may be fractional quantity, but the no. of electron will not be a fractional quantity. Thereby the n–factor
of a redox reaction is not the number of electron lost or gained. The molar ratio of the reacting species,
a problematic part, is determined by the help of n–factor.
The reciprocal of n–factor’s ratio of the reacting species is the molar ratio of the reacting species, and
similarly for the product. Through the n–factor, we calculate equivalent weight as under:
Molecular wt.
Equivalent wt. =
n  factor
On the basis of the above write up, answer the following question:
Q.1 For the reaction,
H3PO4 + NaOH  NaH2PO4 + H2O
What will be the equivalent wt. of H3PO4.(H–1, P–31, O–16)?
(A) 96 (B) 49 (C) 32.66 (D) 98
Q.2 For the reaction: Zn + K4[Fe(CN)6]  K2Zn3[Fe(CN)6]2, What will be the equivalent weight of
K4[Fe(CN)6], if the molecular weight of K4[Fe(CN)6] is M?
(A) (B) M (C) (D)
2 3 4
Q.3 For the following balanced redox reaction, aFeS2 + bO2  x(Fe2O3) + ySO2 What is the value of a
and b respectively?
(A) 5, 12 (B) 11, 4 (C) 5, 11 (D) 4, 11
Q.4 In the above question number 3, what is the equivalent weight of FeS2, if the molecular weight of FeS2 is
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5 9 15 11
Q.5 In the above question 3, what will be the equivalent weight of SO2, if the molecular weight of SO2 is M?
(A) (B) (C) (D)
6 4 3 0.85
Q.6 For the oxidation reaction: Fe0.95O  Fe2O3, if the molecular weight of Fe0.95O be M, then the
equivalent weight of Fe0.95O will be
(A) (B) (C) (D)
1 2 0.95 0.85
Q.7 In redox reaction, Ba(MnO4)2 oxidizes K4[Fe(CN)6] into K+, Fe+3, CO3–2 and NO3– ions in acidic
medium, where Ba(MnO4)2 itself reduces into Mn+2, than how many moles of Ba(MnO4)2 will react with
1mole of K4[Fe(CN)6]?
(A) 5 moles (B) 9 moles (C) 8 moles (D) 6.1 moles
Q.8 In the above question no. 7, if the molecular weight of K4[Fe(CN)6] be M then what will be its equivalent
(A) (B) (C) (D)
51 40 30 61
The reaction undergoing oxidation and reduction, simultaneously are known as redox reactions. The
redox reactions by two methods:
(i) Oxidation number method
(ii) ion-electron method
In oxidation number method, the oxidation number if the very important tool to balance the redox reactions.
Oxidation number is nothing but it is the charge produced per atom assuming the complete transference
of electrons provided that there should be electronegativity difference between the atoms. In order to
balance the redox reaction by oxidation number, the following systematic steps are recommended.
(a) Assign oxidation number for those atom whose oxidation number undergoes change.
(b) Find the number of electrons lost or gained in a given number of atoms per formula unit of the reducing
and oxidising agent respectively.
(c) Then balance the number of electrons lost by reducing agent and number of electrons gained by oxidising
agent by multiplying with appropriate stoichiometric coefficients in oxidising agent and reducing agent.
(iv) Balance the charge and the number of atoms by counting method.
For example, we have to balance the following redox reaction:
P4 + HNO3  H3PO4 + NO2 + H2O
(i) Oxidation half reaction : P40  4H3PO4+5 + 20e–
(ii) redox half reaction: HNO3 + 1e–  NO2. Now in order to balance the redox reaction, multiplying
equation (i) by 1 and equation (ii) by 20, then by adding we get
P4 + 20HNO3  4H3PO4 + 2NO2 + H2O
Now hydrogen is balanced by the counting method, then we get
P4 + 20 HNO3  4H3PO4 + 2NO2 + 4H2O
Balancing the equation by ion-electron method. Following are rules for balancing the equation by ion-
electron method.
(a) No. of electrons lost for half oxidation reaction must be equal to number of electron(s) gained for half
reduction reaction and equation in order to get balanced equation.
(b) In acidic medium (H+ or H3O+) add water in oxygen deficient side and add H+ on the opposite side.
(c) For basic medium(OH–), add H2O on that side in which oxygen is more and add OH– on the opposite
(d) Lastly balance the atoms and charge by simply counting method.
For example: Cr2O7–2 + I–  Cr+3 + I2 + H2O (acidic medium)
(i) Oxidation half reaction : 2I–  I2 + 2e–
(ii) Reaction half reaction: Cr2O7–2 + 14H+ + 6e–  2Cr3+ + 7H2O
Now, in order to get balanced equation,
Multiply equation (i) by 3 equation (ii) by 1, then by adding, we get
Cr2O7–2 + 14H+ + 6I–  3I2 + 2Cr+3 + 7H2O
For basic medium: Cl2 + 2OH–  Cl– + ClO– + H2O
(i) Oxidation half reaction: Cl2 + 4OH–  2ClO– + H2O + 2e–
(ii) Reduction half reaction: Cl2 + 2e–  2Cl–
Now from equation (i) + equation (ii), we get
2Cl2 + 4OH–  2ClO– + 2Cl– + 2H2O or Cl2 + 2OH–  ClO– + Cl– + H2O
On the basis of the above write up, answer the following question:
Q.1 What is the oxidation no. of S, C and N–atom in Fe(SCN)3?
(A) 0, +2, –3 (B) +2, +2, –3 (C) 0, +4, –3 (D) +2, +4, –3
Q.2 For the balanced chemical equation
aCrI3 + bNaOH + x Cl2  cNa2CrO4 + yNaIO4 + yNaCl + zH2O
Which is the correct value of 2a + b?
(A) 68 (B) 50 (C) 34 (D) 70
Q.3 From the above question, then which of the following is the value of ?
(A) 1/2 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 1
b  2a
Q.4 From the above question no. 2, which of the following will be the value of ?
y  y'
(A) 2 (B) 1/2 (C) 1 (D) none of these
b  x  y 1
Q.5 What will be the value of from question no. 2?
(A) 0.5 (B) 5 (C) 1/3 (D) 1
Q.6 For the following balanced equation chemical reaction in basic medium,
aKOH + bK4[Fe(CN)6]  y Fe(OH)3 + dK2CO3 + nH2O, then what is the value of ?
e  d  2b
(A) 1 (B) 1/2 (C) 1/3 (D) 4
Q.7 For the above question no. 6, which is the correct order of the stoichiometric coefficients?
(A) a > e > x > y (B) q > a > x > y (C) e > a > y > x (D) a > e > y > x

