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CSC134 Group Project Oct22-March23



Canva Presentation

Mashup Applications in Web Service

Prepared for:

Prepared by:
Name (Student ID): 1. ZIZRY HUZAIRY BIN REZA HUZAIRI (2022878108)

Faculty Name: Faculty of Administrative Science and Policy Studies

Program Name: Diploma in Public Administration
Program Code: AM110
Group: D1AM110A

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CSC134 Group Project Oct22-March23

Weightage: 30%

Assessment 3 (GROUP Project) 30%

Course Outcome: Discover the current issues in computer, communication technologies and security in the


Web service describe standardized software that enables programmer to create application that
communicate with remote computer/server over the Internet. Web service provides content for
mashup. Describe 3 different web services that provide mashup application

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Table of Content

Title Page No.

Introduction 4

Definition 5

Types of mashups in web services 6

Implementations and Current Issues of Mashup Applications in Web 7

Service and Lives

Comparisons 8

Functions 9

Applications 10-11

Examples Web services that uses mashups 12-13

Advantages and Disadvantages of Mashups in Web Services 14

Conclusion 15

Plan of Work 16

References 17

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Web services can be defined as open standard-based web application that allows users to interact
or share data with other web applications. It is primarily used in sharing data and information
and helping develop mashup applications. Mashup applications cannot exist without web
services. This is why web services are vital in further developing the web. The web services
provide their services through the web and came in several standardized formats such as HTTP,
XML, REST, or SOAP which makes them independent of the protocol on which the service was
requested. Web services simplify matters in distributed computing. For one thing, the client and
service typically exchange XML or equivalent documents, that is, text. If needed, non-text bytes
can be exchanged instead, but the preferred payloads are text. The exchanged text can be
inspected, validated, transformed, persisted, and otherwise processed using readily available,
non-proprietary, and often free tools.
A mashup application can be described as a combined or centralized data or application from
several sources to perform a specific task. It is presented to people as end users in a simple
manner to perform a complicated task in a second. Mashup applications are interactive with the
users to perform several tasks at a time. Mashup applications are being developed using web
services as their platform. Mashup applications can be categorized into several types depending
on the user’s purposes or goals. Business mashup helps promote collaborative action between
businesses and developers. It helps businesses share data and information that are vital for their
organization. Collaborative action between businesses has never been easier with the help of
mashup applications such as google meet. Consumer mashup helps the public find information
about almost everything in an instant. It provides the public with a platform to share and receive
data from multiple resources. It is a more elegant and simple way of information digging rather
than spending hours flipping pages in the library without a clear vision of targeted information.
The biggest example without a doubt will be the google search engine that helps the public find
information instantaneously anywhere with internet access.
Mashup application advantages must be the fact that it is more interactive rather than web
services. Web services are more focused on developing mashup applications by gathering several
sources and combining them into one to perform several tasks. Mashup applications are more
open to the public as they are the primary users. Most web services are used by the developer to
develop new functions and complete tasks given. The mashup application performance relied on
the developers. It is much less flexible than web services. Mashup development requires more
focus and details as a small detail will affect other functions as well and need to work in a
synchronized order to function properly. As mashup applications are vital to society, errors must
be minimized to avoid the large scale of confusion among people. Mashup applications need to
be constantly monetized by developers to search for the error. The usage of midranges computers
or servers can help developers maintain the application function every time.

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A web service is a type of internet-based service that provides a standardized way for different
applications and systems to communicate with each other. Web services typically use Simple
Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and Representational State Transfer (REST) to exchange data
over a network, such as an internet. This allows different applications to interact with each other
and share data in a consistent and standardized way.
Web services are often used in business and enterprise settings to enable different systems and
applications to communicate and share data, allowing organizations to integrate their systems
and improve their operations. For example, a company may use a web service to allow its
accounting software to communicate with its inventory management system, allowing the two
systems to exchange data and update each other in real-time. This can help the company
streamline its operations and reduce the need for manual data entry and reconciliation.
A mashup is basically a mesh of tons upon tons of information and data from other domains or
third-party sources that compiles into one single shape for a web service or a tool. For example,
Google Maps, Twitter, TrendsMap, SongDNA, ThisWeKnow, etc.  
Web services are also commonly used to provide data and functionality to mashup applications,
which are web-based applications that combine data and services from multiple sources to create
new and useful features. For example, a mashup application might use a web service to access
real-time traffic data and combine it with map data from another web service to create an
interactive traffic map. This can provide users with valuable information and functionality that
would not be possible with either source alone.
Overall, web services play a critical role in enabling different applications and systems to
communicate and share data, which can help organizations improve their operations and provide
users with new and valuable services. As the use of web services continues to grow and evolve,
they will continue to be an important part of the internet and the digital landscape.

