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SOLIDWORKS Simulation Exercise 13

Half Symmetry

Exercise 13: In this exercise, you will setup symmetry

Half Symmetry on the runner system using the Symmetry
Units: Metric, SI

Procedure Open the part and follow the steps below to complete the analysis.
1 Open a part file.
Open Split Cavity.

This was the same problem introduced in Multiple Cavity Molds.

2 Configuration.
There are two configurations present. Activate
the configuration, Half Cavity.

3 Start study.
Create a New Study using the Solid Analysis Procedure.
4 Injection Unit Settings.
Apply (P) Asahi Chemical / STYLAC 120.
Under Filling Time (sec), click User defined and enter 0.6.
Click Injection Pressure Limit and enter 150 MPa.
5 Runner system.
Create a Runner System with the parameters shown in
the image.


1 4

Exercise 13 SOLIDWORKS Simulation
Half Symmetry

6 Symmetry.
Use the Symmetry command, click Along
sketch based runner and under
Symmetry 1 specify the Front Plane.

7 Injection location.
Add an injection location to the top of the sprue.
Set the Pointer Diameter to 6 mm.

Note Set the Pointer Diameter to the same size as the top of the sprue.
8 Mesh.
Use Coarse, Curvature-based, Tetrahedral Hybrid elements.
9 Run analysis.
Click Fill.

SOLIDWORKS Simulation Exercise 13
Half Symmetry

10 Results.
View the Fill Time plot with Display symmetric results active.

11 Clamping force.
Click X-Y Plot.
Click Y-dir. Clamping Force.

How do these results compare to the Clamping Force results from

Multiple Cavity Molds? How do these two simulations differ?
12 Save and close the file.

Exercise 14 SOLIDWORKS Simulation
Symmetry Face

Exercise 14: In this exercise, you will define

Symmetry Face symmetry on 3D geometry using the
Symmetry command.

1 Open Symmetry Analysis CS2.

Open the part Symmetry Analysis CS2.

The four cavities and the runner system are all modeled as individual
solid bodies.
2 Change configuration.
Click ConfigurationManager .
Activate the Symmetry

This configuration cuts the model with 1/4 symmetry.

3 New Study.
Click New Study .
Click Name and enter Symmetry Face.
Under Analysis Procedure click Solid.

Click OK .

SOLIDWORKS Simulation Exercise 14
Symmetry Face

4 Runner Domain.
Expand the Domains folder from the tree.

Right-click Split1[1] and click Runner .

Note The second body automatically converts to a cavity domain.

5 Injection Units.
Specify the following Injection Unit Settings :

I Material - Asahi Chemical STYLAC 120

I Injection Pressure Limit enter 140 MPa
6 Symmetry Face.
Click Symmetry .
Click Along solid body.
Define two planes of symmetry by selecting the faces of the sprue as
shown below.

Click OK .
7 Injection location.
Click Injection Location .
Place the gate on the top face of the sprue.
Click OK .

Exercise 14 SOLIDWORKS Simulation
Symmetry Face

8 Automatic mesh.
Expand Mesh Type and click Automatic.

Click Create Mesh .

Note The mesh does not accurately represent the geometry.

SOLIDWORKS Simulation Exercise 14
Symmetry Face

9 New Mesh.
Expand Mesh Type and click Tetrahedral Hybrid.

Click Create Mesh .

Click Curvature-based.
Add a 1 mm Mesh Control to the face of the gate as
Add a Mesh Control to the entire sprue using the settings
shown in the image below. (Use the FeatureManager tree
to select the sprue.)

Click Create.

Note When you select a body, additional mesh options become available.
Click OK .

Exercise 14 SOLIDWORKS Simulation
Symmetry Face

10 Fill Analysis (optional).

Click Fill.

Note The total CPU for this analysis was 155 minutes on a computer with
Intel i7 processors (2.7 GHz) and 32 GB of RAM.
11 Analyze the results.