Iodine titrations: Compounds containing iodine are widely used in titrations, commonly known as
iodine titrations. It is of two kinds:
(i) Iodometric titrations (ii) Iodimetric titrations
(i) Iodometric titrations: It is nothing but an indirect method of estimating the iodine. In this type of titration,
an oxidising agent is made to react with excess of KI, in acidic medium or, basic medium in which I–
oxidises into I2. Now the liberated I2 can be titrated with Na2S2O3 solution.
 –
KI Oxidi
 sin g agent
 I2 Na 2S  I + Na2S4O6
2 O3 / H

Although solid I2 is black and insoluble in water, but it converts into soluble I3 ions.
I2(s) + I– I3 –
black dark brown
Starch is used as indicator near the end point or equivalence point. Even small amount of I2 molecules,
gives blue colour with starch. The completion of the reaction can be detected when blue colour disappears
at the end point. In iodimetric titration, the strength of reducing agent is determined by reacting it with I2.
Answer the following equations on the basis of the above write up.
Q.1 When 79.75 g of CuSO4 sample containing inert impurity is reacted with KI, the liberated I2 is reacted
with 50 mL (1M) Na2S2O3 in basic medium, where it oxidises into SO4–2 ions, and I2 reduces into I–,
then what will be the % purity of CuSO4 in sample?
(A) 60% (B) 80% (C) 50% (D) 95%
Q.2 When 214 g of KIO3 reacts with excess of KI in presence of H+ then it produces I2. Now I2 is completely
reacted with 1 M Na2S2O3 solution in basic medium, where it converts into SO4–2 ions. Then what
volume of Na2S2O3 is needed to react the end point of the reaction?
(A) 500 mL (B) 800 mL (C) 1500 mL (D) 750 mL
Q.3 A solution containing Cu+2 and C2O4–2 ions which on titration with KMnO4 requires 50mL . The
resulting solution is neutralized with K2CO3, then what is the difference of the number of m mole of Cu+2
and C2O4–2 ions in the solution?
(A) 40 (B) 10 (C) 30 (D) 50
Q.4 When 1.66 g of KI is reacted with excess of IO3 in the presence of 6N HCl, then ICl is produced. The
amount of KIO3 reacted and the ICl formed are respectively.
(A) 4 × 10–2 mole, 2 × 10–3 mole (B) 1.5 × 10–2 mole, 5 × 10–3 mole
(C) 5 × 10–2 mole, 1.5 × 10–3 mole (D) 5 × 10–3 mole, 1.5 × 10–3 mole
Q.5 In order to estimate O3 in the air, 22.4 L of air at NTP, is passed through acidified KI solution where O2
is evolved and I– is oxidised to I2. The liberated I2 required 200 mL Na2S2O3 in acidic medium, then
what will be the % composition of O3 by volume in the sample?
(A) 50% (B) 10% (C) 0.1% (D) 1%
Based upon the same concept to back titration as mentioned in earlier comprehension D, out of three
scientist A, B and C, scientist “A” takes a sample of 34 g AgNO3 containing inert impurities. This 34 g of
sample of AgNO3 is reacted with 100 ml stock solution of KI, where he gets yellow precipitate of AgI.
Now excess of KI is back titrated with 25 mL (1M) KIO3 in the presence of HCl with its particular
concentration, then he finds that KI and KIO3 produces ICl. The reaction proceeds as follows:
(i) AgNO3 + KI  AgI  + KNO3, (ii) KI + KIO3 + HCl  ICl + KCl + H2O
It is also given that 20mL of KI is needed for complete reaction with 10 mL (1M) KIO3.
Following different ways of solutions were given by these scientists:
1. Solution given by scientist A
From the given sets of reactions, it is very clear that n–factor of KI in reaction (ii), and n–factor’s of
KIO3 and AgNO3 are 2, 4 and 1 respectively.
Let the molarity of KI solution be x M, then from equation
20mL × x M = 20 x m mole of KI
= 40 x m eq. of KI (n – factor = 2)
m. mole of KIO3 reacted with
KI = 10 mL × 1 M = 10 m. mole = 10 × 4 m eq. of KIO3 (n – factor = 4)
 m. eq. of KI = m. eq. of KIO3
 40 x = 40  x = 1M
 initial amount of KI taken (n = 2) = 100 mL × 1 M = 100 m. mole = 100 × 2 = 200 m. eq.
Amount of KIO3 needed for back titration = 25 mL × 1 M = 25 m. mole KIO3
= 25 × 4 = 100 meq. of KIO3 (n – factor = 4)
Remaining m. eq. of KI – for reaction with AgNO3
= Initial m. eq. of KI – back titrated m. eq. of KI = 200 – 100 = 100
 m. eq. of pure AgNO3 = 100
mass of AgNO3 = 100 × 170 × 10–3 g
100  170 10 3
% purity of AgNO3 in the sample = × 100 = 50%
2. Solution given by scientist B.
Scientist “B” differs in solution than that of scientist A.
According to scientist B, the remaining m eq. of KI left for reaction with AgNO3 will be just half of the m
eq. calculated by scientist A.
 m eq. of KI left for reaction with AgNO3 = × 100 = 50
50 170  103
% purity of AgNO3 in the sample = ×100 = 25%
3. Solution given by scientist C
Scientist “C” solves from problems by mole method, not by equivalent method. Scientist “C” assumes
these concept that the reciprocal of n–factor’s ratio of the reactants, is the molar ratio of the reactants.
Since the molarity of KI solution is x M i.e., 1 M
So, initial m. mole of KI taken = 100 mL × 1 M = 100
m. mole of KIO3 (n = 4) taken for back titration = 25 mL × 1 M = 25 m. mole
25 4
 m. mole of KI consumed in back titration (n of KI = 2) = = 50
 m. mol of KI left for reaction with AgNO3 = 50
50  170  10 3
% purity of AgNO3 =  100 = 25%
On the basis of the above write up, answer the following questions:
Q.1 Which of the following statements is correct?
(A) The n–factor of KI in both reactions will be one.
(B) The n–factor of KI in both reactions will be two.
(C) The n–factor of KI in the first reaction will be 2 and in the second reactions will be one.
(D) The n–factor of KI in the first reaction will be one and in the reaction (ii) will be two
Q.2 What will be the number of meq of pure AgNO3 in the sample?
(A) 30 (B) 100 (C) 50 (D) 25
Q.3 Which of the following statement(s) is(are) correct(s) regarding the solutions?
(A) The solution given by scientist “A” is correct only.
(B) The solution given by scientist “B” is correct only.
(C) The solutions given by the scientist B and scientist “C” are correct.
(D) The solutions given by the scientist A and scientist “C” are correct.
Q.4 What is % inert impurities in the sample by weight?
(A) 30% (B) 50% (C) 25% (D) 75%
Q.5 What is the weight of AgI precipitated in the solution (Ag = 108, I = 127)
(A) 10g (B) 40g (C) 11.75g (D) 23.5 g
Q.6 What is the volume of KI remained left for reaction with AgNO3?
(A) 40 mL (B) 50mL (C) 75 mL (D) 25 mL
Q.7 What is the weight of ICl formed during the reaction (I = 127, Cl = 35.5)
(A) 25g (B) 30g (C) 16.25 g (D) 12.18 g
Q.8 When the formed amount of ICl, from the above information given, is reacted completely with 20 mL of
Al(MnO4)3 in acidic medium (where Al(MnO4)3 reduces into Mn+2 and ICl oxidises into IO4– and
ClO4–), then what will be the required molarity of Al(MnO4)3 solution for complete reaction?
(A) 5 (B) 2.1 (C) 6 (D) 4.2