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Types of Mashups in Web Services

A mashup is a type of web application that combines data or functionality from multiple
sources into a single, integrated tool. There are several different types of mashup applications
that are commonly used in web services.
One type of mashup is the data mashup, which combines data from multiple sources to
provide users with more comprehensive information. For example, a real estate website might
combine property listings from multiple real estate agencies, along with data on nearby schools
and crime rates, to provide users with a more complete picture of a potential new home.
Another type of mashup is the functionality mashup, which combines the functionality of
multiple web services into a single application. For example, a travel website might combine
flight and hotel booking functionality from multiple airlines and hotels, allowing users to easily
compare prices and make reservations without switching between different websites.
The third type of mashup is the geographic mashup, which combines data with a map to
provide users with a spatial context. For example, a website might combine real estate listings
with a map, allowing users to see the location of each property and explore the surrounding area.
Mashup applications are becoming increasingly popular in web services, as they provide users
with more comprehensive information and more convenient functionality. In addition, they can
help businesses by providing a new way to present their data and services, and by making it
easier for users to find and use their products.
However, there are also some challenges and limitations to using mashup applications. For
example, mashups often rely on data from third-party sources, which can be difficult to obtain
and integrate. In addition, there are legal and ethical considerations around using data from
multiple sources, and businesses need to be careful to respect the terms of use and privacy
policies of the sources they are using.
Overall, mashup applications are a valuable tool for web services, providing users with more
comprehensive and convenient information and functionality. However, they also come with
some challenges and limitations, and businesses need to carefully consider these factors when
using mashup applications in their web services

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Implementations and Current Issues of Mashup Applications in Web Service and Lives

There are several different ways in which mashup applications can be implemented in web
One way to implement a mashup application is to use an existing web service platform, such as
Google Maps or the Twitter API, to access data and functionality from different sources. This
allows businesses to easily combine data and functionality from multiple sources, without having
to build the infrastructure from scratch.
Another way to implement a mashup application is to use web scraping techniques to extract
data from websites and other sources. This allows businesses to access data that is not available
through an existing API, but it can be more complex and time-consuming to implement.
A third way to implement a mashup application is to use a data integration platform, such as
Talend or Informatica, to combine data from multiple sources. This allows businesses to easily
and efficiently combine data from different sources, but it can be expensive and require
specialized expertise to set up and maintain.
In addition to these technical implementations, businesses also need to consider the legal and
ethical implications of using data from multiple sources in a mashup application. This includes
ensuring that they have the appropriate permissions to use the data and that they respect the
terms of use and privacy policies of the sources they are using.
Overall, there are several different ways in which mashup applications can be implemented in
web services. Choosing the right approach will depend on the specific needs and goals of the
business, as well as the availability of data and functionality from different sources.

Some potential issues with mashups include:

 Security and privacy concerns: Mashups often involve combining data from multiple
sources, which can raise concerns about the security and privacy of that data.
 Compatibility and integration issues: Different data sources and application interfaces
may use different formats and standards, which can make it difficult to integrate them
into a cohesive mashup.
 Intellectual property and licensing issues: Mashups may incorporate content or
functionality from multiple sources, which can raise issues around intellectual property
rights and licensing.
 Performance and scalability challenges: Mashups can be complex and resource-intensive
applications, and may require careful design and optimization to ensure good
performance and scalability.

These are just some of the potential challenges that can arise when working with mashups. It's
important for developers to carefully consider these issues and plan accordingly to ensure that
their mashups are secure, reliable, and effective.

