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Intermediate: Listening & Speaking

Independent Listening response

Section 1- Article information

Topic The problem news

Name: Author Olivia Mason

Student Number Article Title Delhi Air Pollution

Date: 11/24/2021 Publication date Tue 23 Nov 2021,

NOTE: The news story must be 12:00am
from the last THREE WEEKS

Stars (delete the ✰✰✰✰✰ Link of news clip

extra stars btn/classroom/delhi-air-

Complete each section about the clip.

Section 2: Write a summary of the clip. This video is about the air pollution problem
happening in Delhi. Breathing becomes dangerous
while living in the capital Delhi in India. The video
Think about what, who, where, when and why shows the terrible causes and consequences of air
when you write. pollution. Air pollution is devastating for the
environment. Nowadays, children around the world
have joined the UN to acknowledge children's rights
to clean air campaign. People in Delhi hope the
restrictions will help improve the situation, but the
world needs a long-term solution to clear the air.
Write approximately 65 words.

Section 3 - Response: After I watched the video, I think this is a good news
clip. I found the evidence in the clip quite precise and
realistic. I realized many dangerous things caused by
● What is your opinion about the news clip?
air pollution. Environmental pollution has been and is
Why? a burning problem in the whole society. The chief
cause is that people's awareness of environmental
● How does it relate to your life or to your protection is too low. The clip has a pretty vast
influence on me. I learned many things from the
country? video. I will recommend sharing this video with my
friends. They should better understand the horrors of
● What other questions or comments do you air pollution. For my country, I think the government
needs to take timely measures to avoid such
have about this issue or clip?
consequences. I would like to know their capital has
improved somewhat so far. I think this is a topic that
deserves worldwide attention.
Give reasons for your answers.
Write at least 130 words.

Which strategies did you use before you listened to ❏ Used the headline and pictures to predict what the topic
Intermediate: Listening & Speaking

the news clip? was about.

❏ Thought about what I knew about the topic already.
❏ Thought of vocabulary about the topic that might be in the
❏ Look at the image from the video and listen to it over and
over again

Which strategies did you use while you were ❏ Concentrated on listening.
reading the text? ❏ Checked my predictions.
❏ Paid attention to keywords.
❏ Asked ‘Wh’ questions about the clip.
❏ Stopped listening sometimes to think about how much I
understood so far.
❏ Re-listened to sections to check I understood.
❏ Listened to the end to find more information to help me
understand difficult parts.
❏ Summarised parts of the clip and the main ideas (by
writing or in my mind)
❏ ____________________________

Section 4: Vocabulary: New words and phrases from the text (minimum of three): Write an
example sentence in your own words.

Word or phrase Example sentence in your own words

1. Reckon You have to reckon with me about the trip.

2. Devastating Acid rain has a devastating effect on the forests.

3. Restrictions News is updating restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic in Vietnam.

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