The percentage labelling of oleum is a unique process by means of which, the percentage composition of
H2SO4, SO3 (free) and SO3 (combined) is calculated.
Oleum is nothing but it is a mixture of H2SO4 and SO3 i.e., H2S2O7, which is obtained by passing SO3 in
solution of H2SO4. In order to dissolve free SO3 in oleum, dilution of oleum is done, in which oleum
converts into pure H2SO4. It is shown by the reaction as under:
H2SO4 + SO3 + H2O — 2H2SO4 (pure)
or, SO3 + H2O — H2SO4 (pure)
When 100 g sample of oleum is diluted with desired weight of H2O (in g), then the total mass of pure
H2SO4 obtained after dilution in known as percentage labelling in oleum.
For example, if the oleum sample is labelled as “109% H2SO4” it means that 100 g of 109 g pure
H2SO4, in which all free SO3 in 100 g of oleum is dissolved.
Answer the following questions on the basis of the above write up:
Q.1 For 109% labelled oleum if the number of moles of H2SO4 and free SO3 be x and y respectively, then
what will be the value of ?
(A) 1 (B) 18 (C) 1/3 (D) 9
Q.2 In the above question number 1, what the percentage of free SO3 and H2SO4 in the oleum sample
(A) 60%, 40% (B) 30%, 70% (C) 85%, 15% (D) 40%, 60%
Q.3 In the above question number 1, what will be the % of combined SO3 in the given oleum sample?
(A) 20% (B) 30% (C) 48.98% (D) 51%
Q.4 What volume of 1 M NaOH (in mL) will be required to react completely with H2SO4 and SO3 in 109%
labelled oleum?
(A) 250 mL (B) 1612 mL (C) 750 mL (D) 1800 mL
Q.5 What volume of 10 M NaOH (in mL) will be required to react completely with free SO3 in 118%
labelled oleum sample?
(A) 500 mL (B) 200 mL (C) 400 mL (D) 600 mL
Q.6 For “118% H2SO4” labelled oleum, if the number of moles of free SO3, number of moles of H2SO4 and
number of moles of H2O be x, y and z respectively, then what will be value of x + y + z?
(A) 3.4 (B) 3.2 (C) 4.2 (D) 2.2
Q.7 A 10 g sample of fuming sulphuric acid containing H2SO4. SO3 and SO2 undergoes complete neutralization
with 206.25 mL of 1 M NaOH solution. What will be volume of NaOH (in mL) required to react
completely with H2SO4, assuming that the sample shows the presence of 2% of SO2?
(A) 70 mL (B) 50 mL (C) 40 mL (D) 89.79 mL
Q.8 In the question number 7, what will be the percentage by weight of H2SO4 in the sample?
(A) 30% (B) 40% (C) 25% (D) 44%
Q.9 In above question number 7, what will be the volume of 1 M NaOH (in mL) consumed with SO3?
(A) 71 mL (B) 112 mL (C) 85 mL (D) 122.44 mL
Q.10 In the above question number 7, what will be the percentage of the combined SO3 by weight?
(A) 45% (B) 55% (C) 65% (D) 35.92%

Water that does not produce lather or foam with soap is known as hard water and water which produces
lather or foam easily with soap is known as soft water. The hardness of water is due to presence of
calcium and magnesium bicarbonate as well as due to presence of sulphate and chlorides of calcium and
There are two types of hardness of water:
1. Temporary hardness: This hardness is due to presence of calcium and magnesium bicarbonate. It is
removed by simply boiling calcium and magnesium bicarbonate.
Ca(HCO3)2 Boil CaCO3 + H2O + CO2 
Mg(HCO3)2 Boil MgCO3 + H2O + CO2 
Addition of lime also causes precipitation of temporary hardness (T.H).
Ca(HCO3)2 + CaO — 2CaCO3  + H2O
It is also removed by addition of Ca(OH)2 (Clark’s method)
Ca(HCO3)2 + Ca(OH)2 — 2 CaCO3  + H2O
2. Permanant hardness: This hardness is due to presence of sulphate and chloride of calcium and
magnesium. It is removed by washing soda, permutit, calgon and ion-exchange resins.
(a) By washing soda: It removes both the temporary and permanant hardness by converting soluble calcium
and magnesium compounds into insoluble carbonates.
CaCl2 + Na2CO3 = 2NaCl + CaCO3 
CaSO4 + Na2CO3 = Na2SO4 + CaCO3 
Ca(HCO3)2 + Na2CO3 = CaCO3  + 2NaHCO3
(b) By ion exchange resins:
A granular insoluble organic acid resin having macro-molecules with –COOH or SO3H group is known
as cation exchange resin, while macro-organic molecules with basic groups derived from amines or,
ammonia derivatives macro-molecules is known as anion exchange resin. The cation exchange resins are
 —
denoted by RH or RCOOH, while anion exchange resins are denoted by ROH or RN H 3 OH .
First of all, hard water is passed through a bed of cation exchange resin, which removes cation Ca+2 and
Mg+2 by exchanging with H+ ions.
2RH + Ca+2 — R2Ca + 2H+
The water coming from the cation exchanger is acidic in nature due to the presence of H+ ions. The water
then passed through another bed having anion exchange resins, which removes anions SO –4 2 , Cl– etc. by
exchanging with OH– ions
2ROH + SO –4 2 — R2SO4 + 2OH–
or, 2RNH 3 OH – + SO 4– 2 — (RNH3)2SO4 + 2OH–
H+ is neutralized by OH–
i.e., H+ + OH– — H2O.
Calculation of temporary hardness of water.
A known volume of tap water or hard water is titrated against standard HCl or H2SO4 solution in
presence of methyl orange indicator. The number of m eq. of acid consumed calculated.
Ca(HCO3)2 + 2HCl — CaCl2 + 2H2O + 2Cl2
Now, no. of m eq’s of HCl used = no. of m eq of Ca(HCO3)2 reacted
= no. of m eq of CaCl2 produced = no. of m eq of CaCO3.
or, the mass of CaCO3 is calculated by the corresponding mass of produced CaCl2. Thereafter the T.H.
(temporary hardness) is calculated in terms of ppm of CaCO3.
Calculation of permanant hardness (P.H.): A known volume of tap water or hard water is taken
from the stock solution, which is boiled to precipitate T.H. and thereafter, it is treated with excess of
Na2CO3 which precipitates P.H. The excess of Na2CO3 is back titrated with HCl or H2SO4.
(i) Removal of T.H. Ca(HCO3)2 boiling CaCO3  + CO2  + H2O
(ii) Removal of P.H. : CaSO4 + Na2CO3  CaCO3  + Na2SO4
The degree of hardness of water is measured in terms of ppm (parts per million) CaCO3. In solution ppm
represents wt. ratio, but not always.
x ppm of CaCO3 means x g of CaCO3 present in 106 g of H2O or 106 mL of H2O
Answer the following questions on the basic of the above write up:
Q.1 In an experiment, 100 mL of tap water is taken from 1000 mL of original stock solution and now it is
titrated with 1 mL HCl solution in presence of methyl orange indicator. Then what will be the
temporary hardness of tap water in original stock solution in terms of ppm of CaCO3?
(A) 90 (B) 60 (C) 100 (D) 50
Q.2 In an experiment, 100 mL of tap water is taken from 1000 mL of its stock solution and now it is titrated
with 1 ml of HCl solution. In another experiment, 100 mL same sample of tap water is boiled with
2 mL of Na CO solution, the resulting solution cooled and insoluble material remove by filtration.
10 2 3
The filtrate required 10 mL of HCl for complete naturalization. Then what will be the permanent
hardness of water (in terms of ppm of CaCO3)?
(A) 750 (B) 950 (C) 140 (D) 1000
Q.3 A sample of tap water contains 366 ppm HCO 3 ions with Ca+2 ion. Now it is remove by Clark’ss
method by addition of Ca(OH)2. Then what minimum mass of Ca(OH)2 will be required to remove
HCO 3 ions complete from 500 g of same tap water sample?
(A) 1 g (B) 0.4 g (C) 0.222 g (D) 0.111 g
Q.4 A 100 g sample of tap water is passed through the column of cation exchange resin, in which H+ is
exchanged with cation Ca+2. The water coming off the water column requires 10 mL of NaOH for
complete naturalization of H+. Then what is the hardness of Ca+2 ion in ppm?
(A) 25 (B) 40 (C) 30 (D) 20
Q.5 A sample of hard water with hardness 20 ppm of Ca+2 ions, is passed through the cation exchange resin.
Column, where Ca+2 ion is replaced by H+ ions. Then what will be the pH of the solution after it has been
(A) 3.7 (B) 4 (C) 3 (D) 2.7