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Web services and mashup applications are both created for the purpose of developing a way to
complete a certain task. Despite that being the case, there are several clear differences between
web services and mash applicatication. For starters, web services allow different applications to
share data and services among themselves. Web services are less flexible in terms of sharing data
rather than mashup applications. Web services are a suitable platform to build various
applications using various different frameworks. On the other hand, a mashup application is
made by using various web applications and combining their functions to conform to several
tasks or one task with more efficiency. Mashup application is real proof of how web
development has changed today’s technology. Most applications existing today are mashup
applications that help with our daily activities.
The key difference between web services and web mashup is the fact that web services are the
key components in making a web mashup. Without web services, users will find it difficult to
make a web mashup. Web mashups are combined information from various sources like websites
integrated together into new useful services. It is the finished product after combining several
functions together into one service that performs usually more than one task at once.
Then, there are several types of web services. One of them is called SOAP or Simple Object
Access Protocol. It is a lightweight XML-based program used to interact between applications in
decentralized, distributed application environments. Besides that, there is also WSDL which
stands for Web Services Description Language. It is an XML format to describe network
services communication endpoints of exchanging messages and provide documentation for
distributed systems to automate the details involved in applications communication.
Next, there are a few types of web mashups. One of them is server-side mashups. Server-side
mashups are web applications that are created by combining data or functionality from multiple
sources on the server side before the application is delivered to the client. In other words, the
server does the work of combining the data or functionality from different sources and then
sends the resulting application to the client. Other than that, there is also client-side mashups.
Client-side mashups, on the other hand, are created by combining data or functionality from
multiple sources on the client side, after the application has been delivered to the client. In this
case, the client's web browser does the work of combining the data or functionality from
different sources and then displays the resulting application to the user.
In conclusion, there a lot of major differences between web services and web mashups. Without
the existence of web services, there will be no web mashups in the technological world.

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A mashup application, also known as a composite application, is a type of software that
combines data and functionality from multiple sources into a single, integrated application.
Mashup applications are designed to improve user experience and make it easier for users to
access and use various types of information and services.
One of the key functions of mashup applications is to aggregate data from multiple sources and
present it in a single, easy-to-use interface. This allows users to access and compare data from
different sources without having to switch between multiple applications or websites. For
example, a real estate mashup application might combine data from multiple listing websites,
allowing users to see all available properties in a given area on a single map.
Another important function of mashup applications is to integrate different types of
functionality. This allows users to perform tasks that would normally require multiple steps or
different applications in a single, seamless process. For example, a social networking mashup
might combine features from multiple social media platforms, allowing users to post updates,
share photos, and interact with friends from a single application.
Mashup applications can also provide users with personalized experiences by combining data
from multiple sources to create customized content. For example, a news mashup application
might use data from a user's social media profile and browsing history to recommend articles and
news stories that are relevant to the user's interests.
In addition to improving user experience, mashup applications can also help organizations to
improve their operations and reduce costs. By aggregating data from multiple sources and
providing a single, integrated view of information, mashup applications can help organizations to
make more informed decisions and improve their ability to manage and analyze data.
Overall, mashup applications play an important role in making information and services more
accessible and useful for users. By combining data and functionality from multiple sources,
mashup applications provide users with a more comprehensive and personalized experience,
while also helping organizations improve their operations and decision-making.

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Daily life
Web mashups are used in a variety of ways in daily life. For example, many websites and apps
that provide real-time traffic information use web mashups to combine data from traffic sensors,
GPS devices, and other sources to provide up-to-date information on traffic conditions. This type
of mashup can be useful for helping people plan their routes, avoid congestion, and estimate the
time it will take to get to their destination.
Online maps also often use web mashups to combine map data with information on businesses,
landmarks, and other points of interest. This allows users to see not only the location of these
places, but also reviews, ratings, and other information that can help them decide where to go
and what to do.
Social media platforms also often use web mashups to allow users to share content from other
websites or apps within their feeds. For example, a user might share a news article, a YouTube
video, or a photo from a different app within their Facebook or Twitter feed. This allows users to
easily share a wide variety of content with their friends and followers, making social media a
more dynamic and engaging experience.
In all these cases, web mashups are used to provide users with more comprehensive, useful, and
engaging information and services in their daily lives.

Web mashups can be useful in the workplace in several ways. For example, a company could use
a web mashup to combine data from its internal systems with data from external sources, such as
market research or industry data, to gain insights and make better business decisions. This type
of mashup could allow a company to see trends, patterns, and correlations that would not be
apparent if the data were viewed in isolation.
A web mashup could also be used to create a single interface for accessing data or services
from multiple systems, making it easier for employees to access the information they need to do
their jobs. This could be particularly useful in a large organization with many different systems
and departments, as it could provide a more integrated view of the company's operations and

Additionally, web mashups can be used to create custom applications that combine data or
functionality from different sources to meet the specific needs of an organization. For example, a
web mashup could be used to create a sales tracking application that combines data from a CRM
system, a financial system, and a shipping system to provide a complete view of a company's
sales process from start to finish. Overall, web mashups have the potential to improve efficiency,
collaboration, and decision-making in the workplace.