12 Save and close the file.

SOLIDWORKS Simulation Exercise 15
Cyclic Solid

Exercise 15: In this exercise, you will simplify a

Cyclic Solid circular model using the Cyclic
Units: Metric, SI

Procedure Open the part and follow the steps below to complete the analysis.
1 Open file.
Open Cyclic_Solid.

2 Observe Full Model study.

The Default configuration contains a study named Full Model.
Observe the study and note the five equally spaced Injection
3 New cyclic study.
Activate the Cyclic configuration.
This configuration represents one fifth
of the Full Model.
Create a New Study using the Solid
Analysis Procedure.

4 Material.
Apply (P) Asahi Chemical / STYLAC 120 to the cavity.
5 Injection Location.
Click Injection Location.
Specify a 2 mm Pointer Diameter and add the
Injection Location to the Sketch Point
touching the model.

Exercise 15 SOLIDWORKS Simulation
Cyclic Solid

6 Cyclic command.
Click Cyclic.
Click Along solid body.
Under Axis, click Axis1.
Under First Reference Face, click one of the cut faces.
Under Second Reference Face, click the face on the opposite side.

7 Mesh.
Create a Coarse Mesh with the Curvature-based Refinement
Use all other default parameters.
8 Run Analysis.
Click Fill.
9 Analyze the Fill Time plot.
Click Display symmetric results.
Click Isosurface Mode.
Click Play to view the animation.

10 Save and close the file.

SOLIDWORKS Simulation Exercise 16
Symmetric Jetting

Exercise 16: In this exercise, you will simulate "jetting" while

Symmetric working with the Symmetry command. Jetting
Jetting occurs when the gate diameter is too small, the
injection speed is too high, or there is no wall
directly opposite the gate. Jetting creates a
snake-like pattern on the surface of the part.
Simulate jetting by editing the Solver Settings
and defining a dense mesh to resolve the stream
of resin leaving the gate.
Use SOLIDWORKS Plastics to detect and
prevent jetting.

Units: Metric, SI
Procedure Open the part and follow the steps below to complete the analysis.
1 Open file.
Open jettingblock.
Observe the model.
Plane 2 symmetrically bisects the model.
The sketch segments, representing the
gates, connect to the thickest portions of the
2 Configuration change.
Activate the symmetry configuration.
3 New Study.
Name the study Jetting.
Specify the Solid Analysis Procedure.
4 Injection Unit Settings.
Specify the following Injection Unit Settings:
I Material - SOLIDWORKS Plastic (from Materials)
I Filling Time - 1.5 seconds

Exercise 16 SOLIDWORKS Simulation
Symmetric Jetting

5 Runner System.
Click Runner System.
Use the Circle profile and define the Runner System using the
dimensions seen in the image below:

8 8
13 8

6 Symmetry.
Click Symmetry.
Click Along sketch based runner.
Under Symmetry 1 click Plane2.
7 Injection Location.
Specify an 8 mm Pointer Diameter at the top of the sprue.
8 Fill-Pack Parameters.
From the PlasticsManager tree, expand Global Parameters and click
Under Gravity Downward Direction for fill click +X.
Click Solver Settings.
Under (#)Volume of Fluid (VoF) Algorithm click Direct.
Under (#)Core Material Tracking Algorithm click Explicit.
Click OK twice to close the command.

SOLIDWORKS Simulation Exercise 16
Symmetric Jetting

9 Mesh.
Use the Tetrahedral Hybrid Mesh Type.
Specify the Uniform Refinement Method with the slider set to
Apply a 5 mm Mesh Control to the body of the cavity.
Leave all other parameters at their default values.
10 Run.
Click Fill.

Note The total CPU for this analysis was 131 minutes on a computer with
Intel i7 processors (2.7 GHz) and 32 GB of RAM.
11 Results.
Animate the Fill Time plot with Isosurface
Note Drag the Max slider to see resin entering the
mold. Initially, resin does not display in the early
phase of jetting, indicating that the mesh is not
dense enough to resolve the 2 mm stream from
the gate. What is an appropriate mesh density for
the cavity in this analysis?

12 Save and Close the file.

Exercise 16 SOLIDWORKS Simulation
Symmetric Jetting


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