Q.6 A particular hard water sample is found certain 96 ppm of SO 4 2 ion and 244 ppm of HCO 3 with Ca+2
as only the cation . Then what is the number of ppm of Ca+2 in this hard water sample?
(A) 50 (B) 200 (C) 125 (D) 100
Q.7 A 50 mL sample of tap water, having hardness due to CaSO4 only, is passed through the anion exchange
resins where OH– ions are replaced by SO 4 2 ions. 50 mL sample of hard water, so treated requires 10
mL of 10–3 N H2SO4 for complete titration.
Then, what is the hardness of water in terms of ppm of CaSO4?
(A) 30 (B) 50 (C) 13.6 (D) 27.2
Q.8 A 200 mL solution containing CuSO4 and K2SO4 is passed through the anion exchange resin,

(RN H 3 OH–), where OH– ions are replaced by SO 4 2 ions. Now produced OH– ion requires 600 mL
of 0.1 N HCl for complete titration. Now excess KI solid is added in acetic acid medium. Liberated I2
required 200 mL of Na2S2O3.CuSO4. Then what will be the molar ratio of K2SO4 in the original
(A) 1 : 3 (B) 3 : 1 (C) 2 : 1 (D) 1 : 1

Q.9 A 100 mL sample of tap water, containing SO 4 2 ions with Mg+2 as cation, is passed through a column of

anion exchange resin, RN H 3 OH–, where OH– is replaced by SO 4 2 ions. The pH of the treated water
sample is found to be 10. Then what is the hardness of water in terms of ppm of MgSO4?
(A) 30 (B) 24 (C) 20 (D) 12

H2O2 acts as both oxidising as well as reducing agent. As oxidising agent, its product is H2O, but as
reducing agent, its product is O2. The strength of H2O2 is expressed in many mays like molarity, normality,
% strength and volume strength. But out of all these form of strengths, volume strength has great significance
for chemical reactions. The decomposition of H2O2 is shown as under:
H2O2 (l) — H2O (l) + 1/2 O2(g)
x “vol” strength of H2O2 means 1 volume (litre or mL) of H2O2 releases x volume (litre or mL) of O2 at
1 litre H2O2 releases x litre of O2 at NTP = mole of O2
From equation it is very clear that 1 mole of O2 produce from 2 moles of H2O2.
moles of O2 produces from moles
=2× moles of H2O2
= moles of H2O2
Since moles of H2O2 is present in 1 litre of H2O2
 molarity of H2O2 =
 Normality = n-factor × Molarity
x x
 Normality of H2O2 = 2 × =
11.2 5.6
Percentage strength of H2O2 is nothing but, it is the weight of H2O2 in gm per 100 mL of H2O2 solution.
By volume strength of H2O2, we can predict the percentage purity of the substance and many more
information can be known.
Q.1 What is the percentage strength of 10 “vol” H2O2?
(A) 11% (B) 5% (C) 7% (D) 3.03%
Q.2 55 g Ba(MnO4)2 sample containing inert impurity is completely reacting with 100 mL of 56 “vol” strength
of H2O2, then what will be the percentage purity of Ba(MnO4)2 in the sample? (Ba – 137, Mn – 55)
(A) 40% (B) 25% (C) 10% (D) 68.18%
Q.3 When 100 mL solution of H2O2 reacts completely with KI, then it oxidises KI into I2. Now liberated
iodine required 25 mL of 1 M Na2S2O3 in basic medium, where it oxidises into SO 4 2 , then what is the
volume strength of H2O2?
(A) 5.6 (B) 8.6 (C) 11.2 (D) None
Q.4 A 100 mL H2O2 liberates 25.4 g of I2 from an acidified KI solution, then what is the volume strength of
H 2O 2?
(A) 5 (B) 5.6 (C) 10 (D) 11.2
Q.5 What volume of H2O2 solution of 22.4 “vol” strength is required to liberate 2240 mL of O2 at NTP?
(A) 300 mL (B) 200 mL (C) 500 mL (D) 100 mL
Q.6 A 840 mL sample of H2O2 solution containing y “vol” strength of H2O2 requires y mL of Al(MnO4)3 in
acidic medium, then what will be the molarity of Al(MnO4)3 solution?
(A) 7 M (B) 5 M (C) 10 M (D) 15 M
Q.7 100 mL of a H2O2 solution were diluted to 400 mL, and 20 mL of this diluted solution required to reduce
10 mL   KMnO4 solution then what is the “volume “ strength of H2O2?
 10 
(A) 20 (B) 11.2 (C) 8.4 (D) 5.6