Web mashups can be useful in education in several ways. For example, a teacher could use a
web mashup to create an interactive map that shows the locations of different historical events,
allowing students to see the relationships between events and understand their significance in a
spatial context. This type of mashup could also be used to show the locations of different
geological features, climate zones, or biomes, providing students with a more comprehensive

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understanding of the earth's physical characteristics.

A web mashup could also be used to create a single interface for accessing data or resources
from multiple sources, such as a library catalog, a digital repository, and an online learning
management system. This could make it easier for students to find and access the information
they need for their studies, and could also provide teachers with a more integrated view of the
resources available to them.
Additionally, web mashups could be used to create custom educational applications that
combine data or functionality from different sources to meet the specific needs of a class or
school. For example, a web mashup could be used to create a virtual science laboratory that
allows students to conduct experiments and collect data using virtual equipment and simulations,
providing them with a hands-on learning experience without the need for expensive physical
equipment. Overall, web mashups have the potential to enhance and enrich the educational
experience by providing students and teachers with more engaging, interactive, and
comprehensive information and resources.

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Examples Web Services That Uses Mashups

Multiple mashup applications are available today. This application mash works by combining
multiple functions to complete the task given by its users. Here are some well-known mashup
applications that are used by multiple variations of users all around the globe

Flickr is a photo-sharing website that allows users to upload, share, and tag their photos with
keywords. In addition to its core features, Flickr makes use of mashups in a number of ways.
One way that Flickr uses mashups is by integrating information from other websites and
services into its own platform. For example, Flickr allows users to link their accounts to other
social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, so that they can share their photos on
those platforms as well. Flickr also integrates with other services, such as Google Maps, so that
users can add geographic information to their photos and see them plotted on a map.
Another way that Flickr uses mashups is by allowing developers to access its API (Application
Programming Interface) and build their own applications and services that make use of Flickr's
data. The Flickr API allows developers to access and display photos from Flickr in their own
applications and websites. For example, a travel blog might use the Flickr API to display a map
of a destination, with photos from Flickr overlaid on the map to give readers a sense of what the
place looks like.
Overall, mashups play a key role in the functionality and versatility of Flickr, by allowing the
service to integrate with other platforms and services and to be customized for a variety of

Google Maps is a web mapping service developed by Google that provides detailed information
about geographical regions and sites around the world. In addition to conventional road maps,
Google Maps offers aerial and satellite views of many places. In some cities, Google Maps offers
street views comprising photographs taken from vehicles.
One way that Google Maps makes use of mashups is by integrating information from a variety
of sources into its maps. For example, Google Maps might include data from businesses,
government agencies, and user-generated content. For example, a map of a city might include
information about restaurants, shops, and other points of interest, as well as real-time traffic data
and public transportation information.
Another way that Google Maps uses mashups is by allowing developers to create their own
custom maps using the Google Maps API (Application Programming Interface). The API allows
developers to add Google Maps to their own websites and applications, and to layer their own
data on top of the map. This allows businesses and organizations to create custom maps for a
variety of purposes, such as displaying store locations, plotting routes, or visualizing data.
Overall, mashups play a key role in the functionality and usefulness of Google Maps, by
allowing the service to incorporate a wide range of data and to be customized for a variety of

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Trendsmap is a website and application that provides real-time information about trending topics
and hashtags on Twitter. It uses a combination of data from Twitter and other sources to create a
visual map of the most popular hashtags and topics being discussed on the platform.
Trendsmap uses mashups in several ways. First, it accesses data from the Twitter API to retrieve
tweets and other information about trending topics and hashtags. This data is then analyzed and
processed to identify the most popular topics and hashtags being discussed on the platform at any
given time.
Second, Trendsmap uses mapping technology to create a visual representation of the data. The
map shows the location of each tweet, with the size of the marker indicating the popularity of the
hashtag or topic being discussed. This allows users to see at a glance which topics and hashtags
are popular in different parts of the world.
Third, Trendsmap combines data from Twitter with data from other sources, such as news
articles and weather forecasts, to provide a more comprehensive view of trending topics. For
example, if a particular hashtag is trending on Twitter, Trendsmap may also display related news
articles or weather forecasts for that location.
Overall, Trendsmap uses mashups by combining data from Twitter and other sources to create a
real-time map of trending topics and hashtags on the platform. The site provides a unique and
visually appealing way for users to stay up-to-date with the latest happenings on Twitter.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Mashups in Web Services