Indicators are weak organic acids or bases which show completion of reaction (end point of reaction)
by changing its colour, which is accompanied by the structural changes i.e., benzenoid structure into
quinonoid structure. Namely we use two indicators, i.e. phenolphthalein and methyl orange.
Phenolphthalein acts as indicators only in weakly basic medium by showing pink colour, but not in acidic
medium. In basic medium, upto bicarbonate stage i.e. first end point, phenolphthalein acts indicator.
Methyl orange acts as indicator in acidic medium as well as in basic medium. The volume of externally
added acid (HCl) or base (NaOH) consumed in basic or acidic solution is respectively known as titre
readings of HCl and NaOH.
(i) Phenolphthalein and methyl orange as indicator:
When volume of 1 N HCl is used at different end point of the reactions:
Step(i) NaOH  HCl 
 NaCl  H 2 O 
 First end po int
Step(ii ) Na 2CO 3  HCl 
 NaHCO 3  NaCl

Step(i) NaHCO 3  HCl  

 NaCl  CO 2  H 2O Second end po int
Phenolphthalium acts as indicator upto first end point i.e. stage (i) and (ii) of the reaction. Methyl orange
acts as indicator up to first end point as well as in second end point also. i.e. stages (i) and (ii) as well as
in step (iii) also.
(ii) Methyl orange as indicator
When the volume of 1 N NaOH is used in the following titrations:
(i) H3PO2 + NaOH  NaH2PO2 + H2O
(colour change)
(ii) H3PO3 + 2NOH  Na2HPO3 + 2H2O
(colour change)
(iii) H3PO4 + NaOH  NaH2PO4 + H2O
(colour change)
(iii) Phenolphthalein as indicator
When the volumeof 1M NaOH is used in the following titrations:
(i) H3PO2 + NaOH  NaH2PO2 + H2O
(Colour change)
(ii) H3PO3 + 2NaOH  Na2HPO3 + 2H2O
(Colour change)
(iii) H3PO4 + 3NaOH  Na3PO4 + 3H2O
(Colour change)
(iv) Phenolphthalein and methyl orange as indicator (for mixture of acids H3PO4 and HIO3). It is titrated
with 1N NaOH solution. H3PO4 neutralises in three steps
(a) M.O. as indicator
(i) HIO3 + NaOH  NaIO3 + H2O
(colour change)
(ii) H3PO4 + NaOH  NaH2PO4 + H2O
(colour change)
(b) Phenolphthalein as indicator
(i) HIO3 + NaOH  NaIO3 + 2H2O
(colour change)
(ii) H3PO4 + 2NaOH  Na2HPO4 + 2H2O
(colour change)
(v) The certain weights of acids and bases have been taken in data as under:
(a) Acids its weight (in g) taken
H3PO2 66
H3PO4 82
H3PO4 98
HIO3 178
(b) Bases its weight (in g) in 1 litre solution
NaOH 40
NaHCO3 40
Na2 CO 3 40
Q.1 What will be the titre readings of standard HCl solution, if 50 mL basic solution i.e. solution of NaOH,
Na2CO3 and NaHCO3 is titrated with HCl in presence of only phenolphthalein indicator from the very
(A) 45 mL (B) 34.4 mL (C) 55 mL (D) 68.8 mL

Q.2 What will be the titre readings of HCl in 50 mL of basic solution only if only methyl orange is used as
indicator from the very beginning?
(A) 60 mL (B) 55.8 mL (C) 40 mL (D) 111.5 mL

Q.3 What will be the titre readings of HCl in 25 mL of basic solution, if only methyl orange is used as indicator
after the first end point with phenolphthalein?
(A) 50 mL (B) 42.6 mL (C) 46.2 mL (D) 21.3 mL
Q.4 What will be total numbers of m mole of HCl consumed in 50 ml solution during in 50 ml solution entire
(A) 70 (B) 60 (C) 111.5 (D) 55.8
Q.5 What volume of standard solution NaOH will be consumed for reaction with H3PO3, H3PO2 and while
phenolphthalein acts as indicator?
(A) 1000 mL (B) 3000 mL (C) 4000 mL (D) 6000 mL
Q.6 What volume of standard solution NaOH will be consumed for reaction with H3PO3, H3PO2 and
H3PO4, while methyl orange acts as indicator?
(A) 1000 mL (B) 3000 mL (C) 2000 mL (D) 5000 mL
Q.7 What will be the titre readings of NaOH of standard solution NaOH, for reaction with HIO3 and
H3PO4 while phenolphthalein will act as indicator?
(A) 1000 mL (B) 2000 mL (C) 1500 mL (D) 3000 mL
Q.8 What will be the titre readings of NaOH solution for reaction with H3PO4 and HIO3 when methyl
orange is used as indicator?
(A) 1000 mL (B) 2000 mL (C) 3000 mL (D) 4500 mL
Q.9 When 10 g sample of HIO3 and H3PO4 containing some inert impurity is treated with 20mL 1M NaOH
solution to reach end point, while methyl orange acts as indicator. A separate 5g sample requires 15 mL
of same alkali to reach the end point, while phenolphthalein acts as indicator, then water will be the
percentage composition by mass of HIO3 and H3PO4 in the sample separately?
(A) 17%, 20% (B) 21%, 11% (C) 10%, 20% (D) 9.8%, 9.8%
Q.10 A 197 g mixture of H3PO2, H3PO3 and H3PO4 which contains 1 mole of each of H3PO2 and H3PO3,
is titrated with standard NaOH solution while phenolphthalein acts as indicator. Then what will be the
volume of standard NaOH solution used for H3PO4 in the mixture?
(A) 800 mL (B) 1000 mL (C) 700 mL (D) 1500 mL

A mixture of two gases, H2S and SO2 is passed through three flasks successively. The first flask contains
Pb2+ ions, which absorbs S2– forming PbS. The second flask contains 10 ml of 0.0396 N I2 to oxidize
SO2 to SO42– . The third contains 10 ml 0.0345 N Na2S2O3 solution to retain any I2 carried over from
the second flask. A 25 litre gas sample was passed through the apparatus followed by an additional
amount of N2 to sweep last traces of SO2 from frist and second absorber. The solution from the first
absorber was made acidic and treated with 20 ml of 0.0066 M - K2Cr2O7 which converted S2– to
SO2. The excess dichromate was reacted with solid KI and the liberated iodine required 7.45 ml of
0.0345 N Na2S2O3 solution. The solutions in the second and third absorbers were combined and the
resultant iodine was titrated with 1.44 ml of the same thio-sulphate solution.
Q.1 The number of millimoles of K2Cr2O7 reacting with solid KI during the analysis of the constituents of Ist
beaker is:
(A) 0.257 m moles (B) 0.129 m moles
(C) 4.284 × 10–2 m moles (D) 0.257 m moles
Q.2 The number of millimoles of K2Cr2O7 used up during its reaction with PbS in the acidic medium is:
(A) 0.132 m moles (B) 8.916 × 10–2 m moles
(C) 4.284× 10–2 m moles (D) 0.257 m moles
Q.3 The number of m moles of H2S in the original sample of gas is:
(A) 8.916 × 10–2 m moles (B) 0.132 m moles
(C) 6.60 × 10 m moles (D) 0.257 m moles
Q.4 The number of m moles of SO2 in the original sample of gas is:
(A) 6.60 × 10–4 m moles (B) 8.916 × 10–2 m moles
(C) 1.320 × 10–3 m moles (D) 1.320 m moles
Q.5 The number of milligrams of H2S per ml of the original sample is
(A) 1.213 x 10-4 mg/ml (B) 1.795 × 10–4 mg/ml
(C) 8.976 × 10–7 mg/m (D) 3.495 × 10–4 mg/ml
Q.6 The number of milligrams of SO2 per ml of the original sample is
(A) 1.690 × 10–6 mg/ml (B) 2.282 × 10–4 mg/ml
(C) 3.379 × 10–6 mg/ml (D) 3.379 × 10–3 mg/ml
Q1. In which mode of expression, the concentration of a solution remains independent of temperature?
(A) Molarity (B) Normality (C) Formality (D) Molality

Q2. The equivalent weight of MnSO4 is half its molecular weight when it is converted to:
(A) Mn2O3 (B) MnO2 (C) MnO4– (D) MnO42–

Q3. The volume strength of 1.5 N H2O2 solution is :

(A) 4.8 (B) 8.4 (C) 3.0 (D) 8.0

Q4. In the following a statement (S) in the left hand column and an explanation (E) in the right hand column.
Ascertain the relationship between S and E and select the correct code among a, b, c and d which are
defined below:
Statement (S) Explanation (E)
In the titration of Na2CO3 with HCl Two moles of HCl are required for
using methyl orange indicator, the the complete neutralization of one
volume required at the equivalence mole of Na2CO3.
point is twice that of the acid
required using phenolphthalein

Code :
(A) Both S and E are true, and E is the correct explanation of S.
(B) Both S and E are true, but E is not the correct explanation of S.
(C) S is true but E is false.
(D) S is false but E is true.
Q.5 The number of moles of KMnO4 that will be needed to react completely with one mole of ferrous
oxalate in acid solution is
(A) 3/5 (B) 2/5 (C) 4/5 (D) 1
Q.6 The number of moles of KMnO4 that will be needed to react with one mole of sulphite ions in acidic
solution is
(A) 2/5 (B) 3/5 (C) 4/5 (D) 1

Q.7 The normality of 0.3 M phosphorus acid (H3PO3) is

(A) 0.1 (B) 0.9 (C) 0.3 (D) 0.6
Q.8 One mole of calcium phosphide on reaction with excess of water gives
(A) one mole of phosphine (B) Two moles of phosphoric acid
(C) Two moles of phosphine (D) One mole of phosphorus pentoxide
Q.9 An aqueous solution of 6.3 gm of oxalic acid dihydrate is made upto 250 ml. The volume of 0.1 N
NaOH required to completely neutralize 10 ml of this solution is
(A) 40 ml (B) 20 ml (C) 10 ml (D) 4 ml
Q.10 In the standardization of Na2S2O3 using K2Cr2O7 by iodometry the equivalent mass of K2Cr2O7 is
M. Mass M. Mass M. Mass
(A) (B) (C) (D) Same as M. Mass.
2 6 3
Q.11 An aqueous solution of 6.3 g oxalic acid dihydrate is made up to 250 mL. The volume of 0.1 N NaOH
required to completely neutralize 10 mL of this solution is
(A) 40 mL (B) 20 mL (C) 10 mL (D) 4 mL

Q.12 In the standardization of Na2S2O3 using K2Cr2O7 by iodometry, the equivalent weight of K2Cr2O7 is:
(A) molecular weight/2 (B) molecular weight/6
(C) molecular weight/3 (D) same as molecular weight

Q.13 How many moles of electron weight one kilogram?

1 6.023 1
(A) 6.023 × 1023 (B) ×1031 (C) × 1054 (D) ×108
9.108 9.108 9.108  6.023

Q.14 Which has maximum number of atoms? ( A)

24g of C(12) (B) 56g of Fe (56) (C) 27 g of Al(27) (D) 108 g of Ag(108)


Q.1 How many mL of 0.1N HCl are required to react completely with 1g mixture of Na2CO3 and NaHCO3
containing equimolar amounts of two?

Q.2 The density of a 3M sodium thio-sulphate solution (Na2S2O3) is 1.25 g per mL. Calculate (i) the percentage
by weight of sodium thiosulphate (ii) the mole fraction of sodium thiosulphate and (iii) the molalities of
Na+ and S2O32– ions.
Q.3 4.08g of a mixture of BaO and unknown carbonate MCO3 was heated strongly. The residue weighed
3.64g. This was dissolved in 100 mL of 1 N HCl. The excess acid required 16 mL of 2.5 N NaOH
solution for complete neutralization. Identify the metal M.