Advantages :
 Allow the reusing of current applications. The most visible advantage that the users can
leverage an existing feature to introduce the change and include it into a new Web
 Time saving and rapid development. This results from the first benefit, which allows
users to create new apps with new features quickly.
 No extensive IT skills required. Without substantial IT or programming knowledge, the
majority of the work is abstracted behind the scenes, and the user simply needs to
understand how to apply it.
 Cheap cost efficient. The previously created apps will be used, saving money on
additional lengthy development timelines and developer training for implementing the
functionalities from scratch.

 Service reliability and QoS. Depending on the work of other developers to ensure that the
programme operates as intended without errors, and without any control over the features
or quality of the implemented component,
 Content integrity is not warranted. There is no assurance that this component will be
constantly supported, thus the user will be forced to replace the service if it stops
functioning or the API is dropped.
 Scalability issues. There is no assurance that the service to be deployed will continue to
function if the Web application expands.
 Security. The usage of sensitive data using the mashup API might raise security issues,
and the mashup's contents are not guaranteed to be safe.
 There are no standards. There are no guidelines for the creation or use of a mashup,
which presents additional challenge in creating and executing a mashup to guarantee the
accuracy of the information being used
 Data sources are not made to be a service to the mass. This is because conventional
application design and development were completed before the birth of mashup
technology, if a developer chooses to access data through a mashup, it must first be
deployed as a service.

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In summary, web service is really important in our life. It is so useful that it’s used on every
online platform and in some businesses. Web Services offer immense potential for software
development by integrating various vendors across different platforms. With sufficient security
features implemented web services can speed up a transaction in a distributed & decentralized
environment. For example, business transactions may be successfully set up and participated in
using web services. Web services are closely related to a web application called a mashup. A
mashup is a kind of online application that combines information or features from several
sources into a single resource. They specialize in integrating multiple systems and exposing
software features to users. Without web services, users would have to carry out tasks manually
and won't be able to function effectively. Although many people are unaware of it, web services
are just as crucial to our technology as other parts are. We learn more about the presence of web
services thanks to this assignment. To sum up, we believe that many individuals will hopefully
find this assignment useful in raising awareness about web services in the future.

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Plan of Work

No. Name Task Description

1. ZIZRY HUZAIRY BIN REZA - Definition Research and write about

HUZAIRI - Functions the definition and functions
of web services and
2. MUHAMMAD HAIQAL AMIN - Types of mashups Research and write about
BIN MOHD RAMLI - Comparisons the types of mashups in
web services and the
comparison between them
3. MUHAMMAD ALIFF AIMAN - Implementation Research and write about
BIN MOHD SAHARI - Application the implementation and
application of mashups in
web services in our daily
lives like routine work,
education etc.
4. MUHAMMAD AFIFF BIN - Introduction Briefly introduce mashups
FAIZUL - Examples and web services in a
shortened form and provide
and elaborate about the
examples of mashups in
web services
5. AMIERA NATASYA BINTI - Disadvantages and advantages Research and write about
MOHD HARIS - Conclusion the disadvantages and
advantages of mashups in
web services and also the
conclusion of the project

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1) ORT. E, BRYDON. S, BASLER. M. (2007, MAY). Mashup-Styles, Part 1: Server-side

Mashups. Retrieved from

2) ORT. E, BRYDON. S, BASLER. M. (2007, AUGUST). Mashup-Styles, Part 1: Server-side

Mashups. Retrieved from

3) PENG. Z, YANBO. H, GUILING W. (2013), An Efficient Data Maintenance Strategy for

Data Service Mashup Based on Materialized View Selection. Retrieved from

4) SANAKY. F.E, SEDIYONO. E, SEMBIRING. E. (2013, OCTOBER). The Implementation

of Mashups Web to Integrate Students Data and Service Announcement in a University Website.
Retrieved from

5) NATIONS. D. (2020, MARCH 7). What Is a Web Mashup? Retrieved from

6) WALKER. A, (2022, OCTOBER 22). What are Web Services? Architecture, Types,
Example. Retrieved from

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