Q.4 5 mL of 8 N nitric acid, 4.8 mL of 5 N hydrochloric acid and a certain volume of 17 M sulphuric acid are
mixed together and made upto 2L. 30 mL of this acid mixture exactly neutralize 42.9 mL of sodium
carbonate solution containing one gram of Na2CO3·10H2O in 100 mL of water. Calculate the amount in
gram of the sulphate ions in solution.
Q.5 A 5.0 cm3 solution of H2O2 liberates 0.508 g of iodine from an acidified KI solution. Calculate the
strength of H2O2 solution in terms of volume strength at S.T.P.
Q.6 0.50g of mixture of K2CO3 and Li2CO3 required 30mL of 0.25N HCl solution for neutralization. What
is % composition of mixture?
Q.7 A sample of hydrazine sulphate (N2H6SO4) was dissolved in 100mL of water, 10mL of this solution was
reacted with excess of ferric chloride solution and warmed to complete the reaction. Ferrous ion formed
was estimated and it, required 20mL of m/50 potassium permanganate solution. Estimated the amount of
hydrazine sulphate ion litre of the solution.
Q.8 n-butane is produced by the monobromination of ethane followed by the Wurtz reaction. Calculate the
volume of ethane at NTP required to produce 55g n–butane, if the bromination takes place with 90%
yield and the Wurtz reaction with 85% yield.
Q.9 An equal volume of a reducing agent is titrated separately with 1M KMnO4 in acid, neutral and alkaline
media. The volumes of KMnO4 required are 20 ml in acid, 33.4 ml in neutral and 100 ml in alkaline
media. Find out the oxidation state of manganese in each reduction product. Give the balanced equations
for all the three half reactions. Find out the volume of 1M K2Cr2O7 consumed, if the same volume of the
reducing agent is titrated in acid medium.
Q.10 Calculate the molality of 1 litre solution of 93% H 2SO4. (weight/volume). The density of the solution is
1.84 g/mL.
Q.11 A mixture of H2C2O4 (oxalic acid) and NaHC2O4 weighing 2.02g was dissolved in water and the solution
made upto one litre. Ten milliliters of the solution required 3.0 ml of 0.1N sodium hydroxide solution for
complete neutralization. In another experiment, 10.0 ml of the same solution, in hot dilute sulphuric acid
medium, required 4.0 ml of 0.1N potassium permanganate solution for complete reaction. Calculate the
amount of H2C2O4 and NaHC2O4 in the mixture.
Q.12 5.0 g of bleaching powder was suspended in water and volume made up to half a litre. 20 ml of this
suspension when acidified with acetic acid and treated with excess of potassium iodide solution liberated
iodine which required 20 ml of a deci-normal hypo solution for titration. Calculate the percentage of
available chlorine in bleaching powder.
Q.13 A 1.0 g sample of Fe2O3 solid of 55.2 percent purity is dissolved in acid and reduced by heating the
solution with zinc dust. The resultant solution is cooled and made upto 100.0 ml. An aliquot of 25.0 ml of
this solution requires 17.0 ml of 0.0167M solution of an oxidant for titration. Calculate the number of
electrons taken up by the oxidant in the reaction of the above titration.
Q.14 A solution of 0.2g of a compound containing Cu2+ and C2O42 ions on titration with 0.02M KMnO4 in
presence of H2SO4 consumes 22.6 ml of the oxidant. The resultant solution is neutralized with Na2CO3,
acidified with dil. acetic acid and treated with excess KI. The liberated iodine requires 11.3 ml of 0.050M
Na2S2O3 solution for complete reduction. Find out the mole ratio of Cu2+ to C2O42 in the compound.
Write down the balanced redox reactions involved in the above titrations.
Q.15 A 2.0 g sample of a mixture containing sodium carbonate, sodium bicarbonate and sodium sulphate is
gently heated till the evolution of CO2 ceases. The volume of CO2 at 750 mm Hg pressure and at 298 K
is measured to be 123.9 mL. A 1.5g of the same sample requires 150 mL of (M/10) HCl for complete
naturalization. Calculate the % composition of the components of the mixture.

Q.16 One gram of commercial AgNO3 is dissolved in 50 ml of water. It is treated with 50 ml of a KI solution.
The silver iodide thus precipitated is filtered off. Excess of KI in the filtrate is titrated with (M/10) KIO3
solution in presence of 6M HCl till all I ions are converted into ICI. It requires 50 ml of (M/10) KIO3
solution. Twenty milliliters of the same stock solution of KI requires 30 ml of (M/10) KIO3 under similar
conditions. Calculate the percentage of Ag NO3 in the sample.
(Reaction : KIO3 + 2KI + 6HCI = 3ICI + 3KCI + 3H2O)
Q.17 A 0.56 gm sample of limestone is dissolved in acid and the calcium is precipitated as calcium oxalate.
The precipitate is filtered, washed with water and dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid. This solution required
40 ml of 0.25 N KMnO4 solution for titration. Calculate the percentage of CaO in this limestone sample.
(At. wt. of Ca = 40) (Mol. wt. of KMnO4=158)
Q.18 In an ore the only oxidizable material is Sn2+. This ore is titrated with a dichromate solution containing
2.5g of K2Cr2O7 in 0.50 litre. A 0.40g sample of the ore required 10.0 cm3 of titrant to reach equivalence
point. Calculate the percentage of tin in ore. (K = 39.1, Cr = 52, Sn = 118.7)
Q.19 Upon mixing 45.0 mL 0.25 M lead nitrate solution with 25.0 mL of 0.10 M chromic sulphate solution.
Precipitation of lead sulphate takes place. How many moles of lead sulphate are formed? Also calculate
the molar concentrations of the species left behind in the final solution. Assume that lead sulphate is
completely insoluble.
Q.20 8.0575 × 10–2 kg of Glauber’s salt is dissolved in water to obtain 1 dm3 of a solution of density 1077.2
kg m–3. Calculate the molarity, molality and mole-fraction of Na2SO4 in the solution.
Q.21 A 0.5g sample containing MnO2 is treated with HCl, liberating Cl2. The Cl2 is passed into a solution of
KI and 30.0cm3 of 0.1 M Na2S2O3 are required to titrate the liberated iodine. Calculate the percentage
of MnO2 in the sample. ( At. wt. of Mn = 55)
Q.22 A 5.0 cm3 solution of H2O2 liberates 0.508g of iodine from an acidified KI solution. Calculate the
strength of H2O2 solution in terms of volume strength at STP.
Q.23 0.5g mixture of K2Cr2O7 and KMnO4 was treated with excess of KI in acidic medium. Iodine liberated
required 100 cm3 of 0.15N sodium thiosulphate solution for titration. Find the percent amount of each
in the mixture. (At. wt., K = 39, Cr = 52, Mn = 55, Na = 23, S = 32)
Q.24 1.6g of pyrolusite ore was treated with 50 cm3 of 1.0 N, oxalic acid and some sulphuric acid. The
oxalic acid left undecomposed was raised to 250 cm3 in a flask. 25 cm3 of this solution when titrated
with 0.1N, KMnO4 required 32 cm3 of this solution. Find out the percentage of pure MnO2 in the
sample and also the percentage of available oxygen. (Atomic weight of Mn = 54.9)
Q.25 A 3.00g sample containing Fe3O4, Fe2O3 and an inert impure substance, is treated with excess of KI
solution in presence of dilute H2SO4. The entire iron is converted into Fe2+ along with the liberation of
iodine. The resulting solution is diluted to 100 ml. A 20 ml of the diluted solution require 11.0 mlof 0.5 M
Na2S2O3 solution to reduce the iodine present. A 50 ml of the diluted solution, after complete extraction
of the iodine requires 12.80 ml of 0.25 M KMnO4 solution in dilute H2SO4 medium for the oxidation of
Fe2+. Calculate the percentages of Fe2O3 and Fe3O4 in the original sample.
Q.26 1g of mixture of Na2CO3 and K2CO3 was mole made upto 250mL is aqueous solution. 25mL of this
solution was neutralized by 20mL of HCl of unknown concentration. The neutralized solution required
16.24mL of 0.1N AgNO3 for precipitation. Calculate (a) the % of K2CO3 is mixture. (b) conc. of HCl
in g/litre (c) molarity of HCl.
Q.27 1.20g sample of Na2CO3 and K2CO3 was dissolved in water to form 100mL of a solution. 20mL of this
solution required 40mL of 0.1N HCl for complete neutralization. Calculate the weight of Na2CO3 in
mixture. If another 20 mL of this solution is treated with excess of BaCl2, what will be the weight of
Q.28 A sample of hard water contain 96 ppm of SO42– and 183 ppm of HCO3– with Ca2+ as only cation. How
many moles of CaO will be required to remove HCO3– from 1000 kg of this water? If 1000 kg of this
water is treated with the amount of CaO calculated above, what will be the concentration (in ppm) of
residual Ca2+ ions (assume CaCO3 is completely insoluble in water). If Ca2+ ions in one litre of the
treated water are completely exchanged with hydrogen ions, what is the concentration of H+ ions.

Q.29 One litre of a mixture of O2 and O3 at NTP was allowed to react with an excess of acidified solution of
KI. The iodine liberated required 40 ml of M/10 sodium thiosulphate solution for titration. What is the
percent of ozone in the mixture? Ultraviolet radiation of wavelength 300 nm can decompose ozone.
Assuming that one photon can decompose one ozone molecule, how many photons would have been
required for the complete decomposition of ozone in the original mixture?
Q.30 An aqueous solution containing 0.10g KIO3 (formula wt. = 214.0) was treated with an excess of KI
solution. The solution was acidified with HCl. The liberated I2 consumed 45.0 ml of thiosulphate solution
to decolorize the blue starch  iodine complex. Calculate the molarity of the sodium thiosulphate solution.

Q.31 A sample of magnesium was burnt in air to give a mixture of MgO and Mg3N2. The ash was dissolved
in 60 meq of HCl and the resulting solution back titrated with NaOH. 12 meq of NaOH were required
to reach the end point. An excess of NaOH was then added and the solution distilled. The ammonia
released was then trapped in 10 meq of second acid solution. Back titration of this solution required 6
meq of the base. Calculate the percentage of magnesium burnt to the nitride.
Q.32 How many millilitre of 0.5 M H2SO4 are needed to dissolve 0.5 gm of copper II carbonate?
Q.33 Hydrogen peroxide solution (20 mL) reacts quantitatively with a solution of KMnO4 (20 mL) acidified
with dilute H2SO4. The same volume of the KMnO4 solution is just decolorized by 10mL of MnSO4 in
neutral medium simultaneously forming a dark brown precipitate of hydrated MnO2. The brown precipitate
is dissolved in 10mL of 0.2M sodium oxalate under boiling condition in the presence of dilute H2SO4.
Write the balanced equations involved in the reactions and calculate the molarity of H2O2.

Q.34 (a) Calculate the amount of calcium oxide required when it reacts with 852g of P4O10.
(b) Write the structure of P4O10
EMPOWER: The Strength
Q.1 49.97% Q.2 CaC2N2S 2 Q.3 Na2O = 31; K2O = 37.6
Q.4 268 Q.5 26.2 g / lit , 0.312 M , 1.248 g Q.6 n = 4, NaOH = 6.4 g
Q.7 40%, 40% Q.8 82.5% Q.9 18.64 %
Q.10 Na2CO3 = 40 %, NaCl = 19.46%; NaHCO3 = 28% Q.11 4.54 % Q.12 10%
Q.13 Cr = 2.82%, Mn = 1.5% Q.14 88.1 Q.15 71.85%
Q.16 Pb3O4 = 68.07%, PbO2 = 27.48% Q.17 ClO–/Cl– = 1, 1.5% moisture bymase
Q.18 41.6% Q.19 57.6%; 114.286 ml Q.20 0.04 N, 0.76 N Q.21 0.1 M
Q.22 80 %, 36.05 % Q.23 18.525 %
Q.24 0.78 gm / ml, 1 M Q.25 1.7619 kg, 1.72826 kg, 50 ppm, 75 ppm
Q.2 B Q.3 A Q.4 B Q.5 D
Q.1 D Q.2 A Q.3 B Q.4 A Q.5 A
Q.1 A Q.2 C Q.3 D Q.4 A Q.5 A
Q.1 C Q.2 B Q.3 B Q.4 ACD
Q1. D Q2. D Q3. D Q4. D Q5. C Q6. A Q7. B
Q.1 D Q.2 D Q.3 B Q.4 B Q.5 D Q.6 D Q.7 D
Q.8 A
Q.1 D Q.2 C Q.3 D Q.4 D Q.5 D Q.6 D Q.7 D
Q.8 D
Q.1 A Q.2 B Q.3 A Q.4 C Q.5 D Q.6 A Q.7 A
Q.1 B Q.2 D Q.3 B Q.4 D Q.5 D
Q.1 D Q.2 C Q.3 C Q.4 D Q.5 C Q.6 B Q.7 D
Q.8 B
Q.1 D Q.2 D Q.3 C Q.4 B Q.5 C Q.6 D Q.7 D
Q.8 D Q.9 B Q.10 D
Q.1 D Q.2 D Q.3 C Q.4 D Q.5 C Q.6 B Q.7 C
Q.8 D Q.9 D
Q.1 D Q.2 D Q.3 C Q.4 D Q.5 D Q.6 C Q.7 D
Q.1 D Q.2 D Q.3 D Q.4 C Q.5 D Q.6 D Q.7 D
Q.8 B Q.9 D Q.10 D
Q.1 C Q.2 B Q.3 A Q.4 A Q.5 A Q.6 A

Q1. D Q2. B Q3. B Q4. B Q.5 A Q.6 A Q.7 D

Q.8 C Q.9 A Q.10 B Q.11 A Q.12 B Q.13 D Q.14 A


Q.1 157.8 mL Q.2 (ii) 0.065; (iii) 3.865 Q.3 Calcium

Q.4 6.528g Q.5 4.48 volume Q.6 96%, 4%
Q.7 6.5g/L Q.8 2.23 moles; 55.50 L Q.9 v(K2Cr2O7) = 16.67 mL
Q.10 10.42 Q.11 m(H2C2O4) = 0.9g, m(NaHC2O4) = 1.12g Q.12 35.5%
Q.13 6 electrons Q.14 Cu2+ : C2O42- = 1 : 2 Q.15 31.5%
Q.16 85% AgNO3 Q.17 50% Q.18 15% Sn
Q.20 0.250M; 0.232m; 0.995 Q.21 26.1% MnO2 Q.22 4.48 volume
Q.23 K2Cr2O7 = 14.6%, KMnO4 = 85.4% Q.24 MnO2 = 48.88%, 9% available oxygen
Q.25 Fe2O3 = 49.33%, Fe3O4 = 34.8% Q.26 (a) 60%, (b) 2.9638 g/litre, (c) 0.0812
Q.27 0.5962 g, 0.394 g Q.28 1.5, 40 ppm, 2 x 10–3 mol
Q.29 6.57% O3(by weight), 1.2 x 1021 photons Q.30 0.0623M
Q.31 27.27% Q.32 8.097 ml Q.33 0.1M Q.34 (a) 1008g

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